"Phew, I'm gonna be back."

Soak yourself in water as you sound indoors.

It's not hot water around my seat.

the better the temperature.

"And that word of Mr. Socier... for once, I wonder if I can accept that you recognized me...?

This is the Arklight family bathhouse.

It's a little too big for me to use alone.

No, I may be more than overwhelmed.

If it's about five of us, we'll be able to afford it.

The overall tone is white gray.

The columns may be sculpted.

There were other flowers and plants decorated, and it was no longer a world apart from the elegant bathroom of my house.


Well, I actually calm down better the size of my own house.

The color of the water is green.

I thought you said you were using some kind of leaf extract that has a cosmetic effect.

Is the beauty secret of Arklight Mother and Daughter also in this kind of stack of beauty items?

Hot bath time was specified from the other side.

It's my time now.

By the way, Mr. Socier said he had already bathed.


Look over the tub.

It's kind of a strange feeling to take a bath in a girl's house.

I once had a girl take a bath in my own house......

Or considering this is where Mr. Cecily is always soaking himself naked...


Let's just get it up in the right place.

And that was when I thought.

The bathroom door opened.


A skinny figure wrapped around his body with a thin cloth came in with a pet.

That silhouette!?

"Hey!? No way, Cecily."


"-,... Isn't it?

I looked at Cecily at first glance because of the hot smoke that drifted even thin.

The person walked over here with his long hair up in the back.

"Man to man, sometimes this won't be a bad idea. This is a rare opportunity to sit back and talk."

It appeared that

"You are..."

It was Mr. Cecily's brother, Dearless Arklite.

"Clearly, I was surprised."

I make a bubble with half my face sinking, half staring at Mr. Dearless on the side.

"Did I disappoint you, not Cecily?

"No, Mr. Dearless, but I was normally surprised"

"Oh, that's an honor."

Say, Mr. Dearless gracefully hands back the hair stuck to his cheeks.


"Hmm? What's up, Crohiko?

"Oh, no."

When the following areas of the chest are hidden with water, it is not too uncomfortable to be told that it is a woman...

Is it because when I'm on the water, the height difference, which is the difference with my sister, is not noticeable?

Well, if you keep an eye on it, you'll know the body belongs to a man.

No, I don't know if it's a good time to observe.

In the first place, this guy is neutral not only in appearance, but also in tricks and voices, which convinces me of stories that have turned out to be outrageous in the past with women's costumes on a Knights feast.

I know it's because of the hot smoke, but it's enough to get attacked by a strange feeling like you're in there with Mr. Cecily when you're distracted.

Dare I mention the difference in image, would it feel like I pulled cuteness out of Mr. Cecily and just laid it aside for beauty?

"Hmm? Something on my face?

"Oh, no - what do you say, Mr. Dearless sometimes looks a little feminine"

"Oh, that's my mother's influence when I trace it back."

"Mr. Socier's?

"In the past, education about my familiarity and standing behavior was my mother's role. Well, I heard later that my mother wanted a girl."

She didn't speak for it in front of her husband, who wanted a boy as a successor.

But Mr. Socier couldn't abandon his longing for his daughter.

So you raised a son with the beauty of his mother, sprinkled with elements of a girl in the shadows?

"That's why, well, the feminine modus operandi must have stained the base area. Since Cecily, the long-awaited girl, was born, it feels like she grew up differently."

I went from there to regaining my manhood, and did this guy also look good on the beauty course?


You had a lot on this guy, too.

"And then I was surprised to hear that Mr. Dearless was coming today."

"Oh... I didn't tell anyone at home that I was coming back tonight."

"Is there any reason you're back?

"I went to the castle on Knights errands, but I heard my grandfather had returned to the mansion. There's something about this... and then there was a rare guest in the mansion."

"Shh, excuse me"

"Ha? What is that apology for?

Mr. Dearless asks me from a diagonal angle with a pranky smile.

"Ku, it's like a habit...... sorry"

"Ha, don't behave so otherwise. Aren't we friends who've been interacting there lately?"

These days I have a face in the headquarters of the Knights.

Opportunities for interaction with Mr Diares were increasing in that relationship.

"The Knights are also helped by Crohiko's abilities. The Ninth Curse can capture the opponent even if there is a distance there, and the Fifth Curse can fly."

A curse that is not combat specific can surprisingly have an active place outside of combat.

Fingertips, my ears. Fingertips, touching the cum, Mr. Deareth.

"My ears are fine."

"Your hearing and eyesight are rising because of the influence of the host of the curse."


Is that so?

I have weak ears, so I'd like you to stop.

"Hehe, were you happy with the Sochute, too? Promising talent."

"Oh really?!?

I'd be happy if it were true.

When I get compliments, I think it's worth the effort.

"Ha, because that guy doesn't really put it on the table like that...... but I know you're expecting it. Slow down, you might be a candidate for chief, right?

"Well, captain isn't a pattern. Isn't that right for Chairman Doris or something he's planning to join next year?

"Oh yeah...... that kid might be the right material. No...... oh boy, would you rather be vice president?

It was like knowing the face behind Chairman Doris.

"By the way, Crohiko's in and out of the Knights these days for some special purpose, right?

It was well spotted.

"... Yes"

"Interested in Extraordinary Sacred Ruins?

It must have been in his ear to be asking the members about it and going around.

This guy has a "good ear" in a different way.

"In the future, we're going to need an attack on the Grand Prix."

Sounds like something's going on.

It's not even a story to hide.

I honestly told him about the curseless spell document that sleeps in the sacred ruins.

"- I see. Was that the situation?"

"That's why it's too late to join the group after graduation," he said.

"What about that story, Sochute?

"I haven't yet. Something like that... when I talk to the Sochute Commander, I feel like I can't do it and resume my attack on the Extraordinary Holy Site."

Captain Sochute fought Hibigami out of my knowledge.

I feel 'too cooperative for me' because I know how strong that man is.

Since I started walking into and out of HQ, I found out that when I did poorly, I was busier than Mr. Makina.

So I don't want you to force it for me.

"I want to attack as little as possible without annoying the hands of the Knights."

"Hmm. So... if you're admitted, are you going to dive alone?

"Per Mr. Currier, I might ask you to help me."

"Oh? What about Cecily?

"Depending on the dangers of the Extraordinary Holy Site, is it?"

School people can't form offensive squads together.

But maybe we can put together a special sacred ruin.

Mr. Dearless's record will be irrelevant......

"They think so, too, Cecily."

Mr. Dearless put his hand on his cheek and posed like he was going to put a cheek wand on it.

"Hmm, I get it. Let me try to work as hard as I can to get Crohiko to acknowledge the attack of the Grand Holy Ruins until graduation."

"Yes, okay?

"It also seems to put Cecily's life at risk as a result, naturally. And when I looked at you these days, I knew..."

Mr. Dearless puts his hand on my head.

"Crohiko, you're a good boy."

"Oh, thank you very much."

It seemed like a compliment to me and I was glad.

"As you may have already heard, the Knights mainly use the Extraordinary Sacred Ruins for combat training"

"Isn't the offense the main purpose?

"The sacred ruins also have by-products such as crystals, magic aids, holy swords and demon swords, and there were times when we invested in exploration. In the Knights of the Past, it seems there were times when most of the effort was devoted to exploration."

They say it is also the policy of the head of the regiment to use more for training purposes.

The head of the regiment has established a policy that a full-scale offensive should be carried out after the strategic strength has been firmly in place.

After Sogt Sigmsos became head of the regiment if you ask me, many noble eldest sons who admire him said they wanted to join the group.

But because of that, the noble parents who worry about their succession have come to tell you not to build a very dangerous offensive policy.

The point is that the nesting demon is that strong.


says Mr. Dearless as he igs his wet hair with his fingertips.

"In anticipation of a curse fighter's ability comparable to the Four Homicides disaster, if the investigation is taken into a stream that expands the scope of exploration…, then Crohiko's exploration may also be allowed"

Mr. Deirès conceives of accompanying his fingertips with his hair tangled on his lips, hmm.

It doesn't matter, but the trick no longer looks like just that of a woman.

"Uh, but then... I was wondering if I should keep some results at the school's sacred ruins to show they have the offensive ability of the ruins?

"The sacred ruins of the school are going to be challenged as soon as they are lifted."

"Breaking my highest reaching record would be a good material for pushing back. Good luck, hehe."

"Ha, ha."

"And then... I wonder if it would be big to get support from the Five Grand Dukes and Holy Kings? Especially if it comes with ink from the Holy King. Is it easy to support it as a Knights? For once, the Knights are allowed to enter the Grand Sacred Monument with the approval of the King."

Speaking of which, Mr. Makina told me after the Holy Martial Arts Festival that the Holy King seemed to want to see me.


Maybe we should try to take action on that side too.

"Hmm, it's important to have connections and root..."

"That's the aspect of aristocratic society. Well, just because we don't know each other in every world, we can handle it differently."

"I can be so bad at that. I'm good at fighting enemies..."

"If you're not comfortable, you think you can rely on me around, right? Nevertheless, to the best of my knowledge, Crohiko's connections are already surprisingly broad and profound…"

Bitter laughing, Mr. Dearless.

Wouldn't you?

I've never been very conscious...

Like Mr. Makina?

Oh, yeah.

Shanna is actually quite a well-known person with that...

Others, yeah......

Was anybody there?


Oh, speaking of which.

When it comes to connecting with people.

Seems like Mr. Dearless has an acquaintance with Lokia.

Shall I ask it over here?

If you're in Lokia, it sounds like you're avoiding Mr. Diares...

"Um, Mr. Dearless"


"As a matter of fact, about your relationship with a certain man..."

At that time,


The bathroom door opened.

I stopped with my eyes and mouth open.

He appeared from behind the hot smoke at the

"Mr. Cecily!?


It was Mr. Cecily with a cloth wrapped around his body, peeling his eyes at Mr. Dearless's presence.

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