Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 6 Chapter 3: Big harvest

The whole body of the Dragon Palace is almost crystal structure, which is beautiful and beautiful, and Qin Yun is amazed by the broken cracks.

Go through the crack to the hall on the other end.

The scattered utensils on the ground and the magic weapon damaged in the doorway not far away let Qin Yun judge at a glance: "The Sihai Dragons have never been to this area."

Taking a few more steps, he beckoned, and a sword on the ground flew into Qin Yun's hands. Qin Yun weighed it twice: "A six-grade magic weapon, which can't get mana for too long, has already begun to be slightly damaged. Talking about his Jin Dan mana immediately poured into this sword, the sword immediately thundered lightning. As the mana was running, the original damage was gradually repaired.

"You can fully recover after ten days and a half of pregnancy." Qin Yun nodded, this was the slightest injury.

Like some other magic weapons on the ground, the runes are scattered, the weapons are all broken, and it is troublesome to smelt recycled materials. Unless the material is valuable, there is really no need to collect it.

This hall is another area that belongs to the outer palace.

Qin Yun walked carefully.

"The original battle was terrible."

As I walked, I picked up a magic weapon that was barely available, and saw more battle scars.

The whole ancient Tianlong Palace, the closer it is to the central area, the more obvious the battle trails of the original battle.

This time there were no monsters blocking the road. Qin Yun even walked three areas outside the ancient Tianlong Palace in succession, and got a bunch of magic weapons. Of course, the most precious thing is only the third-grade magic weapon. It is estimated that they were all left by the soldiers of the Dragon Palace.

"Huh?" Qin Yun suddenly saw a huge corpse of a dragon in the hall opposite the crack through a very thin crack.

"From ancient times to today, can corpses still exist?" Qin Yun was surprised. "It is the innate Jindan level corpse. From ancient times to now, it is not bad to have a few bones left."

"This corpse is intact, is it the level of immortal demon?" Qin Yun was overjoyed.

He didn't think it was an ancient dragon.

Because of the cracks, the breath of the dragon's corpse was not much oppressed, and the oppression was far less than that of the red scale arm.

"Hurry up." Qin Yun immediately searched for the path, the crack was too thin, and even if he barely controlled the body, he couldn't get in.

Find it for a while.

Fortunately, the opposite hall belongs to the same area, and soon entered the hall along the corridor.

That hall was lying with a broken dragon corpse. The dragon corpse had cyan scales all over it. The dragon's beard lay aside, and the body was torn into two parts. The ground was covered with dried blood. There are still many wounds on this dragon's body, and the wounds are dark.

"This should be the dragon race in the real dragon realm." Qin Yun had a judgment. "Compared to the ordinary Yuanshen immortal, he should be under the control of the ancient Tianlong. At the time, the ancient Tianlong and the extraterrestrial gods fought in many places. Collapse, many of them were killed by the extraterrestrial demon. "

Use your own judgment of breath.

The claw of the demon in the outer world is afraid that two or three moves can kill this true dragon realm.

"Huh?" Qin Yun beckoned.

Suddenly pieces of treasure flew up.

A white silk screen, a large print, and a large bag.

"The treasure of the True Dragon Realm Dragon Clan should not be worse." Qin Yun was a little excited, and once instilled mana, the white silk screen suddenly became large and surrounded by countless currents. And there was a thunderbolt on the big seal.

"It's all a magic weapon. This screen can entangle the enemy, and can imprison the enemy or temporarily block the enemy. This big seal really kills the enemy positively." Qin Yun nodded, "Now the Four Dragons, like Among the dragons of the West Sea, there are not many real dragon realms, no more than ten! In the ancient Tianlong Palace, this dragon family who died is afraid that it is also a high-level. "


Fairy devil, mostly with a magic weapon.

Super magic weapon? Too little. As for Lingbao? That can be called the suppression of human luck! Those who can use Lingbao are generally the leaders of the Taoist holy land and the Buddhist shrine. And to play the power of Lingbao, the threshold is also very high. Like the Jingyang immortals who were Taoist leaders at the beginning, after his ‘sports and magic fire rune’ was behind him, no one in the Jingshan School could really perform.

For example, if a complete set of Qiankun rings are gathered together, they can be regarded as spiritual treasures. If they can be used, Qin Yun's mana is not enough, let alone he has too little understanding of the runes contained in Qiankun rings. The whole Lingbao? It takes a deep understanding to drive.


Qin Yun put away all the treasures, and then twisted the two dragon corpses into the Qiankun bag. Speaking of them, the old man's Qiankun bag is bigger than this one.

"Go look elsewhere." The harvest was huge and Qin Yun was in a good mood.

Along the way.

Before the outermost, the palace was almost intact.

But the more you break into it, the worse it gets.

"Here is completely isolated by the formation, and I can't get in ..." Qin Yun searched all the way, and finally saw the formation flaws. "I know that, since ancient times, the formation operations can't be intact forever. There are flaws."

Saying Qin Yun will enter.


A loud drink sounded.


A burly general appeared out of thin air. He was tall and tall, his whole body was in gold armor, he held a golden hammer in each hand, and stared at Qin Yun.

"Yellow Scarf?" Qin Yun was startled.

"I am the Dragon Palace Guardian." The burly general pointed at Qin Yun and said, "Inside the Dragon Palace is the place where the Dragon King and the dragons and daughters live, and they must not break into it."

Qin Yun knew it and nodded with a smile: "It seems to belong to the palace area inside the Dragon Palace, but the guardian, the Dragon King and Dragon Girl Dragon Girl are no longer there."

The law-guarding **** will be a little stunned, then nodded: "Yes, it's all dead! But I'm responsible for guarding, naturally I must keep guarding."

Qin Yun was helpless.

This kind of yellow scarf is not a real creature, and it is absolutely loyal. The master is dead and will still follow orders.

"Then let me see how powerful you are." With a wave of Qin Yun, the gray seven-swords flew out, as if a sword-like sword.


The guardian will scream.


The thundering thunder suddenly fell from the sky, and all gathered on the body of the guardian god, which greatly increased his power. He waved the golden hammer in his hand and banged, and then directly crushed the incoming dragon-like sword light and smashed it. All smashed tossed away, followed by the swift fly backwards.

"Go." The guardian **** threw another golden hammer in the other hand, and the golden hammer took the thunderbolt and flew at Qin Yun.

Qin Yun flew back abruptly, and his destiny flying sword flew out, which directly formed Zhou Tianjian's light blocking.

嘭 ~~~~

A loud noise.

Zhou Tian Jianguang is twisting and shaking. Qin Yun has even manipulated the Seven Kill Sword to display the second layer of Zhou Tianjian Light again.

"It's okay, I couldn't break it." Qin Yun was shocked. "But that hammer is more powerful than the siege of more than 600 monsters."

"You people have some means, eat me a hammer again!" The law-protecting **** will suddenly throw another golden hammer, the golden hammer with a thunder blasted on Zhou Tianjianguang, Zhou Tianjianguang cast by his destiny flying sword suddenly broke apart Come. And at this moment Qin Yun had fled far away, and with an idea, his destiny Feijian immediately received it.

"It's quite fast to escape." The law-guard **** stopped and looked at Qin Yun who was far away. "It's just boring. It's a rare tribe to accompany me to play, and I just slipped a few hammers."


Qin Yun fled, and was relieved to see that the **** of protection would not catch up.

"The guardian of gods is guarding the palace area inside the ancient Tianlong Palace, and will naturally follow the order. However, with the blessing of blessings, the guardian of gods will be really strong, and my Zhou Tianjianguang is so hard to resist." Qin Yun Shaking his head, "The God of Protector will be as immortal as the Yellow Scarf Luxi, unless I can completely resist Zhou Tianjianguang. Otherwise I can't go in temporarily."

It will be meaningless to kill the magic guardian. The moment of killing, the magic guardian will be able to form again.

"Whoo." Qin Yun leapt to the roof of a tall palace next to him, and then flew up again, he was blocked by the formation.

Standing above the roof of the palace, looking towards the direction of the inner palace complex.

"Well, the internal palace area is even more violent." Qin Yun glanced at it.

Then I saw that many parts of the internal palace had collapsed and blood was on the ground. Because of the collapse, standing in Qin Yun could naturally see many internal scenes. He easily scanned the two corpses of dragons and saw a huge black crab. The corpse can be intact from ancient times to the present, I am afraid that it is all the level of immortals and deities.

"Ancient Tianlong Palace, the master is afraid of death. Even the ancient Tianlong himself died after fighting the extraterrestrial demon." Qin Yun shook his head. "The extraterrestrial demon is too confident to dare to break into the ancient Tianlong. Lao Chao, although almost all the masters of the ancient Dragon Palace, have lost their lives. "

"That is--"

Qin Yun suddenly looked at the ruins of the inner palace group. There was a huge red scale armor demon corpse, which had broken one leg and half of its arm. The other arm was still intact, and there were three black rings on that wrist. And there are monster monsters around that huge demon corpse, and each of those monsters has a larger size than the "monster leader" that Qin Yun encountered before.

"The corpse of the demon outside the domain!" Qin Yun was surprised.

"The previous monsters were condensed by the scent of just one arm. These monsters were condensed by this almost intact demon corpse. Ordinary monsters seem to be very strong." Qin Yun marveled.

He looked carefully again.

The inner palace area is very large, and many palaces are quite tall. Fortunately, many palaces have collapsed due to fighting, and Qin Yunfang can see the scene through many gaps.

After careful discrimination.

He found the corpse of a five-headed dragon, a huge crab, and a large fish, all of which should be the fairy demon series. Of course, the most powerful is the corpse of a demon from outside the domain. Even if it is separated by dozens of miles, when the corpse of the demon from outside is seen, his body seems to contain the terrible and evil 'Tao', which makes Qin Yun feel oppressed.


Qin Yun carefully walked around the ancient Tianlong Palace ~ ~ including the area that was discovered at the beginning. Now he has visited eight areas of the ancient palace complex outside the ancient Dragon Palace. Compared to the thousands of miles of external palaces, Qin Yun is still visiting a small part.

As for the inner palace complex? Can't get in for now!

There are matrix formations isolated, and there are more guardians.


A ray of light flew from the sea, quickly across the sky, and headed straight for the east.

"Once you got the Dragon Blood Crystal, you can tell Xiao Xiao what happened then." Qin Yun rejoiced. He has been hiding his wife in recent years. After all, he was not sure about getting the Dragon Blood Crystal before.


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