Seized by the System

Chapter 304: Kill a staff sacrifice

In Kentucky, a quiet and charming forest with a unique oak tree.

This oak tree is tall and strong, standing tall, but this is not unique.

What really makes it unique is that among its several branches, countless roots are interwoven in order, forming a magical tree house.

This is a living hut.

In the hut, an old white man was sitting. He was extremely tall, very thin, with sunken cheeks and white beard hair.

This is the Druid Grand Wizard who just advanced to the lake level, Abraham Rome.

In front of him, three people were sitting, a middle-aged man in a brown-grey uniform.

The uniformed man's name is Eddie, the chief of staff of Lieutenant General York, and he does many secret things.

The other two are dressed in suits and leather shoes, both wearing gold-rimmed glasses and carrying high-end briefcases. These are the two gold lawyers he hired temporarily from Wall Street.

The most obvious difference between the two is a white suit and a black suit.

Most of the lawyers' successes are calculated on the sidelines.

They are just talking about minutes.

When these two add up, it will cost three thousand dollars a minute

In fact, they usually don't want such a high price, but since it involves the extraordinary, it is natural to kill a knife.

At this time, Eddy's staff did not speak, but the lawyer in the white suit was persuading.

"Master Abraham, the people of the United States need you, and the people of the world need you." The natural disasters are unclear, and the scientific theory has no explanation. Only resort to great existence. This glorious and arduous task, except for you who can communicate with natural will, Who else can complete it? "

"Yes, the Oriental Lighthouse, isn't he still there?" Master Abraham said with a smile.

"Uh?" The lawyer in the white suit, after hearing a bit of speech, then said, "But he is just an Oriental. How can we expect an Oriental to rescue us in the state of rice, the center of the world? Where is our glory? How can they continue to command the entire Western world? "

Abraham put his smile away and said lightly: "This lawyer, can I think you have racial discrimination?"

The white suit lawyer immediately replied: "No, no, sir, I am definitely not a racist. I hate two kinds of people in my life, one is a racist, one is a non-white person, and the other is an ignorant person. . "

"Edmund, look, what are you talking about?" His companion, a black suit lawyer, pushed his companion in surprise.

White suit lawyer, Edmond suddenly heard his words and he panicked: "Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me? Do I have some kind of witchcraft?"

The wizard of Abraham was not irritated, but frowned, a green light flashed over his hand, and put it on the lawyer's head.

Lawyer Edmund then sobered for a while, and suddenly came over.

"I remembered that when I received the call yesterday, I ran into a strange guy. He was dressed like a gypsy, said only one sentence to me, and told me to talk all day tomorrow. Truth, this is really a problem "

Master Abraham, when he heard this, his face was even uglier.

Eddie heard the words, his face cold.

Who wants to stop himself from persuading the wizard of Abraham and sacrifice his life to understand the causes of natural disasters and save the world, so as to show the glory and majesty of the rice country and re-establish its central position?

The Countess Barito?

They prevent their motivations from being insufficient.

The gang just wanted to build Noah's Ark earlier, just take care of themselves, and then sit back and watch the Shenzhou people take pains to save the world.

But this does not conflict with his own essential position. He wants to make Rice the savior and will not hinder them.

For them, this is to help them get a second insurance, there is no reason to stop themselves.

After all, the Oriental Lighthouse may not be reliable.

He looked down on those yellow-skinned men from his bones.

Like the lawyer who can only tell the truth in witchcraft, he is also a white supremacist and despise all non-white races, especially the yellow-skinned people who are desperately trying to covet the supremacy of the rice country.

In his eyes, those yellow-skinned people are a group of guys who will only follow the rice country.

What the rice country does, they do what they do

It's just that this **** new era is actually not a science fiction world, but a legend of gods and ghosts. This allows those yellow-skinned people to climb on the heads of noble white people and luckily take a step ahead.

But what about that?

Rice has a good scientific research mechanism, an endless stream of talents, unique geographical advantages, lofty ideas, advanced systems, unparalleled appeal to the world, and extremely rich natural resources.

As long as there is more time, those yellow-skinned people can be crushed and rubbed on the ground again, so that they once again obediently call the noble white master.

A good-looking yellow dog once died. It was indeed a bit strange, and it died too soon.

But he didn't feel too sorry, because there are still many yellow dogs like this, and there will only be more in the future.

Rice will eventually become the king of the world again.

When Eddie thought of this, he urged another lawyer in a black suit to let the other person speak and then persuaded.

So, the black suit lawyer said: "Master, the Oriental Lighthouse may be very powerful, but this matter is very important, we can't expect the other person to be alone, we have to make our own contribution, just in case."

Abraham's face was relieved, and he nodded, frowning as soon as he was about to speak.

He sensed that an extremely powerful person appeared outside the door.

"Who?" Abraham reached for a finger, and the door of the cabin suddenly opened.

"Oriental Lighthouse?" The other three people saw the man outside the door and took a breath of air.

Especially Eddie, his face changed dramatically.

He subconsciously stepped back a few steps back to Master Abraham.

Upon seeing this, Master Abraham frowned slightly.

He then greeted: "Mr. Shenlong from the East, what are you doing here?"

"Practice heroism and eliminate evil."

The knight was expressionless and his speech was cold.

Master Abraham heard the words and had a complex expression, and immediately looked at the other three.

The two lawyers were very sweaty, and they quickly recalled their careers in the past thirty years.

Collect money and make false testimony to help vicious criminals drill legal loopholes and escape sanctions

Suppress peers and suppress talented young people

One by one, one by one, they turned pale when they recalled.

If they were not gold lawyers, they saw various big scenes, and at this time they could not stand.

"I have been questioning others in the name of justice in the court, and today it is my turn to be questioned by justice."

The thought echoed in their minds at the same time.

Abraham was about to speak, and one of the black suits, Leo Shi, first said: "This is privately earned. You cannot enter without permission. This is against the justice process."

As soon as the voice of the lawyer in the black suit dropped, he saw Chivalrica looking towards himself.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt the other person's eyes brightened.

"Oh, there are actually two Xia Mi" wrong, good. "

Then two dragon-shaped real qi, rushed at the two.

"Wait," the wizard of Abraham stretched out his hand, and two vines sprang from the floor of the hut, blocking both lawyers.

With a bang, the two true energy dissipated like a firework.

If the two lawyers were forgiven, they immediately hid behind Master Abraham.

They found out that their temporary employer, Mr. Eddie, had been hiding behind each other long ago.

They are now puzzled, is this Mr. Senior Staff who claimed to be a patriot, in fact, like himself, a person with a lot of sin?

Then they were relieved, no matter how, at this time Master Abraham was in front of them, judging from the battle just now, at least one escape.

Abraham easily defeated the two real qualities of Chivalrous A, but he did not have any complacency, and he was not as optimistic as the two lawyers.

He knew that the other two mighty powers of the other party could only knock people into a coma at most, and would not kill people. This was not so powerful.

Chivalrous A saw this, but seemed to be stunned for a moment, and did not speak immediately.

The four of them were a little puzzled at the moment. Why are they in a daze at this time?

The uncle of the system said: "Hey, it's a new situation. The rich, a good person is protecting three bad guys? What now?"

Fang Ning rolled his eyes: "My five million, send it back to me, and I will tell you."

The uncle of the system said depressed: "Big rich, I am doing business"

Fang Ning said nothing: "You are learning very fast. Well, I will tell you what to do for free."

The four people across the room were surprised, and they heard Xia Kejia speaking.

"This old man, the three people behind you, have different crimes, especially the one named Eddie Brown Hill, who is even more evil. He secretly hosted a mocking plan, consumes lives, refines The devil, the crime is monstrous, and I do n’t know how many innocent people have been killed. "

Eddie heard that instead of being as timid as the two lawyers, he was full of pride: "That is where their glory lies. Everything is for the power of the rice country, and sacrifice is inevitable."

Abraham heard that, unlike Eddie, there was a trace of flush in the steel on his thin and sunken face. He was speechless and seemed to be ashamed.

It was for this reason that he withdrew from the Wizarding Society at the time.

But he did not insist on stopping it, because Eddie also visited him once, and said something to him.

"I like many things about hibiscus, their women, their cherry blossoms, and of course their comics. I have seen a book called Dajian, which tells a story. Humans can give power to fight against demons. Implant yourself into a demon's body, and eventually become a demon.

"Like that comic, if we don't do this, we will not be able to fight the endless crises. When the strength grows in the future, this practice of drinking thirst to quench thirst will naturally stop."

After listening to this, Master Abraham couldn't close the door, and concentrated on improving his strength.

This kind old man only hopes that after he is strong, he can make his beloved kingdom no longer need to use this shameless secret method.

Now the Oriental Lighthouse came to the door to accuse the culprit. How would he answer?

At this time, he heard the knights continue to question: "If so, why don't you accept this glory?

"You were dying prisoners first, then serious prisoners, and then these weren't enough, and you stared at light prisoners, and finally developed to the search for homeless people on the roadside, singletons, elderly people without children's relatives to break through a bottom line. At that time, he will quickly slip into the abyss, you are now such a person. "

When Eddie heard this, he said disdainfully, "It's funny, what is that? What is my identity and the division of labor? Of course, I can't consume it as easily as they do.

"Humph, Chivalrous A, I know that you are jealous and hateful. You have to clean up your sins and fulfill the punishment.

"But I want to solemnly remind you that you do n’t forget one thing. Me, Eddie Brown Hill, although not a powerful transcendent, nor an ordinary person, but standing behind me

"You can execute sinners or monsters on the streets of New Netherland. Rice will not waste precious resources to control you at this time, but I am different."

He said that the four of them saw Chivalric A and disappeared on the spot.

When the two lawyers saw it, they took the lead and laughed.

The white suit lawyer ~ ~ took advantage of this opportunity to persuade Abraham to say: "Masters have seen it? It is precisely because of the prestige that our rice country has accumulated in the past, the knightly armor that was not there that day will retire.

"Otherwise, with your power, even if you can repel the other party, it is difficult to protect the three of us. So this requires us to continue to maintain its reputation to deter those lawless transcendents."

Master Abraham, when he heard the words, had a complicated mood, and he did not say a word for a long time.

Somewhere above the sky, the uncle of the system was very dissatisfied.

"Host, why don't you let me kill those three guys with a slap, the old man is a fish, but he is not my opponent."

Fang Ning tried his best to appease this problem system, he said: "I understand, uncle is awesome. But don't think so simple, we are here in the real world after all. Some strange, can't let go, but also can't be brainless. Use a little wisdom.

"The three blame, the two lawyers, you can finish it with just one fight. As for the **** guy named Eddie, I tell you what to do."

At 1 o'clock that night, the Bureau of Special Investigations of the Americas jumped.

Director Hook received an emergency business order.

Somewhere in a luxury villa.

He pretended to examine the body in person, and then signed an autopsy report.

"Identity of the owner of the villa: XXXXX staff member. Cause of death: Overnight work overtime, leading to cardiac arrest verification, no residual of any extraordinary power, completely due to accidental death caused by natural factors.

Signer: Hook Smith. "

After signing, Hook thought coldly. In this way, who else would dare to hit his strong bargaining idea?

There is an oriental lighthouse staring at that place, no one will go again. Because none of those people are clean.

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