Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 9 Chapter 22: The re-invitation of the Vientiane Palace

The old man in the blue robe carefully and carefully took Qin Yun to several palaces behind the city's main palace.

"The Lord of the City." The old man in blue robe pointed forward, and said, "These palaces are the places where Tiemu Tu lived and practiced before."

"Oh?" Qin Yun looked.

A group of beauties have gathered in front of them, and there are all human race beauties and banshees. Some are just dressed as maids.

At this moment they were kneeling down in respect and respect, none of them dared to look up.

"Leave two maids, the others take them first." Qin Yun frowned and ordered.

The beauties and banshees were very disturbed at once, and they couldn't help looking up at Qin Yun, or they were pitiful, or their eyes were full of expectations. They obviously want to be able to follow this new town owner!

"Just the two of them." Qin Yun ordered two fair-looking maids at random, and the maids were tempted to talk about looks, naturally they were inferior to those of beauties and banshees.

"Yes," said the old man of the blue robes, and then he whispered, "Don't hurry back?"

"Hurry up."

A female steward quickly took these beauties down, leaving only two maids.

The two maids came to Qin Yun respectfully.

"The Lord of the City." The two maids were soft and well-behaved, lest there was a trace of anger against the Lord.

Qin Yun suddenly felt something, turned his head and looked back.

A voluptuous woman in red came to her rear. Her gait and posture made the man look irritated with eyes, slender waist and hips, a pair of long legs exposed, and the old man in the blue robe watched without turning his head. Dare to read more. Her whole body seemed to be a peerless thing, full of charm, but her eyes seemed pure.

Enchanting body, pure eyes, Qin Yun feels affecting himself.

"A little girl in the post-natal realm, the charm is so powerful." Qin Yun secretly surprised.

"I have tried my best to perform the" Magic Charm ", but this new town owner is not affected at all?" When the young girl charmed her, she couldn't help but feel anxious. Her greatest value ... is her beauty. If you lose your favor, the whole life of the magic gate will be sad.

"The Lord of the City." The old man in the blue robe whispered, "She is the contemporary witch 'Meiqing Girl' of the Demon Gate. Although it is only the day after tomorrow, it is a natural demon body ... This is a rare stunner. Around Fenglangcheng, I am afraid that no woman can be found more beautiful than her. "

"Meiqing, meet the Lord of the City." Meiqing girl shouted softly immediately, her voice was even better than the music, and she looked up at Qin Yun slightly, her eyes like water.

Qin Yun glanced at the charming young girl, then turned and walked towards the distant hall, at the same time, calmly said, "I said, I'm going to rest, and all the irrelevant people step down. For the deacon, it's not important and is not allowed Anyone to bother me. "

The two maids also followed Qin Yun's departure.

"Yes," said the old blue robe respectfully.

The charming young girl who was saluting suddenly turned pale, and even wanted to follow it. On the one hand, the old man in the blue robe immediately reached out to stop, and whispered, "Mei Qing Qing, the words of the city lord are very clear. You should know the city lord's temper."

Although anxious, the young girl said, "I understand. Thank you Deacon for helping me in front of the Lord."

"Girl Charm." The old man in the blue robe was not so enthusiastic at the moment, and said casually, "I remind you that our new town owner ... is not comparable to that of Tiemu Tu! Kill Tiemu Tu by two or three moves , Is also quite powerful among the congenital triple-strength strong. This kind of strength and identity, the vision is much higher than Tiemu Tu. Charm girl, your charm of magic, useful to Tiemu Tu, but not It must be useful to the new town owner. "

"Yes, I understand." The charming young girl answered.

"Well, let's hurry back. The city owner doesn't like to be disturbed." The old man in the blue robe looked at the charming young girl, and he naturally had some thoughts.


He didn't dare to move this piece of meat before determining whether the city owner really had no idea about the "Charming Girl".

The charming young girl immediately saluted and then retreated, but there was a little anxiety in her eyes.


The magic charm gate, which is located in the west city of Fenglangcheng, covers an area of ​​about 100 acres, is a relatively weak faction.

"His Royal Highness."

There are some middle-aged women in charge of the guards around the magic charm gate. These middle-aged women are quite respectful when they see the charming young girl returning.

After all, it is a contemporary witch, second only to the doorkeeper. Even the magic charm gate now survives in Wind Wolf City, the most important thing is the witch ‘charm girl”.

"Um." Mei Qing responded slightly, and continued to walk in, but she was a little bit distracted.

"Sister Qinger."

"Sister Qinger."

There are some girls in the magic gate. They are 12 to 13 years old, and 6 to 7 years old. More than 20 little girls are excited to welcome them.

Mei Qing smiled and stroked the heads of these little female dolls gently: "Did you finish your homework today?"

"Just finished."

"Sister Qinger, we heard a loud sound outside, as if to provoke the Lord of the City, what happened outside?"

Asked each baby girl.

"Qinger, come here," said a beautiful woman in a purple robe in the distance.

"Yes." The charming young girl responded obediently. She glanced at these little girl dolls, and then walked towards the beautiful lady in purple robes.

They both entered a hall.

The beautiful lady in purple robes and the charming young girl sat down.

"Qing'er, I inquired that Tie Mo was killed. The new city owner was called Fenglangyun?" The beautiful woman in purple robe asked, "What is the situation in the citylord's house, what is the strength of Fenglangyun, and how it came from ? "

"Master," Mei Qingqing said, "This Fenglangyun is extremely powerful, and there is no dispute about the congenital triple-strength! Tie Motu lost his life in two or three moves in front of him."

The lady in the purple robe shrank her pupils and frowned, "How terribly? What is he doing to you?"

The charm young girl had a bitter face, and shook her head gently: "I want to say a few more words to him, he ignored me and directly scolded me to retreat."

"What?" The lady in purple robe suddenly panicked. "You're a born magic body, how could he treat you like this? Isn't she displeased with women?"

"I don't know." Mei Qingqing shook her head slightly.

"Our magic charm gate fled all the way, and fled here to be sheltered by Tiemu Tu." Said the beautiful lady in purple robe. "The only core disciple, you and I are the only ones! In recent years, it has been difficult to pick out some qualified little girls ... But they are still young, far from the success of cultivation. My magic charm door can no longer afford to toss. "

"I know." The Charismatic Girl nodded, "but this new town owner seems to me ..."

"You have to believe in yourself," the beautiful lady in purple robes said, "All of us at the Magic Gate must rely on you for life. Without a backer, we would be eaten clean and we would have no bones."

"Um." Charm Qing nodded and said no more.

She is also anxious.

On this earth, at this moment, the extremely weak and magical gate, without a backing, would be very miserable.

She still remembers clearly ... the days when she had fled when she was thirteen or fourteen.

"This is my home. There are many elders and many younger sisters." The charm young girl was full of anxiety, and she was not confident herself.


It was the second day in a blink of an eye.

The entire city of Wind Wolf City almost knows that Tie Mo has died. Now the new city owner is called ‘Wind Wolf Cloud’, and the city ’s name has been changed to ‘Wind Wolf City’. Many forces within hundreds of miles have rushed to the city to prepare to meet the new city master today.


In the sky, there is a cloud of black clouds, and old and young are standing on the black clouds.

The old man overlooked the main city of Fenglangcheng below, and soon saw the man in black drinking and reading books in the back yard.

"Grandpa, I heard that this new inborn triple strong is called Fenglangyun." The young man next to him laughed. "The surname is called" Wind Wolf "... Well, when I heard it, it was the surname of some barbaric tribe, a barbaric tribe. The boy who came out can practice to such an extent. "

"Since it reaches the innate triplet, you have to be polite," said the old man.

"Our Fu Dajia, but the devil family, how dare he just be polite?" The teenager was disdainful.

The old man laughed softly: "In the King City, he dare not treat you like this. But in some wilderness places outside the city ... he kills you a congenital and heavy one, even more like a bug."

The teenager was furious: "He came from a brutal tribe, dare to treat me ..."

"Since you were born, you have been in the city of Kings, and everything around you has been complimenting you and holding you, but you have not seen what the world outside the city is like." The old man said, "This time I let you go through the experience, is to let you see and see. Knowing your own strength is fundamental. "

The old man looked down and took out a spar.


Throw it straight.

The spar crossed the streamer, flew dozens of miles, and flew directly into the city's main mansion, flying to the man in black who was drinking and reading.

The man in black reached out to take over, and immediately looked up.

"Let's go." Throwing down the spar, the old man took the boy and drove Heiyun Fei to leave ~ ~ and inside the city's mansion, Qin Yun held the spar, and he could see at a glance that this was the world The most fundamental 'sky and earth spar' also felt the imprint on it.

"Is the Vientiane Hall here? I just killed Tie Mo Tu yesterday and invited me today? It is much faster than the Vientiane Hall in my home world." Qin Yun secretly said.

Qin Yun flipped his hands and took out a summons order.

The imprint of this spar was introduced into the summons order, and then he was inspired to contact the other party.


In front of the sky, a ghost image began to appear. The scene in this ghost image was in an ancient hall. A demon with two horns was sitting there, and the power spread. Qin Yun decided at a glance: "Probably the dual world of the demon god."

The demon looked down and looked at Qin Yun with a smile on his mouth and said, "I am the messenger of the Vientiane Palace. The magic crystal you got is also a small gift from our Vientiane Palace."

"I've seen seniors of the demon god." Qin Yun stood up, only with doubt, "This Vientiane Hall ... I have a lot of experience, but I have never heard of it."

"Hahaha ..."

The devil laughed, "Only those who have sufficient strength in this world will be eligible to be invited to my Vientiane Hall and become a guest of my Vientiane Hall! Fenglangyun, I can tell you that my Vientiane Hall's power is spreading over any place in the world Everywhere, all the monarchs, even the legendary monarchs, have a good relationship with my Vientiane Palace. "

"The monarchs and the emperor?" Qin Yun looked surprised.

Sovereign, that's all the demon exists!

"My Vientiane Temple believes in fair trade. Who do you want to avenge and kill, what treasures do you want, even a distinguished beauty who is a monarch or even a monarch ... As long as you can afford enough, I will The temple can help you do it. "The demon said confidently.

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