They made a mistake once.

"Ha-ha-ha... I'll do it, Ira... eh"

"Ha-ha-ha... Cecily is the one..."

Mr. Cecily boasts of his left wrist.

"Are you serious? Ha... ha... Otherwise, I don't feel like I won..."

"Yeah... I'll do it, I mean it... yes, even Atashi -"

Mr. Ira moved.

"Go win!

There are important elements in this final that divide wins and losses.

Perhaps Currier, who is watching the game in a seat close to the gate from which Mr. Cecily came out, is also concerned about that.

That element is how much the impact of previous matches has been.

All this is difficult to predict beforehand.

Mr. Ira has minor injuries, including burns.

Mr. Cecily would still have a twisted wrist.

"Cecily is being pushed..."

The audience continued when Senior Ray snapped that way without taking his eyes off the game.

"Hey, look! Ira Horn's pushing it!

"The equilibrium in the game is breaking!

"The daughter of the Horn family is going to push it off like this!?

"Because you can also clear up the snowflake as a house!


Where's the audience sitting?

Something extra.

Now I want you to focus on the game without thinking about the house......

Senior Ray said, staring at Mr. Cecily's left wrist.

"You're lucky to be injured..."

It is a rather unfavourable element that I hurt my wrist.

Even if you don't care in terms of your feelings, realistically, it still makes an impact.

"Speaking of which, can you read the shape of Ira's sword called Cecily?

"Is it the shape of a sword...... to my knowledge, Mr. Currier and Mr. Cecily should not have paired swords with Mr. Ira so many times. Is it about the time of the Iowa Resort sleepover? But even then, Ira's opponents were me and Senior Ray..."

"They haven't read as much as our chairman, do you mean? Still, the pseudopolar sky... it's not answering yet."

"It's just speculation... I was wondering if that would come out when Cecily's instincts felt like a crisis"

If you were out when you fought the Four Felonies, that's conceivable.

Even without endangering his life again, he had been given a very strong sense of intimidation by the semi-finalist chairman, Kudelka.

I have a diminished impression with Mr. Cecily's "pseudopolar sky," but the kire of Awakened Chairman Kudelka's moves was not the realm of interrogation.

Obviously, it drew a line with the other participants.

"In other words?"

Senior Ray asks for conclusions.

With relief and remorse at the same time, I shook my hands in.

"So... now Ira hasn't given Cecily enough intimidation to activate the Pseudopolar Sky..."

That's why the Pseudopolar Sky is not activated.

Or maybe Cecily feels too much of Ira as a "companion" rather than an "enemy".

The Pseudopolar Sky is sealed by feelings of contemplation of fellow citizens.

For once, that kind of reasoning...

"Hit it effectively!

There's a declaration of validity.

A swollen blade is hitting the target in the neck.

"Ooh! It's decided!

The direction in which the judge's hand is raised is:

"Isla Horn has taken her first effective hit!

The first effective hit was taken by Mr. Ira.

Plus - even after she took the effective hit, she kept attacking.

Senior Ray only spits at you.

"Ira... just now, I won't stop...?

I notice, too.

Ms. Ira continues to strike in the attack, almost apnea.

Meanwhile, Mr. Cecily, who is under attack, was unable to make the time to move to counterattack and was on the other side of the battle.

"I'm not going to let Mr. Cecily move on to a counterattack."

I see.

There was another thing we should not forget due to the impact of previous matches.

That's strength.

Short sleep after the semifinals shouldn't have been a huge recovery.

That shows that the original Ira has excellent health.

Even from the feeling of breathing when the two of them were in conversation a while ago, Mr. Ira's breathing felt shallower.

Mr. Ira has more room for strength.

Senior Ray stings and narrows his eyes.

"I'm only twice as good at making health, I've been working on it..." It's easy for you to make strength, "he said... more than anyone else, you've been typing it in..."

Senior Ray, who somehow stared at Mr. Ira, also looked like a sister watching over her sister.

At that time,

"Gu...... ugh!?

The patterned bottom of Ira's sword slipped into Cecily's face.

"Or, ha!?

The audience admires it.

"Ugh, you're good!

"The way it was done is rough, but now the way the sword was replaced was bright enough to wrap your tongue around it..."

Making it look like a return blade, he instantly switched swords from it and punched the pattern bottom in with a blunt instrument feel.

This Sacred Martial Arts Festival can take an effective hit if any attack is recognized as a hard hit.

Even if that's the pattern bottom.

It should be borne in mind, however, that "attacks by weapons are limited”.

Wah, and a voice rose from the audience.

"Effective Hit!

I took it.

"Wow! Again, it's Ira Horn!

Now there are two effective hits against Mr. Ira.

All right.


Once you're breathing, pull back.



Stop, won't you?

Shortly after pulling the pattern bottom, a half arc blow using the spring of the body.

It's an amazing sense of balance.

That would be a move you can make because you have a strong back.


"I won't stop...... Huh?

"That kid, how long the hell are you going to keep attacking me without a connection!?

"Wow... I can't believe you keep hitting me with that power and still breathing..."

"It's inexhaustible health!?

I won't stop.

"... faithful"

I was crushing with such a small voice that I wouldn't even hear my neighbor, Senior Ray.

As a matter of fact, I was barely given a countermeasure in this game by Ira.

For example, habitual types like intrinsic surgical ceremonies are certainly formidable enemies.

On the other hand, however, there is the aspect that it is easy to put measures in place for people with strong habits.

Easy to fit, does it feel like?

On the other hand, I can hardly prepare a countermeasure for an unfamiliar opponent.

Shall I say that type is comprehensive?

Yes, sir.

The way Mr. Cecily fights is close to comprehensive when it comes to my standpoint.

In the end, Mr. Cecily, all I could strike out as a precaution was how to fight in from an angle that was hard to recirculate, a few considerations when fighting her double-sword opponent, and then, as far as possible, not to put her on the stream of her good "Dance".

And what Mr. Ira is running now was that.

Reminds me of a conversation in archery.

"How can I prevent the flow of Cecily's Dance?

"Are you going to keep attacking me before I let you create the flow and crush the starting point of that flow..."

"Hmmm... keep attacking, huh?"

'Even so, I think it's actually quite difficult. It also involves the issue of health allocation.'

"Then Atashi, you have to work hard and build strength!

'Ha ha... Ira, you're really positive at this holy martial arts festival'

'If I can get any closer to winning, I'll try to be positive about everything! This is what Atashi knows now! Well... I'm not sure I can put it into practice perfectly, in the net... Ha ha ha...'

'It's okay. Confidence will follow later.'

"Oh! Crohiko, you're positive too!

'Me, you seem so positive except about yourself...'

"Haha, what's that?"

"It's better to push someone's back behind you, like it's for you?

'Mmm... Atashi, well, that's... that, don't think it's cool...'

'Ha ha... thank you. Well... So today, suppose I try to encourage you to build some more strength'


Faithful, protected.

Crush the origin of the flow before letting it create it.

Keep attacking him, crush him.

Keep my mouth shut, I'm fighting.

A frowning audience.

Everyone is watching the game to eat in.

"This is going to be decided like this...... Huh!

"Ira Horn...... keep it up all at once, I'm going to decide the game!

Constant continuous attacks.

There was a cold sweat on my forehead.

Instead of stamina running out and falling, it's coming up - Ira's, top speed.

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