Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 13 Chapter 26: Purple Sword Illustration

The ground fire hall.

Huo Lao Mo is drawing a rune on the arm of that big witch corpse, and at the same time, he said, "You two entangle him for a moment, I will finish the rune on the arm of the owl first, so even if I stop drawing, face off The impact is also smaller. "

"Okay, let's bother him first."

"not good!"

The King of the Goat Demon was rumored, even with a hint of panic, "Hurry up the old demon! Come out quickly, if you don't come out again, I won't be accompanied! This Qin Yun came, but you! "

"You can't stop his flying sword?" The old mob with the rune-painting also kept abreast of the situation outside, and was taken aback, "Okay, I'll come out now. Rest assured, this time I'm making 傀儡I do n’t have to pay the rewards, and even kill the loot of Qin Yunhou, you and Peng Mo split half. "

The Fu sheep demon king was slightly satisfied when he heard it.

Qin Yun has such strength. He must have a lot of babies. He has half the loot of the Tafu sheep demon king. He believes that he can make up for the losses and make some money.

"Qin Yun, are you going to kill me? Although I am ordinary in physical form, you still have a long way to go to kill me." At the same time, Fu Yang Yao Wang secretly manipulated the superb Lingbao "Yin Shui Iron Chain" at the same time. Eyes once again perform the "water and fire pupil", which is also one of his most powerful spells, good at confronting the enemy. But this time was forced to protect himself.


After Qin Yun broke the resistance of the Fuyang Demon King and destroyed the opponent's flesh, although the Fuyang Demon King condensed the flesh, Qin Yun was overjoyed.

Simply kill with a single sword?

He didn't have such extravagance.

An eight-day sky demon, it is not so easy to kill.

"If he can break his magic weapon, he is expected to kill him. Hum, I originally prepared the killing trick for the old man of fire, now, let you taste it first." Qin Yun is naturally well prepared this time. Turning your hands, a pill with three colors of light appeared in the palm of your hand. The pill flew into the mouth and quickly melted away. The power of the elixir penetrated into the Yuanshen quickly.

Qin Yun's eyes are like the essence, the elemental spirit is empty, and the speed of thinking is more than a hundred times faster.


Yanyu Feijian's mighty power continued unabated, killing the fu sheep demon king in the distance.

"Come again?" The King of Fu sheep demon Lian Fei, surrounded by water and fire twin dragons, Yinshui iron chain shelter, "Huo Lao Lao Mo, don't you start?"


The whole Fire Demon Mountain was shaking.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Huge arms stretched out from the bottom of the ground, and each one crawled out. This scene surprised the demons and demons who lived in Huo Mo Shan, and they flew away quickly.

"what happened?"

"Why is it getting louder?"

Those demons and demon gods flew into the distance and watched from a distance.

They faintly saw that there were three figures of Peng Mo, Fu Yang Yao Wang, and Qin Yun, as well as a huge puppet crawling out of the ground. The power of these maggots is comparable to that of Tianmu Baojiutian. It's just a bit stupid compared to Qin Yun and Peng Mo, but the quantity makes up for this. There are twelve powerful puppets. Together, they are enough to cause headaches for the other heavenly gods.

"Is the Huo Lao Mo coming out?" Qin Yun discovered this, but his glowing eyes were still calm.


A sword pierced the water and fire dragon, and once again penetrated the body of the King of the Fuyang Demon King.

When the body was torn, the King of the Goat Demon looked emaciated, and the voice eagerly said: "The fire slayer old demon, I will be dead if I are killed seven more times, you lads will be quicker!"

"You don't have a chance." Qin Yun's cold voice sounded within Zhou Tian's astral realm.

"Booming !!!"

While the Yanyu Feijian broke through the water and fire dragons, shattering the body of the Fuyang demon king. The three hundred star swords that followed immediately seemed like a blooming flower, extremely gorgeous, and completely surrounded the fragmented Fuyang demon king. Fu Yangxiu King is in the position of "Flower Ruin"! And this huge flower is still spinning, and three hundred petals keep spinning.

"Yeah." The Fu sheep demon king turned into a streamer, but how could he not fly out of this flower world, this is like a huge maze.

Three hundred petals kept moving, strangling inside.

"Well." The King of the Sheep Monster couldn't rush, and his body was hanged again.

"What kind of trick is this?" The fu sheep demon king was anxious. He was trapped in this huge flower maze. The superb Lingbao 'yin water iron chain' was still outside. He manipulated the Yin water iron chain to restrain the flowers. world. But the flower world revolved and easily resisted.

Peng Mo was also puzzled, and he did not recognize what the trick was.

"It is the figure of Ziwei sword!" Huo Lao Lao said eagerly, "It is the figure of Ziwei Emperor's Ziwei sword! I have seen that Ziwei Emperor has performed it, which is extremely scary sword art."

"Ziwei sword picture?" Fu Yang demon king startled.

"The sword art in the Three Realms, the first figure of the purple Weijian sword?" Peng Mo was also shocked.

The Ziwei Arctic Emperor is a high figure in the Three Realms.

It is one of the four masters of Taoism, the master of the stars.

The five books of Qin Yun's selected Kendo classics in Biyou Palace are all Jinxian classics. Among them, "The Five Elements Sword" and "Ziwei Sword Illustration" are still higher, while the other three volumes are slightly weaker.

However, Qin Yun still chose "Taibai Gengjin Hundred Swords" as his major, because it is really difficult to practice in the more powerful "Five Elements Sword Classic" and "Ziwei Sword".

For example, in the Five Elements Sword Classic, the world, the five elements, and the five parties are almost all-inclusive. If you want to achieve great achievements, you must have a deep understanding of the five elements and the five parties. It is too complicated ... To achieve success, you need not only talent, but also long-term accumulation, and it is not too suitable for your own kendo.

"Ziwei Sword" is calculated to the extreme. It requires high ‘reduction’. As soon as the swordsmanship comes out, the enemy seems to be trapped in the Tianluodi net. There is no use in struggling, only the final death.

The threshold is high.

However, because there are a few parts suitable for Qin Yun's practice, they are all chosen as part-time.

I usually realized it when I was thinking about it, but "Ziwei Sword" had too high requirements on the calculation. Qin Yun had to take Xiandan to make his thinking more than a hundred times faster before he could exert the power of the Ziwei Sword illustration.

"Bully ~" Stuck in the flower maze, strangled by Jian Guang's petals.

"Ziwei sword map, I mainly comprehend two major tricks, namely" one flower and one world "star rotation, both are helpful to my kendo." Qin Yun secretly said, "Now this trick, then It's a world of flowers. "

"Do not."

The Fu Yangxiu King grabbed a life-saving Tao Fu to trigger.

Immediately there was a layer of golden light enveloping him. He was performing water-fire pupil technique, but naturally consumed water-fire pupil technique in the rotation of the flower world.

"Brother Peng, save me, save me." Fu Yangxie Wang eagerly said.

"Okay." Peng Mo opened his mouth, shot a golden thread in his mouth, and went straight to the King of the Goats.


A ray of smoke and rain stopped the golden thread.

This gold thread is really powerful, but Qin Yun's destiny Feijian is also very good, with some power of innate spirit treasure, and Qin Yun's sword fairy manipulates the Feijian, the destiny Feijian's tricks completely stop the gold line.

"Fuji sheep demon king, don't worry." Huo Lao, the oldest demon whispered the sound, and the nearest huge lava magpie, grabbed it with a slap, and grasped the blooming and rotating sword-light flower.


With this stupid grasp, the huge flower world was spinning and easily released its power.

"No, no." The Fuyang Demon King trapped inside, the golden light on the surface was cut away and eventually broken.

Fu Yangxiu King's body was shattered again ~ ~ hum. "

The remaining mana turned into a streamer like a frightened beast, flying wildly.

Can be stabbed again and again by the rotating Jianguang petals.

The streamer was getting weaker.

It was said that it can only resist seven more times. In fact, it was strangled more than ten times in the petal world before it was forced to despair.

"Rao life, Qin Yun, Qin Jianxian, please also spare me my life." In the streamer appeared the face of the King of the Sheep, and he begged, "Give me my life."

Qin Yun looked calmly.

"Do not!!!"

In the roar of unwillingness, the Fu sheep demon king was finally strangled and killed by the flower world.

The Eighth Heavenly Demon ‘Fu Yang Demon King’ is dead! The hand of Qin Yun who died in Dachang World!

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