Shortly after the start of the game, Chairman Kudelka was surprised at Mr. Cecily's rate of attack.

The sharpness of the attack far exceeded expectations.

So Chairman Kudelka has been in a fully defensive position while still maintaining the Polar Sky to identify the attack.

Prepared for wear and tear due to the continued use of the intrinsic procedure.

Chairman Kudelka turned to counter-attack.

The audience grows.

"Hey! Suddenly Kudelka has prevailed!?

"You've been watching things before!?

That momentum.

I'm going to keep making up my mind.

But Cecily avoids a direct hit on a piece of paper if he doesn't take the next effective hit.

"Oh man...... that's just great, Cecily Arklite"

Chairman Doristos, who spills admiration.

There is also praise in the voice.

"Barely, but it prevents Couderka from attacking in that state… and just after they take the first effective hit is, for the most part, an upset and fragile defense. But she's barely broken the flow, and she's defensible."

That Polar Sky is only in an interception position to maximize its capabilities.

More protective than offensive.

If you go in an offensive position, Chairman Kudelka's attack is slightly compromised in sharpness.

So if Mr. Cecily, who grasps the personality of the sword, continues to consolidate his protection like this, he may manage to avoid being taken an effective hit.

But here comes the issue of game time.

If Chairman Kudelka continues to maintain the advantage of the number of effective hits he has just taken, it will be Mr. Cecily's loss when the time runs out.

I mean, Mr. Cecily has to turn into an attack somewhere.

There was more to it than that.

As I have said many times, the Polar Sky is an inherent technique that only shows true value in an interception posture.

And now, Chairman Kudelka is taking one effective hit.

Then Chairman Kudelka is supposed to carry the right game by waiting for the time to expire with the interception intact.

Yet now she is in Offensive, where she is not supposed to make the most of Polar Sky.

I'm not waiting, I'm showing an offensive attitude.

I wonder why?

"For the couderca now... maybe attacking and winning is the real" victory ""

That's how Chairman Doristos spilled it, as if he'd perceived my doubts.

"Not out of time, but take exactly five effective hits and win... maybe that's what" Upper Class Meanings "is all about right now, Couderka"

Chairman Doristos seems complicated.

That seemed like a word of fear directed against an overly foolish rival.

The fear is incomprehensible.

I'll stick to the winning form. I might take away the winning that I should have picked up.

Whatever you do, Cecily Arklite.

At that time,

"Hit it effectively!

Mr. Cecily was taken a second effective hit......?

No, you're not.

Mr. Lilli's hand...

To Cecily Arklite, I'm up.

"All right!"

Mr. Currier grabs the bush.

"Ooh! Cecily Arklite's got one back!

"Wow! From that Polar Sky couderka, I can't believe you took an effective hit!

Has Chairman Doristos's fear become a reality?

Chairman Kudelka's "will", who dared to attack, softened his foot.

"Hey, what the heck!?

The audience began to bother.

"With your head, you don't have to think... the future, the senses tell you..."

The feeling of that chairman of the couderca......

No way... the surrounding sounds are not in your ears?

The surrounding sound disappears while using Polar Sky. I like the silence of the early morning, just before the sky whitens. '

I remember being told that story before.

Chairman Kudelka rushes out.

And as I jumped into Mr. Cecily's nostalgia...

She bit the long knife pattern with her mouth.

Chairman Doristos rises.

"Kudelka, huh? Yes, what the hell...?

I see.

Is it easy to chew and fix thanks to the cloth wrapped around the pattern......

I thought that cloth was just anti-slip...... or something to adjust the thickness of the pattern so that I was familiar with my hands......

With his bare right hand, Chairman Kudelka holds the "Sheath of the Long Knife" on his hips.

And as he pulled out his sheath, he shook his head and struck him with a long knife attached to his mouth.

Mr. Cecily is right there and prevents it with the sword of his right hand.

At the same time, approaching from the left is a small machete.

Mr. Cecily, who I can accept with my left hand sword.

From the right, third shot.

There's nothing left to cut the wind and keep that long sheath from looming.

"Hit it effectively!

The determination of the effective hit is:

Couderka Ferraris.

The sound of the venue temporarily disappeared.

"Three-knife flow, so...?

Mr. Currier's bush, which I gripped earlier, loosens.

The sheath is also recognized as a weapon in this holy martial arts festival.

The Saint Martial Festival game is not a killing match.

If an attack is admitted to be a heavy blow by a weapon, it will all be an effective blow.

The twisting waves pushed me to the venue again as I turned up the sound.

"What the... that way of fighting... eh"

It's not what it used to be.

"Oh, is that Chairman Kudelka...? Always someone who doesn't break the battle with beauty and pride..."

Members of the wind discipline club who are coming to watch the game are also surprised.

I was surprised, too.

From the experience of fighting before, Chairman Kudelka thought he was the type to take great care of the mould.

I thought it was the type that didn't break the mold and kept polishing it up.

But I've broken that preconceived notion here.

Ask for Chairman Doristos on the side.

She's surprised, too.

Everyone must have seen it for the first time.

Fight in such a rough style, Couderca Ferraris is.

From there, it became a unilateral development.

If the mould has changed so far, even if we understand the individuality of the sword, does it no longer make sense?

Mr. Cecily has obviously not broken his opponent's attack.

Mr. Currier is watching the game as he bites his teeth and eats in.

"Damn... I didn't know Chairman Kazaki was that much... Huh! Weren't the Polar Skies the only measures to be taken... Huh!

Even if you reproduce the personality of a sword, your opponent's sword habits have changed to levels that you can't track.

Besides, I thought.

Conversation previously held between me and Chairman Kudelka when they played a mock match.

'I'm sorry for the abstraction, but if you can metaphor... smell, is it?'


'They have a unique smell. This is Currier. Currier Verstein is the same.


Probably touched it enough.

To the opponent with the smell of the strong - Currier Verstein.

Is it the smell that awakened Chairman Kudelka?

She may have finally opened that door at the end of the stack.

I fought the smell I wasn't aware of when I did it with me, full of consciousness in my game with Mr. Currier.

Chairman Kudelka said he took on a light application for a match.

Currier just told me what the conversation was about.

"However, Chairman Kazaki was also aware of this intention. But he said he had more to gain than that '

Something to get more than that.

What I wanted was someone with the smell of the strong.

Chairman Kudelka now has enough roughness to emit a beast odor.

Instinctive wild flavors were inherent there.

A beast of intelligence.

No, it's not.

A sage who gained beastiality, should I say?

"Not good!"

Mr. Currier embarked on himself.

"Hit it effectively!

Got a third effective hit - by Chairman Kudelka.


And two more.

The course of the match is already clear.

Such air was wrapping up the venue.

"You've made up your mind."

"Isla Horn and Couderka Ferraris are the finals"

"That's Chairman Kudelka."

"Looking forward to the finals."

Chairman Doristos is silent.

I found out from the air behind me.

She is quite capable.

The girlfriend is silent......

That implies that there is nothing more to talk about during the game.

I've made up my mind.

That's what Chairman Doristos feels.

At the critical point of receiving an effective hit, Mr. Cecily flushed his opponent's blade.

It was right after that.

You tried to change the flow, she tried to paint a surgical ceremony.

But you can no longer even give me time to paint a surgical ceremony.


Mr. Cecily's faint face was distorted.

Did the person fighting understand that better than anyone else?

Understood, did I?

It can also be described as hopeless, the difference.

But - I haven't given up yet.

You can tell by the look in your eyes.

She still wants to win, she strongly hopes.

But there is no more atmosphere where there is any kind of hand.

I hold my hand hard.

"Cecily,...... eh"

The audience boils.

"Oh! The next effective hit will be decided!

Earlier sights were reproduced on the battlefield.

Chairman Kudelka's sheath captures Mr. Cecily's arm, which is completely empty.


Kim, and.

The return blade, which was returned at an unstoppable speed to his eyes, played Chairman Kudelka's sheath.

"Huh? What...? Now, the return blade..."

Chairman Doristos spoke out that he saw something incredible.

"Cesi, Lee......?

This was followed by the uncomfortable voice of Mr. Currier.

Shortly after, Mr. Cecily went out to fight back.

The motion has never been the same...?

No, the mould hasn't changed dramatically.

Her unique streamlined sword dance remains intact.

But I can definitely see "no".

Is that... refinement, should I call it?

"Cecily is pushing...? What happened? I don't even know Cecily like that..."

Mr. Currier, who looks incomprehensible.

Exceptionally improved sword speed and reflectance from one point to another.

I would not have spared my strength.

It didn't look that way.

So, what is it?

What the hell happened?


It reminds me of that pure concentration, as if I hadn't heard the surrounding sound at all, the feeling of my eyes...


To one possibility, I think.

"But I can't believe that..."

"Crohiko, do you have any idea?

The move that Cecily Arklite specializes in is the separation of glaring at a scratch once more.

And one of the major elements needed to do it would be "concentration" close to the extraordinary extreme.


With that intrinsic technique.

An intrinsic technique that improves concentration to the extreme and allows prefetching -

Polar Sky and.

"Maybe... that's a pseudo-"

When that extraordinary concentration becomes even more extreme, does it reach the realm of the sky?

"Polar Sky State"

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