Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 6 Chapter 13: World change

The great demon ‘Qingyi Demon King’ in Yunzhou was killed by Qin Yun in Qingchi Gorge, which has been in operation for thousands of years! This news swept the world at an alarming rate. It even spread to the north, to the four seas. Terrans, demons, aquariums ... When the powerful people from all sides knew about it, they were also shocked. Many great demons are scared.

There is also an enlightened human race in the contemporary era. The great monk of Capricorn Temple, the sacred monk of Fapan, once the sacred monk of Fapan is good at melee, the skill of Hida is far less than a flying sword! Secondly, the sacred monk in Fapan has long been in retreat with a single heart to enter the Luohan realm for longevity.

Qin Yun is different, Qin Yun is a sword fairy, hopeless forever! Moreover, the attitude towards the demon is also relentless, even taking the initiative to kill.


"Hurry up."

In the world, many big demon did not hesitate to bring treasures and abandoned the old nest.

"Small boys, starting today, the King will go back to the holy palace to practice. You will all dissipate. The sword fairy Qin Yun came over and did not find me. Maybe you will destroy you all. Let ’s break up. ”After another big demon informed His Majesty the demon, he immediately drove the black wind to the Golden Palace of 'Snow State'. The Golden Palace, with its fame and integrity, is one of the nine monsters.


The birth of the sword sword immortal has a great impact on the world.

Especially this enlightened sword fairy, also hunts down the big demon all over the world! In history, sword immortals are also crazy. For example, 'Sword Elderly' is extremely crazy, and even went to many denominations, including the demon forces, to obtain classics. But Qin Yun's fierceness lies in showing no mercy to the 'big monsters'. These big demon, all with **** hands, troubled the world.

Qin Yun was able to kill, and showed no mercy.

"Good Qin Yun."

Qinzhou, Wangdu, inside the palace.

The emperor was painting leisurely in the pavilion, and when he heard the eunuch's report from the side, he smiled and praised, "Since this step can be achieved, he should have already entered the Tao. Although it took several strokes to kill a blue-winged demon king, the mastered Tao should be Not strong. But the demons below the polar realm ... I'm afraid they are all in danger! There are only so many polar demons in the world, even fewer on land! From today, I am afraid that the big demons below the polar realm will either return to the denominations. , Or hide. "

"In this way, the little demons can no longer rely on each other, and can only hide from each other. In this world, ordinary people's lives are much better." The Emperor said with emotion, "Although Qin Yun hates many big demons, because His Qin family recruited hatred, but it has benefited hundreds of millions of people in the world. "

The Emperor, the absolute leader of the gods and demons, completely controls the world and is recognized as one of the most terrifying existences in the world.

But at this moment, the emperor is ordinary, without any coercion, just like a mortal.

"Then Qin Yun showed no mercy to the demon, and it was also the luck of countless people." The **** laughed.

"Those who can enter the road can also completely tear their faces with the demon, chase the demon madly, and not fear the demon's counterattack. It is only occasional from ancient times to the present." The Emperor said, "Every one that appears can benefit the people of the world, For hundreds of years, the people of the tribe have a much better life. In fact, Gu also wants to do these things, but he has the rules, and Gu is not easy to intervene directly. "

"Her Majesty Shengming, in the former dynasty, the evils of the Northland often entered the Central Plains as a disaster. But now my Dachang dynasty completely blocked the evils of the Northland, Your Majesty has countless merits." The **** said.

"Haha, Afu, you will say something nice." Renhuangdao said, "No matter what, Qin Yun's behavior has indirectly saved countless people. He has his own merits and dedications! Unfortunately, the sword fairy cannot be condensed. Yuan Shen, otherwise, with his talents, he will be immortal. "

The **** laughed: "For countless mortals, maybe this Qin Jianxian is better off being immortal."


The Emperor nodded gently, "He is not immortal, it is indeed better for mortals."

Chengxian is bound by the rules of the sky.

The world's great demon one began to flee one by one. There are too few great demon monsters, and many of them are still aquatic demon! There are actually seven polar monsters on the land. Three of the seven are understated. Only four arrogantly occupied one place and dominated one side, called the demon king of one side, or the ancestor of one side, and made countless monsters follow.

Even these four are guilty! Maybe they are not afraid in the old nest? Can it be hidden in the nest forever?

Therefore, two of the four great demon fled to Zongmen.

For a while ...

In the world, it is difficult to see a real big demon.


For the benefit of countless people, make great achievements.

If you have the means to watch fortune and merit, you can see that the fortune and merit of Qin Yun have risen greatly, and will continue to rise with time. The longer he lives, the longer he benefits the people, and the greater his merit.

"Jiushan Island."

Qin Yun displayed the technique of turning the rainbow, but went straight to the East at the fastest speed.

Luck, merit?

These Qin Yun didn't care too much. After all, strength suppresses everything, and his strength is destined to dominate the world. As for the self-condensed Yuanshen method? This is too difficult. It was even more difficult than the perfect God Xiaolei method that Zhang Zushi had done. Since ancient times, so many sword fairy geniuses have never done it.

There are so many merits, and they are equally happy, and those demons who are evil people must be killed!

In Qin Yun's view, why can't the human race and the demon race get along peacefully? Is n’t the side of the demon tribe represented by the Tiangao Palace peacefully coexisting with humanity? The Sihailong tribe also coexist peacefully with human beings? In the folk, like the dog demon 'Qianbao', they give their lives for their masters. Humans and demons love each other and have children. People and demons can get along well.

But why do some demon like to eat people and treat humans as livestock?

In this case, kill it! Kill these demons.

Is the demon behind the demon? Demon **** outside? The Ren race, the Sihai dragon race, and the Tianguo Palace all joined hands to deal with it? Anyway, do your best. How much power and how much to do.

Jiangzhou, Yunhu, and Jiushan Island.

Deep in the depths of the island, in a quiet retreat.

"Jiushan, come back soon! Then Qin Yun has a great hatred with you, and he will never let you go. Although your life is strong, you may not be able to carry the Qin Yun's flying sword. Hurry back and return to Yun The magic mountain practiced with peace of mind. If you can step into the extreme and your body is a big mountain, then you will be fearless. "

"Master, let me think again." Jiushan Island owner, who was in a black robe, had complex eyes under his **** eyebrows.

"Now still thinking? With this Qin Yunfei's technique, I came from Yunzhou Qingyi Gorge, not long!"

"let me think again."

The owner of Jiushan Island cut off the subpoena.

He sat silently cross-legged, and took out from his arms a statue of a demon god, which had dozens of arms and two faces before and after.

"My true body is a mountain ..."

"This makes me very strong in the early stage, but the more I practice, the harder I practice. I ’m slow to learn anything, and slow to learn. According to the demon from outside the domain, it ’s all because of the mountains! The mountain is extremely quiet, so is the practice Very slowly. "Jiushan Island master secretly said," This mountain is also my puppet. Really want to get rid of this puppet? Abandon my big mountain true body? "

"I thought I had time and was in no hurry. I didn't expect Qin Yun to break so fast."

"It's worth mentioning, I feel ashamed that I have reached the extremes in penance, so if that's the case, give it a go!"

The owner of Jiushan Island looked at the demon statue in his hand.


Invoke the demon statue.

"Booming ~" The space behind the statue of the demon is faintly twisted, followed by a crack, the other end of the void gap, through the gap, barely see the head of the demon outside the domain.

"Jiushan," said the alien god, "What are you looking for?"

"The devil, you said it at the beginning, I agreed." The owner of Jiushan Island nodded, "I will abandon my true body ~ ~ and dedicate this true body to the demon. But the devil you have promised before Me, give me a flesh. "

"Hahaha ..." The demon outside the area grinned, his mouth widened, and each tooth was as indestructible as a magic weapon. "Very well, the body of the mountain does have advantages, but it also has defects. It ’s too slow to practice! It is more convenient to practice with a good physical body. You have a high level of understanding, and it is only because of this physical limitation that you practice so slowly. "

"I also gave you the way to take the house. This body was born from the" blood sea fetus ". When I was conceived, I wiped out her spiritual intelligence. It is pure body and has no soul. In any danger, the practice of the devil's pulse can go a thousand miles a day. "Said the demon outside the domain.


Then, a weak body wrapped in a black light, forcibly penetrated through the void to prevent it from coming. Fortunately, this is the weakest flesh that has not been cultivated. The cost of shuttles can also be withstood by the demon gods outside the region.

The owner of Jiushan Island in a black robe watched the black light dissipate in front of him, showing a baby's body.

"Abandon the body of the mountain and give it a try. I have all the memories in my realm. I believe that I will be able to recover my strength soon." The owner of Jiushan Island looked at the baby silently.

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