Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 21 Chapter 18: Fenbao

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Bohan Island.

"My avatar was killed? Although I didn't break through the strength, but I have already reached the initial state in the realm, and was killed by the other party?" I thought that in this time and space tide, what really threatened me was the old guys who also reached the initial state. "

The realm has arrived, and the power has not broken through, and there are more than one owner of Bohan Island who deliberately stay in the tides of time and space.

It's just that the tides of time and space are too wide ... Only a few of the owners of Bohan Island have contacted them. In their eyes, they are the opponents! To threaten each other's lives.

I didn't expect it.

The small team of the four practitioners did not reach the initial level, so he let the master of Bohan Island slam it.

I just lost a clone, I can still practice it! But some of his treasures and weapons used in foreign battles were gone, which made him a little distressed.

"The treasure that I have accumulated over the years has fallen into their hands." Bai Faren secretly said.

"However, to be able to fight beyond the ranks, that **** archer should have some special methods, and the world's practice system behind them must be special." Baifa people have expectations in their eyes, "I don't know, in this world's practice system Can you find a way to resurrect Lan Sheng? "

Although a lot of thoughts.

But the owner of Bohan Island did not intend to hunt.

After a while, the treasure that is usually used to kill the enemy was taken away! His strength has now declined, and he is the safest in the old nest.

For the second time, he didn't have any confidence to deal with the continuous nine arrows of Hou Yi burning Yuan Shen.

Twenty-three years ago, his flying boat was the fastest flying boat he had expended. Now they are in Qin Yun's hands, Qin Yun and they are trying to escape, and the owner of Bohan Island is not sure that they can intercept the success.

"How can I stop his ninth arrow?" The white-haired man thought about it.

Uh ...


Qin Yun they took a flying boat, flying in the tide of time and space.

"It's fast, 30% faster than the flying boat of the third respecter before." Qin Yun was also surprised.

"Maybe the Bohan Island owner may not have a faster flying boat." Kong Xuan laughed. "As long as we are careful, the Bohan Island owner cannot catch up with us if he wants to catch up."

"Not careless."

Houyi, who was sitting cross-legged, looked pale and said, "The powerful men of Bohan Island can intercept on the road. Once the interception is successful, we are in danger."

The owner of Wanhua Palace also said, "Yes, Bohan Island has a special tracking method, which can track the enemy every time. This flying boat is the place where the Bohan Island owner rides, it should be the fastest! But you guys The route back will not let them guess. "

"Well, the direction often changes during the journey." Kong Xuan smiled. "Slightly changed, there is a difference of hundreds of thousands of miles. They cannot ambush in advance. But in this case, they will not be able to go back along the fastest route. Delayed for a year and a half. "

At this speed, it was a year and a half long, but a long distance.

"I would rather detour for another year and a half." Qin Yun said, "Yes, the treasures carried by the owner of Bohan Island are also extraordinary. We have also carefully checked, maybe they are practical and can give us strength immediately. Enhanced. "

"Yes." Mu Shenjuang, Kong Xuan and Hou Ji nodded. "We will divide these treasures into one point now."

The master of Wanhua Palace, sitting in the corner of Feizhou, could only turn his head.


He was first the body of the owner of Bohan Island, and the body still had black armor on it.

"This armor is strange." Houyi pointed to the wound on the owner of Bohan Island, "seems to be part of the body."


Qin Yun also watched carefully.

也 He also found out that the armor of Bohan Island Lord is not an innate spiritual treasure. Just like some monsters have scales, the main body of this island of Bohan has grown out of these scales, and even the helmet is naturally grown and condensed.

"This is a special practice." The master of the Wanhua Palace next to him said, "It is very difficult to practice the physical body. After all, the internal organs are very fragile. This special practice method is said to draw the power of various treasures into the body Superficial skin, the skin is cultivated like armor, and cultivated to a high level, just like the owner of Bohan Island. Unfortunately, I just heard that I have not received this practice. "

"Take it back and let Taoist Buddhas and ancestors take a look, maybe we can analyze this practice method from this corpse," Hou said.

Followed by all kinds of treasures.

Pieces are placed in the flying boat, of course, the treasures of the owner of Bohan Island for many years, either in their hometown or on Bohan Island! Those who really carry out the battle are all used in the battle.

A black disc, a three-handed curved scimitar, an eighteen-sided shield, and a silver silk thread, plus the flying boat in which they are riding, are the most important treasures carried by the owner of Bohan Island. Other items are relatively inferior.

"This disc is the treasure of formation." Kong Xuan looked at it. "Badly banning one side of the void, and it will also form a field repression. It is stronger than my field. My five-color **** light field was previously expelled by it. Fortunately, we are all in the Wanhua Palace. The Wanhua Palace helped us to block this area. "

The Wanhua Palace owner reluctantly said, "I can only shelter inside the palace. Unlike this magic weapon, you can take it out and display it at any time."

Qin Yun they nodded slightly.

Array field of treasure? It's better than Kong Xuan's field, it's really a good baby.

"I haven't seen these three-handed scimitars in the Three Realms. They are more fierce weapons than they are." Kong Xuan said, "If it is in the hands of the demon ancestors, I am afraid it will be more powerful."

"The eighteen shields are the treasures to deal with the group attack." The wooden **** Jumang said, "The mysterious and unparalleled, can divide the time and space, let the large group of enemies fall into different time and space, and deal with them one by one. But facing the arrow of the heir, he No way. "

Hou's pale-faced Houyi shook his head and said, "His bodyguard technique is very powerful. With the armour armor, I also burned the Ninth Arrow and killed him."

He burns the first arrow of the Yuanshen to reach the prestige of the heavenly realm ...

The physical means of Jaina Bohan ’s island can resist the eighth arrow to see the terror. But the ninth arrow was a qualitative change, and the owner of Bohan Island could no longer resist it.

"The eighteen shields are also very mysterious. They divided time and space. If it weren't for the burning of the gods, my arrow would not break through its obstacles." Houyi said, "If blocked by this shield ... weakened my ninth arrow Power, I am afraid that the ninth arrow will not kill the avatar of Bohan Island. "

"The silver thread is also extraordinary." Qin Yun looked at it, like a rope from heaven and earth, faintly able to capture all things in the world. "It should be the best to capture the enemy, but we hide in the palace of flowers, let the owner of Bohan Island always This treasure is not used. "

"Look at you," Houyi said, "what do you want."

"Houyi, you and Qin Yun choose first." Kong Xuanlian said, "Just a moment ago, I and Jumang didn't do anything, both of you were fighting hard. And they both used a soulful fruit."

"Houyi brother choose first." Qin Yun laughed, "can kill the enemy, rely on the ability of Houyi brother."

"Without you Qin Yun holding on ... I can't shoot with all my strength." Houyi said, "So, this three-handed arc machete belongs to me. This is the strongest weapon of the master of Bohan Island, and also the most powerful. precious."

Qin Yun they all acknowledged.

Those three-handed curved scimitars are all innate treasures, and fiercely fierce, they have become a set. The value is naturally the highest. It is disassembled, just a handle, the value is no less than black discs, silver threads.

"The eighteen shields, and the flying boat, go to me." Qin Yun also said that the two together are not far behind the three-handed arc machete.

"Brother Jumang, choose first." Kong Xuan laughed.

"I'm good at capturing enemies, so I don't need this enemy's treasure. I want this disc of law." Mu Shen Ju Mang said.

Xun Kongxuan nodded, which he expected, nodded: "That silk thread belongs to me." He was already good at the field, and then got the treasure of capturing the enemy, and his strength rose greatly.

"By the way, Brother Jumang, on the way back, this array of Fa disks must be lent to me for enlightenment. When I return to the Three Realms, I will give it to you. I'd like to see how it is better than my five-color **** The light field is stronger. "Kong Xuan said.

"You have to lend me this silver silk thread on the way." Mu Shen Jumang laughed, "I see its capture method, and what is the difference between my capture method."

Divided important treasures.

The remaining treasures were simply divided. According to Qin Yun and Houyi each, Kong Xuan and Mu Shenjumang shared one.

In fact, the main battle of Bohan Island this time, mainly Houyi, Qin Yun exerted more energy, but also had to pay the price of a soul. The value of a soul heart fruit ~ ~ is not much worse than a congenital treasure. Therefore, in the selection, Kong Xuan and Mu Shenjumang were also very modest.

Uh ...

It is very difficult to get an inborn treasure in the Three Realms. After coming out, they all get several innate treasures, and there are ‘God Fruits’ that are not in the Three Realms. Qin Yun also received many treasures and **** fruit ... this is why those ancient beings in the Three Realms one by one fear and look forward to the ‘temporal tide’.

It is indeed dangerous to enter the tide of time and space, but it also has a chance.

Like Qin Yun, the four of them joined together, and it was very dangerous to meet the owner of Bohan Island. Without the **** fruit, the four of them were planted this time, fearing that they would become the masters of Bohan Island. But they succeeded, and they returned with many treasures.

I flew all the way and let the host of Wanhua Palace leave on the way.

Qin Yun's flight route has been fine-tuning, and Bohan Island cannot ambush in advance. After 83 years, Qin Yun and they have reached the chaotic space-time gap.

"Come back." Qin Yun and they were relieved to see the chaotic space-time gap back to the Three Realms.


Xun Feizhou flew directly into the chaotic space-time gap, and Qin Yun returned to the sphere of influence of the Three Realms.

In the tide of space-time, beside the gap of chaotic space-time.

There were three spatio-temporal worms appearing, one of them turned into a silver robe man.

"This chaotic space-time gap leads to their hometown?" The man in silver robe softly murmured, and the shadow disappeared. The three space-time worms were hidden in the tide of space-time and became part of the tide of space-time.

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