Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 14 Chapter 27: Rescue

Thunder beast house is the only cave house in the Thunder World, covering thousands of miles. There are lakes and rivers in the house, and even the first mountain in the Thunder World is also in the house, showing its vastness.

Zhang Zushi entered another palace, but in this palace there was a small lake covering an area of ​​one or two li. On the shore of the lake was a sculpture standing in the shape of a human with wings. The sculpture has several areas carved with dense texts and patterns, but it is also a very precious rafa method.

"Thunder King ’s body? The physical method of sanctification?" Zhang Zu carefully looked at. "Unfortunately, cultivation to completeness is also a half-step Jinxian strength. The highest physical form of sanctification in the Three Realms is at the stage of Tianxian. Can be as powerful as the next level. "

After all, he is a disciple of Biyu Palace. He has seen so many methods. Although this chaotic Thunder Beast Bai Xiao has been collecting all kinds of Thunder Laws throughout his life, the Thunder Law in the 72-second test is the most proud of the Thunder Animal. Just took it out.

Every door is quite extraordinary.

Regardless of whether it is Buddhism, which of the three Taoist teachings, or casual training, as long as there is a powerful Lei Fa, he will try to get it.

His method ... It is true that most of them are not even collected by Biyou Palace.

The main collection of Biyou Palace is the ‘Jinxian level’ method. On the contrary, the methods below Jinxian will only take a few unique features! Most of the seventy-two types of lightning in Leijufu are half-step Jinxian levels, but each has its own characteristics. For many Tianxian, they have no hope of golden immortal in their lifetime. Sometimes these half-step golden immortal methods are more obvious for improving strength.

"However, in Lei Fa's refining, this thunder robs the King Kong body, but it is extremely fast." Zhang Zushi nodded slightly, "It is worth my time to practice."

Then he sat down cross-legged and started practicing.

Seventy-two heavy Thunder test, after entering a place to learn Thunder, you must practice to ‘Xiaocheng’ before you are eligible to leave and go to the next place.

Because these powerful methods are jealous of the sky, the number of studies is limited! If any one comes in, they will learn all 72 Leifa. If you do n’t practice at all, that ’s a mess!

You must be ‘Xiaocheng’ to leave ...

Even if the talent is quite high, even if the seventy-two heavy Thunder test is just a simple practice to Xiaocheng, there is only a small amount of time to learn! If it is to study a certain method to achieve ‘successfulness’ in order to obtain treasures, it will take a long time! For ten years in Leijufu, it has been common to study a method that cannot be fulfilled.

After all, Zhang Zushi was a self-made **** Xiaolei method. He had a very high level of understanding and fit well with the Tenjin Thunder array.

"Huh?" After just practicing for a moment, Zhang Zushi frowned and turned to look.

I saw a person walking in the far door of the courtyard. It was a bearded man who smiled and said, "Brother Zhang."

"It turned out to be Brother Xiahou. So coincident, Brother Xiahou came here too? It's all a **** of thunder. Brother Xiahou shouldn't be finished yet?" Zhang Zushi stood up, but his heart tightened slightly.

"Compared with my younger brother, I really have a lot of talents in Duten Shenlei array. After I go out, I don't have to practice slowly." The bearded man came over.

Zhang Zushi nodded slightly: "Then I continue to practice, I will not be with my brother."

"Don't worry." Xiahou Taoren grinned. "Brother Zhang, you know, the Yuxu Palace, which is much stricter than ours, when the Three Religions were contested, many of them turned their faces for treasures."

"Heared! During the dispute between the three religions, the apprentice in Yuxu Palace did borrow Master ’s congenital spiritual treasure, and did not pay it back! There was simply a steal of Master's congenital spiritual treasure." Master Zhang nodded, his vigilance increased "In the end, some masters and apprentices turned their faces. Brother Xiahou, why did you suddenly say this?"

Xiahou Taoist laughed: "I said this. Why is it that Brother Zhang doesn't understand?"

"Please also ask your brother to make it clear." Master Zhang Zu's face changed.

"Actually, I've been here before, and Lei Jieji ’s body has been cultivated early." Xiahou Taoist smiled and said, "The reason to come in again is to want to borrow your twelve shots from Master Zhang, and wait until the future. Brother I achieved Jinxian Daogu, and I will return it. I do n’t know if it ’s okay? ”

Zhang Zushi's face was ugly.

Cheng Jinxian return it?

He also believes that when he becomes a golden fairy, the opponent should really pay back, after all, the help of the twelve pars was small at that time. But this Xiahou Taoist can't become a golden immortal in his whole life, so he won't pay it back all his life? This is Ming grab.

"Brother Xiahou, are you too much?" Zhang Zushi yelled.

"Biyou Palace has tens of thousands of friends, and there are more conflicts with each other. As long as the person is not dead, Master respects his elderly and is too lazy to look at it. Even at the beginning, many people killed the same door and defected to Biyou Palace. Yes, I ’m just borrowing treasures. It ’s not worth mentioning. It ’s worth mentioning. ”When Xiahou Taoist waved his hand, there were seven magic swords floating around.“ It seems that my master is reluctant and I can only help him A handful. "

Speaking, they have arrogantly started.

Zhang Tzu immediately flew out of the twelve Thunder Gods, each holding a banner.

"Oops, I just came here. I have to train Lei Jiegang ’s body to be small enough to go out. Now I ca n’t get out ... I ca n’t escape." Zhang Zushi was anxious and angry.


The two sides fought in an instant.


Dachang World, Guangling City, Qin House.

Qin Yun also has an avatar who stays in his hometown, but has been in retreat for a long time. No important things do not show up.


A man with a high crown and a robe came directly to Qin Fu's sky, which is the true body of Master Zhang Zu! It was only his second **** that went to Leijufu. At this moment, Mr. Zhang overlooked the bottom, and directly said, "Qin Yun! Help me quickly!"

Qin Yun's avatar immediately left the quiet room: "Brother Zhang, what's wrong?"

When the thunder flashed in the sky, Master Zhang came to Qin Yun's incarnation, and Lian Chuanyin eagerly said, "That Xiahou wants to take away my magic weapon! My second prince is now trapped in Biye Lake, Brother Sa, Muxian Brother Wu Jiao, none of them belong to our Mingyao territory. I ca n’t find them for help. You quickly find me and ask them to save me. It must be fast, I ca n’t last long. "

Chuan Yin finished speaking in one breath.

Qin Yun's face changed.

Can brothers and sisters really be trusted? Look at the history of the Three Realms and know that it is a joke! There are a bunch of other rebels who vote for other factions.

Even among the Three Realms, they are all enchanted and devoted to magic! Just robbing the baby, in the Three Realms, it's happening every moment. For a powerful innate Lingbao, it is normal for the master and apprentice to turn their faces.

"Okay, leave it to me." Qin Yun answered.


Thunder animal house.

Qin Yun, sitting cross-legged on the ground, opened his eyes. He has practiced for a full 1,200 years, and his accumulation is much stronger than when he first came to Leijufu. His giftedness ... After 1,200 years of practice , Progress is not small, even Jianxian a vein of Tianxian method, has a simple embryo in mind.


Qin Yun immediately drove his fate sword into a streamer, dived down, and went straight to Biye Lake.

He never thought about asking Brother Sa for their help, because Brother Sa was from other territories. Although the real body was in Leijufu, he couldn't peek inside the 72-fold Thunder Test. Looking everywhere? It takes a lot of luck and time.

It is better to help Brother Zhang directly.

"The human heart is separated from the belly. I did not expect that Xiahou was such a person ~ ~ Qin Yun was quite annoyed.


It swooped down from the mountain and went straight to Biye Lake, only a few hundred miles away. The speed of flying with the sword of Qin Yun was very fast.

Soon I saw the palace where 'Biye Lake' was located, but at the gate of the palace, there was a ray of light condensing into a white-haired old man. The white-haired old man watched Qin Yun dived straight to the entrance of the palace. Lian Chuanyin said: "This noble guest, don't go in without practicing Lei Fa, but you can't go out if you go in. Only after the ten-year deadline has passed, can you be removed."

These law-guarding gods have been watching the visitors from the outside in secret.

They also knew that this Yuanshen Sword Fairy ... did not practice Lei Fa.

The test of the seventy-two heavy thunder law is all practiced by thunder law. It must be practiced in order to come out, which is very difficult for Tianxian nine heavy heavens. Qin Yun went in without understanding Lei Fa.

"As soon as the ten-year deadline was reached, was it removed?" Qin Yun hesitated slightly.

This conflicts with my original plan.

It was originally intended to practice at the time of 1,200 times the flow rate to the end of the period.

Of course, just for a moment hesitated, Qin Yun rushed in.

Can friends who can support each other live and die? The thought in Qin Yun's mind just disappeared! He looked down on such a despicable person.

"Boom." Qin Yun Yujian flew in, all creating terror.

One fly in.

I saw that the Xiahou Dao people were attacking Zhang Zushi violently, and the horrifying Thunder Sword was besieging together. Zhang Zushi was very difficult to support at this moment.

"Huh?" They both looked around.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Zushi was anxious. Although he was moved, he still felt that Qin Yun came in too recklessly.

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