Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 9 Chapter 3: Half a year

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First shocked.

Instead, Qin Yun felt excited.

Caught a big fish!

So strong, but has always hidden his identity, and the breath is so fierce, I am afraid there is a big plot! Since being discovered by myself ... it also means that the threat was discovered in advance. It is good to be able to find a threat for this world in advance!

On the other hand, the strength of the other party also represents a treasure! I am short of treasure!

"It can make me feel threatened, and its origins are so mysterious ... I guess there are some powerful treasures, and I have seen some of the treasure light before." Qin Yun nodded secretly, "But now is not the time to destroy him, I have to figure out, He is hiding here, what is the plot? "

Really torn face.

Even if it is alive, it is difficult to figure out the enemy's plot.

"Stare in secret first."

"Such a big fish is qualified to make me spend more time on him. Just set it for half a year." Qin Yun set out a plan, "In half a year, stare at every action of this old Mr. Chu. See what he plans. If you can't see the truth for half a year ... then see him and destroy him. "

Qin Yun thought.


The realm of the Tao is pervasive, covering all sides of the sky outside the 'Lishan City'.

Instead, he deliberately avoided Lishan City!

Because of the sense of threat brought by Mrs. Chu, Qin Yun understood that when she explored Mrs. Chu in her field of Tao, the other party should have some sense.

However, the other party's concealment method is very clever! On his first exploration of the Tao, he did not find that Mrs. Chu was special, just as an ordinary person. Still the 'Eyes of Thunder' magical power found special. So Mrs. Chu should continue to hide! The results of his own Eye of Thunder also proved this.

"Today, the realm of Tao will be monitored outside Lishan City. As long as he is out of Lishan City, I can immediately find out." Qin Yun secretly said, "I have worked hard in the past six months, and keep the realm of Tao."

For a long time, there is no rest for a moment.

However, in the realm of Qin Yun, he could hold up without sleep or rest for half a year.


Although Qin Yun found a big fish, this time he came to Lishan City. His original purpose was to visit the fairy house of Yunxiu Fairy, so he continued to cast the eye of thunder and searched everywhere.

"Help the lord, the beauty is in it." The sharp-mouthed monkey cheek man pleased.

"Okay, you step down first, and I'll accompany the beauties." A magnificent man commanded.

"Yes." The sharp-mouthed monkey cheek immediately obediently retreated.

The big man strode.

"It's a monster, the spirit of sin is so strong, when killed!" Qin Yun frowned, and the thunder eye spotted the big man. When the realm of Tao covered the city of Lishan, he also found some monsters. But to the monster, Qin Yun will not kill at will. It is determined that only the demon will kill ... after all, there are also good monsters in the monsters.

The relationship between Tian Yao Gong and Qin Yun is quite good.

This big man is a bear demon! The wickedness of sin is strong.


The big man decomposed and dissipated without any sound, including the clothes and weapons on his body, all dissipated into powder, and there was no residue left.

In the fifteen years that Qin Yun walked the world, whenever he found a demon, he would kill it easily.

After spending more than five days, Qin Yun finally looked at Li Shancheng with the Eye of Thunder. Unfortunately, no clue was found for Yunxiu Fairy Cave. Of course, Qin Yun also killed five monsters, and three monsters Qin Yun let go.

Qin Yun then bought a house in Lishan City, so that he would live here for the next six months.

He carried a lot of ancient books with him, and looked at clues every day, and practiced kendo in calligraphy and painting, but no matter what he did, he would occasionally stop and glance at ‘Mr. Chu’.

Finally more than a month later.

"Stay here, don't let anyone in." Mrs. Chu entered one of the Chu's yards.

"Yes." The old servant guarded at the door.

Mrs. Chu can enter any place in the Chu family while walking, but his place is forbidden to enter without permission.

In the courtyard, one of the compartments.


Mrs. Chu pushed in the door. At the moment when she pushed in, his face changed, and he became a cold old man, with a dark red light in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" The woman seated in the compartment was terrified when she saw the cold old man coming in.

"What do you say I'm going to do?" The cold old man grinned, his eyes had a terrible fierce look.

The woman was a little panicked, and she even said: "The old man Chu Chu is the last person to do anything wrong. If you are a member of Chu House, if you are known by Old Man Chu, you will never spare you."

"Our old lady is a great man, but unfortunately, he can't save you." The cold old man rushed on with a smile.

"No." The woman was stern.

However, in the formation method arranged by the entire Chu family, this yard has long been isolated from the inside and outside, and no sound can be heard.

After half an hour.

The cold old man walked out of the house happily, while the woman lying on the ground holding the quilt had many wounds all over her, and the whole person remained motionless.

"Comfortable." The cold old man smiled, his face changed, and he became Old Lady Chu.

"In this world, I have to be cautious, lest I be found, it ’s really cruel. Unfortunately, these ordinary women of this tribe ca n’t help being manipulated. If it was not to reduce sin, I would have directly manipulated her." There was suffocation, but when he walked out of the courtyard, he still returned to his usual appearance. He calmly instructed the old servant next to him, "Old rules, give the one inside to the people below, and let them have fun with me."

"Understand." The old servant answered with a smile.

"Well." There was a noise inside.

Grandma Chu frowned, motioned to the old servant, and the old servant ran in to look at it, and then came out rather ugly, and whispered: "She hit a post and committed suicide."

"What?" Mrs. Chu looked ugly. "Everyone is greedy for life, so she just committed suicide?"

Hidden here for a long time, Mrs. Chu will also vent.

To minimize sin! In the end, they used the hands of people to let them enjoy frenziedly, until the woman caught was killed. In this way, most of the cause and effect are borne by people. His old lady Chu is only responsible for a small part! Coupled with long-term public morality and good works, it is also an effort to reduce sin. Keep the breath of sin as little as possible.

The stronger the strength, the stronger the ability to bear the three disasters and nine difficulties.

Like ordinary life ~ ~ If it is really the most common, even if one is killed, the cause and effect are strong. But also limited.

There is only one such as Qin Yun, who has real great merit and vigor ... Killing Qin Yun is greater than killing 100,000 ordinary ordinary vulgar sins. Therefore, the more ordinary people have great fortune or great merit, the immortals and gods are afraid to provoke them. As for the weak woman just now, there is usually one. Even if the old lady Chu kills herself, the strength of the old lady is enough to carry such causes and effects. Not to mention just 'suicide'.

Although the cause and effect of suicide is relatively small, it is still greater than the cause and effect of ‘the people die’!

Mrs. Chu was unhappy.

"Clean it up." Grandpa Chu went out with a black face, "I'm really out of luck."

Everyone has the idea of ​​survival.

Few women who commit suicide directly commit suicide.


Qin Yun couldn't stare at Mrs. Chu all the time, but only inquired once in a while.

This time, when Qin Yun discovered it, it was already too late.

When the woman committed suicide, her eyes were full of death, but Qin Yun sighed but did not stop.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't find it earlier. If I found it in advance, I could immediately implement the second plan to rescue this woman." Qin Yun sighed secretly, and then continued to stare at Mrs. Chu. Despite the anger rising in his heart, he still endured. Because he knows that such horror exists in such a low-key concealment. If there is a plot to the Dachang world, it will affect billions of souls.

But Mrs. Chu was unhappy.

In the afternoon, he took his servant out of the house in a carriage.

"For more than a month, he has finally left the house." Qin Yunyao stared.


Tomato is in the hospital for the night, and this chapter is also written in the middle of the night sitting quietly next to the hospital bed. Everyone forgive these days, the update may be slightly slower, but the tomato will be updated every day.

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