Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 14 Chapter 30: 3000 years of practice

After reaching the bottleneck, practice becomes tormented.

Reaching the "Tianxian extreme", the representative's understanding has been realized. Next, you need to combine many sentiments into one furnace, and realize your own ‘Tao’, but like alchemy, the materials are ready, and they are merged into one furnace. There is a **** of waste! This is the most common Heavenly Immortal Heaven. And some are a panacea! That is the achievement of Jinxian Daoguo.

There is also Lingdan, which is a half-step golden fairy. The top-notch Lingdan is very special in some respects. That is comparable to power.

This is the practice.

Enough accumulation, all it takes is one furnace!

Qin Yun had the guidance of the avenue of his destiny flying sword. Hope was a little bit bigger, but he still felt that he was exploring the flowers in the mist, and he was constantly groping forward.

"It is really difficult to create the sword fairy and the heaven fairy method before the achievement of Jinxian Daoguo." Qin Yun opened his eyes. "But there is hope, at least I have found the direction and the prototype of the method."

Qin Yun closed her eyes again and began to create her own swordsmanship.

"Famen", "Sword Art", and "Supernatural Power", Qin Yun also changed it. If he was tired, he would practice a different practice.


Qin Yun has practiced in Leijufu for more than 300 years and has accumulated to the extreme of Tianxian.

Practicing for a thousand years, the supernatural power ‘Zhou Tianxing Yi’ has come to fruition!

One day after sixteen hundred years.

"Boom ~~~~"

Sitting cross-legged, Qin Yun suddenly starred in his body, and drew endless star power.

The entire palace was caught in the ocean of star power for a moment, and the terrible star power was oppressed. As long as Qin Yun was willing, Tianxian Nine Heavens would also be crushed into instant powder! And now it is only limited by the palace array method. If it is fully expanded, the star force ocean can cover a full 30,000 miles.

How big is the ordinary small world? With such great magical power, I am afraid that in a blink of an eye, a small world creature will be extinct, and the destructive power is indeed more terrifying.

It is not unreasonable for some strong realms in the Three Realms to regard ordinary people as ants. It is indeed a thought that can destroy countless things. Only the fear of the great sins converged one by one.

In the star-filled ocean in the palace courtyard, 360 stars are suspended. Each star is like a metal ball, and the lines above are clearly visible. These stars can be as large as small, as small as mustard, and as large as a thousand miles in diameter.

The three hundred and sixty stars unite ... it is more powerful against the enemy than simple star power suppression.

"Change." Qin Yun thought for a moment that these 360 ​​stars turned into 360 stars flying swords.

Unlike the flying swords of the past, like starlight condensation.

Today it looks like a flying sword made of bizarre metal.

"Finished finally."

"Zhou Tian Xingjie, this great magical power has also become a big one." Qin Yun looked at the many flying stars in the sky around him, and couldn't help revealing his joy. "

Like the Three Realms of Yuanshendixian and Buddhism and Luohan, majoring in great magical powers has achieved success, and their strengths are comparable to great powers. Of course, the great magical powers they practice are generally inferior to those of 'Zhou Tian Xing Yi' and 'Zhou Tian Xing Ji'. If the two supernatural powers of the ancient demons Tiandi are successful, they will be at the top level in Jinxian.

But even Dacheng! It's enough to fight the Three Realms.

"Huh? Another magical power?"

"The two great magical powers of the ancient Demon God Emperor, have he cultivated to a great extent?"

In the middle of the distance, the old man in black robes, the man in golden robes with cloth robes, and the burly man stood side by side looking down at the Qin Yun who was performing magical powers by the lake in the palace courtyard. These guardians of God will always observe these visitors secretly. .

"He is a Yuanshen Sword Fairy. Two great magical powers are trained to such a state, and they are all powerful in terms of body protection and field." The burly man said, "The means of killing the enemy is weaker."

"His flying sword should be an innate spiritual treasure, but unfortunately, the magic power is too weak, and the natural power is not enough." Said the man in the golden robe holding the cloth on the side. "As for the great magical power of Zhou Tianxing, the ancient emperor Tiandi created this one. The magical power is to suppress the enemy and trap the enemy. As for killing the enemy? The power is still weaker, and his flying sword power can only be regarded as a half step Jinxian level. "

"By the way, the news from Brother Hu previously said that Qin Yun had only practiced for more than 100 years before coming to Leiju Mansion?" The old man in black robe asked.

The Bud man nodded and said, "The boss of Tiger is now under His Majesty the Bodhisattva, and the information is absolutely correct."

Chaos Thunder Beast Bai Xiao has arranged everything.

Even if he died, the group of law-guarding gods who depended on him continued to operate, and even knew the detailed information of the Three Realms.

"I have such strength for more than a hundred years, and opened up a new vein of sword fairy." The old man in black robe overlooked the bottom and sighed, "Come to Leijufu, although time has accelerated, I practiced for more than a thousand years. But I am Leijufu. It ’s not a holy place for spiritual practice, far less than Daozu ’s Biyu Palace. He ’s immersed in hard work here, and he has two great supernatural powers. This talented understanding ... I ’m afraid it ’s the first of the six here. ”

"Um." The burly man and the cloth man nodded in agreement.

This perception is terrifying.

You should know that after the destruction of the ancient demon heaven court in ancient times, the two great magical powers were later practiced to Dacheng.

Qin Yun reached this extreme in a short time.

"His strength, I believe it can be as short as thousands of years, and as long as tens of thousands of years, can be comparable to power." The old man in the black robe said, "If the golden immortal fruit is achieved, as a peerless sword fairy who opened up a new sword fairy genre, complete The last wishes of the owner are also hopeful. "

"The sword immortals are powerful enough to make Jinxian Daogu too difficult," said the man on the side of the cloth. "The Saxo Taoist who created the heavenly thunderbolt method is now comparable to the mighty. If it is an achievement gold Xiandaoguo, and then perfected his own lightning to the level of Jinxian. I believe it can also complete the owner's last wish. "

"Different and different." The burly strong man continued, "The sword immortals are invincible. Although the flesh is weaker, the enemy is really strong. The two sword immortals who are too trained on the sword can kill their ancestors. The magic. And how about Lei Fa? There are better powers of Lei Fa in the Three Realms, but how many of them have the same strength? The two sword immortals are powerful? Lei Fa can repair the flesh, escape, and kill. The enemy is estimated to be too comprehensive, and the enemy is still weaker than Jianxian. "

The cloth man did not refute.

This is a fact.

However, the physical body and swordsmanship of the sword fairies are generally not the same as those of the layer-repairing method ~ ~ In short, these two people who came in are quite good. "The old man in black robes applauded," And I like Qin Yun. He specially chose to practice at a place with a time flow rate of 1,200 times, apparently preparing to retreat. But in order to help his friend Shenxiao Taoist, he did not practice Lei Fa, but went straight to the place where Lei Fa practiced. I stopped him before, and he went in without a reason, so he had to practice for less than 9,000 years. To a young man who had only practiced for more than a hundred years in the past, he practiced less than 9,000 years at a time ... but he didn't care at all, obviously he was serious about feelings. "

"I like him too." The cloth man nodded with a smile. "Information records that he saved his life to save his wife and daughter."

The burly man nodded, overlooking the bottom, and said, "Originally, the master wanted to avenge his friends and engage in the Dao Demon War. He even knew that the danger was serious and could lose his life, but he arranged the Thunder Beast House and arranged everything. , Still gone! When I went there, I didn't return. "

The old man in the black robe gently nodded: "The ancestral spirit of the ancestors was ruthless, and the soul killed by the master was flying away. Only a ray of true spirit was born and reincarnated, and even the ancestors and ancestors could not be attracted. The master has been lost in reincarnation for so long.

"The master chose to do that, and he was ready." The old man in the black robe said, "The master said, that is his best friend, the most important relative in life, and he will avenge it at all costs."

"I hope we can wait until that day, until the day when the host is vengeful," said the burly man.

The three law-guarding gods will be silent, overlooking Qin Yun in the practice in the palace below, and then leave one by one.


Time passes, year after year.

Qin Yun also practiced in Leijufu for 3,000 years.

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