Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Episode 12: To St. Renault Thread Castle

"I thought that story was spontaneously extinguished and streamed."

When Makina talked about her sight with the Holy King, she said that was what Currier said when she opened the door.

And now Mr. Currier, in his dress, leans against the window as he is rocked by a carriage, looking out with a mocking face.

"Currier, you're still in the mood, aren't you? Isn't it ridiculous to see him with the Holy King?

Mr. Machina, sitting next to him, smiled in trouble and whispered to me so.

I also whisper to the gossip girl next door with my face close.

"I don't hate to see people from the Holy King's family, I think wearing a dress is why I'm upset"

"You look so good?

"Anyway, I don't like people's eyes."

Mr. Currier interrupts the conversation with only a glance.

I hear the hissohisso story was in my ear.

"Dress up... clothes made for people to see don't suit them sexually..."

Mr. Currier's expression is like a sickle.

It seemed to awaken some bitter memory.

"Arklight, you took care of my dress this time. My mother and daughter are under a lot of pressure... it was one hard time poking around. There's no way I'm gonna wear that fancy, open chest dress."

The dress selection also seemed difficult.

and now Mr. Currier drops his shoulder with a lost face.

"Even so, compared to when Mia and Ira were, I'm glad Mother and Daughter Arklight still had room for disobedience..."

On the day of the past ascent, which was broken by the Four Wesen Disasters assault, Mr. Currier said he was not overwhelmingly ridden by wearing a dress.

I hear it was Mia & Ira's combo that put on the stunning dress and cut it off on that Mr. Currier.


I guess I'm also somewhat more likely to know that those two asked me to do every single thing and say no than Archrite's mother and daughter...

If I can get out strong, I'm not sure I can turn it down either.

"And well, that's why -"

Mr. Currier lifted the hem of his skirt in a pillage.

"The length here was shortened, too."

Instead of being as long as hiding up to his ankle, Mr. Currier's skirt length today was about on his lap.

Degree of skin exposure slightly between lace pattern knee socks and skirt.

Is it the one called the absolute realm that once swept a lifetime?

The skirt also contains a slight slit.

Mr. Makina withdrew his doubts.

"Why did you order me to keep my skirt short?


It seems like the opposite order for Mr. Currier, who hates exposure.

"Hum, that's a stupid question"

Good at it, Mr. Currier.

"When unexpected enemies appear, long lengths make it difficult to move. Limitations on mobility in combat can be described as a major problem. But this will save you the trouble of tearing it down yourself and shortening its length, right? Ease of movement emphasis"

"I see... measures taken consciously of the battle, so..."

Mr. Makina, who looks about half convinced.

The other half or so,

How about we focus on that and dare to increase our exposure?

But I said so.

Well, I can understand that being such a reaction.

I don't know.

Because of one ingenuity in his skirt, Mr. Currier's cuteness and color were up as a result.

Even if you cover your chest with fabric, isn't that plamaizero?

"My mother Cecily told me that I didn't have to ask my dress to prepare me for battle, because I was actually in front of the castle when the Four Felonies struck. The existence of practical examples is too strong as a persuasive material"

Yeah, yeah, and Mr. Currier nods satisfactorily.

And Mr. Makina put her right hand on my lap a little bit.

I'm getting myself out of here.


"Hey? Crohiko's better off short?


Mm-hmm. Makina pulling her mouth together.

For some reason I have my left hand attached to my chest.

"I think what's in Currier is too much for me... but look, can anyone shorten the skirt length?

"Can you do that? ♪ Or even if I ask you ♪

"Which is it?

Plus Mr. Makina is much closer.


How do I answer that?

"Shh, you like skirts, don't you?


I got my cheek pressed with my fingertips.

Machina, with her lips pointed, makes a slightly obstinate face.

"You've been too good a runner lately"

The carriage finally approached the Castle of St. Renouncered, which had been visible for some time.

I have seen its beauty many times since I began living in the Wang capital.

But I've never been this close.

White Castle stands against the background of the blue sky.

Looks like a castle in a fairy tale.

Well, if you think of it as a castle in another world, maybe the expression fairy tale isn't out of context either.

Once, a carriage stops on the way to the cobblestone leading to the castle.

The one who talks to the guard.

When your mistress showed you the pass, the carriage moved out again.

By the way, as you pass by,

"Oh, is that the battle maiden..."

"I heard you were strong, but how beautiful..."

I heard a guard saying that.

Mr. Currier lights up and leaves the window.

He was blushing his cheeks and pointing his lips.

"I'm used to hostility and sarcasm... but I'm not used to favors without backs"

Crossing a bouncing bridge hung from a moat, a carriage creeps through the castle gate.

Look up through the window.

The shadow of the stone gate passes over my head as I look up.

I kind of feel like I'm touring an ancient castle or something in Europe.

Stop in the square where the carriage crawled through the gate.

I was the first to get off the carriage.

Mr. Currier continues.

As soon as I got down, I felt the heat of the jittery summer on my skin.

Speaking of which, the carriage at the Duke of Renowsphere's house had an expensive surgical machine to cool the passenger car......

When you go outside, your body temperature changes at once.

Look over the square.

There were traces of construction everywhere.

"Mr. Currier met one of the four killers here, named Zemekis Anglen, right?

"Oh. You did it flashy, so you still seem to have traces of the battle back then"

Mr. Currier looks out at the square in nostalgia.

"Now that I think about it, I feel lucky to have won."

Finally, Mr. Makina gets off with her skirt fuzzy.

A guard standing in front of a reclining door greets him with respect.

"Welcome aboard, Master Makina"

Mr. Makina responds gracefully with her hands gently raised.

The reply just said "yes".

It's in the hall, I mean.

The atmosphere was different from when you used to talk to me.

Is that how you behave as a Duke's Lady?


Something's making me nervous now.

Mr. Currier next door is magnificent.

I'm the only one who feels out of place...

Ugh, until suddenly my stomach feels tight.


"Ha, yes!? Me...?

The guard has spoken to me at the best of his ability.

Has something made me coarse......

"It's Lord Sagara Krohiko, the curse man, isn't it?

"Huh? Yeah, I do..."

A guard who corrects his posture visciently.

"Oh, it's an honor to meet you!


"For those like me, we have heard of the many works of the Lord of the Curse! Not only did they screw up those four fierce calamities, but the end-of-the-life town assassins who raided the Holy Place also kicked it like a baby's hand twisted!

"Well, uh, I'm not lying... but I won at so much leisure -"

"Even more! Not only did that Knights of the Holy Trees get rid of the mysterious giant beast that had no teeth, but from what I hear, they even defeated the National Destruction Plan of the Witch of the Sixth House, who was the culprit of all!

I also feel the chronology is subtly different or the story is subtly altered and passed on......

Noise was not intended to destroy the country.

The guard slammed the bottom of the spear on the ground.

"My Lord the Forbidden One may call you a hero of the Redemption, and I believe so!

"Oh, thank you very much."

It lights up normally.

Being praised for such a great deal...... I'm even embarrassed.

But I also felt glad I was willing to fight for my death.

For me, the people who live in this king's capital may also be considered important people.

Mr. Makina smiled elegantly.

"Your respect for the curse has been conveyed. Well, maybe it's time for you to go inside?

It's a little exciting.

When you smile like that, Mr. Makina looks more mature than usual.

No, well... I mean, you're usually an adult.

"Also, sorry! Well, come on in."

We were politely sent to the castle.

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