Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 13 Chapter 20: Cui Lianfeng

"Master, he is the emperor who wants to seduce the world ..." The owner of Jiushan Island saw this scene and couldn't help looking at Qin Yun.

He understood that everything was because of Qin Yun.

"I didn't expect that a sword fairy in Guangling City would have made the emperor of a demon world scared." The owner of Jiushan Island also knew at this moment that he had no hope.

"Qin Yun!"

The master of Jiushan Island chanted, "I have all escaped to the demon world, you can catch me, and I am convinced to take it. However, I am still vulgar and have not stepped into the realm of Yuan Shen! If you want to kill me, you can It is a sin. "

"Qin Jianxian, I can help." Emperor Junyu said, "You will not let Qin Jianxian be contaminated with sin."

"No need, the cause and effect of a vulgar demon ... is nothing to me." Qin Yun said.

The stronger the strength, the more able to resist three disasters and nine difficulties.

Qin Yun's strength is comparable to that of Tianxian Jiuzhong, as long as it is not a mass slaughter of ordinary people, it will have little effect. The three disasters and nine difficulties that are hundreds of times stronger than the general Yuanshen Realm are not worth mentioning to Qin Yun.

"Doesn't that also stain Qin Jianxian's hands? I can do it for me, and the torture means I am a natural demon who is good at it." Emperor Jun wanted to please quite.

"Do you think you can survive?" Qin Yun turned and looked over.

The emperor wants to change his face.

"I use magical powers to stop you, but I don't want you to escape from this demon emperor. You are alive, and you don't know how many souls are harmed." Qin Yun snorted, waved his hand, and the dazzling sword light burst, sweeping in all directions, covering the emperor Alas, it enveloped several demon and demon gods.

Even if he practiced 'Blood Shadow Demon', the emperor with strong life-saving ability was dying, and under Qin Yun's use of his own life flying sword ... he died with just one sword, but also left a complete body.

The corpse was intact, but it was dead.

"Close." As soon as he beckoned, he gathered up many of the corpses of the demon.

"All are dead." Qin Yun, the master of Jiushan Island, far away in the center, "He is so strong? One stroke will destroy all of them?"

At this moment, the owner of Jiushan Island realized how strong Qin Yun is now.

After paying homage to Biyou Palace, Qin Yun did soar.

"Huh?" The Lord of Jiushan Island felt a force wrapped around him, and he couldn't help flying over to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun looked at him coldly.

"Falling on him, I'm afraid it's better to die." As soon as the owner of Jiushan Island gritted his teeth, he decided to explode.


But invisible power had penetrated into every part of his body. When he tried to explode, the mana in his body seemed to be stagnant.

"In the realm of my Tao, do you still want to commit suicide?" Qin Yun looked at him. "Jiushan Island Lord, rest assured, I will not kill you now."

Talking about a ray of mana, it penetrated into the main body of Jiushan Island, completely blocking the main power of Jiushan Island.

Only then did he release a sword spirit, bombarded in the void, and opened up a temporary void channel connecting the hometown of Dachang.

"Brother Yun?" The other end of the Void Channel was on the grass near Xiaojing Lake. Yi Xiao looked through the Void Channel.

"The owner of Jiushan Island was found." Qin Yun took the Jiushan Island owner and threw it directly.


An ordinary demon, the owner of Jiushan Island, was sent to Dachang World, his hometown, by Qin Yun through the void channel.

"I'll be back now." Qin Yun said, and when the clear light came, he had disappeared.

Outside Guangling County.

A large group of people from the Qin family came out of the city to a humble cemetery.

Although the cemetery is remote and inconspicuous, it is free of weeds and is obviously attended to by people throughout the year.

Qin Liehu, Chang Lan, eldest brother Qin An, and Qin Yun and Yi Xiao were all in front of the tomb, and they were kneeling beside the Jiushan Island Lord. The Jiushan Island Lord was miserable. After experiencing heavy torture, he longed for death .

"Little sister, this culprit finally brought you." Brother Qin Anhong said with an eye.


Chang Lan caressed the tombstone, and was very sad. "My mother often dreams of you, but my daughter died, and my body was not found."

Qin Yiyi, who was with Yi Xiao, asked Chuan Yin: "Mother, aunt she may not be dead since she hasn't seen the dead body, maybe she is still alive?"

"Your dad has asked some brothers for help and checked the book of life and death." Yi Xiao shook her head gently. "Your aunt is dead long ago, and she has been reborn for decades. Your aunt is just an ordinary mortal, her soul is very weak, There is no way to awaken her memories of previous lives. And she has been reborn for decades, and has long had a new life, a new character ... she has long been a new person. "

Qin Yiyi nodded.

"I heard your father said." Yi Xiao Chuanyin said, "In the Three Realms, Jinxian was able to be killed, a ray of true spirit was born to reincarnate! After reincarnation, after many hardships, he finally practiced to Jinxian This awakens the memories of the previous life hidden in the true spirit. But he is already the new Jinxian. So reincarnation must pick up the awakening memories as soon as possible. The later, the reincarnation may become the subject. "

"Jinxian was reincarnated, wasn't it?" Qin Yiyi was surprised.

That's the power of Jinxian, the big guy in the Three Realms.

"Listen to your father, Jinxian's ray of true spirit can't be checked. Daozu Buddha can't find it." Yi Xiao said.

"Oh." Qin Yiyi nodded.

They both spoke quietly.

Qin Yun, they were in front of the tombstone, and they were all very sad. It was so sad that the little girl died.

"Little sister." Qin Yun looked at the tombstone and said, "The second brother finally arrested the owner of Jiushan Island."

"Jiushan, you can see clearly."

Qin Yun grabbed the head of the Jiushan Island master and made him look up.

The owner of Jiushan Island desperately looked up and looked at the name on the tombstone.

"Qin Hongxiang?" The main voice of Jiushan Island was hoarse and dry. "I didn't expect that I could practice with the blood of so many boys and girls. I could use the blood of your sister Qin Jianxian. "


Qin Yun slapped him on the head of Jiushan Island.

As soon as the main body of Jiushan Island trembled, his eyes rolled round, and then he turned into powder, dissipating between heaven and earth.

Qin Yun silently looked at the graveyard in front of her. The too fragile ordinary soul could not make her awaken her memory of the past life, and the younger sister had been reborn for too long, and the younger girl would never be.

The little girl doll behind me and my elder brother in my memory will never be there.

For many years, I dreamed of my sister again and again.

"The second brother avenged you, the Great God of Water is dead, and the owner of Jiushan Island is dead. Little sister, you can have a better life." Qin Yun said silently.


Killing the owner of Jiushan Island also ended Qin Yun's heart.

Qin Yun's mood has changed a little. He is more peaceful, and he is looking forward to working in Qin Fu in Guangling City to accompany his wife and daughter. Rarely walk around.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye ~ ~ Qin Yun has been visiting Biyou Palace for fifteen years, and the world of Dachang is also very peaceful. The demon emperor Kuifu didn't come out again. Perhaps he also knew that there were two gods, Zhang Zushi and Qin Yun, and the Dachang world today is not so messy.

"Excuse me to pass on a word, just say Cui Lianfeng, and want to meet Qin Jianxian." In front of Qin House, Cui Lianfeng said to the concierge kindly.

"Cui Lianfeng? Elder Cui in Jiange?" A young man in the gatehouse was a little surprised.

When Qin Yun's rise had just reached the innate polar realm, there were two polar realm fairy immortals at the time, one was Qin Yun and the other was Cui Lianfeng. The relationship between the two is also quite good.

The concierge was surprised.

The relationship between Jiange and Qin Fu is quite close. Come to visit Qin Yun and send a message directly. Where is the concierge?

"You just have to spread the word," Cui Lianfeng said, but he was extremely embarrassed.

"Well, Elder Cui, please wait a moment." The concierge walked in immediately, but murmured secretly in his heart. "It's just a matter of telling my master to tell me by direct news? It's strange."

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