Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 11 Chapter 24: Finally leave (the end of this article)

The chaotic mana gradually gathered, and the wounds of the meridian viscera were gradually healed under the effect of Jiuzhuan Lingtan, but the 'Zijinjindan' and 'Soul' recovered much more slowly.

"Huh, huh." Qin Yun's breathing gradually returned to normal, and all the blood on his body was cleaned out in the realm of manipulating the Tao. The whole person looked normal, but his face was still pale.

Qin Yun laughed at himself.

This attempt to condense Yuanshen really hit him hard.

He thought he would fail! But even if you fail, you should be able to find out the problems and learn from the failure so that you can modify your own method.

"I can't find the reason."

"I don't know where my method is wrong."

Qin Yun got up, and the severe pain of the soul made him stunned. He walked slowly to the door of the quiet room and paused for a while. The healing effect of Jiuzhuan Lingdan gradually restored the soul. time.

Soul injuries are more troublesome to treat than Jin Dan's injuries.


Open the door.

Outside, Yi Xiao was sitting alone in the courtyard and waiting, she was also anxious and worried about Qin Yun who was retreating and trying to condense the Yuan Shen, but she couldn't help anything.

Hearing the sound of the quiet room door opening, Yi Xiao even turned his head and saw Qin Yun, who was pale, and his breath was a little weak.

Yi Xiao trembled.

"Failed." Qin Yun squinted a smile at Yi Xiao. "It's still too difficult. No wonder there are no more powerful people who can push this method apart from being too good."

Yi Xiaolian stepped forward and took Qin Yun to the yard stone table: "Brother Yun, let's sit down first."

Qin Yun sat down.

"There are so many powerful people in the Three Realms, none of them can do it." Yi Xiao comforted, "In the Three Realms, there are also many geniuses who practice ordinary and ordinary sword fairy methods. In the Dachang world alone, some great things have happened in history. Every common sword fairy. Not to mention the entire Three Realms. But no one has been able to create the Yuan Shen Realm sword fairy method. Yun Ge, you have a short practice period, you have such a state, and many Tianxian Tianlong admires and admires it. "

Qin Yun looked at his wife, and he understood that his wife was comforting him.

"Xiao Xiao, I'm very confident." Qin Yun said, "Don't say it's in the Dachang World, it's in the Mingyao World, and I'm not as powerful as the ordinary sword fairy."

Some well-known geniuses of Mingyao World generally do not choose the immortal Jianxian vein. But even if you choose other genres, such as 'Shifang Luohan', 'Little Ape Demon', etc., the realm is actually similar to Qin Yun, and the years of practice are even longer.

In the long years, Qin Yun can compete with the top handful of Mingyao World. This is also the reason why Taishang Jianxiu, Yu Dingmen head, Jin Guangpai one by one came to invite one by one.

"However, I want to rescue my daughter from His Holiness Huangpao, and on my own strength, I really don't know how long it will take to wait." Qin Yun said, "That was the big demon in the ancient heaven court, and it was even two The eighteen stars are the first of the seven stars in China and the West. The heavenly stars who have fought with many Jinxian Buddhas. They are truly powerful people. "

"Do you really want to go to Sirius?" Yi Xiao looked at Qin Yun.

"By practicing, I can afford to wait, our daughter can't wait." Qin Yun said.

"But ..." Yi Xiao worried, "Is there no other way? I'm afraid, I'm afraid that without a daughter, you will be gone without Brother Yun."

"Relax, I won't do anything in vain." Qin Yun calmly said, "But I have to go to Sirius World. Only by going to Sirius World can we find out what our daughter is now, and I can think Come up with a suitable way to save. "

"But Lord Huangpao is moody now." Yi Xiao was worried. "Many dragon races have been brutally killed by him."

"Some things have to be done."

Qin Yundao, "Otherwise, I will never be at ease."

Yi Xiaohong eyes and nodded gently: "I understand, Brother Yun, I will not stop you, but you have to protect yourself."

"Um." Qin Yun laughed. "A big deal is reincarnation. Many heads of Mingyao World want to take the initiative to lead me. I should wake up quickly and remember. And maybe I can rescue my daughter smoothly. And brought her daughter back from Sirius World. "

Yi Xiao nodded: "When are you going to start?"

"Sooner rather than later, but failed in condensing the Primal God, and the injury was very serious. Jin Dan's recovery is simpler, and the soul recovery is more difficult. After three months, you can almost start." Qin Yundao.


Qin Yun's attempt to condense Yuanshen was not made public.

However, before contacting Zhang Zushi, Zhang Zushi hurried after knowing it.

Willow Yin Yin.

Qin Yun and Zhang Zushi walked on the path by Xiaojing Lake.

"Qin Yun, have you tried to condense the Yuanshen?" Zhang Zushi asked.

"Well, it failed." Qin Yun nodded.

Zhang Zushi secretly sighed.

This road is still too difficult! Even if the astonishment is as gorgeous as Qin Yun, it still doesn't work.

Although he became a disciple of Daozu, he also has great pursuit. However, Zhang Zushi thought that the potential of Qin Yun's talent was no less than that of him. If Dao Zu was instructed, his achievements would be above him.

"Did you find out the cause of the failure? Are you sure, will you succeed in condensing Yuanshen next time?" Zhang Zushi asked.

"The problem is ... I can't find the reason for the failure." Qin Yun laughed at himself.

Zhang Zushi nodded slightly, without further comment.

"Senior Zhang, I'm going to die in Sirius this time." Qin Yun said, "Although I will be careful not to die in vain. But if Lord Huangpao really goes crazy, I can't help it. So If I really die in Sirius, I would like to ask Senior Zhang to take care of my Qin family one or two. "

Zhang Zushi nodded: "Well, if you are reincarnated, do you still practice sword fairy in the next life?"

"Let's talk later." Qin Yun said.

He was unwilling to answer.

Because in my heart ...

He really didn't want to give up the path of Jianxian. From a young age, he practiced swords for more than a century and a hundred years. He walked along the kendo and never thought of practicing other paths.

"In fact, you do n’t have to be a sword fairy to practice swordsmanship." Zhang Zushi said, "My teacher honors his elders and the three realms of the Three Realms. It is a terrifying sword formation, although it is made up of four innate spiritual treasures. Matrix. But it also contains Kendo. "

"Spells, formations, magic weapons ... all kinds of methods can use Kendo." Zhang Zushi laughed. "The Tao is the foundation, the law is for external use."

"The Tao is the foundation and the law is for external use." Qin Yun murmured, nodded, and didn't say much.

"This is the map of Mingyao territory you want. It's a bit rude." Zhang Zu took a scroll from his arms and waved it. The scroll suspended when the air slowly spread out, and a large number of light spots were suspended on the surface of the scroll, forming a huge star sky map. .

Qin Yun looked at it carefully.

Mana slightly touched one of the light spots, and that light spot immediately showed intelligence information.

It was a star dangling from a peacock monster, and the whole star was a big fireball.

When Qin Yun saw the emerging information, he couldn't help but said, "This peacock demon is the descendant of Chaos God? What is Chaos God?"

"The small world is open and new, and innate gods and demons are born." Zhang Zushi said, "The entire Three Realms was also born when the chaos was not open. For example, the legendary Pangu is the chaos gods and he splits the chaos. Countless worlds have been born. Like son-in-law and mother-in-law, like my Taoist Sanqing, many powers are born from chaos, and they are all chaos. "

Qin Yun knew it.

Master Zhang Zu pointed to the huge starry sky chart that appeared: "There are too many small worlds in Mingyao territory. It is impossible to record all of them. You can only record some important star worlds. You must hurry over and be careful not to break into some extremely dangerous There are several places in the world that are comparable to Sirius. There are also several places in Mingyao. "

Qin Yun nodded. As a disciple of Daozu, Zhang Zushi obviously knew a lot.

"By the way, when are you leaving?" Zhang Zushi asked ~ ~ Tomorrow. Qin Yundao said, "I will speak to Xiao Xiao and I will set off, and I don't need to tell the outside world about this. "

"Okay." Zhang Zushi nodded, Qin Yun did not want to make it public, and he would not say.

"In short, be careful. If you can't reincarnate, don't reincarnate." Zhang Zushi said, "Reincarnation, there will be accidents."

Qin Yun nodded.

Zhang Zushi also left immediately.

"It's too difficult to create a sword fairy method of Yuanshen Realm." Zhang Zushi flew to the sky and looked back at Qin Fu. . "


the next day.

Qin Yun and his wife bid farewell.

"Missing me, you can use the mana to evoke the token, and I will feel-" Qin Yun stopped at half.

Because Yi Xiao reached out and hugged him, leaning his head on his arms: "Don't talk."

The couple were cuddling.

For a long time, separate.

Yi Xiao looked at Qin Yun. She had many feelings in her heart. Her husband, daughter ...

"Be sure to come back." Yi Xiao had tears in his eyes and looked at Qin Yun.

"Yes." Qin Yun nodded.

Followed with a wave.


The void was torn out of a gap, and a void passage was opened. Qin Yun smiled at his wife, and immediately stepped into the void passage.

Yi Xiao couldn't help but step forward, all had the urge to chase into the void channel!

"Brother Yun ..." Yi Xiao was a little upset. She didn't know, could she see her husband again?

"Be sure to come back."

"I will always wait for you." Yi Xiao looked at the Void Channel, which gradually closed.

(End of this article)

This article ends with "Absolute Patriarchy", and the next twelfth article, "Homemade Methodology."

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