Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 8 Chapter 23: cost

Qin Yun and Yi Xiao both listened carefully. Miscellaneous

"Patriarch," Yi Xiaolian asked, "how long does this awakening last?"

"Look at the level of blood awakening." Zhang Zushi said, "For example, if you really awaken as 'Tianlong', you are a vulgar person, and you are awakened as Tianlong ... the first is 'change blood'. Transformation. How great is the power of a dragon, and how powerful is the Yuanshen? This conversion process will naturally take a long time! As far as I know, a dragon born with a pregnancy will usually have a hundred years of pregnancy! If you are awakened to become a dragon, even the dragon You can absorb the power of 'Longchi' for a hundred years. "

"Of course, if you wake up as a true dragon, it will be much faster."

"Longchi's strength can be absorbed. Awakening is a true dragon. One year is enough to transform life. Awakening is a true dragon. It should take three years. Awakening is a true dragon. It takes ten years." Zhang The ancestor said, "The premise is that the strength of Longchi is allowed to be absorbed. Without Longchi's help, the awakening process will be painful and the awakening time will take longer."

"When you wake up, you need to absorb all kinds of power. Yi Xiao, the Jiuzhuan Lingdan you took before is to support your body's transformation. However, although the Jiuzhuan Lingdan is magical, it contains less." Zhang Zushi said, "A Jiuzhuan Lingtan can only sustain one day when your body transforms. Jiuzhuan Lingtan is a kind of Lingdan that can repair the soul. It is too wasteful for the body to transform and absorb."

Qin Yun and Yi Xiao both knew.

"One Jiuzhuan Lingdan in one day, more than 300 in a year." Qin Yun laughed, "you can't buy it if you want to buy it."

"No one is so extravagant." Zhang Zushi said, "The Dragon Pond of the Dragon Palace contains all the power needed for the transformation of the Dragon Clan, and is most suitable for the Dragon Clan. Like the newborn pure-blooded Dragon Clan, they have the opportunity to spend hundreds of days in it! Their absorption is also far It is far from being able to compare with the awakening of Yi Xiao's bloodline. Therefore, Yi Xiao will stay in Longchi for a long time, and the Tianlong dragon in the East China Sea will be out of condition. "

"Departure conditions?" Qin Yun and Yi Xiao both looked at Zhang Zushi.

"Well, because the four dragon ponds of the Sihai Dragons all add up, they are probably not enough to awaken as a dragon." Zhang Zushi said, "Longchi is mainly prepared for the new generation of dragons. You absorb too much, Donghai Denon will of course offer. "

"The strength of the four dragon ponds is not enough to form a dragon?" Qin Yun muttered secretly.

"Rest assured that there is really a new Dragon, and the Dragons will also contact the outside world. There must be enough Dragon Pool power for Yi Xiao." Zhang Zushi said, "You don't need to doubt the details of the Dragons."

Qin Yun nodded.

This is just one of the branches of the dragon family in many worlds.

"Well, Yi Yan will be here in a few minutes. He will arrive and he won't let you both suffer." Zhang Zushi smiled.


After chatting with Zhang Zushi for a while, Qin Yun and Yi Xiao also had a good heart.



A dark-haired dragon man landed on the surface of Xiaojing Lake, walked two steps to the shore, smiled and looked at Yi Xiao, Yi Xiao grew out of those dragon horns, and his face and hands had parts that could not be suppressed. Snow white dragon scales. Induced by Yi Xiao's surging air machine, that turbulent air machine is stronger than Qin Yun who cultivated the innate Zijin Jindan.

"I've seen Tianlong seniors." Qin Yun saluted, Yi Xiao even saluted.

"It's blood awakening." Donghai Tianlong nodded. "You two can know the blood awakening of my dragon clan? That's the power to awaken an old ancestor."

"Just asked Mr. Zhang," Qin Yun explained.

"Brother Zhang said, that's right." Donghai Tianlong nodded. "Hualong is already suffering. It takes one step to become a real dragon, or even a dragon. It's like cramps and bones, even more painful."

Yi Xiao couldn't help nodding.

It was very painful, and with her patience, she was going crazy.

"If it was in Longchi, the blood awakening would not be this painful, and it would be much faster." Donghai Tianlong said, "I have brought Elder Ao Qiong from the West Sea, and I need to talk to her about it. After all, Yi Xiao By the way, it belongs to the West Sea. "

Qin Yun and Yi Xiao nodded.


The ancestor of Yi's arrived first! He was closer to this after all. A long time passed before Elder Ao Qiong, who was far away from the West Sea, arrived.

"Patriarch." Elder Ao Qiong is a female elder with an old face and the strongest elder in the West Sea. Now she is also a triple heaven of Zhenlong Realm. When she saw Donghai Tianlong, she saluted immediately.

It is not surprising that Qin Yun, Yi Xiao, and Yi's ancestors saw this scene.

They all know ...

The Four Dragons are actually one family! The East China Sea Dragon is the source.

The East China Sea Dragon ... is the supreme leader of the entire Dragon clan.

"Ao Qiong." Donghai Tianlong smiled, "I told you something before, Yi Xiao is your pulse in the West Sea, and according to the rules, is going to your Longchi in the West Sea."

"Yes." Elder Ao Qiong looked at Yi Xiao with a smile. "Yi Xiao, come to my Xihai Longchi, I naturally agree. But one thing has to be made clear! Originally, the Four Dragons had their own affiliations, and they had to follow the rules of the Dragon family. And your Yi Xiao ... was originally born by Ao Xue and the human race, and with Yi Yan's brother speaking, so you have not been under the control of my dragon tribe. "

Yi Xiao nodded.

"Now, you will use my Xihai Dragon Pond, and then you will at least become a true dragon." Elder Ao Qiong said, "then you have to shoulder the responsibility belonging to the Dragon clan."

"The responsibility of the Dragons?" Yi Xiao wondered.

Qin Yun and Yi's ancestors both changed slightly.

"My four sea dragons suppress the four sea eyes," said Elder Ao Qiong. "The West sea dragons suppress the west sea eyes! This is why most of the western sea dragons do not come out."

"The sea eye is also the entrance to the world." Qin Yun and Yi Xiao explained.

"My Longchi in the West China Sea has taken a long time. I am afraid that the power of Longchi is only enough for you to absorb five years." Elder Ao Qiong said, "Its value is more than a spiritual treasure! You ca n’t use it for nothing. , But not a little responsibility? "

Qin Yun and Yi Xiao looked at each other.

"The power of Longchi is indeed precious." Yi's ancestor nodded, and he acknowledged that.

The use of Longchi is indeed much lower than the cost of taking Jiu Zhuan Ling Dan.

It's been a long time ...

The price is still amazing!

"Longchi absorption for three years is equivalent to a common spiritual treasure." Donghai Tianlong said, "Each year, Yi Xiao needs to suppress Haiyan for thousands of years. Rest assured, not always asking her to suppress. There will be rotations, and responsible It wasn't just her dragons that suppressed. "

Yi Xiao looked at Qin Yun and said, "Brother Yun, what they said makes sense. The Longchi power accumulated by the Xihai Dragons over a long period of time is only five years. I may absorb it all at once ... I really have to pay. "

"Elder Tianlong, Elder Ao Qiong," Qin Yun said with a smile, "My wife did take some effort to absorb the power of Longchi. In this way, I exchanged" Tianlong Blood Crystals ", how?

"Tianlong blood crystal?" Tianhai and Elder Ao Qiong of the East China Sea eyes brightened.

Donghai Tianlong, naturally has Tianlong blood crystal, but that is the root of his life! It's impossible to take it out.

And Tianlong blood crystal ... To the true dragons, there is too much use.

As for suppressing the sea eye?

Although the task is heavy, there are a group of elders in True Dragon Realm all around the world, and there is no shortage of Yi Xiao.

Elders from the East China Sea Tianlong and Ao Qiong immediately rumored to discuss.

"Then Qin Yun has been to the ancient Tianlong Palace, he must have gotten a lot of Tianlong blood crystals. Ask him for three Tianlong blood crystals a year?" Elder Ao Qiong heard.

"Yi Yan is also here, representing Brother Zhang. Don't take too much advantage, just two Tianlong blood crystals a year." Donghai Tianlong Chuan Yin set.

After the two are settled.

Elder Ao Qiong smiled: "Okay, you can use Tianlong blood crystals! Yi Xiao absorbs two dragon blood crystals every year in Longchi ~"

Qin Yun looked at his father, who nodded slightly.

Okay, the Dragons are not too dark!

"Okay." Qin Yun nodded, took a bottle out of Qiankun's bag, unplugged the cork, and two blood crystals flew out. "Here are two, first in the first year."

"You can pay again after the end of one year. My Dragon family believes in Qin Jianxian's promise." As the mouth says, Elder Ao Qiong still smiles and puts it away. The magic weapon is usually of limited help to the Dragon family, but the ‘Tianlong Blood Crystal’ help is great.


The two sides negotiated.

Because Jiuzhuan Lingdan could only relieve one day, Qin Yun and Yi Xiao went to the West Sea with Elder Ao Qiong the same day.

Xihai Dragon Palace, Longchi.

Longchi is a heavy land, and usually new dragons are sent in.


Yi Xiao fell into a huge pond, and there was a light flowing in the pond. Qin Yun looked at it with a smile. Not far away, there are Xilong Dragon King waiting to accompany them one by one.

"Brother Yun." Yi Xiao Chuanyin said, "I'm a bit strange. I haven't been awakened by blood for so many years. Why did you wake up this time? Is it related to the mystery given by Her Majesty?"

Qin Yun's heart moved.

That mysticism consumes a portion of ‘life’, and it usually takes ten years to recover! If it is performed continuously for a short period of time, the life will be greatly reduced!

"After the secret show, you won't be awakened very long." Qin Yun said, "Maybe it's really related."

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