Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 14 Chapter 24: Qin Yun's plan

After being assassinated by the owner of Kwai Shi Gong, Qin Yun felt a sense of urgency!

After resentment with Huo Tao Taoist, Qin Yun wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible, although the five elements of innate wonders were used to raise the destiny flying sword to the level of innate spirit treasure! However, to improve his realm, he needs to practice steadfastly and needs time to accumulate. He wants to find a place and retreat!

What he lacks most is time.

Therefore, if you want to find a place with a "fast time flow rate", you must be very safe and not afraid of sneak attacks on magic roads! Don't be afraid of being watched by other powerful men in the Three Realms! Also suitable for practice!

Such a place is hard to find.

And 'Leijufu' is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Time and space are agitated here, and the time velocity is different in different regions. The place with the fastest time velocity can reach 1,200 times the time velocity of Mingyao World. The ten-year test set by Leijufu ... In the place with the fastest time flow, you can practice for 12,000 years! For Qin Yun, who has only practiced for more than a century, this time is plenty.

And Leijufu is extremely safe! Without Bai Yuling, you can't enter at all!

And the space and time are stirred here, but it is beneficial for Qin Yun to learn about space and time! You must know that any powerful person has a higher level of control over time and space.

"The avenue contained in my destiny Feijian has formed a field of smoke and rain, and controls the void. My path to kendo ... is in charge of Zhou Tian. The control of space is extremely high, and even further, it will gradually affect time. And we must spy In time and space, Leijufu is undoubtedly a very suitable place. "Qin Yun looked at this peaceful cave mansion." I will be here to spend the longest period of meditation in my lifetime. "

"I hope that this long-term practice will allow me to gain a lot." Qin Yun also looked forward to it.


"Xiahou, what do you care about so much? Brother Qin has sold five places, come in with one place, and you are also nosy?" Wujiao Demon King looked at the main hall in front of him, and couldn't help glancing at it. The eyes of Xiahoudao people, "No matter what, as long as you come in, you will get at least three congenital Thunder Fruits. Brother Qin can not lose much."

"After all, I have to lose some money," said Xiahou Taoist. "I am also good for Master Qin."

"Think of yourself first. Brother Sa, pastor and me who were present this time, I'm afraid you will take three fruits." Wujiao Demon King pouted his lips.

"I can't beat you?" Xiahoudaoren stared.

Wujiao Demon King chuckled, and bothered to ignore it.

"You big bird ..." Xiahou Taoists even argued.

"Brother Sa came out," Qin Yun said.

Suddenly they looked at each other.

The first main hall halfway up the mountain, the original hall had a circulation method, it is difficult to see the situation inside. Now that the light of the formation had dissipated, Brother Sasu stepped out calmly, looked at Qin Yun five of them, and turned into a streamer that flew directly to the second main hall on the mountainside.

"Fast, this was the first time in a while, it was Brother Sa." Xiahou Taoist praised.

"I'll go first," said the frosty shepherd fairy, and flew to the first main hall door first.

"Pastor, please invite me first." Xiahou Tao said with a smile, and then he drank again, and said to Qin Yun, "The first main hall is very fast, it is estimated that in half a day, we have passed through, right, Brother Zhang, you have to be careful. Brother Qin's strength should be able to break through, I'm afraid you are dangerous, but you can't carelessly. "

"Brother Zhang, he has a bad mouth, ignore him." Wujiao Demon King said.

Zhang Zushi smiled slightly.


Between conversations.

The shepherd fairy came out.

"I'll go first." Xiahou Tao people immediately flew over to the temple door.

"I won't grab you." Wujiao Demon King disdain.

One by one.

The first main hall is the easiest of the three tests. The strength of Jinxian is half a step, and the tea time is enough.

Soon only Qin Yun and Zhang Zushi left.

"Qin Yun, go ahead. I'm afraid it will take a long time in the first main hall. This is the only one I have hoped to break through, I'm not in a hurry." Zhang Zushi said.

"OK." Qin Yunfei headed to the hall in front.

As soon as he entered the hall, he fell into formation.

"Huh?" Qin Yun looked around. There was a vast area around him. A green robe man flew from the edge. He held a sword and went straight to Qin Yun to kill him.

Qin Yun moved, and there was a spit of smoke and rain flying in front of him.

Mana evokes this destiny, the innate Lingbao, and there is a drizzle of rain all around, and it is shrouded in smoky and rainy fields. Those drizzles sprinkled on the man in the blue robe, making the man in the blue robe feel sinking!

The congenital Lingbao was born, and the smoky and rainy field formed was much stronger than Qin Yun's "Zhou Tian Xing Jie", which was enough to affect the half-step Jinxian strength.

"Kill." The man in the green robe went straight to Qin Yun, and a sword stabbed as fast as lightning.

"Extinction." Qin Yun thought.

Uh ...

The drizzle that was originally flowing immediately formed a 'sword of rain', and at the same time, sixteen swords of rain formed around the man in the blue robe, instantly besieging.

"Well !!!" Under the control of Qin Yun, the swords of rain are all mysterious and extremely fast. Although the Qingpao man wanted to resist the sword, his body was completely penetrated by rain. After being punctured in more than ten holes, the Qingpao man collapsed into nothingness.

"The strength is very weak, the ordinary Tianxian Nine Heavenly Level." Qin Yun made a judgment.

Immediately afterwards, another woman in a red suit struck, and after the extinction, another man in a gold robe struck, and finally an old man in a black robe.

After Qin Yun broke successively.

The four appeared again at the same time, and used the "Four Elephant Array" to jointly deal with Qin Yun, and the joint forces were indeed much stronger. But Qin Yun's field of smoke and rain can form a ninety-nine sword of rain, and its power is above the sword of starlight. It is easy to break the four-element array.

"Congratulations to the distinguished guest who broke the four-element array, but then go to the second main hall to break the array." A voice echoed in the formation.

Following the formation method, the light disappeared, and Qin Yun also saw the gate of the main hall behind him.

Fly out along the gate.

"You're pretty quick." Zhang Zushi flew over with a smile, "I'm the only one left now."

"Four Elephant Arrays, as recorded in the information, I believe Brother Zhang will be able to break open." Qin Yun said.

"Hope." Zhang Zushi said, and flew in.

Qin Yun watched silently.

Whether Zhang Zushi can break through is really dangerous.


Followed Qin Yun along the high mountains and flew up, and soon came to the main hall at the height of Mid-mountain. On the floor in front of the main hall, Muxianzi, Xiahoudaoren and Wujiao Demon King were waiting here.

"Brother Sa hasn't come out yet?" Qin Yun landed and asked.

"No, according to past experience, it takes about a day for Jinxian to enter the second hall in half a step," said Xiahou Taoist. "Of course, Brother Sa is far better than I am, but I am afraid it will take an hour or two."

The Wujiao Demon King also said: "The more difficult it gets, the third hall ... is the strength of the powerful to break through, and it usually takes a month to break through. On the contrary, those of us who are weak, even if they pass the second hall by chance , Into the third hall, afraid that if they can't hold it for a day, they will be blasted out. "

"Yeah, it's difficult." Xiahou Taoist sighed.

The shepherd was there, waiting silently, a stranger-like appearance.

Waited for a while ...

Brother Sa Xu walked out from the gate of the second main hall, looked at Qin Yun a few of them, and did not speak, and flew directly to the third main hall higher up ~ ~ 嗖. The Muxian directly flew in first, and Qin Yun, Xiahou Taoist, and Wujiao Demon King did not fight with her.

"Let the priest and sister go first, although we collected information, but the information records are vague." Xiahou Taoren laughed.

Time goes by.

Halfway through, Zhang Zushi also flew here, causing a shock to Xiahou Taoists.

But soon everyone was quiet, and even sat cross-legged and began to wait.

This is one day.

In the second main hall, the radiance of the formation method dissipated, and the fairy fairy walked pale.

"She broke through," said Wujiao Demon King.

If it fails, it is directly bombarded by the formation method! It is impossible to come out like this.

The shepherd stepped out of the gate and looked at Qin Yun, Xiahou Taoist, Wujiao Demon King, and Zhang Zushi on the flat ground. As always, she was cold, and she said coldly, "It is dangerous inside." The three main halls flew away.

"It's dangerous? Didn't you break through too?" Xiahou Taoist muttered, striding toward the second main hall first.

Qin Yun, Wujiao Demon King, and Zhang Zushi all waited patiently.

This is more than half a day.


A violent aftermath rushed out, and the Xiahou Taoist also flew up from the main entrance of the main hall, and seven excalibur swords and a rope followed.

When he landed, Xiahou Taoren stood firm in two steps.

"I failed?" Xiahoudao people were a little unacceptable.

The Wujiao Demon King's face turned solemn, no matter what, he also had to admit that the strength of the Xiahou Taoist was comparable to him, and he had reached half a step long ago. Perhaps there are some tricks at the bottom of the box that he does not know. However, he still broke into the second main hall and was blasted out.

Qin Yun was also nervous.

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