Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 15 Chapter 13: Shocked

Standing on a high-altitude cloud, the black winged demon commanded: "How long will it take to build the entire Dachang world?"

"Seven days is enough."

Of the five half-step ancestors beside him, one of them had a snake tail respectfully said, "Many array artifacts have been made long ago, and we only need to arrange them. In fact, it takes five days to arrange them. Many of the formations are solid enough. Seven days is enough to successfully arrange all the formations arranged by the ancestors. "

"Okay, you should arrange it as soon as possible, remember, you must be careful to hide. Don't be discovered by the two Biyou Palace disciples in this Dachang world." The Blackwing Demon commanded, "Once found, a group of fairies in Biyou Palace came, then Trouble. "

"I'll see." Five half-step ancestors answered.

"Go on." Blackwing Demon waved.

The five and a half-step ancestors bowed slightly, and then they quietly dispersed, and began to set up quickly.

As soon as Blackwing Demon stepped forward, he reached an ordinary town below.

He was walking alone on the streets of the town.


The Black Winged Demon frowned slightly, "Mingyao Territory, my demon Tao Mingming has built the dwelling point of the dark cloud demon world. Why did the ancestors let me build a second dwelling point? And the construction of the dwelling point and other small things, just casually Just a demon, I have eleven deities in the Boga family, but let me take responsibility? "

"It's strange," Blackwing demon thought.

He felt something wrong with it, but Boga didn't say it, and he didn't ask much.

"These poor human races ..." Blackwing Demon looked at a large number of people on the street with a icy look in his eyes. "After seven days, I will start to change the entire world of Dachang, and transform this world into a world of magical ways. There will be changes, drastic changes in the environment, and the ordinary creatures of this world will almost die, and only a few can survive. "

"Poor ants, enjoy your life to the fullest extent, after a few days, it will be the destruction of your world."

Watching countless creatures unable to adapt to death under the demon heaven, this kind of extinction is indeed a pleasure to the black wing demon.

After all, under normal circumstances, he would not dare to slaughter so arrogantly. He conquered a new world for the "magic road" and killed these ordinary people. It is the environment created by the new "magic heaven" of this world. He has no sin. Instead, they will get the reward of magic Tao Tiandao.

Both the Shenxiao Taoist and Qin Yun did not know that there were six terrorists sneaking in, and they still lived normal lives.

Guangling City.

Qin Yun was with his wife occasionally, and most of the time he was still immersed in spiritual practice. He worked on the Kendo day and night. He was able to create five "Jinxian level" tricks one after another. His accumulation was strong enough, and he could even faintly perceive The 'avenue' I am after! Just vague perception made Qin Yun tremble with excitement.

That is his pursuit, the goal of many years of practice.

Once accomplished, he will be different from that.

They all say, ‘Chaowen Road, you can die in the evening’. And you will preach and gain a avenue, and it will even tremble your life instincts.

The closer you get, the more you desire! He became more enlightened.

"Everyone who can become a avenue has a very high level of control over the void. It even affects time." Qin Yun sat cross-legged on the grass near Xiaojing Lake. "Only so, they can cross the boundary between the territory and the boundary between them. . "

"I'm creating my own tricks now, and I should be more focused on time and space."

Qin Yun closed her eyes.

Now he senses the surrounding space and can clearly analyze the layers of mystery. Ruding Dingjie cattle, slaughtered cattle for three years, seeing the cattle, ‘there is no whole cow’, but you see the muscles and bones in the cattle. After slaughtering cattle for many years, there is no need to look with eyes, but to touch with spirits, and it is easy to dissociate a whole cow by purely induction.

The same is true for spiritual practice. As the enlightenment deepens, the void is no longer so mysterious in front of it. Although the naked eye cannot see it, the spirit can sense it, understand the composition of the void, and change layers. There is also a more mysterious influence of 'time' on space, but just by incorporating time, it is immediately complicated and I do not know how many times.


Qin Yun patted the void gently with his right hand, and the void in Xiaojing Lake in front trembled.

A slap trembled.

"Alas." The third slap made a black and dark cavern appear in the void.

"This is just a small area, and time and space are even more important." Qin Yun waved at will.


A wave of fluctuations centered on Qin Yun.

This is a spatial fluctuation, or even a slight change in time.

In a flash!

This spatial fluctuation spread from Xiaojing Lake in Guangling City to all directions, passing 50,000 miles away! Passed the city, the wilderness, the desert, and finally entered the sea.

No matter which direction is in the southeast or northwest, the spatial fluctuations have been transmitted to the ocean, and even Dachang World has swept about 80%.

On a deserted island in the North Sea, the island is only half a mile wide and very small.

But an old man in gray robes was here, and he was carefully arrayed.


An array of plates sank deep below the ground.

The old man in the gray robe closed his eyes and remotely sensed the array elements in Dachang world. Those were also arranged by him. Five half-step ancestors, each with a division of labor. After all, to build a solid world, you need a combination of arrays.

"No, the position in the void is still a bit off. This disk has to be re-placed." The old man in the gray robe sensed it, and he could only wave out the disk again, followed the induction, and re- Arranged, just moved about an inch to the side.

After layout.

Inducted again, this time he sensed that the array was already faintly connected with other array elements.

"Well, it's time to go next." The old man in the gray robe smiled.

at this time--

A wave of space swept over here, the old man in gray robes, and that array.

The smile of the old man in the gray robe solidified. He was also a half-step ancestor, who could easily perform the technique of large movement, and how sensitive he was to the void. He could sense the 'will' contained in that wave of waves, obviously a peep of a strong man. Not the other four half-step ancestors, nor the black-winged demon!

"Not good! It was found !!!" The gray robe old man's eyes were red.


In the mountains, a half-step zombie is carefully manipulating the three-parcel flag.

A wave of space swept across here, across the half-step ancestral demon, and across the three-parcel flag.

"Not good." The half-step ancestor also changed his face.


The five and a half step ancestors line up, with the land as the core, and there are the most intelligent beings on the land. This was the second day they came to Dachang World, and they were swept away by a wave of spatial fluctuations that Qin Yun inadvertently displayed during his practice.

Sitting cross-legged on a hill, waiting silently for seven days, the Black Winged Lord, also felt that a wave of space swept him.

He even followed this spatial fluctuation, and in turn sensed the source of the fluctuation remotely.


It's in Guangling City!

Qin Yun, who was sitting cross-legged on the shore of Xiaojing Lake, was also shocked!

These demon heads were shocked, Qin Yun was also shocked!

"Discovered!" The Black Winged Demon also changed his face, and quickly transmitted the other five and a half step ancestors through causality. "We were discovered by Qin Yun. There was no time. All the arranged arrays were immediate. excitation!"

"Yes ~ ~ Yes." "Yes." ...

The five and a half step ancestors were a little alarmed. When they heard the command of the Blackwing Demon, they immediately triggered the formation.


On the shore of Xiaojing Lake, Qin Yun, who had been immersed in spiritual practice and tried to figure out the tricks of time and space, was also shocked to open his eyes.

"A devil has sneaked in?" Qin Yun was a bit surprised, "There are so many arrays, I can't see some of them."

Nothing else.

Qin Yun thought.

"Zhou Tian Xingjie!"

Immediately, the endless star power poured into the entire Dachang world, and saw the endless starlight come. With Qin Yun as the center, the starlight was shrouded everywhere. The entire land and a small part of the ocean are in the envelope.

"Destroy these arrays first." Qin Yun did not hesitate, and immediately mobilized endless star power to start the destruction. Many arrays have not been arranged yet, they are only semi-finished products.

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