Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 9 Chapter 6: You think too much

Outside the house. v 杂 《志》 虫 v


The little fox demon landed there, staring at Mr. Fu and Mr. Mei Lun in the distance, and said coldly, "What do you two people want to do?"

"Little fox demon." Mr. Fu smiled. "You'd better obey now, otherwise, I'll kill the broken arm waste in the house and his old lady."

"Hold your hands?" The little fox demon had a sharp look in his eyes. "I won't hold my hands, don't you still bully my husband and let him suffer?"

The son of Melun sneered: "I only know today that Huss' stupid man can really have a fox demon as his wife, and it is really a blessing."

"Get out of your way." Mr. Fu's voice turned cold. "Otherwise, blame me for being ruthless."

"Only you two, also want to kill my husband and my mother-in-law?" The fluff appeared on the face of the little fox demon, the eyes became more seductive, and the teeth became sharper. At the same time, there was a gleam of light in his mouth. Fly out and shoot directly at Mr. Fu, who brought her the most threat! And the little fox demon flew out at the same time, her huge furry tail was waving, and the surrounding scene began to distort.

Mr. Fu waved his sleeve, there was a black light flying out of his sleeve, and a full twelve black lights staggered and flew, and instantly hit the ray of cold light emitted by the little fox demon, the ray of cold light rolled away and flew away. It turned out to be Very small flying sword.

Follow Fu Twelve Black Light to siege to the little fox demon.

"So beautiful, so beautiful."

The son of Mei Lun is affected by the illusion, and the whole person is obsessed.

"Don't wake up yet." Mr. Fu scolded, but his voice sounded like a thunder blasting in the ear of Meilun's son, so that he was awakened by him, and then he saw the scene in front of him.

The little fox demon in front of him was besieged by twelve black lights. "Hey." A black shuttle **** could not slap directly on the small fox demon's thin waist, causing her to fall directly to the ground. Blood spit out and sprinkled on the dirt. The little fox demon turned pale, with despair and unwillingness in her eyes, and twelve black light sieges. She resisted too much and finally failed to stop it.

"This little fox demon's illusion is so powerful that it made me all win." The son of Mei Lun was shocked and angry.

"Dharma practice is also very important." Mr. Fu said, "Mr. Meilun must deepen his practice in this area."

"I know, Mr. Fu, you quickly banned her strength, and then handed it to me." Meilun son connected.

"Rest assured, I don't even need to use the array to deal with this little fox demon."

While manipulating the twelve black shuttles, Mr. Fu released a magic rope and tied it to the little fox demon.

The little fox demon wants to resist hard, but in the face of the siege of the twelve black shuttles, she quickly fell to the ground again, and the rope quickly tangled up.

"No--" The little fox demon looked at the room behind her, and she didn't even dare to make too much noise.

Because I woke up my husband.

Now the husband who is just a waste person will only be affected and cannot help her.

"Fu Jun, I already knew that one day in the human race city will be exposed, but I did not expect this day to come so fast! Goodbye, Fu Jun!"

"Perhaps you don't even know it now, I'm the little white fox back then."

"I really want to stay with you ..."

The little fox demon looked at the room with tears in his eyes.

Mr. Fu suddenly changed his face: "What's going on?"

He felt that his twelve black shuttles were all stuck in midair and out of control.

"Why don't you do it?" Meilun, aside, wondered.

Mr. Fu stared pale in the distance.

In the dark, a man with a saber on his waist and a disheveled hair came over, and was still far away when he appeared. He walked two steps but was close. He calmly looked at Mr. Fu: "You do it for the Chu family With so many evil things, have you ever thought of retribution? "

"She is a demon, it is a demon," Mr. Fu even said.

"She is a monster that is cleaner than you." Qin Yun looked at him.

The little fox demon looked at it all.

She was all hopeless.

The Mr. Qin who appeared during the day came here?

"Senior, I just want to catch her, I don't plan to kill her." Mr. Fu even said.

"I said, she is a monster cleaner than you, look at you, all the sins ... I can't stand the dark and strong." Qin Yun shook his head. "Good and evil are reported, not just not, but only time Not yet. If you meet me today, your retribution is here! "


As soon as Mr. Fu was about to say something, he silently decomposed it, turned it into powder, and returned to heaven and earth.

"Returning to the heavens and earth can be regarded as making up for the world." Qin Yun said that with Qin Yun's knowledge it is clear that the world conceives everything, the more it conceives, the more the world itself consumes, and even the heavens and earth's aura become thinner. And if everything returns to heaven and earth, it will supplement the heaven and earth itself.

The world is also a great cycle.

There is groundbreaking, and finally there is one great dissolution.

Qin Yun shattered some things back to heaven and earth, which is also a way to extend the life of heaven and earth.

"This Mr. Qin is terrific. With a look, that practitioner is dead?" The little fox demon was shocked.

"Here, this ..." Son Meilun's face pale in shock.

A practitioner and all his clothing and treasures were shattered into nothingness. Qin Yun was still thinking about ‘returning to the heavens and earth, and it ’s considered to make up for the heavens and the earth’, making the son of Meilun even more frightened.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me."

The son of Melun continued, "I don't have any malicious intentions. I just came to see, just passing by."

Qin Yun looked at him. The son of Mei Lun was also very guilty of guilt, and was stained with too much blood.

"Good beauty is human nature." Qin Yun said, "But for the beauty, but you have killed too many people, naturally I can't spare you."

"You can't kill me. My father is Chu Chengyi and Elder Li Shan. My grandfather is Chu Hongqing and the master of Li Shan faction." The son of Mei Lun continued.

"So what?" Qin Yun looked at Mei Lun's son. Mei Lun's son shattered in horror and turned into nothingness.

There is a knife on the head of color.

Since ancient times, whether a hero or a villain is a villain, because ‘color’ has lost his life to somewhere ~ ~ The Chu family ’s ‘Chu Meilun’ is just one of them.


The moment Qin Yun killed Chu Meilun, in the Lishan faction, a sandalwood-filled quiet room, a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes.

"Amulet of Meilun's body is broken?" The middle-aged man was shocked and angry.

"Who dares to touch my child?"

"Who dares to dare me in Lishan City?"

He was worried about his son, and very angry.

Then quickly got up and went out of the quiet room, following the last sensed position of the amulet, and hurried over.


Qin Yun successively killed Mr. Fu and Chu Meilun.

The little fox demon looked at Qin Yun nervously.

"Predecessor Qin." The little fox demon looked at Qin Yun. "Little demon, thank you for your life-saving grace."

"You little courage is very big, dare to enter the human race city, just go out to wash clothes and clothes every day, make a public appearance every day, really think no one can see your true body?" Qin Yun said.

The little fox demon couldn't help but said, "Senior Qin, you live on the side of Liubo Bridge in Xicheng. How did the seniors know when they came? Did the seniors keep staring here in secret?"

Qin Yun froze.

"Predecessor Qin, you have to help my husband, and let him show you the nursing home. Even at night, I have been secretly staring at our place and trying to save me. After spending so much energy, what do you think of my Hu family?" Xiao The fox demon stared at Qin Yun. "My husband is an invalid, and her mother-in-law is an old woman with a very poor body. You do so much because of me? I know that many of your people like to catch our fox demon as a plaything."

"I know, I can't resist. I just hope you can treat my husband, my mother-in-law ..." The little fox demon said with a red eye.

Qin Yun was a little speechless and couldn't help saying: "Little fox demon, you think too much."

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