Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 11 Chapter 6: Bull Demon Body

Qin Yun manipulated the Hundred-handed Sword of Xiapin Lingbao ’s “Heavy Water Sword” to cast the “Zhou Tian Jianguang” to resist the eight-door demon of the ancestral religion. WWw..lā

He held his wife's hand, and Qin Yunyao looked at the ancestral hall of the Manchu religion.

"Go again."

操纵 Once again manipulating the Yanyu Feijian, the fifth type of ‘one person alone’ is still performed as the dream sword.

Every encounter, Qin Yun is learning from experience. The state of affairs has arrived. It is easy to complete and complete 'one person alone.' The power of each sword is increasing!

"Boom ~~~"

What a big axe!

The smoky rain sword, the sword light dazzled and dazzled on the layers of black light.

This time, the six layers of black light collapsed in a flash. The residual power of Yanyu Sword split on the sect's hall, causing the whole hall to tremble, and a layered map appeared on the surface of the hall, but it could also collapse at any time.

"How can he be more powerful with one stroke than the other with his sword skills." The lamb-horned devil couldn't help it. "Did he continue to improve his strength while fighting? How can there be such an improvement?"

"The eight-door magic sword array, why do not want him." The monkey ancestor was also anxious.

"This Qin Yun ... has only practiced for decades, and he has reached such a state." The unicorn bull devil stood up and sank, "Brother Yang, try your best to support it and shelter the hall. Brother Monkey, The two of us joined forces ... kill Qin Yun! "

"The leader is careful," said the monkey ancestor and the horned demon.

"Rest assured, I am not Qin Yun's opponent outside, but within the ancestral teachings, except Da Shen Taoist, I can slap my wrists!" The unicorn bull demon stepped out of the hall.

The demon gods and disciples in the Great Hall have some expectations.

Qi is really Qin Yun too strong, one person pressed them to fight against their ancestors!

"Qin Yun."

As soon as the unicorn bull demon came out, the sound swept through like thunder, and the surrounding peaks began to appear purple light, purple light everywhere, and purple clouds rising around it.

The flash of the unicorn ox demon is a huge body like a mountain with a height of about one mile. His whole body muscles are like layers of rocks. At this moment, dense purple and purple runes also appeared on his body. Purple light intersects. At this moment, the unicorn bull demon seems to be the master of the surrounding world.

The myriad of purple cloud powers also began to gather around the huge body of the unicorn ox demon. As the ox demon breathed, there was also a purple cloud in the nostrils.

"The ancestral ancestor is a cow demon." Qin Yun said with a smile and Yi Xiao beside him. "The practice is" Hercules of Demon Ox ", so the ancestors have arranged the` `ox demon '' that matches them at any cost. Step into the sky '. The ancestral leader can bring the formation power together, so that his strength soars to a higher level. This is also the first formation of the ancestral formation. "

Yun Yi Xiao nodded, seeing her husband so confident, she felt relieved.

"Qin Yun, you know a lot." The unicorn sneer in the distance sneered, "take my axe first."

The gigantic cow demon who was a mile tall, kicked the ground suddenly, and the call turned into a streamer and flew high.

He held the same huge axe, the bull's eyes stared round, and when he flew close, he strove to cut it with an axe!

Ye Hong ~~~~

Qi Qinyun had long manipulated the Yanyu Sword and attacked the sectarian hall several times. The shofar old demon in the sectarian hall desperately manipulated the magic circle, and even used treasures, he just sheltered that hall. After all, the hall is the most important group of core members of the ancestral religion.

"嗖." Seeing that it didn't break, Yan Yujian immediately turned into a streamer, and returned quickly.

Although the bull's huge body flew across the sky to Qin Yun, the speed of the smoke and rain sword is naturally much faster! When the cow demon flew close to him, and lifted the big axe high to cut off, Yanyu Sword flew in front of Qin Yun.

"go with."

Yan Yan Yu Jian still strong to catch up.

"Boom !!!"

The dazzling sword light and huge axe collided in midair.

The Yanyan Yujian was shaken backwards by the shock, and the big axe stopped slightly, but the unicorn ox still landed on the ground.

"So much strength." Qin Yun was secretly surprised, but Jianxian's Feijian was not famous for his strength. He just tried it with the strongest and most overbearing sword of the Seven Dreams sword.

"You are just like this!" The unicorn bull devil laughed when he landed, and ran to Qin Yun at the same time. Every step he shook the ground, but it was still as fast as a thunder.

"Just now compared with your strength, now it's time to kill you." Qin Yun's eyes flashed.


With a flash of smoke and rain sword, the strange and unpredictable circumvented behind the unicorn ox, a sword stabbed on the back of the unicorn ox.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

The stab of Xun Feijian was a lightning spark, and the bull's head was too hard.

"Do you tickle me?" The unicorn devil laughed.


Qin Yun immediately changed Feijian's tricks, from the strange and unpredictable ‘Yin Qing Yuan Que’ to the overbearing ‘one person alone’.

Huh! call out! boom!

The smoky rain sword sieges around the unicorn oxen several times. The unicorn oxen ignores it and allows the assassination of the flying sword to leave some white marks on the skin, which cannot be broken at all. When the last ‘one man alone’ was bombarded, the unicorn ox only shook his body and his skin was slightly broken.

He fought several times to kill with flying swords, and the unicorn bull demon came to Qin Yun, struggling to cut it with an axe.

"Boom ~~~" Axe stirred the situation, tearing the void, fierce and mighty.

"Kill." The monkey ancestor also immediately manipulated the eight-door magic sword array and shot at the same time.

结合 The combination of both.

Qi Qinyun held his wife's hand and looked up at the scene. Zhou Tian Jianguang pervaded the surrounding area, and he only resisted a little under the attack, and Jianguang's eyes turned around and he recovered.

"When my kendo just reached Heavenly Fairyland, a green leaf flying sword easily resisted the combat power of two or three heavenly gods. Now my kendo goes one step further and controls the Lingbao heavy water sword to perform. Although it is not as good as the flying sword, Because of the large number of swords, there is also 80% of the power of a destiny flying sword on pure defense. It is easy to resist them. "Qin Yun felt no threat at all.

两位 The other two, it was with the help of various magical arrays that the fighting power comparable to that of the gods and gods erupted.

He has reached the heavenly wonderland by himself, and even after realizing the seventh form of ‘Xingruyu’ like the sword of dreams, Kendo has taken a step further. In fact, Qin Yun had the impulse to create the seventh style when he saw the 'butterfly picture' in the cave day of the ancient Yuyu. It was not until he was reunited with his wife that his heart was in harmony.

I really defend with one heart, is it possible for the opponent to break?

"What, didn't break?" The unicorn ox was a little angry.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

He and the monkey ancestors continued to attack.

I can't break Zhou Tianjianguang in any way.

"The Barbarians taught three ancestors, the monkey demon ancestors, and the sheep demon ancestors were all in that hall. They all resisted by the magic circle and me. The real body could not resist my flying sword." Qin Yun secretly said, "As long as the hall is broken and the two demons are destroyed. There is only one cattle demon ... Although there are many magic ancestors, how many powers can the cattle demon play?"

The more powerful the matrix, the more complicated it is to manipulate.

"嗖." Let the eight-door magic sword array and unicorn ox besiege, but Yanyu Feijian is once again killing the sect's hall.

"Leader." The old horned demon said, "I can't let him attack with a flying sword. I can't hold it for long."


The unicorn bull devil turned his head and looked at the smoky rain sword that flew to the sect hall.

"His flying sword is flying too fast, and I can't stop it at all. Brother Monkey, you manipulate the eight-door magic sword array to trap his flying sword." The unicorn cow demon said, "And I continue to deal with this Qin Yun, although he is using Lingbao, the drip-proof is not leaking ... but, after all, he is just a vulgar sword fairy, with limited mana. Manipulating Lingbao, his mana consumption is huge. I continue to shoot, he must manipulate Lingbao to resist, soon , His mana will be exhausted. Even if there is a panacea that can supplement the mana and restore the mana of the whole body, how many can he have? "

"It was three days and three nights to kill! I also have to run out of his elixir and use up his mana! By then he will be dead!" The unicorn ox passed the voice and made his decision.

He's right.

Even if Qin Yun condenses Zijin Jindan, under the control of Pin Lingbao is the limit! And the mana consumption is also huge.

"OK." The monkey ancestor agreed.

"This Qin Yun, the defensive tricks are very powerful, just compare him with a mundane mana, and see how long he can sustain." The shofar old devil is also looking forward to it.

Uh ...

Eight mouthfuls of magical slashing swords, gathered together, are not the real weapon magic weapon, but the cohesion of the law formations. Their flying speed is still above Qin Yun's smoke and rain sword! Just turning into an illusion, Huo crossed the sky, and quickly flew to the sect hall.

八 The eight magic swords have even shrunk naturally, so they can easily surround the Yanyu Sword.

"I see how long you can sustain it." The unicorn ox demon waved a big axe and slashed at Qin Yun angrily.

He exerts the power of the physical body and the power of formation, that is, he can hold it for half a month.


When Qin Yun saw the situation, he immediately guessed, "Hold me, and fight for my mana cost?"

Qin Yun moved.


Yan Yanyu Sword was fierce and fierce, and smashed openly eight magical swords, and then fled quickly.

Alas ... Eight mouthfuls of magic slashed the sword, chasing it faster.

Smoke and Rain Sword is a trick to display the yin and qing ren, although the surrounding void is banned, the flying trajectory of Feijian is strange and unpredictable! Feijian manipulation is more agile than matrix manipulation. Such tricks as "Yinqingyuanque" leave a series of flying sword phantoms in the air, so that the eight magic swords cannot be truly trapped.

Of course, Yan Yujian cannot stop. Once you stop, you'll be trapped quickly.

"Kill this one-corner demon first." Qin Yun secretly said.

"Stars are raining!"

I flew to the nearby Yanyu Sword, suddenly burst out.

It ’s like a burning meteor, flying across the sky, and fast, winning all the sword moves of Qin Yun!

"Huh?" The unicorn bull turned his head and smiled, "Come again?"

He was very disdainful, and even turned around and continued to deal with Qin Yun.

He let the meteor across the sky and attacked his back.


Meteor-like flying sword stabbed at the back of the unicorn ox.

This is Qin Yun's fastest and sharpest sword today! The unicorn bull's back is extremely thick, with muscles like layers of rock, and purple runes blend into it. But at this moment, the sword, which turned into a shooting star, was stabbed into it stiffly, and the surrounding muscles burst open, which surprised the unicorn ox! The monkey ancestors, shofar old demons, demon gods, barbarians taught disciples and the thin man in the secret mansion who were watching this scene in the distance were also surprised.

Let Zhang Zushi, Emperor Zhang, Donghai Tianlong and other powerful men who have arrived outside the ancestral religion at this moment also look forward to ~ ~. "The muscles burst and blood splattered.

On the back of the unicorn bull demon, a blood cave of about no promise appeared.

However, the one-cornered demon with a height of a mile is too thick for his skin and muscle! Qin Yun's flying sword only penetrated two feet deep, and he was still in the muscle layer! Layers of muscles twisted immediately, trying to squeeze and jam the smoke and rain sword.

"Hoo." Fei Jian quickly flew out along the wound.

The large blood cave wound in Zhangxu was quickly closed under the muscles of the unicorn bull devil who was one mile high.

Qin Yun was startled.

His self-confidence and strongest sword, ‘Xingruyu’, ca n’t even penetrate the muscle layer of a unicorn ox?

"Qin Yun, the master of that ancestral cultivating the strong bull demon body, the strong body, is one of the nine in the demon's veins. He has been thrown three times by the Capricorn Bodhisattva. Although severely injured, he can still survive and escape. In the old nest, there is a "ox demon stepping into the sky", and his strength will be stronger. He will be a major obstacle to the destruction of the barbaric ancestors this time, you must be careful. "Before coming, Zhang Zushi told him long ago The ancestor taught a lot of information.

Qi Qin Yun had no confidence at all. It can be seen that his wife has created a 'Starry Rain', and the Kendo realm has improved, and her confidence has grown a lot.

"Can I resist my strongest sword trick?" Qin Yun was also nervous at the moment.

) Book fans, pay attention!

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