Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 20 Chapter 11: Beheaded



The nine strong men waved one claw to tear open the array, while the black robe humanoid mist was thrown on the array, struggling to erode and destroy. Both are also violent and feminine, and they are doing their best to break the battle.

At the same time, the silver-haired and silver-eyed woman out of the battlefield was also showing eighteen ice light wheels, and she tried her best to break them.

But the mist and rain were faint and rippling slightly, and then all impacts were unloaded.

"My smoke and rain array is best at protecting oneself, and the enemy is weaker." Qin Yun secretly said, "It is easier to break through the smoke and rain array when attacking from the inside! The attack method of the woman among them is the most terrible. All are trapped in the battlefield, and the three are attacking together, but most of them may still be able to rush out. But now they are only trapped. They are both good at fighting and one with strange body. There is no hope at all. "

The silver-haired and silver-eyed woman was in the field, and there were some threats to Qin Yun.

Out of the field?

Attacking the smoke and rain from the outside? The silver-haired and silver-eyed woman's method is also far from good.

"Three stars, seven stars!"

Qin Yun continued to perform.

I saw that hundreds of millions of sword qi gathered in the smoke and rain array, forming a huge vortex of sword qi, which also swept the nine strong men and the black robe human-shaped mist.

"Not good." After being wrapped by the sword vortex, the nine strong men and the black robe human-shaped mist were severely constrained, which was far more terrible than the suppression in the smoky and rainy field.

"Alas." Jumang also immediately assigned a new vine, and dozens of vines skyrocketed, quickly entangled with the nine strong men and the black robe humanoid mist.

Under the suppression of the "Three Extremes and Seven Stars" by the Yanyu array, their strength was greatly damaged, and for a time they could not resist the vine of Jumang.

A vine entangled their bodies.

The nine strong men were tied up.

Even the robe-shaped mist of the black robe is also restrained, seemingly unreal, but the 'vine' of the wooden **** sentence is extremely mysterious, and can be trapped even in time and space, let alone the form of the mist.

"Kill them quickly." Qin Yun's voice urged.

"Stop! I can let you go!"

Outside the silver robe silver-haired woman, the bound nine strong men, the black robe human-shaped mist issued an angry drink.

"Let's leave? Quite a bit louder!" Juman Haha laughed.


Jin Jiayu had strong eyes in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, a ray of golden light flew out of his hands and quickly penetrated into the bodies of the nine strong men. 虽然 ~~~~ Although the nine strong men are powerful in melee, on the theory of vitality The physical dominance is far less than the previous giants. Compared with the corpse of the mosquitoes, which is comparable to the innate Lingbao, it is also a short shot.

With no resistance, the vitality quickly became extinct, and the nine strong men also became a corpse.

"Well." The ray of gold flew out of the body of the nine strong men, and then penetrated into the trapped black robe humanoid mist gas. The congenital Jinxing Avenue cooperated with the congenital treasure, which was extremely destructive. The vast expanse of Shenhai was also cut short of life, and the body of the black robe humanoid mist was finally solidified, revealing a corpse with blue and black skin.

The two strong men were beheaded and killed without any resistance.

"Dead? Killed so soon?" The silver-haired and silver-eyed woman looked at the scene. At their level, the fighting was extremely fast, and the two companions died instantly, making her anxious and angry.

"All because of this sword array."

The woman with silver hair and silver eyes is very clear.

It was this sword array that divided them into three groups, inside and outside, and they could not shake them together.

"I missed it. I saw it wrong. Of the three of them, the one who is good at the field is the strongest of the three." The silver-haired and silver-eyed woman fully understood at this moment that Qin Yun, the lowest key, was finally The fangs were revealed, and the smoggy rain made them face a large cage.

Outside, I ca n’t get in.

Can't escape in it.

Facing the smoky showers, some only have a sense of despair and powerlessness!

"You can kill the two powerful men in such a fast way, and you'll finally save your face. Otherwise, this battle will be entirely up to me and Qin Jianxian." Jumang said with a smile.

"How much better are you than me? I was beaten for help just now, and forgotten so quickly? We rely on Qin Jianxian for this battle. If it weren't for Qin Jianxian, we would have planted it." Wu Shuan said.

"You planted it, not me, but I still have a clone in the Three Realms." Jumang shouted.

Yishou and Jumang are also in a good mood. They are also friends who have begun in the chaotic period, and they are not indifferent.

"Two, let's find a way to get rid of the other woman." Qin Yun said, "The silver-haired woman is much better than the two you just killed."

"Another woman is stronger."

"We join hands."

蓐 收, Jumang are also full of energy.

Now the enemy is the last one, and Qin Yun is here, completely invincible, of course, they are all very relaxed.

"Yeah." I waved a hand, and the ray of gold shot again, flying to the woman with silver hair and silver eyes, and at the same time, she said, "I attack her physical body. In my opinion, her physical body is far less than the previous giant."

"Yes, attack her flesh." Jumang also immediately separated dozens of long vines. Many vines crossed the sky and shrouded the woman from outside. At the same time, Jumang also preached, "Qin Jianxian, according to the rules The corpse of the powerful outsider hunted this time belongs to you, and the treasure belongs to me and your concubine. You should hurry up to collect the corpse. "

"Okay." Qin Yun waved his hand, and the waves covered the three previous corpses. He planned to sacrifice the corpses of the strong men from outside. Each strong body had the power needed by the three kingdoms.

When Qin Yun tried to put away--

The bodies of the nine strong men and the black-roofed human-shaped mist strong were all stolen and disappeared out of thin air. Only the corpse of the "tall giant" had invisible resistance.

"He's not dead!" Qin Yun's face changed.

The towering giant's eyes also opened, originally looking like a corpse, but at this moment the breath quickly rose, except that there was still a vine bound on his body. Even if he woke up, the towering giant still struggled to escape.

"He didn't touch him just now, he died suddenly, it was too weird. I haven't dared to care about it, and have been restraining him, it really is a fake death." Jumang sneered.

"The trick of fake death, even we can't see any flaws, and we are quite good at pretending to be dead." Wu Shou also sneered, staring at the bound giant giant.

The towering giant ignored the close-up and Jumang, but just stared at Qin Yun and said lowly: "This time, you are not the weakest of the three, but the strongest one! Your sword formation is my long Among the many powerful aliens encountered in the tides of time and space, the one with the strongest formation. "

"We admire your ability to pretend to be dead." Qin Yun also said.

"噗噗 噗 ~~~~"


A ray of gold flickered frantically, trying again and again to kill the body of the woman with silver hair and silver eyes.

The long vines were entangled madly, trying to be close.

But there are ten ice light wheels around the silver-haired and silver-eyed woman, which naturally isolates time and space, and her time and space are completely protected. No matter how weird the vines are, no matter how fierce the tricks are, I don't want to get close.

In the case of complete body protection, there are eight ice-light wheels that cut the vines again and again, with one enemy and two ... The silver-haired woman with silver eyes still has the upper hand. It was just that Qin Yun's smoky rain shrouded there, but she had no way at all.

Her eyes also fell on Qin Yun in the formation.

"Your strength is very strong ~ ~ The silver-haired and silver-eyed woman and the bound giant towering at the same time speak the same content and tone.

This surprised Qin Yun, Ju Mang, and Ji Shou.

"So, I won't kill you." The silver-haired and silver-eyed woman and the towering giant continued to say at the same time, "I will catch you alive. Let you be a part of me. In order to catch you alive, it is worth me to wake up completely."


In every part of the mountain, deep in the ground, there was a strong breath rising suddenly, and each breath was a complete level of the avenue.

At the same time, one figure flew from the depths of the mountain peak, and there were thirty-two figures in the air for a while, each one exuding a terrifying atmosphere. They seem to come from different ethnic groups and different practice systems, but at this moment their eyes are exactly the same, and they are all staring at Qin Yun.

Qin Yun, Ju Mang, and Xun Shu were all white. ()

.. m.

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