Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Lesson 23: So do you want to go?

We pulled everything out of the warehouse, packed our bags and left the hall wearing a bracelet showing the diving hierarchy.

Cecily and Currier are also dressed in exploratory clothing.

"It's a great day to lift the ban."


A significant number of candidates were gathered in the square in front of the hall.

Everyone must have been waiting for the offensive ban to be lifted.

I hear some squads dived as of yesterday.

I stopped on the spot once.

"Excuse me, could you both go a little further? 'Cause I want to repack my stuff a little so it's easy to handle."

It was a little hard to carry because I hurried to pack it.

"Shall I help?

"No, I'm fine. 'Cause I don't think it's gonna be that big of a job."

When I said that, Mr. Currier and Mr. Cecily walked to the entrance to the Holy Monument first.

During the attack, I was in charge of a huge backpack packed with most of the month's worth of something.

Thanks to daily training.

is the power of the host of the curse again?

I don't feel a lot of weight.

This doesn't seem to worry me of being greatly inhibited from moving.

By the way, I give the belt on my hips the Shi Jing Sword and the Demon Knife "Mad Cherry Blossom" that Mr. Currier gave me.

Well, this one is a little sloppy due to the luggage......

When I finished re-packing and took charge of my backpack clothes,

"In the end, you decided to turn down my invitation and work with Cecily Arklite, didn't you? Love, Crohiko."

Chairman Doris, who followed the facade of the student council, has spoken.

"Chairman Doris?

"If you'd been on our offensive team, you'd have made me feel better."

"Shh, excuse me..."

Tung, and Chairman Doris, who takes his face in the direction of the day after tomorrow.

"We're going to be competitors now."

"After hearing about working with Cecily Arklite, I regret the extent to which I went directly to tell Lord Sagara that I didn't like her."

Chairman Ku appeared sneaky without touching forward.

"Ku, kudelka!?

It was just the sudden emergence of Chairman Doris' "Percantal".

It's called Senior Ray's time, how come my sign perception doesn't work when it's like this......

"I'm also sorry I couldn't form an offensive squad with Lord Sagara, but, well, it's dozens of times better than being combined with Doris. Lord Sagara, come back and have tea with me again."

"Grr... this seems to have been polished more and more hateful in the late stages, right? And I didn't expect you to invite me to tea without any context, it's nasty again -"

"I just don't want to be told by a woman who uses her nasty breasts as a weapon of Lord Sagara's exhortation."

Gogogogogogogogogogo, and Chairman Doris, who had a shadow on his face, starts releasing a fierce aura.

It's a battle, Couderka.

"A battle in the record of reaching the Holy Relic Strategy, is it?


"If so, it's where you want it"

Melamella and flames are standing up between us......

"So... oh, now I'm..."

That's what I said, and while I bent my back, I dislodged from the spot.

Whether we're close or not, those two aren't sure.

And now a round chest appeared in front of me.

Women's uniforms?

Face up.

"It's really something the two chairmen liked, too, Crohiko."

"Senior Ray"

Senior Ray puts his hand on his forehead like a salute.

"Ya, I'm dropping you off."

From behind Senior Ray, Mr. Ira also popped up.

"Yahoo, crohiko"

Senior Ray shows the one behind him with his gaze.

"I just said hello to Currier and Cecily over there. This offense is going to be so long?

"If you're going to make it, I'm going to the deepest part."

"Oh, say it!

Senior Ray slaps the Pessipesi backpack so that he can stand up.

"Speaking of which, I think the offensive squad has subsided with Cecily's membership."

"Shh, excuse me. You invited me because of you."

"Oh, as far as I'm concerned, I'm gonna faint from the bottom of my heart? That's terrible! Ahhh!"

Senior Ray chills at me for being too evil.

Then, like following him, Ira came in sassy.

"So, but I think Crohiko would be a good fit to work with Cecily, right? I mean, it feels more natural... so I guess this was a good idea?

and cheeks, and lay seniors dropping shoulders.

"Isla is this... no matter how hard I try, the key Isla's giving up is too much..."

Tilt your neck, Mr. Ira.

"Mmm... but Atashi also thinks that one day, when Crohiko and the Holy Site attack are ready!

"Right. I also hope that Ira and I will be able to create an opportunity to dive into the Holy Ruins."

When attacking the Grand Prix ruins, I might ask you out.

"Yeah! Until then, I'll do my best to train you too!

"As much as Ira and I were partners at the Holy Martial Arts Festival, we can safely organize in that regard."

"Ray was with you then, wasn't he?

Senior Ray seemed to have a complicated face.

"I guess it's more effective to be direct to Crohiko than to make a move..."

Senior Ira and Ray sent me out like that, and I finally got to Mr. Currier and Mr. Cecily.

"Shh, excuse me...... sorry to keep you waiting"

"The Rays caught you, didn't they?

"Actually, to the chairmen too..."

"Oh my goodness. Perhaps I can't help it with this attention...... then it will be in the chairmen's ears as well"


I'm told, I look around again.

The gaze of the candidates gathered near the entrance to the Holy Ruins, where Mr. Currier and Mr. Cecily were waiting, is almost gathered this way.

"Looks like the two of us who defeated the Four Violent Disasters are finally launching a Holy Site attack. Thank you. We were talking about this at the school, right?

That's what Mr. Cecily said.

"I was wondering if this year, at last, the highest attainment record of the Holy Monument Strategy will be updated. - Whoa?

Poop, and Mr. Currier puts his hand on Mr. Cecily's head.

"There's another indispensable one, and it's the first record we're likely to achieve."

I took a deep breath.

I'm not used to drawing attention.

But not even if you're freaked out.


Knock yourself on the cheek with both hands and pull yourself together.

"So do you want to go"

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