Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 17 Chapter 3: Ask for help

Qin Yun originally looked at everything from afar.

But after watching it for a while, he couldn't help it. This first piece of "eat meat" made him angry. All the demons were crazy. Taoist practitioners are most afraid of breeding the spirit demon, but the spirit demon has a vein. The spirit is practicing along this path. As soon as he got in touch, Qin Yun had endless killings. He deserved to be killed! He couldn't help it!

But still have to follow the plan.

There are many enemies in the demon vein. There are many enemies who want to kill them. Most of the disciples of the "Moxiu" ancestors have died, but it is also normal. This is a common "robbing" of the demon vein. You have to die if you can't survive it. Only those who survive can go far!

Qin Yun is disguised as a man with ‘Meng Kantong’! After years of practice, he finally has the strength to avenge himself!

"Who are you?" Meng Kantong stood there, glancing at Qin Yun who rushed in, and said leisurely, "There are too many enemies against me, many of which I don't know."

Seemingly relaxed, but at his feet, the array is rotating, and the hall dome is also rotating in the reverse direction.

Layers of masks sheltered Moncanton's body.

This is his Dongfu! Wouldn't his old nest have any means of protection?

"The formation method?" The gray-haired silver-haired young man changed his face and said coldly, "You don't want to procrastinate and suffer!"

Talking about a blood-stained meniscus bodyguard, the other two blood-stained meniscus crossed an arc, cutting the void, and cutting it with terror.

Puff puff--

The two-handed **** meniscus cut over, and it turned out that seven layers of photomasks were cut in succession.

At the sight of this mighty Meng Kantong's face changed: "Hidden strength just now? You have half a step ancestral strength?"

"I'm afraid you'll run away." Qin Yun said coldly.

Meng Kantong's face was ugly, he immediately crushed a piece of blood jade, and a rune flowed to protect the whole body. He immediately turned into a ghost and wanted to fly.


The void twisted, completely trapping Monkant.

"I've been preparing for many years just to kill you. You can't escape." Qin Yun's voice was cold and full of murderous intention.

"No, no--" Moncanton was crazy, trying his best to escape.

He also has the strength of the Heavenly Demon Nine Emperor Heaven. As the heart and soul of the Heavenly Demon, although the strength of the frontal fight is very ordinary, the life-saving means are very strange. Even if half-step ancestors come to kill, accidentally let Moncanton escape. Therefore, Qin Yun disguised himself as a half-step ancestor with painstaking preparation, making Mengkantong even more desperate.

Moncanton's body is twisted, and he wants to get out of the void, but he cannot escape.

The men in Canton, Montan, have already seen the situation far away.

"It turned out to be a half-step ancestor."

"The host has too many enemies. This time it is a big problem."

There are also five tied prisoners in the hall. The five prisoners in Fenghuizong are all very excited at this moment. They and `` Meng Kantong '' have great hatred! There are countless dead and wounded in their sect, only a few thousand disciples are alive, and only five of them are left at the top.

"Hahaha, Moncanton, you are the retribution! Even the devil, you have to be careful of karma. Once the retribution comes, you have to die!"

"Dad, madam, this Munchant is finally going to die. He is going to die." A female prisoner was crying there.

"Moncanton, seeing you die, I'm worth it."

"Senior! We also have vengeance with Moncanton, and also asked the seniors to save us."


All five spoke in succession.

But Qin Yun ignored them at all, although the five demons were tortured by Meng Kantong. However, these five demons also have great sins in their bodies, and they have killed countless people. It is so pitiful to be tortured when they encounter the most bizarre ‘heart demon vein demons’ in the magic path! In fact, almost all the practitioners of the magic road are like this, they can produce mud without being stained ... very few!

"Give me death." Qin Yun looked desperately, manipulating the **** meniscus, and also displaying some treasures that looked like "awesomeness."

Seems to be exhausted.

Qin Yun was secretly saying, "The demon in the heart of the demon is ninefold, and his life is quite good. I disguised as a half-step ancestor, and it took five breaths to kill him. It is normal. As long as Zumo Moxiu is willing to save his apprentices, there is no time. "

"Moxue, are you here to save your disciples or just watch him die?"

Qin Yun is waiting.


The Palace of Revelation.

This is the ancestral demon Moxiu's Dongfu palace. There are a lot of demon patrols on the periphery. Although Moxiu's true body is not here, he still has an incarnation to handle many things.

Many of his disciples will remain incarnate even if they are out.

In a luxurious hall.

Moxie sat cross-legged alone, his body looming, as if it were an illusion, and a faint golden light shrouded him. Suddenly he felt something, and commanded, "Every time I step back."

"Yes." All the servants in the hall retreated.

Moxiu stood up and watched a figure suddenly appearing in the hall. He was a kind-hearted white-haired white-haired old man, and his body also exuded a touch of golden light.

"Old man." Moxie saluted respectfully.

The old man in front of me is the pioneer of the heart devil-the ancestor of the heart demon! Although the demon ancestor is only the top strength of the ancestor and demon, it is the most eerie vein in the demon. His threat to the Taoist Buddhist Temple and other parties is no less than a successful existence on the avenue. He wasn't fighting head-on, but was bewildering and even controlling the heart.

Some who have been exposed are controlled by the ancestral ancestors.

"Moxiu," the demon ancestor asked, "Is there anything for you to investigate Yang Ye?"

"My servant of the demon is under the command of Yang Yan, and acts as a general." Mo Xiu frowned. "When Qin Yun swept across the twenty-six territories of My Magic Road, Yang Xie shot. Yang Yang never left Guanjiangkou again. . "

"The Guanjiangkou is vague and difficult to watch. Your demon servant must have stared to death. Once Yang Yan has something changed, he will immediately go up." The demon ancestor ordered.

"Yes, ancestor," Moxue answered.

The demon ancestor nodded slightly, and then disappeared.

Moxiu followed and sat down with his knees crossed, frowning slightly: "Yang Ye is also the top of Jinxian. Although he has practiced the Xuan Gong, he has one more and one less, and it has not much influence on the heaven and the Taoism. Let me just follow orders! "

In recent years, Moxue also felt that the current of magic was faint and surging, and he could only feel it vaguely.


"Master, save your life, save your life." A cry came from outside the temple.

"Come in." Moxie frowned, incarnate to control the Dongfu formation, and put the Monkant incarnation outside directly.

Meng Kantong came in, even anxiously: "Master, there are half steps of the ancestors killed in my cave house, chase me, I can't hold it long."

"What?" Moxiu had Liman in his eyes. "Which half-step ancestor?"

Of the eleven disciples who are still alive today, Moncanton is indeed one of his favorite.

"I don't know, it should be my enemy. He just broke through. He did everything to kill me." Meng Kantong kneeled and said, "Master, I can't hold it, Master, save me. what."

"I don't know?" Moxie frowned slightly, and soon his eyes were shocked. "I tried to investigate the cause and effect, but I couldn't detect it? What exactly happened in this half-step ancestral demon? child."


"Brother Kukan, my apprentice Meng Canton is being chased down in his cave. A half-step ancestor is chasing him. Please take a shot and save my apprentice."

"Moxue, who is that half-step ancestor? What's the origin?"

"I can't figure out the cause and effect. Maybe it's because there is a treasure in the body, so the secret is vague. If you kill him, you might get this amazing baby."

"It may also be a big deal! This shot may cause a commotion. I can't do this."


The two voices communicated remotely through causality.

The half-step ancestral demon is also a big master in the magic path. Usually there are masters! Even if it was originally a casual practice, it can become a half step ancestor ... can also worship the great forces. A half-step ancestor who didn't figure it out, Kukulzu was reluctant to shoot easily.

"Master, I can't hold it up!" Monkant's incarnation shouted in despair, hoeing frantically for help.

"A half-step ancestor of unknown origin, based on Kukan's friendship with me, he was reluctant to take a shot. I am afraid to ask a 'zumo top' person who doesn't care about intervening directly. Please ask the zumo top's existence This cost is also a little bit higher. My apprentice is not worth it for me. "Moxiu looked at the apprentice with a **** and asked for help, and had a decision in his heart.

"Rest assured, I will save you." Moxue said as he looked at his apprentice.

"Master Xie, Master Xie." Meng Kantong rejoiced and eagerly said, "Master, why haven't you shot?"

"The other ancestors I asked for ~ ~ soon started." Mo Xiu smiled at his apprentice.

"I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, Master, hurry up! Hurry up!" Meng Kantong turned into a red eye, "Master-"


Monkant's incarnation disappeared.

He really died, and the incarnation naturally dissipated.

"Tuer, don't worry, you're dead, I'll take revenge on you." Moxiu had coldness in his eyes. "I will slowly find out who the ancestors are in this half step, hum!"


After struggling to support five breathing efforts, Moncanton was finally beheaded by the gray-haired silver-haired youth.

A heavenly demon Jiu Zhongtian was killed in this vein.

"Finally dead, ha ha ha, I've been waiting too long for this day." Qin Yun laughed, and then left as his streamer turned into a streamer.

"Senior, save us, save us." The five prisoners were still shouting, but they could not call back Qin Yun.


A barren grassland, Qin Yun appeared here.

"It's a Moxie. It is indeed the ancestral demon of the heart and spirit. It is really cunning and cautious." Qin Yun said softly. Void exploration? Based on my time and space accomplishment, if he dares to look in the distance, I will immediately find him! "

Qin Yun was helpless.

If the other party is best to save nature, face to face? Which scallion does Moxie count?

The other party dares to spy on him, and he can find him.


Neither did Moses.

"However, I killed your apprentice, and you also want to kill me, a half-step ancestor? This causal entanglement ... But the greater the cause and effect. The larger the cause and effect, the harder it is for you to hide." Finger calculations, vagueness, but the more cause and effect, the more Qin Yun hopes to clear the fog and see more.

A moment later, Qin Yun smiled.

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