Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 20 Chapter 3: Not enough

The demon ancestor ordered his mighty powers, and the powers passed the order. After several layers of transmission, countless heavenly demons in the three realms got the news.

"The dark cloud tower that was wantonly evil turned out to have so many demon behind it." A Taoist who is a triple **** of the gods looked angrily at a group of demon in this temple, and the leader sitting on the throne smiled even more. Get up: "Haha, genre, you can be considered a gifted man, and you're against my Dark Cloud Tower again and again. But what you see is just a small part of my Dark Cloud Tower's power. You have been chasing my Dark Cloud Lou's old nest, thought I didn't know? "

"You sneak in here, we all can see clearly." The other demons are also looking down at the poor ants.

"Qu Feng, you have good talents, I will give you a chance, take refuge in my dark cloud building, and change the magic road, I can accept you as my disciple, how?" The leader looked at the Taoist below.

The martyr's face was ugly: "Don't think about it, just kill it."

"Why is it? On the practice, there are thousands of ways in my magic path, and the practice is faster, and in your realm you can achieve the demon in ten years." The leader laughed.

"That is evil." Taoist sneered.

"In this world, fists speak loudly. Whatever is evil or not ..." The leader laughed and said that the magic path is indeed more radical. Various evil methods make it more difficult for the magic path to become the ancestor demon. But for most practitioners, power is too far away! So the magic road is indeed very tempting.

The infiltration and dissemination of the demon Tao in the Three Realms will be so fast. Like many Taoists who cannot get started, they can practice successfully when they switch to the Tao. This is the advantage of the demon Tao.

"Come, come to my dark cloud building, come here, you will get what you want." The leader continued, but suddenly a voice sounded in the hall.

"You, you escape from the big world and hide into the small world, fast!"

"Master!" The leader was surprised.

The demons around him were shocked. The leader of their leader was a magical power.

快 "Quick, Qin Jianxian has arrived in your big world!" The voice was a little eager.

Howling! !! !!

Several sword qi emerged from the void and appeared in the hall. The sword qi flew in the hall as soon as they blinked, and saw the body of a famous demon penetrated and turned into flying ash. Only the Taoist is still alive.

"All are dead?" Taoist 愣愣 looked at, these demons are stronger than him, the leader can crush him with a finger, and now they are all dead?

"Escape from the big world, hide into the small world? Can you survive if you hide into the small world?" The Taoist muttered, "This Qin Jianxian should be a mighty one."

He is just the triple **** of Yuan Shen, he has never heard of Qin Jianxian before.

Uh ...


天 Every demon is running away.

Some hurriedly flew in horror and hurry: "Master, this Qin Jianxian is going to sweep the Three Realms of Demons, and the many powers of my demon will not stop him?"

"Can't stop it."

He sighed and whispered in his ear, and followed him to ignore the apprentice.

不 Can not escape the big world in a short time, it is destined to be killed.

"The entire demon road cannot be stopped? Isn't it true that the demon ancestors can rival the ancestors of the ancestors? Qin Jianxian is so terrible?" The demon in flight is unwilling to believe.

I want to sweep across all the big demons in the big world, and these things will indeed cause the crazy counterattack of magic.

The Demon Tao itself has ‘the avenue is complete’, like Bo Xun, the king of all demons, the ancestor of the blood sea, and so on. Even the demon ancestor can invite some other avenues to complete their success, such as the three fierce chaos and some ancient existences such as the King Zhurong. But this time Qin Yun started to work, there was no way to do magic magic!

As a half step heaven state, is still a half step heaven state that may only be alive for thousands of years ...

He Modao couldn't deal with it by himself. The demon ancestor asked other ancient beings to help, and no one would help. Who provoke Qin Yun's crazy revenge?

Uh ...

Qi Qinyun went to 'clean up' one by one, he wanted to clean up the 'house' of the Three Realms.

天 The demons in the first two big worlds were swept by Qin Yun without receiving a mandate.

From the third big world, the demons began to flee wildly. Those demons generally have life-saving void shuttle treasures, but most of them are short distances, and it is more common to escape tens of thousands of miles in an instant. Wanting to escape a big world ... too difficult! Only a few demons have life-saving objects that can escape the great world.

There are even more powerful ones that can perform large movements themselves, and naturally escape easily and into small worlds.

Once Yun entered the small world, Qin Yun couldn't help it.

and so--

Although Qin Yun showed no mercy, there were still many escaped in the late demons, because in the late demons, they can generally shuttle in a long distance in the void, and they can escape the big world several times.

Can talk about quantity.

In the middle and early days of the demons, they occupy more than ninety-nine percent, and fewer of them escape.

"Bully ~~~"

Countless sword spirits descended through the void, and they were chopped on a bit of demons. Countless demons annihilated and dissipated as if in a bubble. Even if there were avatars, all avatars were killed by causality under the sword light of Qin Yun.

"It ’s really cruel. Except for the Demon Territory, the demons in other big worlds have been killed more than 99%, and they have killed tens of millions of demons. It is really a great catastrophe for the entire Three Realms. But what do I think? Just so happy. "Heaven, the two powers watched everything happening in the Three Realms, chatting casually.

"The whole Three Realms have the ability to do so, very few. Only those who dare to do so are Qin Jianxian! Have to say admiration!"

"There are sixty territories in the Three Realms, ten of which are under the control of Demon Road, and the Demon Road has penetrated another 26 territories. These 26 territories, when the small world of the Qin Sword Fairy was invincible, made countless of these 26 territories. The small worlds were taken back. The demons of those small worlds either went to the realm of magical lands or went to the big world. Now the big worlds of the 26 territories have been swept again. The power of the magical arrogance of these 26 territories can be They say they are almost extinct, and only a few of them are alive. "

"Well, outside the borders of the magic path ... the magic path is almost extinct."

The powerful people who watched this scene everywhere in the Three Realms were amazed, and many applauded ~ ~ Good job. "

来 "Come here, drink, be happy, be happy."

There are also envy and enmity in the great power, but also thought about killing the demon head, but the strength is not enough. Even if the general avenue is complete, it would not dare to offend the magic road in this way.

Qin Yun did.

What I have done has left all parties in the Three Realms stunned, no matter which side is in power, they must acknowledge the power of this ‘Qin Jianxian’.

"This Qin Yun is really crazy, too crazy."

"Kill, kill."

"Let him be proud that the Sanxian robbery is more terrible once. The eleventh Sanxian robbery must be done with full strength. The twelfth Sanxian robbery must be protected by heaven. Then Qin Yun will surely die. "

"Yes, he will die when he crosses the robbery."

One by one, the demon ancestors were crazy, because the numerous demon are all disciples they passed down, and now they have been killed. They are afraid to take the lead.

Uh ...

Qi Qinyun stood in midair.

"It's almost done." Qin Yun also stopped, and a steady stream of merits fell on him.

He looked at the world from afar, watching the cheering and fortunateness of countless ordinary people after they got out of the clutches, and he couldn't help but smile. He does this second, and his merit is second, and more importantly, he really wants to do something for countless souls! He knew how pathetic the mundane rages, and he wanted this world to be better.

"I want to do more for this world, but I can only do part of it in the end." Qin Yun glanced at the top ten areas of the magic road, where he could not do anything, and his strength was not enough.

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