Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 17 Chapter 25: Wu Zhiqi

"Before the ancient demon heaven, when the chaos opened, the demon were still very weak." Erlang Zhenjun looked at the scene quietly with breathless breath. "At that time, the chaos gods were in the Three Realms, and the strongest was Zhu Ronghe. The co-workers have broken Zhoushan, Zhu Rong even defeated the co-workers ... It is rumored that both of them have stepped into heaven with one foot. "

"Three Blades of Mountain actually banned such a group of chaotic gods?" Many thoughts appeared in the heart of Erlang Zhenjun, Yang Yang, and then he quietly looked at the famous King Zhurong God, "The source that made me feel was on King Zhurong God, No matter what baby, I can't watch. "

"It's time to leave, otherwise we won't be able to leave."

Yang Yan did not hesitate to retreat cautiously immediately.


And in the ancient hall at the core of San blade mountain.

Zhu Rongshen and His Majesty's Chaos Demon are one side, and the other is naturally the Blood Sea ancestor.

"Blood sea, I said, you let me out, I owe you a big cause and effect." Zhu Rong smiled and looked at the blood sea ancestor calmly, "What do you need me to do for you?"

The blood sea ancestor smiled: "Brother Zhu Rong, you don't owe me, you owe the demon ancestor. This time I will save you, and the ancestor ordered it."

"I owe the ancestor? Who is the ancestor?"

Zhu Rong frowned slightly when he heard the name, a little confused, and he deduced a little, surprised, "The demon ancestor, it is Hei Lian ... he has reached the heavenly state? How many people in the Three Realms have reached the heavenly state?"

"These are not secrets. Brother Zhu Rong believes that you can know it after a little deduction." Xuehai ancestor said.

"When I was in the Three Realms, Chaos was not long open." Zhu Rongji knew that as soon as he deduced, he shook his head and sighed. "There are those who are fighting for the Three Realms and want to command the Three Realms. There are also Laojun and Yuanshi who live in seclusion and practice to explore various schools. Yes. Every one wants to go their own way. "

"In that battle, the co-worker caused a great disaster and broke Tianzhu. The Three Realms will usher in a catastrophic disaster. At that time, the son-in-law realized that he had reached the level of heaven and made up the heaven to save the Three Realms." Zhu Rong said, "Although the female He suppressed me and waited, but I didn't complain at all. But at that time, only son-in-law reached heaven. "

"In a blink of an eye, there are six heavenly states."

Zhu Rong sighed, "Instead I was still blocked from the door."

The blood sea ancestor laughed: "I'm differently blocked from the door? Brother Zhu Rong is much better than me."

"What does Black Lotus need me to do?" Zhu Rong chuckled softly. "I can come out. Although you have some credit for the magic path, the most fundamental thing is that the son-in-law is willing to let me out. She said at the time that banning me and so on also punished me and so on. In the future, she will put the three town bans into the three realms of the world. If the three town bans are brought together, you can start a big battle. Being able to gather means that Tiandao also allows me to wait for the birth. So why? Without the son-in-law nodding, the town order will not be released, and neither of you can enter this battle. "

"Yes." Xuehai's ancestor smiled. "Naturally the son-in-law nodded. I just made a little effort. Mozu just wanted to see you."

"I need to be familiar with the Three Realms." Zhu Rong said, "After millennia, I will talk to him again."

Blood Sea ancestors hesitated slightly and nodded: "Okay."

Big cause and effect.

Do you care? If you want to improve your strength, of course, you have causality, and you cannot let causality affect your practice.

But if the strength cannot be broken, and the cause and effect are entangled, Zhu Rong's existence can be ignored! What owes you causality? How about turning your face?

As for practice?

The blood sea ancestors are very clear. Zhu Rong, Gong Gong, and other five are from a big background, second only to Pangu, which has a world-wide foundation, so their strengths are extremely powerful. But their origins have made them extremely powerful and restrained. Those five ... died together, and the other four were still alive, or reclusive, or a monarch on one side, but none of them were able to reach the state of heaven.

"Zhu Rong didn't even hunt me down?"

"It is indeed the King of Rongrong who was expected to rule the Three Realms."

A group of chaotic gods headed by Xiangliu looked back in a rock wall passage, all relieved. Most of them were co-workers at first, and they were hostile to Zhu Rong.

A fork in the road ahead, the chaos and demon began to separate.

"Brother Xiangliu, let's make that distinction."

"We'll be separated here."

"Brother Wu Zhiqi, leave."

They quickly separated, divided into nine teams, and each chose a sidewalk and went out.

Although most of the co-workers were once dead, co-workers were dead, and no one was convinced. Even the so-called co-workers will not be able to convince the public in the first battle, "Six willows", naturally divided into many factions below.


"I've figured it out. The son-in-law talks really counts. I haven't forever suppressed and banned me." The three Chaos gods walked side by side, chatting happily as they walked.

A sharp-billed monkey cheek, with gray hairs all over the body, laughed: "After so many years, you must go out and have a good time."

"Treasure hunt rat, you have to find good wine. I haven't had a drink in a long time." A furry ape in armor was grinning.

"Brother Wu Zhiqi, rest assured, you don't know the ability of treasure hunting rats? He can find the best wine in the three realms." Another one-cornered **** and devil laughed, "Treasure hunting rats, you are good at deducing secrets and going out." Hurry up and look for a beautiful woman, I haven't tasted it for too long. "

"Rest assured, leave it to me." The gray-haired demon smiled.

The three of them kept marching in the fork.

"Why always go inside?" Furry ape, Wu Zhiqi frowned. He had a white-haired head, blue-haired body, and a pair of fierce golden pupils swept towards the gray-haired demon. "Treasure hunt rat, quickly find a way out . "

"Brother Wu Zhiqi, don't worry, this is the natural vein of the son-in-law's arrangement of the banned formation, so it is so complicated. Although I am good at deducing the magic, I can't break the son-in-law's formation." The devil laughed. "But we don't have to worry about it. We will spend more time at all and will always go out."

"Huh?" The gray-haired demon suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked forward. "There seems to be a practitioner in front of me. If I sense it correctly, it should be Sanxian."


Wu Zhiqi was surprised, "Before we were banned by the suppression, Chaos gods studied many practice schools, and there was a vein in Taoism, trying to disperse the immortals ... But it seems that there is one disaster, one disaster every thousand years. Better than Yijie. At that time, the Three Realms would soon give up this genre. "

"Treasure hunt rat, have you read it wrong?" Asked the unicorn demon.

"My eyes, can I read it wrong?" The gray hair **** demons admits, "Although it can hide the breath, it is definitely a fairy. And I have found more!"

Wu Zhiqi and the unicorn demon looked at him.

The gray-haired devil laughed and said, "I found that he has a big baby ~ ~ the" treasure "... I can smell it on the nose. The baby on his body is afraid of him Brother Qi, you have more! "

"More than mine?" Wu Zhiqi's pair of golden pupils lit up. "How strong?"

"I can see that he is a Sanxian, and I can also see that his mana is the top Jinxian level."

"Top Jinxian?" Wu Zhiqi smiled. "Strength is pretty good, but Sanxian is not a flesh-cultivating body. His body is very fragile and can be pinched to death with a pinch."

Wu Zhiqi, that was the general who was at the forefront of the Communist Party.

"We quietly went to kill him." Wu Zhiqi smiled strangely, and preached, "He ca n’t survive a disaster anyway, so we will send him to reincarnation. I will take half of the treasure I got this time. The remaining two of you are split in half. "

"Um." The unicorn demon was also a little excited.

The gray-haired demon also smiled strangely, but he obviously shrank back. He is the weakest, but many methods such as treasure hunting, deduction, and concealment of secrets are very good, so Wu Zhiqi has always sheltered him.

The three of them were moving forward silently.

Soon they saw it.

In the distant stone wall passage, there is a young man sitting cross-legged, even with clear air above his head, and muddy air floating under his cross-legged seat.

"Taoist Sanxian." The unicorn **** and demon voice sneered, "Taoism is a genre of seclusion practice, even Sanxian is the last! Brother Wu Qi Qi, I shot first, and unexpectedly I was sure he would destroy his Yuan God. "


Qin Yun is indeed practicing.

He was aloof, all kinds of feelings emerged in his heart.

Suddenly the natal Feijian 'Yanyu Feijian', which was conceived in the body, started to warn slightly, and Qing Pingjian, who was also in her sleeve, also warned.

"Feijian warned? Did you feel hostile?" Qin Yun also warned.

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