Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 2 Chapter 29: Letter to the court

October 16th is too lively.

First, the new county guard ‘Gongye Bing’ dispatched officers and soldiers to surround Qin ’s government. He wanted to capture Qin ’s family! However, the second son of the Qin family made a sound like heaven and earth, and it rang through the city, saying that it was "the new county defender's depression" that killed the **** of water gods and a disciple of the **** Xiaomen. As the family fled easily, most of the officers and soldiers were only injured, and none of them lost their lives. In secret, many soldiers mentioned that the second son of the Qin family was sighing.

Only one hour or so, there was a big movement in the six doors.

Twenty-six doors have collapsed! The prisoner 'Qin An' was taken away. This Qin An was the elder brother of the second son of the Qin family.

Another hour or so.

There was a great deal of movement in the Shoufu prefecture, and the huge formation covered the whole prefecture, which was gorgeous and dazzling. Innumerable people have seen the rare scene of the county guards rousing the scene. It was also rumored that ... Qin Yun's father, Qin Liehu, was detained in the county guard house.

Uh ...

With so many things, it is rare in the history of Guangling County to see so many lively events in a day, and there are many discussions.

When night falls, many restaurants and other places are even more lively.

In a private room, a few businessmen were drinking happily, and they were carefully guarded at the door.

"Haha, happy."

"The black-hearted county guard also has such a day."

"Of course, when we were forced, we bowed our heads obediently to the son of Qin Yun. Our new county guard Shou Ke miscalculated and knocked the horse honeycomb."

These businessmen talk.

Uh ...

In another luxury house courtyard.

"Thousands of officers and soldiers are helpless, Your Majesty's Guards are useless! The six gates have collapsed, and our new county guard can only hide in the county guard house, haha ​​..."

"I really hope that when this unscrupulous county guard is out, Qin Yun directly assassinates, kills this old fellow, and kills me for me."

"Slower, lower."

"Rest assured, it's okay in my house! I want to see the old guy, the new county guard, die."

"But assassination of Jun Shou is a big crime, so Qin Yungong is over."

Uh ...

Yan Yanfeng House.

"Xiao Shuang, a lot of VIPs want to see you today," said Aunt Xue.


The girl Chen Chenshuang said coldly, "I want to ask my brother Yun. My brother Yun is in a difficult situation now. How can I have more thoughts to accompany them?"

"Okay, I'll reject it." Aunt Xue nodded.

Uh ...

The whole city went up to the tyrants, down to the ordinary people and even the skinny people, all of them were talking, and more than nine Chengdu are standing on the side of Qin Yun.

"This group of pariahs." Gong Yebing, dressed in casual clothes and carrying his men, walked around the city, but what he heard in his ears made his face dull and dripping.

I returned to the county guard house.

"You are not afraid of spending money, you must do everything you can to make me smell Qin Yun's reputation." Gongye Bing glanced at the followers behind him, "especially the killing of the **** of water gods ... let the people understand, kill The **** of standing water is the disciple of Shen Xiaomen. Then Qin Yun was not involved at all. He is a sinister villain who collusions with monsters and deliberately brags. "

"Relax, sir, I'll do it. Those storytellers, the idle men on the road will obey obediently. In a few days, there will be a lot of fear of scolding Qin Yun on the ground in Guangling County." From the channel.

"Hurry up." Gongye B waved.

"Yes." The attendant stepped back immediately.

Tong Gongye frowned, thinking: "It's a matter of fame. I take control of the county. It's easy to ruin his reputation. But now he hides, a great practitioner cannot hide it."

"What to do? Both plans failed."

Wu Gongye C also had some distress.

I went to Qinfu to catch, six door traps ... all failed!

"Now, I can only force him to show up." Gong Yebing turned to look at a house not far away, which was the house where Qin Liehu was detained.

"Sent all the torture tools to Qin Liehu's house, I will serve him well!" Gongye Bing's face was dark.


The guards not far away were on command immediately.

虽然 Although there are many opinions outside, it seems that he is so powerful! It was to resist a large number of officers and soldiers, and to break through six doors and the county guard house, but Qin Yun himself had a sense of weakness.

Outside the window, a bright moon hung.

Qi Qinyun was slowly writing a brush, and at this moment he also put down the brush and looked at the bright moon outside.

"I don't know what my father is doing now." Qin Yun said silently, "I have no hope of the formation of Junshoufu. Fortunately, only Feijian entered and took a look. If he went in, he would die in Junshou. House. "

I was in that terrible formation.

If the real body enters, facing the might of water and fire, Qin Yun can only cast Zhou Tianjian's body protection! If you can protect your body, you can't rush out of the array, you can't rush out, and when the real yuan is exhausted, you will be turned into ashes under the might of water and fire.

"This is just the gap between the first and second layers. My flying sword has not continued to penetrate." Qin Yun shook his head slightly. "No wonder the whole world, and it is rare to hear anyone who successfully assassinated the county guard in the county guard house. . "

"But ..."

"Dad he was detained in the county guard house." Qin Yun was burnt, but there was nothing he could do.

"go with."

I waved again.

A flying sword flew out of this courtyard in an instant, and went to Junshoufu in the dark, and suspended in the grass outside the Junshoufu again. The house where his father Qin Liehu was detained could also be sensed here.

"Huh?" Qin Yun's face suddenly changed, and his eyes became red.


Qin Yun could clearly ‘see’ through the induction of his destiny flying sword. In that room, his father was naked with his upper body covered with blood, his flesh turned away, his father lying on the floor with a slight pain in pain.

"Damn, damn, **** it." Qin Yun's eyes were red, and his anger was boiling. "Gongye Bing, you bully too much! Bully too much!"

He has a strong impulse, and now he will go to Junshoufu.

The years of traveling abroad and the many life and death experiences at Beidibianguan made Qin Yun understand that it was useless to get a feverish mind! There is no hope of desperately trying to die, it is the most stupid thing to die. I'm dead, what about my brother and his family? They are all guilty today and can't see the light.

He wanted to save, but was unable to save, and watched his father suffer.


Qin Yun was inside the house, and knelt down in the direction of Jun Shoufu. "The child is useless and makes you suffer! If you endure some time, the child must save you! I will report this hatred!"

Uh ...

After midnight.

Qin Yun was drinking alone in the yard alone. When he got into the sorrow, he felt more sad. When he thought of his father's suffering there, Qin Yun couldn't fall asleep at all. As soon as he closed his eyes, he saw the scene.

"Yuner, haven't you slept yet?" Mother Chang Lan got out of the house.

"Mother." Qin Yun saw his mother.

"Worry about your dad?" Mother Chang Lan sighed. "Everyone has life and death. In the village, they were caught by monsters, and there were many people killed in the same village. If this is really your dad's calamity, then admit it Come on! You can do your best, and my father and I are so old. In the village, we can live as long as we are at this age. "

"Mother, don't say it." Qin Yun said lowly, "There will be a way, there will be a way."

看 Look at the three letters you sent!

Three letters have the opportunity to make themselves come back!

One morning, one of the letters was sent to Shouna, Wenjun.

Qian Qianzhou is also prosperous in the south of Jiangzhou.

Qianzhou Prefecture “Boling County”, which is also the top two county in Qianzhou. The county has a population of more than 10 million, and it is also a state shepherd's office.

Wen Jun Shou, who was originally, is now promoted to be County Shou of Poling County! This is a large county with a population of more than 10 million, and it is also a top-grade residence. It stands to reason that most of the officials, but because this is the state shepherd's office! There is a state shepherd pressing on it ... Wen Junshou is also quite aggrieved. After all, some wealthy families in Poling County are willing to sacrifice him, and he is a little embarrassed, and he often has to visit and please him.

Mr. Quzhou Mu, who governs the whole Qianzhou, is full of words.

He can only be smart and order ~ ~ Daddy, brother Qin Yun's letter. Wen Chonglian sent a letter to his father who was drinking morning tea.

"Qin Yun's letter?"

Ye Wenjun Shou took it in surprise, and when he looked it, his face sank slightly.

"Huh, how good is Gongye C! He said that Qin Liehu colluded with monsters, but Qin Liehu had been working under my hands before, did he know that I don't know anyone?" Wen Junshou looked rather ugly. He killed the Water Demon with Yi Xiao, and he made such great contributions, and he dared to do it. There must be some plans behind him. "

"Chonger, quickly investigate and see if things are as Qin Yun said." Wen Junshou ordered.

"Yes." Wen Chong nodded.

Qian Qianzhou and Jiangzhou were too close. On the afternoon of the same day, Wen Chong determined the details.

"Okay, I'm going to the court." Wen Junshou flashed sharply in his eyes. "Step on my head and shit, really when I'm bullying?"

Uh ...

In the evening of the same day, the other two letters arrived respectively at Qianhou House in Jinzhou and General Wang Guan in Beidibian.


Thirty-three is complete!

Tomato stared at Mengmeng's eyes and looked at everyone: "On the first day of the new book's release, you need your subscription and monthly ticket support!"

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