Seiun wo Kakeru

Chapter 4, Episode 1: Visitors

What the hell is to be done to the five men sent from the town of Nazioni, where the lord is?

In the meantime, only a short time before the welcome feast was held, an urgent rally was to be held.

The sun is about to set.

The Ages, who gathered busily at the village chief's house, all pressed uniformly in front of their desks and waited for the assembly to begin.

I can't breathe.

Looks like the air has an entity.

It's like being suppressed from the top by invisible weights.

I don't like this.

Age sits in a chair, thinking about the purpose of this rally.

The aim of the human resources sent by Nazioni is to encourage the development of Age and increase tax revenues.

For that reason, Franco has asked me to help him with his blacksmith.

In other words, it will be a major focus not only on what to do with newcomers, but also on how Age will use and engage herself.

There was no opposition to Age, in itself, to the policy of increasing the number of disciples.

One, another and the village executives come together.

We were all tough on our faces because we knew how to welcome the talent sent by the lord and how important it was.

That would be the case, too.

I don't know what the hell the role is, but I definitely get the facts of the village and act like a spy.

No one can imagine how they would fall if their relationship with Nazioni deteriorated, although they would just not take means such as agitation or obstruction.

Bona looked over the room.

The age is also checked.

Fernando for Mike and Bernardo for Giorgio.

Is it about what Jane looks like that's missing on this occasion?

"Well, have we all gathered?"

"It's all here. As Grandma told me, Jane needs to be in charge of the banquet preparations."

"Uhm. Shall we begin?"

Mike's eyes are daunting. It clearly seemed to be hurting my emotions.

Bernardo and Giorgio are also grumpy distorting their mouths into letters to, and Filippo usually grows more silent and makes their big bodies feel intimidated.

It's about Fernando and Age who don't get emotional and maintain a calm attitude.

Everyone has a quiet rage at the sudden visitors of other people.

Even if I was just putting in one no first, the response would have changed a lot.

I'm good at backstroking people's emotions.

I came all of a sudden, then I'm not ready for anything.

At the very least, it will be necessary to procure banquets and beds, also as a welcome side.

Then charcoal and firewood from everyday groceries and what needs to be prepared rise to a huge number.

"Then let's hear your opinions on how you think we should respond."

"Let's split the village eight. Can you believe those Nazioni guys?"


Bernardo gives his immediate consent to the content of the microphone he spoke immediately.

No other participants spoke up, but no opposition emerged.

You hate this a lot. Well, naturally.

For Age, that reaction is to the extent assumed.

The Lord's response seeks only tax revenues and does not serve as a public sector.

As much as I had heard in the village of Tal that the reputation was not too good and that taxes and instruction were strict.

In other words, it's tyrants you can imagine.

Age also still has only a shallow relationship, but never a favor.

With very little help, he built a blacksmith.

Iron production takes place in heat well over a thousand degrees.

The work in the middle of summer was so harsh that even the sweat that blew out dried instantly and salt sprayed.

Ever since iron was recognized, even the village tools have continued to be made.

Cookware called pans on knives, from agricultural tools such as jaws and sickles, tools such as saws and fleas, and everyday supplies such as jaws and nail clippers.

In all respects, Age has contributed to the development of the village.

Based on the assumption that it was because there was help, I am still proud of it.

We're the ones who've been sweating and creating food for our lives.

The Lords want to go forward without any help, without knowing the hardships.

There was no way I could have had a favor.

After a while, Fernando raised his hand small.

I guess.

I expected it to be Fernando if I were to disagree. This person is usually the most rational.

Bona prompts me with her eyes and nods.

"Well, don't wait. I disagree with the exclusion."

"What, you're gonna have a shoulder for the Nazioni guys?

"I didn't say that. But I'm telling you, you don't have to eliminate them from the beginning without knowing who they are."

"Keh, stop tall"

It was unpleasant air.

With trouble coming from the outside, the coordination of the entire village is about to break.

Fortunately, Mike and Fernando are both willing opponents.

Do we have to stop it?

Bona lowered her voice of reprimand when Age was about to rise.

"Don't, you idiot!... Oh, Mike's a real idiot."

"What I did to Ola swallowed what the fool said."

"So stop treating me like an idiot!

"Mike...... I'm sorry. That's right, Mike stays put, right?

"Don't apologize there! You'll make me look miserable!

"You weren't?

Everyone laughs at Mike's voice.

I feel the strained air instantly turn into something soft.

Age exhaled deeply.

I couldn't breathe from earlier.

It was surrounded by unpleasant tension and a twitchy, sweaty atmosphere in my hands, but now I can also speak calmly and carefully.

"Looks like everyone's calmed down thanks to Mike."

"Really? I'm not sure. I mean, on the contrary, I'm angry now."

"My opinion also agrees with Mr Fernando. I don't have good feelings for lords, but that's why I'm short on getting rid of them from the start. If they're going to help us, why don't you work hard?"

By nodding lightly, Fernando is agreeing with me.

Bona was also prompted by her gaze to agree with Age as head, I guess, go on.

Mike, who is emotionally hard to agree with, turns the other way around.

"That being said. They're gonna steal technology, aren't they?

"I guess so. Making him stay would also be a soul dare to get involved in the production site."

Then why are you so calm?

"The condition was let me help you with the blacksmith. Teach me technology."

"Yes, I am."

"Meanwhile, that is. I mean, there's a lot to help with, you know, making charcoal, digging stones, helping."

"I see! Then you're not lying. Filippo, you're smart. You."

"You're not like the Lord."

Filippo doesn't usually talk much because of his stuttering habits, but he always follows the core when he talks.

After still speaking a word, I immediately lean down.

But I was glad Age inherited the word.

At least I read the idea and stand in favor of it, not against it.

It is now very time consuming to procure raw materials to do blacksmiths.

If you let them help you at first, Age can focus on blacksmithing and development.

"And you're all taking it lightly. - Forge isn't that easy of a technology."

Minimum of five years to be recognized as serving one person. If you have bad muscles, it takes ten years.

If you think you can steal technology just to help, that's too sweet an idea.

If you brush your arms from scratch by yourself with trial and error, that's how many times it takes.

In the craftsmen who have so far been casting bronze, the feeling of slapping iron is probably incomprehensible.


"If you really want to help me, you can take it as an apprentice."

"Dude, are you serious?

"Yeah, I know that if we talk about this iron product in the future, Pietro and I won't be able to catch up on production alone."

"If you did, you wouldn't be teaching them. You're here to steal, aren't you?

"If you still work hard for me, wouldn't that be good? The relationship between the village and the responsibility of the person would be a different matter. Besides, by the time you get home alone, this village should be developing a lot bigger. I don't think it's any easier to catch up than there's a difference in technology."

"If that's the case, why don't you tell the others? Even you take it on your own. You won't have to do any more technology."

"I'm not asking you out here, you're coming from over there. If you're enthusiastic, why don't you respond?"

"... Grandma, what's wrong?"

Mike, sighing and dropping his shoulder, turns his attention to Bona.

Age also waits for the village chief's word.

What I said was that I believed in the other person's good intentions. By contrast, Mike is a more realistic way of thinking.

For that matter, people's emotions lack.

Age didn't know which the village chief would choose.

Neither thing is wrong. So the decision should be made by the chief.

Hold a sweat in your hand.

Whatever the outcome, let's not grudge.

Close your eyes and wait for the results.

I heard Bona breathing and her body trembled.

"Let's still put that statement aside. As I said earlier, it's up to the people who come."

"... so is that. 'Cause I don't want to teach people who aren't right either."

"I mean, see how it goes this time. At first, that means you're not directly involved in blacksmiths, okay?

"Yeah. I don't mind."

"Not only that, but I think it would be better not to make too much contact with new developments. Like brewing, brewing."

"It's easy, but I know because there's a lot of important stuff for it. Fernando, you just want to monopolize booze."

"I mean, is that really a limited job you can ask for?

"Or, you can ask for an easy hard job"

"Aren't some of the carpentry jobs good, too?

In the first place, it's a pretty impossible order to just help with the blacksmiths.

Age herself is helping out with a lot of work for development, and during harvest, etc., it needs to move in the village general.

Age was not involved in the village's harvest this time because he has always continued to work in the form of repairs to agricultural tools.

I just took the position of being behind the harvest.

If we do not allow them to participate in the village's joint work, naturally we will not be able to give them village resources such as food.

To this end, and in the name of reducing the burden of Age's work, let us cooperate in the village's joint work.

"Is it time to give your opinion?

"For once."

"" No objection ""

"Then dissolve. Don't get into fights at the banquet, but first serve to grasp the person"

Copy that, with all my voices, the rally broke up.

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