Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 11 Chapter 3: Starry rain

"Xiao Xiao." A husky, trembling voice sounded, and Qin Yun looked at his wife. He had waited for 19 years that day.

Yi Xiaoyu looked at it, she was afraid of the vision in front of her, and murmured: "Brother Yun, are you really?"

Qin Yun's eyes were full of tears, he nodded, and came over at the same time.


At the same moment Qin Yun entered the Six Great Heavenly Formation through Pu Dao Long Jun's ‘Da Nuo Dao Tiao Fu’, another place in this cave.

There is a lot of architecture here, and even many ancestors have taught many disciples to practice here.

After all, this cave has existed for a long time.

"Huh?" In one of the mansions, a mysterious demon ‘Huang Chong’ lived here, and Qin Yun sensed it as he entered the Six Realms.

"What's going on? Why are there outsiders entering the Six Realms?"

Huang Chong had yellow fluff on his face, a tall nose, and a cold eyes, but now he was shocked and looked in a distance.

He is now responsible for guarding Yi Xiao, and he is also in control of the Six Realms! He could even detect whoever touched it. Today, there are two creatures in the array. In addition to the original Yi Xiao, one more person came out, and he certainly felt it.

"The Six Realms are so amazing that even the Dadao world can be isolated! How could anyone sneak in?" Huang Chong couldn't believe it.


Although he couldn't believe it, he still spread a pair of black wings behind him. The black wings shook, and the maggots turned into a stream of light towards a distant wilderness.

The formations are shrouded in the depths of the wasteland and are classified as forbidden! The ancestors taught their disciples not to dare to break in.


Huang Chong, the demon flying in the air, looked at the forbidden area. With an idea, the formation method opened naturally.

The six realms of the wilderness on that wasteland are revealed-under the shade of six colors, a man and a woman are walking towards each other inside!

The man's appearance shook the yellow fluff on the face of the demon **** Huang Chong, and his eyes rolled with rolling eyes: "Qin Yun?"

He certainly recognized that it was Qin Yun!

Qin Yun is definitely one of the most important goals that the demon side needs to conquer the Dachang world.

And at this moment--

Qin Yun and Yi Xiao both walked in front of each other. Although Yu Guang found a strong demon with wings in his eyes, Qin Yun still looked at his wife, only a trail of smoke and rain flew out of his sleeve, whistling, The sword screamed, destroying the underworld from the inside and destroying the Six Realms! Makes the entire six-color light collapse.

Following the plume of rain, he went straight to the yellow hair demon in the distance.

"Not good." The demon **** Huang Chong did not hesitate to flutter his wings when he saw Qin Yun release the wisp of smoke and flying sword. He also crushed a black wooden sign in his hand.

"Dang Dang Dang ~~~~"

The wooden rune shattered. In the depths of the cave, the place where the ancestors taught their disciples to live in seclusion and practice, suddenly a bell rang! The bell rang through the whole cave!

Not only within days.

Even outside Dongtian ... The ancestors of the ancestors teach the old nests. The mountains here are undulating. As an ancient force that has passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, the ancestors also divide their factions. There are a lot of demons, and a lot of demons! On the basis of the underlying theory, the ancestral religion ranks among the top three among the nine monsters. The world of the devil that is behind him is also extremely powerful.

"Dang Dang Dang ~~~"

Among the old ancestors of the ancestors, bells rang at the moment.

"Not good." The ancestor of the monkey, who has the longest life in the ancestral religion and is the best demonstrator in the whole demon Jiumai, was inexplicable when he heard the bell.

The ancestor of the monkey is huge, like a small hill. His body is full of decay. He hasn't got up for a long time. The last time he stood up was when the Dachang Dynasty was just established.

At this moment, he stood up suddenly.

His old face was full of shock, and with just a little deduction in his heart, he felt endless terror.

"Big cataclysm, big cataclysm, my cataclysm big cataclysm!" The ancestors of the monkeys have incredible eyes, and after taking a stride, their huge body traverses several miles in an instant and eagerly seeks the leader.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"The bell is ringing, there must be something big."

Many demon heads in the old ancestors' chaos quickly rushed to the sect hall in doubt.


And inside the cave.

There are also a large number of disciples taught here by the ancestors. They all flew up and were extremely puzzled.

"Come on !!!" Winged the demon **** Huang Chong in his wings, spreading his voice and anger, he was also fleeing, trying to escape as soon as possible along the gate of the cave.

However, a cloud of smoke caught up.


This plume of smoke and rain was common and seemed to have no power, but the demon **** Huang Chong waved his wings to dodge, although he seemed to be strange and unpredictable, but the plume of smoke easily passed through.

The demon God Huang Chong trembled and paused in the air. He already had a huge blood cave in his chest.

"The gap between me and him, Dacheng like this? I can't catch a trick?" Demon Huang Chong's eyes were full of unwillingness, and he fell down with no strength and lost his breath.

This scene has blinded a large group of disciples who taught the distant ancestors. Although they do not know the origin of this demon, at least they know that it is a very powerful demon! It should be the strongest in this cave day.

Within the cave, there are two common demon gods of the ancestors, one heavy demon and one double demon.

"This is an extraterrestrial demon. With the strength of the triple demon god, can't one stop it?" The two of them were frightened.

"Run away !!!"


They both rumored, and fled wildly.

Alas ... the demon disciples also fled wildly.


Qin Yunyi Xiao looked at each other with tears in his eyes.

"Brother Yun." Yi Xiao still felt like a dream at the moment. She couldn't die before trying to die, so she was afraid of involving her husband. And now her husband appeared in that mysterious formation? Makes her feel incredible.

"Xiao Xiao." Qin Yun held his wife's hand.

Nineteen years.

Over the past nineteen years, every day, and even every moment, has been suffering, pain, annoyance, blame, fear, sorrow, and miss ... Nineteen years of torment has finally come, and the end result is not my most fear Separated forever, but reunited! His wife is alive today!

Suppressed for nineteen years!

Those emotions are like volcanic eruptions. At this moment, the heart is shaking and roaring.


"Run away." The hordes of demons in the distance, Jiucheng are monsters, and some people worship the ancestors.

They fled at the moment.

Under Qin Yun's mood at this moment, after Yanyu Feijian beheaded the demon Huang Chong, his tricks changed again.

Follow exactly the emotions that erupted.


Yanyu Feijian turned into a dazzling meteor in an instant, and the meteor crossed the sky, and a stream of flames and fire came.

A large number of fireworks streamers, like a meteor shower ~ ~ swept over those ancestral disciples, each one of them burned into nothingness when they touched the firework streamers.

"Ahhhhh." Screamed one by one, turning into nothingness.

Under the meteor shower, the ancestors taught these disciples to die.

Both Qin Yun and his wife Yi Xiao could not help but look up at the beautiful view of the meteor shower. In the sky, the flying rain sword turned into a meteor across the sky, and countless meteor showers fell.

"Brother Yun, I feel like everything is a dream." Yi Xiao looked at those 'Meteor Rains'.

"I also feel as if I have had a long, long dream." Qin Yun said, "Since you were taken away by the demon gods, I seem to have entered a nightmare. To this day, I have only come out of this nightmare. Wake up! This sword is also the sword trick 'Xingruyu' that I created at this moment, and it is also the seventh style like a dream sword. It is also the last style! "

"The dream is awake, and the dream sword is over." Qin Yun looked at his wife, struggling in despair for nineteen years, and finally struggling out.

Yi Xiao stroked Qin Yun's face, and she could feel the change of her husband. At that time, Qin Yun had all the wisdom beads in his hands, and was a peerless kendo genius. He was sealed by the emperor, and his wife was pregnant again. However, these nineteen years of suffering have had a great impact on Qin Yun.

Nineteen years, alone.

I miss my loved ones and worry about my loved ones.

Comforting myself over and over again, believing that his wife is still alive, and has persisted. Qin Yun didn't dare to think what would happen if Pu Qulongjun told himself that his wife was dead.

"God treat me well, let Yun brother you back to me." Yi Xiao distressed her husband.

"By the way, Xiao Xiao." Qin Yun calmed down from the excitement of reuniting with his wife, and even said, "Are our daughters born? Where is she?"


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