Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 11 Chapter 12: Launch early

This mysterious array method occupies more than a mile. The matrix method uses black as the main color and is mixed with a few other colors. Before it was excited, it was a special underground building. When excited, this matrix method covering a mile more, the surface immediately appeared a large number of runes! The runes are golden, with endless mystery, and the golden lines are dazzling. And this rune evokes space.

"Boom." Terror waves rose into the sky, and the rocks and soil above them turned into nothingness. A pillar of light with a diameter of a mile in the sky forced a large black hole torn.

The black hole vortex is connected to another world far away.

When Qin Yun, who was trapping the tiger tiger demons, used the Sword and Rain Sword to attack the sect ’s hall, Qin Yun saw his terror wave erupt and his huge black hole vortex appeared instantly, his face changed.

This pillar of light is too powerful!

The black hole vortex is too big!

"World channel?" Qin Yun couldn't believe it. "The world channel generally expands from a weak one step by step. Why is this just emerging, so huge and so stable?"

He Qian also used the world altar to open the world channel at first, because the solution is fast, and finally, the world channel can't let the yuan **** realm in and out!

"This world channel is much stronger than the one opened by He Qian, enough to let the elemental realm in and out." Qin Yun opened the eyes of Thunder and looked at the mysterious array that was exposed to the ground. Under the ancestral religion, there is such a large array hidden. "

Qin Yun also knows a lot of secrets.

Like the world channel, it is normal to open a small world channel, like an embankment, first create an ant den! The so-called 'A Thousand Mile Bank is destroyed in an ant's nest' as long as no one obstructs it. You can continue to expand this 'ant hole' to make it bigger and bigger, and it can accommodate the two levels of Yuanshen Realm and the two levels of Yuanshen Realm ... it has expanded to the extreme, enough to accommodate ordinary demons in and out!

But this method is relatively slow.

The slower the later, the more I want to expand a world passage that can accommodate the in and out of the demon, I am afraid it will take a month!

Another way--

From the beginning, forcibly opened a large world channel! The advantage is that it opens instantly, but the disadvantage is that it is too expensive. If the world channel that accommodates the demons enters and exits, it must be opened instantly, and the price paid must be worthy of several top-quality spiritual treasures! Conquering a small world is great. But just paying the price of a few top-quality Lingbaos is not worth it.

Unless there is a special reason!

"The large world channel was opened at the beginning, and it was because I attacked the ancestral cults that they were launched in advance." Qin Yun secretly said, "If you give them enough time, it is estimated that the world channel that can be opened will be even larger?"

I thought of this, Qin Yun shuddered a little.

Fortunately, fortunately for them to launch in advance.

Uh ...

Outside of the savage ancestors, the mysterious array of beams of light and the huge black hole torn apart also appeared in the water mirror.

The six ancestors of the Bai family, the ancestor Zhang Zushi, the Emperor, the Capricorn Buddha, the East China Sea Dragon, and the Lord of the Tianyao Palace, looked at it with all their eyes and saw a stable large-scale world channel. They all understood it.

"Fortunately, Qin Yun came to the ancestors to teach them to stimulate the formation in advance." The ancestors of the Bai family trembled slightly. "The enemies have such great courage. If they are prepared properly, once they are launched, it will become A catastrophe. "

Zhang Zushi nodded: "It is by no means an ordinary demon emperor who can afford such a formation. Looking at the prototype of this formation, the original plan was to arrange a world passage for ordinary demons to go in and out. If it was not for this attack on the barbarians, Decades later, perhaps when the world channel opened, a large number of demon came in. "

"Although the world channel of the small world can only be tripled in and out of the demon." Capricorn also said, "But once the number is large, in line with the battle array, we will lose."

"No, the enemy should know that I am a disciple of Daozu. If I do not hesitate to ask the help of Biyou Palace's brother to come to Dachang World, I can completely preserve Dachang World." Zhang Zushi frowned. It takes the price of several top-notch Lingbao. Conquering a small world is not worth so much. The enemy must do so for a special reason. "

"Kill in, why?" Capricorn also wondered.

And at this moment--

"Wow ~~~"

外 An extraterrestrial demon climbed up from the vortex of a black hole, his six thick arms full of scales stretched out first, grasping the membrane wall of the world, and the whole body barely got into the world of Dachang.

"There are too many flaws in the formation method." As soon as the extra-terrestrial demon crawled in, he immediately swooped down to the mysterious formation method, took out the material from the waist bag, and began to quickly complete the formation method.

"Booming ~~~"

Qi Qinyun manipulated Yanyu Feijian and attacked a beam of light that was more than a mile in diameter.

The pillars of light covered the mysterious formation and the black hole vortex. No matter how Qin Yun manipulated his fate sword to perform many sword moves, he could not shake this beam of light.

"On the means of defense, this beam of light is stronger than any other tactics taught by the ancestors." Qin Yun was anxious.


The light beam, which is more than a mile in diameter, expands sharply and spreads around.

He soon wrapped in the nearby sect hall. The ancestors of the sect hall, the ancestors of the monkeys, the ancestors of the horns, and the other demon gods and disciples rushed towards the mysterious formation.


The remnants of the savage ancestors all hid within that mile. The beam of light retracted back into its original range.

Qin Yun continued to display the Yanyu Sword, attacking dozens of swords, why not.

"We are safe." The ancestors taught all the disciples to show joy.

The savage ancestral patriarch, the monkey ancestor, and the shofar old demon collided with each other's eyes, and quietly spread a voice: "Before we lived, we all tore our faces!"

"Disobeyed the emperor, once the demon world has a chance, I am afraid we will kill us."

三个 The three of them are extremely careful.

I was struggling to survive in the cracks.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up." The six-armed extraterrestrial demon came in first. He was good at matrix formation, and is now completing the matrix formation. "Although the materials used now are much worse than originally planned, But as long as it is completed, it will be easy for the triple devil to enter and exit. The emperor ’s goal is still hopeful for success. "

"Wow ~~"

Another demon **** outside the territory, from the black hole vortex to climb into the Dachang world, it is clear that these three demon gods are not easy to get in and out.

When Qin Yun saw this situation, he couldn't help but send a message to the Shendao people and emperors.

"Senior Zhang, what do you do now?"

Uh ...

The savage ancestor taught.

"Do you want to use that treasure now?" The Emperor whispered softly, and the ancestors of the Bai family all looked at Zhang Zushi.

Dachang World can resist the infiltration of the demon world to the present day, and its heritage is much deeper than that of a pretty ancestral religion.

Although there are a lot of ordinary lives in the Barbarians' teachings, the limits of the heavens make it impossible for them to kill them now. It's really time to die! The town's treasures are really used, they also have a way to destroy a barbaric religion.

"Until the time of life and death, it is impossible to use it. It is to kill three or five demon. It is not worthwhile to use the town babies." Zhang Zushi said. Go, don't use the town clan treasure. "

There are thousands of disciples in Ling Lingbao Tianzun! Zhang Zushi belongs to one that is very inconspicuous and has a low status. Even if you ask your brothers, they usually don't answer! However, there are a lot of brothers, and they have been asking for more.

I just use the arrogance of Zhang Zushi. Unless I ca n’t help it, I wo n’t ask for it.

Uh ...

"Qin Yun, you do n’t need to worry about the deities now, try your best to destroy the barbaric cult teaching method, and destroy it as soon as possible so that we can come in. The earlier you come in, the better! The later, the more trouble." Zhang Zushi's voice, from the treasure of communication It came with a hint of eagerness ~ ~ Qin Yun holding a summons order.

"Relax, give it to me." Qin Yun responded.

On the sidelines Yi Xiaolian said: "Now the eight magic sword arrays are still interfering with each other, and other formations will also obstruct, and breaking the array will be very troublesome."

"Can't wait anymore, so the eight swordsmen can obstruct it." Qin Yun said on his mouth, his left hand stretched out, but there were two bright rays of light across the sky in his sleeve. This is the attack on the barbarians. Previously, Qin Yun bought a pair of superb flying swords through Zhang Zushi.

The nickname is 鸳鸯 鸳鸯 飞剑, one is a female sword, and the other is a male sword.

Qi Qinyun is now manipulating the Qiankun ring to trap the Jihu Tian demons. In this case, manipulating the Feijian, natal Feijian, and Qingye Feijian at the same time is already the limit.

"Portrait." Qin Yun took the jade bottle out of his arms, and a nine-round magic pill flew out. He immediately swallowed his mouth, restored the spirit of the soul, and restored the mana in the body.


Fei Yan Yu Fei Jian and Fei Fei Jian, a total of three Fei Jian, crossed the sky and went to break the line.

"Your ancestors teach you, stop them." The demon **** outside the six-armed domain of the battle line drank, "It is not yet possible for Shenxiao Taoists to enter them."

"rest assured."

The savage ancestor lord, the shofar old demon, and the monkey ancestor did not dare to neglect, and they were all manipulating the matrix to obstruct Qin Yun's three flying swords. ) Book friends, pay attention!

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