Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 10 Chapter 17: Breakthrough, heaven wonderland (below)

But the three-party strong entered the underground lair not long.

"Booming ~~~" The earth roared.

What stunned the seven ordinary people, including the old man 'Lu You', was that the roar of the earth was getting louder and louder, and it was apparently approaching the surface. Soon, the mountains began to shake and undulate.

"What the **** did they do?"

"Tang fish in muddy water, but the water is too muddy and drowns us all!" The seven ordinary people were scared to fly away, staring at the undulating mountains while flying.

at last--


A terrible explosion exploded, and the entire mountain range of about ten miles exploded. The ten-mile range turned into powder, and a shock wave spread in all directions! Fortunately, Lu You and other seven ordinary people flew out of the mountains long ago, and also desperately flew in the distance. When those shock waves flew for more than two hundred miles and reached them, their power was already very weak, and even ordinary innates could not help it.

The old man Lu You's eyes had faint condensation of runes, and when he looked far away, he could see the huge abyss formed by the explosion with the light.

"Bao Guang appeared, there is a heavy treasure." Lu You, the old man couldn't help muttering.

"This movement is too big, and those Yuanshen Realms are very sensitive one by one, I am afraid that they can be sensed by less than half of the ancient Yu world." The ordinary people beside them also faced bitterly. "They are communicating with each other, it is estimated that Gu Yu is very fast. Everyone in the world's top group of primitive gods will know. "

"It won't be long before a large group of Primordial Realms are killed."

"So many strong ones, it's not our turn."

These seven ordinary people are somewhat helpless.

The huge movement in the underground lair was not noticed by Qin Yun in the cave day.

After all, a cave is completely isolated from external fluctuations.

"Huh ~~~" There was wind blowing in the cave, and some peach blossoms were blown off.

Qin Yun was still holding the scroll, watching the butterflies and the dark earth in the scroll, and all the feelings turned into a trick in his heart.

"Chao Yun Dao Xi is dying, I am Qin Yun today and I know how big the gap is with the Golden Immortal Buddhas." Qin Yun rolled up the scroll and carefully collected it in his bag. He also believed that this picture Painted by a power. Because it was only half a day to watch the butterfly picture, he had a huge gain in his mind.

When he originally created the fifth form of `` Single Alone '' like the Dream Sword, he was very close to Tianxian, not far from `` One Sword Forms a Hole in the Sky ''.

A lot of gains when watching the butterfly picture let him break through that layer of window paper without knowing it. His perception and control of the entire space has reached a new level.

This is the peach blossom forest cave sky in front of him. Qin Yun can now clearly control the composition of the cave sky. He is confident that with one move he will break the cave sky! This was something he couldn't do before.

Although only breaking through a layer of window paper.

It is the transformation of the essence.

The entire kendo has formed a perfect whole, and there is no need to cast it. Qin Yun knows clearly that his field of Tao has reached a hundred miles! 'One Hundred Miles' is a qualitative change. Only when this level is reached can the Tianxian be fully confident.

Like 'Mingyao Great World', because the heavens and earth have strong vitality, it is relatively easy to condense the Yuanshen.

However, the "Heavenly Heist" of this Mingyao Great World is extremely powerful! The realm of the Tao must reach a hundred miles, and the realm of heaven has reached the realm of heaven. If you reach the realm, you will definitely succeed. Can't reach the realm ... the ferocity will almost always fail. Of course, there are also tricks, such as accumulating merit. If there is a lot of merit in the body, the power of the calamity will also weaken.

Like Hong Jiu, they were reincarnated for merit.

"You have seen it for a long time, and you have a lot of gains?" The female armored soldier couldn't help asking, and she also hoped that Qin Yun could avenge her master. Naturally, she hoped that Qin Yun would be stronger and better.

"Yes, a lot of gain."

Qin Yun nodded.

As soon as he stretched his right hand, Yanyu Sword appeared in his hand, and Yanyu Sword became as big as three feet, like a normal long sword.

Qin Yun closed her eyes.

For a long time ...

A lot of feelings in this half a day, he already had a sword in his heart, "spray thin and want to come out". At this moment, he forcibly suppressed the impulse and continued to improve it. Finally, Qin Yun closed his eyes and held the smoke and rain sword for a while before finally waving it out. sword.

This sword did not use any mana.

It just contains the will and emotion of Qin Yun.


A flash of sword light flashed across the courtyard wall and cut a peach tree outside, cutting to the end of the cave sky.

The entire cave sky trembled slightly, and the cave wall appeared, and it shook slightly.

"What?" The silver armored general shocked, "I can feel that he did not use any mana, just a sword, and made Dongtian tremble. If the mana evokes a magic weapon, Dongtian will be completely broken. My master is also a robbery After becoming Tianxian, only with the magical power of Tianxian to procure Lingbao, can one do one thing to destroy Dongtian. "

"His accumulation is stronger than that of my master." The silver armored lady knew this.

Qin Yun was originally very close to the heaven wonderland.

Looking at the butterfly picture, in fact, when watching the tea time, he broke that boundary! After watching for a long time, he accumulated more vigorously.

"This sword ..."

Qin Yun's sword was light, full, and gentle.

It is not as strong as the fifth type of "Single Walk" like Mengjian.

And it seemed as if the spring breeze was blowing, and the gentle drizzle was gentle. Just this gentle sword, it has completely transformed to a new level in the realm.

"This sword is like the sixth form of Mengjian, so it's called" First Seeing Thunderbolt "." Qin Yun whispered to himself.

Seeing thunderbolt for the first time.

still remember……

Guangling County, the Huayang River, that day was chosen by a crowd of people, and monsters came.

The light blue robe woman's robe moved with the wind. With a move of ‘palm thunder’, the thunder split into three thunder bombers on the monster.

That was the first meeting of Qin Yun and his wife Yi Xiao!

The first sight of the scene is deeply imprinted in the soul and will never be forgotten.

"I first saw Thunderbolt." Qin Yun displayed this gentle gentle sword like a spring breeze, and then recalled that scene, which was beautiful.

Qin Yun followed, and Hu disappeared in the courtyard, landed in the peach forest several miles away, and began to practice swords in the peach forest. Because he continued to practice swords in the courtyard, I am afraid that the entire courtyard would be turned into ruins. Just now he slashed into the thunderbolt, even though he did not cast any mana, he crossed the courtyard wall, leaving a crack.

In Taolin, Qin Yun turned everything into thinking in swordsmanship.

There is a difference between deduction in the heart and real performance. It is the true verification of power that is performed by hand.


Outside ~ ~ Because of the violent movements, the mountains have attracted the top teams from one side to come. After all, the elite disciples of the top three denominations of the Yuanshen Realm Triple Sky peak, the hope of the Celestial Bodhisattva and the Demon They are all very big, and they also know some secrets of the ancient Yu world. It is known that the mountains in this area are the important places where the superb spiritual treasure ‘fire crow gourd’ is hidden.

In this place, many gods and gods were dead at the beginning. There are many treasures, but they are just as dangerous.

Now that there is great news and even treasures are exposed, they naturally rushed.

"Someone is here again."

"It's Yudingmen, and it's their Taoism."

Many strong people have gathered in the area around the mountains, including Buddhist gates, Taoists, and demons. At a glance, they saw a group of strong yuan spirits in the distance driving in the clouds and mists. The disciples of the world's top denomination 'Yudingmen'. Among them, there are three of the peaks of Yuanshen Triple Sky, and six of the peaks of Yuanshen Dual Sky. It's a big day! After all, the battle here will obviously become more and more fierce, too weak will only hinder.

"So diverse?"

"Gu Yujie, I am afraid that half of the strong are here."

"What is it? All parties are rushing here. It is estimated that this time, most of the powerful Yuan Shen Realm in the ancient Yu world will come here."

The disciples of Yudingmen talked while flying.

'Meng Huan' is one of them.

Meng Huan curiously looked at the strong men of all parties in the mountains, and was a little nervous, after all, once they competed for treasures, conflicts would naturally erupt.

"Brother Meng Huan, after you ascended to the Mingyao World, you will have too few lives and deaths. Don't mess around in a while, and remember to follow all the orders of your brothers and sisters." The dry man whispered.

"Relax, I understand." Meng Huan nodded. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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