Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 20 Chapter 20: Strong again

Hundreds of thousands of sword lights converged into a dragon, swimming in the sky, and rushed directly into the black red robbery cloud.

Attacking and robbing the clouds is the most taboo thing of ‘crossing robberies’. Only sufficiently confident crossover robbers dare to do so. This scene made many powers in the Three Realms watch with breathless breath.

"Boom ~~~~"

After the sword-light gathering dragon rushed into the black and red clouds, the red light in the black and red clouds swirled suddenly and completely broke out!

"Lock." Qin Yunyao looked up, and whispered softly.

The sword and light dragon suddenly circled in a circle, completely blocking the black and red robbery clouds, and the black and red robbery clouds broke out completely, but the power of the burst was completely suppressed.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The flames of Hei Hong Jie Yun rushed in all directions.

Qin Yun's face changed slightly.

Jianguang Youlong barely supported a breath and was about to collapse.


Qin Yun had a thought.

I saw that Yulong dispersed immediately, and turned into hundreds of millions of sword lights. Scattered hundreds of millions of sword lights quickly flew to the bottom of the black and red robbery clouds, and converged into that sword and light dragon.

"The power contained in Jieyun is too strong. I want to block and suppress it positively," said Qin Yun secretly. "This trick 'Your Dragon', which I just realized this time, is the strongest in Yanyuzhen. The number of killings is almost twice as strong as the previous killings of "Three Extremes and Seven Stars". It is comparable to the silver-haired woman of the other world. This dragon can not suppress the cloud robbery, but if it can only resist, can it be resisted? "

Qin Yun thought about it.

He is also watching the power of the Sanxian robbery, and speculated about the power of the next Tianqi robbery.

"Boom boom ~~~" The flames of black and red robbery clouds are constantly surging, and the internal changes are also taking place. The black and red robbery clouds that burst out finally contract sharply.

Shrinking into a small group of far more terrible clouds of calamity.


After the contraction, a black flame erupted suddenly and bombarded Qin Yun directly below.


Watching the black flames from all the forces of Jieyun converge, the sword-light swim dragon also soared into the sky, heading up.

Accompanied by a loud noise.

The black pillar of flame hit Jianguang Swimming Dragon, Jianguang Swimming Dragon swimming, the entire Jianguang body tried to resist, trying to remove the impact. It's trying to resist! The black pillar of flame is also constantly bombarding, and it is also burning on the sword light swim dragon, and the burning makes the wisps of sword light extinguish continuously. That dragon is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, while Jianguang Yulong was swimming, he also became smaller and smaller until he completely disappeared.

And after the black flame pillar extinguished the sword-light swim dragon, the remaining black flames were still scattered, and the power was not worth mentioning. The scattered impacts fell down, before touching the smoke and rain array, just The drizzling drizzle completely wiped out.

The world was quiet again.

Jieyun is completely gone.

"Jieyun completely broke out, and it was able to wipe out the strongest killing trick of my smoke and rain array." Qin Yun looked up at the wisps of black flames annihilating in the field of smoke and rain, but his heart was quite heavy. The cloud of Jiuzi broke out in an instant, and it should be able to catch up with the strongest part of the fire of the twelfth Sanxian Jiuzhe.

"However, for the twelfth Sanctuary of Sanxian, there are three major disasters of Fenghuo and Thunder. The second disaster of Fenghuo is the second, and the thunder is the strongest."

"Jiuyun's outbreak has half a day of power."

"So speculating ... The twelfth Sanctuary of Sanxian, the most terrible thundering, should have the power of heaven."

"Is it really true that I must have the strength of the heavens to carry it." Qin Yun's heart was heavy.

"Also, the soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover, I Qin Yun will do everything and do my best. If this still fails, then there is nothing to say." Qin Yun soon recovered calm, turned to look at Lei The group of people on the top of Xiaoshan Mountain who cared about themselves walked past with a smile.


Demon Territory.

Bo Xun sat cross-legged on the top of a desolate cliff, watching everything that happened in heaven.

"I didn't use the smoke and rain array to resist. Just the convergence of many swords and lights broke the robbery?" Bo Xun whispered softly. "This Qin Jianxian's strength has been improved again, which is much stronger than when he killed the mosquito.

How spiteful his eyes are.

At first glance, Qin Yun's "youlong" trick is much stronger than the "three must-have and seven-star" trick that kills mosquitoes.

"Before a few half-step days, he only defended his sword, but he was the bottom-end killer, weaker than Zhu Rong and me. Not to mention Zulong and Houyi. Now this Jian Guang You Long's tricks are no less powerful than me in terms of power, and he also made up a short board. "Bo Xun secretly sighed.

This growth rate made him feel pressure.

"It's amazing. This sword immortal makes me helpless. If you let it grow, it will be impossible to sweep the three realms of magic in the future. Fortunately, a thousand years later, it will be a more horrible loose fairy. Waiting for him. "Bo Xun looked forward, looking forward to the robbery of Sanxian to take away the sword fairy.

Otherwise, this Qin Jianxian is really a catastrophe.


"Great, Jianguang's killing moves blocked Jieyun?" A man in white sighed, "This Qin Jianxian is getting deeper and deeper."


"Qin Yun is extremely talented, but there is a sky to stop him. However, this day's robbery may not be a kind of discipline. Repeating the immortal robbery is polishing time and time. As long as he can't kill him, it will make him stronger. "Amitabha, the lord of the western bliss world, looked at this scene from afar," Is it a disaster, or is it luck? "

Amitabha's eyes had the light of wisdom, which touched her. She sat down cross-legged, closed her eyes, and fell into deep understanding.

He even isolated everything.

Except Buddha Rulai could forcibly contact him, no other practitioner could disturb him.


The entire Three Realms, and even the top one, can see the sword power of Qin Yundu's robbery scene. Those ancient beings understand that this Qin Jianxian is stronger than when he killed a mosquito.

"Lingbao, your apprentice has made rapid progress. If the destiny Feijian achieved merit, you might be able to survive the ultimate Sanxian robbery." Taishang Taozu said, "I also want to see before leaving the Three Realms. Let ’s see if there is an end to Sanxian ’s robbery. If it ’s the end, what will happen to Sanxian after the final robbery? ”

"If my apprentice can't afford it, I'm afraid there will be no Sanxian in the Three Realms." Lingbao Taozu said.

"Lingbao, you are arbitrarily right now. Who can see the future ..." Taishang Daozu said.

"I just don't believe it, there will be stronger Sanxian in the Three Realms than my apprentice." Lingbao Taozu pouted.

Too much ancestor smiled and didn't say more.


The eleventh sacrifice of Sanxian has become a piece of information for many immortals and deities in the Three Realms. After all, apart from Bai Ze's previous life, Qin Yun has spent the eleventh Scattered Sanctuary this time.

All parties talked about the power of Sanxian.

Talking about the twelfth time, can the Qin Jianxian pass through, finally surpassing the robbery of Sanxian, or is he dead?

Once dead, the demon ancestors will be black hands in samsara! Let Qin Yun die completely.

"Hmm." "Hmm."

A ray of blood from a different world, a ray of pangu blood, are wandering in the quiet room.

Qin Yun sat cross-legged and finally opened his eyes.

This is nine months after the eleventh Sanctuary of Sanctuary, and he retreats to digest the gains of the robbery.

"Close." Two jade bottles, each with two veins of blood.

"Since I have received the power of the heavenly realm and blood of these two strands of flesh, I have been enlightenment with my heart, mainly to understand this strong man from the other world. After all, this foreign world is better at protecting the body, and Force is only used as a reference for the time being. "Qin Yun secretly said," Even if I learn it, I have realized the killing trick of You Long. If I go all out to participate in the power of Pangu blood ~ ~ Maybe I can understand Make a stronger kill. "

Qin Yun smiled, "But I can't afford to waste my time."

"If you waited for the final sacrifice of Sanxian, and got longevity, you can fully understand the power of Pangu blood."

The Three Realms have several methods, formations, and magical powers, all related to the power of the Pangu blood.

And they are extremely powerful.

As for the power of the blood of the strong outsiders, Qin Yun had enlightened for more than two thousand years, and he also gained a lot. Even the magical powers and mysteries came to him by accident, and they were very strong in body protection.

"There is not much time left for me, it is time to go to the chaos of time and space." Qin Yun got up and went out.

The day.

Qin Yun went to Mingyao World to visit Houyi.

This time to the chaotic space-time gap, Houyi was the first target he invited.

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