Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Episode 35: Dropping off the Chairman

But when...?

Didn't you come close with the Percantal out of recognition?

Chairman Doris gets rid of Mr. Sissy Beoza with his hands.


But Mr. Beoza cheerfully,

"Then Crohiko! Let's talk about Mi again sooner or later!

and ran away in a light foothold.

I wave with a bitter smile.


He seems used to that kind of treatment from Chairman Doris.

Arm up and turn back on me, Chairman.

"Looks like you're finally leaving, Crohiko"


If you ask, the chairman has already said hello to the two people who went ahead.

"By the way, the time for student council elections is approaching in the school..."

Graduation approaches if the third grade is also a late class.

The student chairman is also close to leaving the seat.

"As far as I'm concerned, I wanted Krohiko to come into the student council and run for office."

Chairman who tries like a troubled wow.

"But I'm a freshman... and normally, shouldn't the current sophomore be the next student chairman?

"Nothing's wrong with freshman year, is it? And when I said that, last year, Kudelka became chairman of the Wind Discipline in his first year."

Oh, well, if you ask me.

Currently Chairman Ku is a sophomore.

I mean, I was in the election last year in freshman year.

So, brilliantly elected and.

"If you're a curseless crohiko, you're sure to win."

"No, there will be as many of them as there are other suitable..."

"I don't really have the talent to fight Couderca, do I? Until now, I have prevented the influence of the Dark Wind Chronicle Society as a jetty of light, but when this me is gone, it must be very difficult -"

"Don't make it a Dark Wind Discipline Party on your own"

"Ah, Chairman Ku"

Hello, Lord Sagara.

Standing behind Chairman Doris was Cu Chairman of the Wind Discipline Society.

"K, couderka!? Damn... you always interrupt bad times between us!

You just interrupted me and got rid of Mr. Beoza. Do you say that?

"We have promising successor candidates for the Wind Discipline Club, and we're going to be sailing smoothly next year. Unlike our student council."

"Damn! The Wind Discipline Club has Ray Citnos... she was really the person we wanted."


Chairman Ku signs the piece in terms of energy.

"Besides, there are rumors that even Isla Horn will join the Wind Discipline. Shh... Oh, more and more talented people will be in the hands of the devil! So, Crohiko!


That light...

"Mm, guh!?

Chairman Doris held me.

Or he pulled his face into his chest.

Inherent Art Ceremony - "Percantal"!

"Mugu, gu... Huh!?

No, I can't get out!

When I try to get out, I seal it with a move ahead of me!

"Why don't you go into the student council and run for president? If you come in, I'll make you feel good, okay?


I managed to get out.

"Let it be, and don't abuse the advanced intrinsic art formula of blame for such a shame!

An intrinsic surgical formula that temporarily removes recognition.

I couldn't react in non-combat mode.

No, you can't.

At least without the will to fight me, I can't react.

Don't be afraid, Percantal.

Chairman Doris poses colorful, twisted and tehepero.

"Nor... are you all right? I will only abuse Krohiko."

"Don't abuse me even if I'm exclusive!

I mean, you have a sense of abuse......

"So instead of abusing it, please join the student council?

"Come on!"

Oh and here's what I'll say......

All right.

If this happens,

"And I mean - because I'm already tired of Chairman Doris' chest!


Chairman Doris opens his eyes and mouth wide with both hands on his cheeks.

Sho, were you shocked...?

"In short - you want more than your breasts," he said?


Huh, and chairman Doris cheeks up.

"There was a side to Crohiko that was true to male instincts..."

"Guh! It was counterproductive!

"O, male instinct......"

Chairman Ku popped.

"Oh, what... no! Now, to curb Chairman Doris' behavior..."

Chairman Ku, who blushes, stood before me.

With her mouth full, she puts her pommy hands on my shoulders.

I could see the upset.

"Let us miss what Lord Sagara said earlier this time. But... it would be helpful if you could be careful what you say in the future that would disrupt the wind discipline."

"Shh, I'm sorry..."

"You too, Doris?

Chairman Ku turns to Chairman Doris.

"Be more mindful of your behavior in front of Lord Sagara. It's too much for your eyes, isn't it?

"Oh? What's wrong with using what you can use?

"Is that the only color trick you have that doesn't have a weapon? Then you won't be able to talk about Cecily Arklite."


Why is Mr. Cecily's name here?

"- Hmm?

Chairman Doris, who opens his thin eyes.

"As always, you're a deaf daughter..."

"The rumors that you are about to solicit Jewelry to the Student Council are coming into my ears as well"


Chairman Doris, are you plotting Mr. Cecily as the next student chairman?

When I got back from Louvel Argan, Mr. Cecily was the student chairman...

Breathe in, Chairman Ku.

"Anyway, today is Lord Sagara's drop-off day. Don't bring in-school politics into your precious time"

Chairman Doris' thin eyes are closing.

"Hmm, you're right...... I'll reflect a little bit there. I'm sorry you're off the sidewalk, aren't you, Crohiko?

This kind of place is an honest student chairman.

"Never mind. It's easier for me to feel loose like this than to get weirdly damp."

Well, he's got a pretty good line.

He's a reassuring person in that respect.



Chairman Doris grabbed the skirt per groin and lowered it cuddly.

I'm not loose on the crotch, am I?


I just praised you in my heart because of it!

"Come on, Doris. As chairman of the wind discipline, I will take you from this occasion."

Chairman Ku secures Chairman Doris.

Student chairman dragged by cheats......

However, Chairman Doris was Nico Face.

"So Crohiko, we're looking forward to coming back ~?

"- Wow, I'm looking forward to it, too. Be sure to join me for tea when you get back"

"Oh!? I can't believe you invited heterosexuals to tea in public! Chairman Kazaki himself is disrupting Kazaki!

"What a stupid... healthy interaction"

"So, what's the real deal?

"Well Lord Sagara and I wish we could get along at all -... Ha!?

"It took a while."


The two chairmen left toward the main building, amicable (?).

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