Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 16 Chapter 20: End of 3 Realms

Wanfa Pavilion on the ninth floor.

It's quiet here, only Qin Yun is looking at it here.

"The innate Lingbao of the Three Realms, I have a complete record of Biyu Palace." Qin Yun looked at the book, "there is nothing recorded, I am afraid there are very few."

Innate Lingbao's intelligence is very important, so you need to know it in advance.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will offend the messy person.

"The King Kongzuo who is too prince is very powerful. The top of the ordinary Jinxian has to be planted accidentally. If I cast my destiny flying sword, I'm afraid it will be accepted!" Qin Yun looked at the books In the description, he secretly sighed, "Fortunately, Master lends Qing Ping Jian to me temporarily, but I feel more confident."

King Kong Zhuo and Qing Ping Sword are both congenital treasures. These congenital treasures are not available to anyone, or the general Jinxian Buddha was lucky enough to get a congenital treasure, which is not enough.

Qin Yun can master the power of ‘Qingping Sword’ only when he masters the top road.

If in a small world, Qin Yun is absolutely invincible.

But among the many powers, Qin Yun was cautious. After all, all kinds of innate spirit treasures are different, that is, Yang Yan and Sun Monkey, they will suffer secret losses if they are not careful. Qin Yun is not as powerful as the two bodies. Be cautious. So the more powerful you are ... the more you don't go to war easily, the more you fear that if you accidentally strike, you will lose your life, and many years of practice will become empty.

After all, who knows whether the enemy has an innate spiritual treasure restraining himself? Or borrowed a certain innate Lingbao specially for your own calculation?

"Congenital objects ... Um? At the end of the Three Realms, in chaos?" Qin Yun glanced at a book that introduced various congenital objects, and introduced their general locations.

"Chaos is endless, and when Pangu opened the world and waved the Pangu axe to split the chaos, it was only a part of the chaos that was split, and the Three Realms were born. The end of the Three Realms is chaos." Qin Yun nodded slightly, "the vast chaos China is full of crises. For example, some ancient chaos demons, some still live in chaos. But chaos is also full of opportunities! Congenital wonders, congenital spirit treasures ... Most of them are born in chaos. , Maybe you can get an innate spiritual treasure. "

"However, according to the book, in the vast years, Daozu Buddhas and some chaos gods often traveled in chaos. The area closer to the Three Realms wanted to find innate wonders and innate spiritual treasures again. The possibility is very low. . And if it is too far away, those who are at the perfect level of Jinxian may get lost and never return. That is why the ancestors and dads dared to swim deeper in the chaos. "


"It's far away, I can't sense the existence of the Three Realms, there is no direction, I don't know the up and down, I don't know the back and forth, and even the time flow rate becomes elusive. Once lost in the chaos, no one can come back?" Qin Yun was surprised. .


After looking at a lot of information, Qin Yun finally came to the five classics placed on the ninth floor of the Wanfa Pavilion.

"Five Elements Sword Scriptures", "The Promise Mother Book", "Dong Xuan Scriptures", "Yu Chen Sword Scriptures", "Shang Qing Twelve".

"The" Five Elements Sword "was created by a big brother. I only learned the avenue of achievement before! What I put here is the successful part of the avenue." The Promise of Mother Prose "was created by the elder sister, and the remaining" Dong Xuan " The "Scriptures", "Yuchen Sword Scriptures" and "Shangqing Twelve" are all created by the Master ... These are all successful roads. "Qin Yun nodded slightly.

This is the essence.

The classics of the avenue are not available outside.

Here are five servings!

"In the Xianxian Hall, it should be the highest achievement of the Master." Qin Yun was not in a hurry, and he was going to retreat to the Xianxian Hall after the Yuanshen breakthrough, and accepted the highest inheritance of the Biyu Palace.

Follow Qin Yun to pick up the "Yuchen Sword Classic" first look.

From this perspective, the five classics immersed him for a long time.

Just taking note of nature quickly, but when he watched, he couldn't help but think about it, and the aura of light emerged, and he couldn't help but immerse himself in the day and night.

"It turned out to be a successful road."

"Stones from other hills, can learn."

"After we can get things done, we can retreat with ease and participate in enlightenment." Qin Yun put up his practice and put down the books.

"I want to improve my comprehension on" Ziwei Sword "as soon as possible. Master obviously doesn't like me wasting too much time." Qin Yun thought, "To improve as soon as possible, the best way ... is to find something that can help me The treasure of practicing 'Choutian Avenue'. "

Zhoutian Avenue.

It is also a boulevard pointing straight at the avenue! Like the ancient Demon God Emperor, like the Ziwei Emperor, they all repaired Zhoutian Avenue, and they all existed in Jinxian's perfect level.

"Congenital Lingbao, originally contains a avenue, which is most suitable for my enlightenment." Qin Yun's mind emerged a lot of messages from the Three Realms of the Innate Lingbao.

The eighteen flying stars are made by the ancient demon heaven with the help of congenital objects.

At that time, the ancient heavenly court was best known as 'Zhou Tian Xing Chen Zhen', and 'Eighteen Flying Stars' was a simplified basic version.

"The innate Lingbao 'Eighteen Flying Stars' has been destroyed since ancient times. After several transfers, it is now in the hands of the virgin and true emperor of Ziyang Cave in Qingfeng Mountain." Qin Yun nodded slightly, "I will see you See you last time. "

Heaven, Qingfeng Mountain, Ziyang Cave.

Outside the gate of Dongfu.

There was a teenager kneeling there. He had long been kneeling, his face paled and his breath was weak, but he persisted.

"Russia." A Dao boy sweeps the floor at the door, and he sweeps the floor patiently everywhere. When the boy sweeps to the boy, he says, "Go back, don't kneel here. You haven't knelt for a long time." use."

"I will always kneel down, and I will let Zhenjun see my sincerity, and even if I kneel to death, I will kneel down too." The teenager's lips were white and said weakly.

"You are useless to kneel to death. I do n’t know how many of these three circles want to worship my master as a teacher. You kneel here, and the master will accept you as an apprentice? The beauty you want." Dao Tong shook his head. "You can go through the hardships. Here, my brother also gave you a chance before, but you obviously do n’t have the qualifications and are not qualified to enter my Ziyang Cave. You can come back wherever you go. "

Said Dao Tong continued to sweep the floor.

Not far away, a young girl couldn't help running over, holding the kettle, and even saying, "Master, drink some water. You have been kneeling for three months, and you haven't drunk a bite. Can't hold it. "

"Go away." The teenager waved.

"Master!" The girl eagerly, tears flowing down.

"Using force to resist here?" The sweeping Dao Tong shook his head and sighed, "I have seen so many years, it's useless."

"Master, we don't have to wait here, let's go find other gods." The girl said, "There must be someone who is willing to accept Master."

"Zhenjun is the top power in the Three Realms. I can only expect revenge by worshiping as a teacher under his door!" The boy gritted his teeth, "otherwise it will only take time."

"Master." The girl was anxious.

With a wave of his hand, the young man "leave." He said an angry look at the girl.

The girl could only hold the kettle aside.

The master of her family is also a genius, and at the age of sixteen, she practiced to the innate Jindan. It is not difficult to become a god. It's just that the enemy is too horrible. He went through the arduous investigation of the ‘Dongfu Zhenjun’, and arrived here after hard work.

In front of the cave, quietness was restored.

The teenager continued to kneel, and the distant girl still looked silently, while Dao Tong slowly swept the floor slowly.


A figure emerged from nothing.

The figure of a young man carrying a teal magic sword suddenly appeared, so that the kneeling teenager, the **** the side, and the Taoist boy sweep the floor.

"I've seen my predecessors." The sweeping Tong Tong came over and saluted.

"Excuse me, please pass a message to Brother Qingxu." Qin Yun laughed. "Just say, Qin Yun is here."

Brother Qingxu?

Sweeping Tongtong surprised! Given the status of his master ‘Qing Xu Dao Zhen Jun’ in the Three Realms, there are not many qualified to call him ‘Qing Xu Dao Xiong’.

"Brother Qingxu?" The kneeling teenager couldn't help but look at Qin Yun. "Who is he? It seems familiar to Zhenjun?"

The young **** the side also quietly moved to the kneeling teenager, and gestured with her eyes.

The boy understands that his maid is asking him to hug this ‘thigh’. The one in front of him may be a power in the Three Realms.

At this moment, the virgin and true moral monarch in Ziyang Cave knew what was happening to the outside world and took the initiative to leave the quiet room.

"Master." Dao Tong saw the master who came out on his own and immediately reported, "There is a self-proclaimed Qin Yun outside ..."

However, the true and honest emperor did not listen to the obituary, and directly ordered "Hurry up, open the gate, and I will personally meet Brother Qin."

The disciples immediately hurried to open the door.

"Qin Yun?"

"The Qin Jianxian who swept across the 26 realms of the Three Realms?"

"I heard that Lingbao Daozu gave Qin Jianxian the innate treasure" Qingping Sword "!" The disciple disciples of these moral true monarchs were also all informed ~ ~ each of them was excited and quietly Talk about the sound, but also quickly opened the door.


The mountain gate opened with the entire Ziyang Cave.

There are disciples on both sides, and there are several very powerful disciples following behind the Qingxu Zhenzhen.

"Hahaha ..." Qingxu Zhenzhen came with a big laugh, and his robe fluttered in the wind. When he approached, he immediately bent over and gave a big gift. "Brother Qin, let me worship!"

"Qing Xu Dao, don't." Qin Yun even stepped forward to help him.

"I am thanking Brother Qin for the 26 sentient beings in the Three Realms, you can stand it." Qingxu Zhenzhen, with a smile, got up and said, "Walk around, follow me in and talk." Qin took Qin In Yun's left hand, enthusiasm must be directed to Dongfu.

The young man kneeling not far away even got up and even took a few steps forward, he knelt down sharply and shouted "Senior!"


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