Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 22 Chapter 18: Crossing the robbery (on)

The top of the mountain.

Qin Yun stood there. He felt that the surrounding temperature was rising sharply, and his body felt hot, and a colorless flame was burning in the body.

"It's heartbreak." Qin Yun already had experience, and this time he encountered the most terrifying heartbreak.

Heart fire spreads everywhere in Yuanshen. It burns miscellaneous thoughts, yes, it is a demon.

The more mixed the thoughts and the deeper the horror of the mind, the more intense this heart burns.

Practicing in heaven and earth, even if the Tao heart is firm, there will be many thoughts. Either seeking longevity, or practicing to a higher level, or pursuing the species of Baobao, will become firewood under the fire, which will make the fire burn more vigorously, and it will be 100 times more intense, and it is possible to fall into madness.

"Dao's heart is like a knife, and his heart is burning, only the sharpened knife is sharper." Qin Yun gritted his teeth, forcibly stabilized the Yuanshen, and still controlled the flames of the smoke and rain array against the sky and clouds. Although under fire, Qin Yun could only partly think about controlling the smoke and rain array, but the smoke and rain array was too powerful and could easily withstand the attack of the external flames.

"The previous gloom, and now the heart-warming, are directly in the body. No magic weapon can help." Qin Yun secretly said, "Although it is a bit difficult, but as long as the road of normal practice is complete, the road The firmness of the heart should be able to stop it. That is, those chaos that are born with a perfect road may not have enough heart, and they will be mad in the dark wind. "

"Wind and fire, it was not difficult for me to stop Bai Ze's previous life." Qin Yun looked up at the sky. The color of the huge cloud in the sky grew deeper, and the flames that were tilted down finally stopped. "Fire and fire It ’s over, are you going to start the thunderstorm? ”

There was a faint flicker of electric snakes in Jieyun, and the Thunder's power kept accumulating.

Not far away.

On Lei Xiaoshan, Yi Xiao, Qin Yiyi, Meng Huan, Qin Yuluo, and Qin Liehu all looked nervously.

"It's time to start the thunderstorm." Qin Yiyi said nervously. "In the past, Bai Ze was killed by the eighth thunder of thunderstorm, and then reborn."

"The power of the demon ancestor can penetrate into the reincarnation, and it will not allow our father to be reincarnated safely." Meng Huan also worried, "If you want to live, you can only survive the disaster."

Yi Xiao was silent, just watching.

"Thunderstorm is here." In another part of the heavens, Baize Demon Emperor watching from afar in the clouds and fog, he has once experienced the twelfth Scattering of the Immortal, "I only resisted to the eighth sky mine, Is there a ninth one after the tenth one?

He spent a lot of effort on the road of Sanxian.

He really wanted to see, could this road last forever?

"It's thunderous." In the Dark Demon Abyss, the demon ancestor looked away, "Qin Yun, you still die under the thunderous."

"The Sanxian robbery has been divided into the three largest storms, the thunder robbery should be the last."

"I don't know how many thunder mines there will be."

Zulong, Houyi, Kong Xuan, Fuxi, Shennong, and Renren were all together, looking at the figure on the mountain not far away. They have an extraordinary relationship with Qin Yun, and they all hope that Qin Yun will succeed in crossing the robbery.

The fire calamity was over. In the past, there were more than ten breaths. The calamity clouds in the sky became darker. Numerous thunders gathered in it, and finally the first sky thunder was lowered.

"Boom Card"

As soon as the thunder flashed, he split on the smoke and rain array and was blocked by the array method.

"The first Tianlei has the power of a half-step heavenly situation." Qin Yun looked up calmly, and there was no threat to him from the power of Tianlei.

Boom Card Boom Card

The thunder roared, one after another, the power became more and more powerful, and the power gradually approached the state of heaven.

"The eighth thunder is over." Qin Yun went all out to control the smoke and rain array, carefully resisting.


A more powerful thunderbolt bombarded the smoke and rain array, and the vastness and depth of the smoke and rain array completely blocked it.

Qin Yun's accomplishments in the smoke and rain array were too deep, and he used his innate inborn and merit to perform. This eighth sky thunder didn't even have the qualification to burn him.

"The eighth thunder, the power is very close to the state of heaven. It is stronger than the eighth arrow that Houyi shot nine arrows in a row." Qin Yun secretly said, "But now I don't need to burn the ninth arrow after Houyi. soul."

Although it is easy to block the eighth thunder.

But Qin Yun still turned over and took out a golden fruit, which is no less precious than the congenital soul fruit. Qin Yun swallowed it without hesitation. After swallowing, the soul fruit melted immediately. Some mysterious power began to fill the body, Qin Yun's eyes calmly looked at the still horrible cloud in the sky. "This scattered robbery, what will happen before the eighth thunder, there are previous examples to follow. But after the eighth thunder, No one knows what will happen to eat the soul and fruit first, and to prevent a sudden crisis, it is too late to eat the soul and fruit. "

You cannot be too careful.

Qin Yun wouldn't care if he could survive the robbery of Sanxian.

"Is there a ninth sky thunder?" Bai Ze, the demon emperor watching from a distance, watched nervously.

"At the beginning of Bai Ze's previous life to the eighth Tianlei failed, what would happen later?" Houyi also frowned.


The ninth thunder came.

This thunder was even more powerful. It bombarded the vast and smoky array of smoky rain, which made the smoky and rainy array turbulent and turbulent, but it was still blocked, and Qin Yun still did not burn the Yuanshen.

"This ninth sky thunder is as powerful as Houyi's ninth arrow. It is a level of heaven, which is close to my normal tolerance limit. If there is a stronger sky thunder, it must burn the Primal God." Qin Yunan Thinking, but the robbed clouds in the sky stopped, and no more thunder.

This scene shocked the powers of all parties watching.

Ninth Sky Thunder is over

"Is it about to end I have been away from the Sanxian robbery, it's almost a little bit like this" The Bai Ze demon emperor was a little puzzled, and then found that something was wrong, "Why hasn't this cloud dissipated yet? , Without dissipating, seems to be still brewing "

"Is this Sanxian Hei ~ ~ isn't it just the three fires and thunderstorms, is there any other number of heists?" Other powers were also puzzled.

After the end of the ninth thunderbolt, more than ten breaths passed, and the dark looting cloud was still running, that is, the number of looting was not reduced.

"What's the matter Yiyi, Huan'er, you say what's going on." Yi Xiao had long been nervous and worried. Now the ninth sky thunder has passed, and the number of new robbers has not been lowered. She was very disturbed.

"Mother." Qin Yiyilian comforted, "Dad didn't say it before, this time is likely to be the final robbery of Sanxian. Since it is the final robbery outside of the fire and thunder, it is normal for another number of robbery. And Dad looks very relaxed. There are no threats to Dad from the fire and thunderstorms in the front. Dad will definitely be able to spend this new robbery. "

Yi Xiao nodded and looked nervously, "I will be able to spend it, I will be able to."

"There are new robbery numbers" Qin Yun watched the robbery cloud in operation and understood that new robbery numbers were being brewed, and he was more careful and alert.

High-altitude clouds are indeed brewing. This time has been brewing for a long time, and there are sounds coming from inside, like a wind roar, a fire, a thunder.

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