Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 6 Chapter 5: Dragon Girl Ao Xue

That night, Qin Yun and Yi Xiao also thought carefully and even contacted their ancestors. The ancestors of Yi also acknowledged that the credibility of the 'Mixian Hall' is fine.

Through Vientiane Palace, promise everything.


Early in the morning the next day.

West Sea, a hidden place.

Long Nuo Ao Xue was imprisoned here. As soon as she wore white clothes, she sat cross-legged in the dungeon. There was no one here to speak, and she always suffered the loneliness.

Ao Xue's face is similar to Yi Xiao in seven points. Although she lacks Yi Xiao's temperament, she is more mature and more elegant as a dragon girl.

"Alas." Ao Xue coughed, and blood stained her mouth.

"Quarrying, Xiaoer." Ao Xue had tears in her eyes.

Imprisoned here, she will always be lonely, although she also practices daily, but whenever she stops practicing, she misses her husband and her daughter crazy.

At the time of the separation, Yi Xiao was still in a trance. He was still a babble.

"Xiao Er, my mother misses you so much. Five hundred years, five hundred years later, Cai Shi and Xiaoer are still alive?" Ao Xue looked up, tears couldn't help, "Can you never see this life again?"

She did not dare to expect that Yi Caishi and Yi Xiao could condense the Yuanshen to become immortals, even for the pure-blooded dragon race, it is extremely difficult to reach the real dragon realm.

"Do not."

"I must see Xiao Er, as long as I can practice in order to reach the real dragon realm, naturally I can go out ahead of time." Ao Xueqiang could not bear the sadness in his heart and continue to practice. For the pure-blooded dragon family, it is very easy to reach the level of innate Jindan. Want to reach the real dragon realm? It will be difficult! Ao Xue has practiced like a madman for more than 20 years, but he can't touch even a little 'edge' of the real dragon realm.


"Booming ~~~" The banned Shimen opened.

"Huh?" Ao Xue opened his eyes and looked at Shimen.

It stands to reason that she would be imprisoned for five hundred years, and even for five hundred years she would not even be able to open the gate.

Behind Shimen, stood an elder Dragon female elder ‘Elder Ao Qiong’, with a gray robe male elder beside him.

"Ao Xue." Elder Ao Qiong spoke indifferently.

"Elder." Ao Xue stood up respectfully.

"You go to Dragon Palace with Elder Qi." Elder Ao Qiong said, "If there is no accident, you can restore freedom today." After finishing, Elder Ao Qiong turned and left.

Ao Xueying's.


He violates the clan rules.

"Let's go," the elder gray robe smiled.

"Elder Qi, am I free?" Ao Xue couldn't believe it.

"You have a good daughter and a good son-in-law." Elder Qi laughed.

"Daughter, son-in-law?"

When she was arrested, her daughter was still a babble.


West Sea Dragon Palace.

A long time ago, aristocratic soldiers popped out of the sea and looked at the sky. When they saw Qin Yun and Yi Xiao coming out of the air with a flying sword, they were overjoyed.

Suddenly an aquarium soldier quickly dived into the ocean floor and rushed towards the Dragon Palace.

Now in the Xihai Dragon Palace, the Xihai Dragon King, Elder Qi, Dragon Girl Ao Xue, and some other Dragon Girl Dragon Girls are already waiting.

"King King." Some Shui clan came in and reported, "The Qin Jianxian couple has arrived."

"Let's go." The Dragon King of the West Sea also nodded.


The head of the West Sea Dragon King and Elder Qi took the dragon girl Ao Xue, and many dragons and dragon girls, as well as a large number of aquarium soldiers, and flew towards the sea quickly and vigorously.

Above the sea.

Qin Yun and Yi Xiao stood on the cloud and waited.

"No accident." Yi Xiao was a little upset.

"Be assured, yesterday's seniors in Iraq did not say, if we directly negotiate with the Xihai Dragons, they may turn their faces. But since the Vientiane Palace has the Vientiane Palace as a guarantee, the Xihai Dragons will obey the rules." Qin Yun Said that Vientiane Palace attaches the greatest importance to 'credibility'. If anyone dares to abide by credibility, Vientiane Palace will retaliate severely.

Vientiane Palace is a very mysterious force, unfathomable, but has remained neutral since ancient times.


Qin Yun sensed it. Looking down, Yi Xiao was a little nervous.

"Wow ~~~"

The sea surface naturally separated, and a group of dragons flew out. The Dragon King of the West Sea and Elder Qi were both real dragons. The power was naturally extraordinary. Many of the dragons and dragon girls behind Chengdu are at the level of congenital Jindan. The rest are just too young or do not need to practice. It takes time to condense Jindan.

"Qin Yun, meet the Dragon King, meet the elders." Qin Yun saluted, and Yi Xiao followed him.

At this moment, the dragon girl Ao Xue was staring at Yi Xiao, her eyes were red, she was staring.

Compared with the baby in memory, compared with Yi Caishi, compared with himself.

"Like, really."

Ao Xue murmured.

Yi Xiao, who was standing next to Qin Yun, also noticed the opposite. At first glance, she noticed that those excited eyes turned red, and even her appearance was similar to her mature Dragon Girl. And the practice reaches their level, and the senses in the meditation are also keen.

"She is my mother?" Yi Xiao was also nervous.

"It is indeed Qin Jianxian, and even he can get the blood crystals of Tianlong, and the King is also admired and admired." Xihai Dragon King laughed.

"Just lucky." Qin Yundao.

"There is nothing to be lucky to say," said Xihai Dragon King with a smile, "this one next to me is Ao Xue."

Long Nuo Ao Xue looked at the opposite male and female: "My daughter and son-in-law? The Dragon King calls him Qin Jianxian? It seems my son-in-law is not an ordinary practitioner."

When Yi Xiao heard the introduction of the Dragon King of the West Sea, she was fully convinced that the dragon girl who had a similar appearance to her was her mother. She looked at the dragon girl Ao Xue and didn't know what to say for a moment.

She had too many mother's imaginations in her mind, but after all she remembered that her mother was gone.

"Speaking of which, Qin Jianxian's couple and I have a deep relationship with the Xihai Dragon clan." Xihai Dragon King laughed. "Just Ao Xue violated the clan rules. I could not help before. Since Qin Jianxian is willing to donate the blood crystal of Tianlong, in exchange for Dragon Girl Snow is free. Giving the dragon blood crystals to this day is also a big credit, enough to offset the fault of the dragon girl Ao Xue. "

"You give me the blood crystals of Tianlong, and Ao Xue is free." Xihai Dragon King said.

"OK." Qin Yun nodded and waved.

call out.

A blood crystal with a big finger flew out.

The dragon girls and dragon girls next to each other felt their blood was boiling, and there was a strong impulse to swallow that Tianlong blood crystal. Even the Xihai Dragon King and Elder Qi looked hot, and as soon as the Xihai Dragon King reached out, he grabbed the blood crystals of Tianlong.

"Here it is." Xihai Dragon King looked at Tianlong Blood Crystal in his hand, and was quite excited.

"Ao Xue." The Dragon King of the West Sea looked at the dragon girl Ao Xue, "From now on, you will be free again. Just remember, don't break the clan rules."

"Yes." Long Nuo Ao Xue nodded.

She couldn't help but flew over to Qin Yun and Yi Xiao.

"Your name is Yi Xiao?" Ao Xue looked at Yi Xiao with anxiety and anticipation in her eyes.

"Can you tell me what happened then?" Yi Xiao couldn't call out "Mother" for a while.

Ao Xue nodded: "Okay, of course."

Yi Xiao felt strange.

Ao Xue felt kind, because it was too similar to her daughter who grew up in her imagination.


On the other side, the King of the West Sea Dragon, Elder Qi and so on are all very excited.

"Qin Jianxian." The Xihai Dragon King smiled even more kindly, "Ao Xue and their mother and daughter were just rusty when they first met. It would be nice to gather together later. Speaking of them, Qin Jianxian and our Xihai Dragon family are relatives, and they often move around in the future."

"Often walking." Qin Yun nodded with a smile.

"Qin Jianxian only got one Tianlong blood crystal in the ancient Tianlong Palace?" The Dragon King of the West Sea couldn't help it, Elder Qi and a group of dragon girls around him stared at Qin Yun.

Qin Yun smiled and said, "I also have some chances. I got two dragon blood crystals, and some other treasures such as ancient dragon blood."

"Can another Tianlong blood crystal be sold to my Xihai Dragon family? There are ancient Tianlong blood and other things, and my Xihai dragon family is also willing to buy it." Xihai Dragon King enthusiastically said.

The blood crystal of Tianlong is the foundation of ancient Tianlong's life and is naturally precious.

As for Dragon Blood? An ancient dragon has too much blood, which is far less valuable than the dragon blood crystal, but it is still quite attractive to the general pure blood dragon family.

"Not in a hurry." Qin Yun shook his head. "I have no plans to sell for the time being."

"Qin Jianxian, the dragon blood crystals of this day are very important to my Sihai Dragon clan, and the help to your clan is average." Said the Dragon King.

Qin Yun said: "This matter, the Dragon King no longer needs to persuade me."

Xihai Dragon King frowned slightly.

"Qin Jianxian, you can get the Tianlong Blood Crystal, should you have found a new entrance to the ancient Tianlong Palace?" Said a dragon man next to him. "Can you tell me the Xihai Dragons? I will not treat Qin Jianxian to the West."

Qin Yun smiled and shook his head ~ ~ kidding.

Although he believes that even if the Sihai Dragons find the entrance, they will not get any baby. But if you find it yourself, why tell others?

And Qin Yun was not grateful for the Xihai Dragons. Before I came to ask for help, but the other party refused to be neat! Later, the mother-in-law who traded in the Temple of Vientiane also exchanged ‘Tianlong Blood Crystal’ for freedom! According to the preciousness of ‘Tianlong Blood Crystal’ that Qin Yun knows, just let the Xihai Dragons make an exception, and the Xihai Dragons are already making a lot of money!

"I have never heard of this." Qin Yun said.

"If you want to sell Tianlong Blood Crystal, don't sell it, ask the entrance of the formation method, don't you say? Qin Jianxian, isn't it too much?" The dragon man yelled, and several dragons were exasperated.

"Well, don't say anything." Xihai Dragon King spoke, but he also looked at Qin Yun.

Qin Yun laughed: "This dragon, I don't know your name? The tone of the talk is quite big, I am Qin Yun walking around the world, no one dare to buy and sell me!"

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