Seized by the System

Chapter 306: Sacrifice to Heaven and God

When the time was one minute and one second and finally came to ten o'clock in the morning, a loud voice sounded.

"Auspicious time is up, the sacrifice begins ..."

When Fang Ning heard the words, he got up from the exclusive seat and stepped toward the high stage step by step.

The tens of thousands of square kilometers of desert suddenly fell silent, and even the wind between the heavens and the earth stopped blowing.

For the 30 million people, the line of sight is also on the platform.

Of course, most people cannot see anything. Only a few people sitting at the front can see clearly.

In contrast, those who watch the broadcast are much happier.

Because at this time all the shots are aimed at the sacred platform, the picture is very clear.

The platform is nine meters high and nine sets.

After Fang Ning approached the first set, he paused slightly.

He raised his head, looked at the front, and took the first step in his life.

He was alone, and there was no one within 100 meters.

There was no long line behind him, no bells around, no drums.

The one holding the sign was missing, and there were no rows of guards standing on both sides.

It is completely different from the vast expanse when the ancient feudal emperor sacrificed heaven.

Now, I only feel that Fang Ning has a very strong momentum.

Everyone knows this is the power breath that only the strongest in the world has.

Those who watched the broadcast were not at the scene, without restraint. After being shocked for a while, they talked on the Internet and commented afterwards.

"Why don't any followers? In the TV series, which of the emperors sacrificed to the sky, which one is not screaming at the front, three steps and one whistle, ten steps and one post?"

"Yeah, this scene is so big now, it's too showy ..."

"Well, the reason for not making a show is simple. People don't need to sacred scenes like the ancient emperor to fool idiots like you."

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? There is great power between people who put themselves in their hands and put their hands together. How can those emperors who pretend to be the sons of heaven be comparable? Naturally, they do not need to use the boring extravagance to decorate themselves, deify themselves, and fool people . "

Fang Ning stood on the first marble sleeve, and his heart was full of emotions.

I did not expect that Fang Ning also has today. The fathers and ancestors of the Fang family, your children and grandchildren, have made a face for you today!

Others think that Chivalrica disdains the extravagance of the ancient emperor and does not need to beautify the divine self.

No one knows, the real body of the knight, Fang Ning, is actually just afraid of trouble.

And what he thinks now is actually similar to those of the emperors, face, majesty, glory.

The only thing that pity him is that this is the identity of knight, not his true identity.

This caused a slight wave in his heart, when can he use his real identity to install one!

There are only nine sets, but he walks very slowly. He has to stop every time he starts a new set.

Others think he wants to embody the solemnity of the ceremony, and everyone is holding their breath, watching the direction of the platform.

The man walking on the sleeve seemed small, but at this moment, there seemed to be only him in the world.

Fang Ning Gu Pan Zixiong.

Since ancient times, who can still have this glory?

Who can let the people of the world look at one person at a time?

Your grandfather, today, did it!

While Fang Ning was complacent, there was a guy out of nowhere.

The uncle of the system urged: "Hurry up and call out your own dragon. I also want to do a little more blame. Among the tens of millions of people coming this time, the majority are good people. But there are some sinners who want to fish in muddy water. Although the ratio is very low, the absolute number is quite a lot. "

Fang Ning was very speechless: "Mom, do you still talk about business ethics? My grandfather, I sacrificed for heaven, but I gave you 500 million in vain!"

The uncle of the system was honest in his tone: "Oh, this is the case. That great emperor's host, please give a good sacrifice to the heavens, and the minister will retreat first ..."

Fang Ning has nothing to say and does not want to ignore these two strokes.

At this time, everyone saw the knights in the seventh set, and suddenly paused slightly.

They were immediately worried, could it be that this peerless strongman sensed that there was a strong enemy coming?

Everyone was worried, a little bit, they finally saw Chivalrous A advance again.

Very good, finally letting go of the problem system, Fang Ning started to walk slowly again.

He happily played for two days and dragged it to the last day. After taking a shower, he suddenly remembered that there was one more thing to preview. .

He can push away many of the ceremonies for the sacrifice of the sky, only one simple thing.

Only at the level of "going to high stage" can't be pushed.

If you let the uncle take care of yourself, what is the motivation?

In order to install for a few minutes, he was in a hurry, training in the system space urgently.

Whatever he can do, what kind of imposing teaching, he can start learning everything he can think of.

He did not hesitate to find the evil spirits in Longwei God Prison, who were once a party owl, showing him his teeth.

With powerful brain power, and the uncle of the system has been adjusted to the ultimate body, he quickly learned step by step, and use skill.

Now he is confident that even if Li Shimin is reborn, Zhu Yuanzhang's rebirth will not be more powerful than he is now.

So it fell in the eyes of the surrounding audience, in countless online videos, on countless large TV screens, the pace of the knightly knight was firm and strong, all over the body, the posture was uncoordinated, and there was an air of overlord everywhere.

Now Chiren dare not to comment.

The audience watching the broadcast was deeply shocked.

For a time, Internet barrage, text messages, and phone text messages continued.

"It really is a real dragon in the upper realm, this is the standard dragon and tiger step! Ancient emperors, I am afraid that no one can walk so imposingly!"

"Mighty, mighty ..."

Fang Ning lingers, but after all, there are only ninth ranks.

After a few minutes, he finally walked above the nine-meter platform, turned around, and faced countless people under the platform.

His eyes were firm, his expression was aloof, and he looked far into the distance, and was about to make a sacrifice speech ...

Suddenly a cold voice fell from the sky.

"A group of ants who want to summon Shenzhou true dragon, don't you think you are too anxious ?!"

Everyone was horrified, what is this sincerity? There are monsters who dare to make trouble?

They looked at the sky at the same time, the voice came from there.

It turned out that a huge, scary, purple snake head was landing from high altitude.

It is as big as a car body, looks like a bronze bell, bright red abnormal.

Seeing its head, not seeing it, adds even more terror.

The purple snake's head looked at the lay creatures below with disdain, just like watching a group of ants.

In its gigantic mouth, the voice continued: "Other people don't know, I know best. Your Shenzhou true dragon is not fully developed yet. At this time, I want to summon it out. It's a big slippery world!"

"Aren't you afraid of endless troubles? Can't protect you anymore?"


Everyone can hear the cold, ignoring, and taunting meaning in its words.

Many people heard it and could not bear to see it yesterday.

At a glance, all of them were suddenly dizzy, only to feel terrified from the bottom of my heart, and dared not to look directly at each other.

Many adults even directly cover the eyes of the children next to them, to avoid leaving indelible shadows on their young hearts.

After they heard the word of the snake's head, there was a greater fear in their hearts.

Why, shouldn't the Shenzhou Real Dragon be summoned now?

Calling it out is actually interrupting its gestation process, will it cause endless troubles?

In the distance of the high platform, everyone is paying attention to the truth here, and everyone is surprised.

"What's wrong with Skynet? How could this snake get in?" Director Hu asked, facing Shen Yunshui, facing the leader of the think tank group Hong Yunqiao.

Hong Yunqiao's brow furrowed, and he didn't reply.

Ren Ruofeng thought about it, he slowly said: "This snake head, I recognize it. It is one of Fusang's eight snake demons. His Holiness is ordering Xue Xian dog to pursue. Skynet has no problem, it is not from Outside, it is from here. "

Ren Ruofeng pointed to the people around him who were watching the ceremony.

Others see this and think about it.

Director Hu also nodded, no longer holding other people accountable, but frowned.

Hong Yunqiao had a complicated look, but she did not expect that the old man was drinking every day in His Holiness's house, but he still paid attention to it. He never let go of any information.

Director Hu's powerful consciousness swept the countless people on the scene silently.

He knew very well, why did these tens of millions gather here?

Part of it is for the belief of the dragon, but the other half is probably driven by the heart of fear and wants

Find a solid soul to rely on.

Fire meteor came into the world, and all kinds of supernatural beings were born frequently. Some people benefited, but most of them kept low-key. Some people suffered, but they spread across thousands of miles instantly ...

Everyone has a fear.

Recently, there is another mysterious tide anomaly.

Seeing that natural disasters are coming, all over the world, with the exception of a few strong ones, how many can you fear?

Escape to the plateau? What about meals? What about work? The problem of survival is always the biggest source of fear.

It is easy to break a thief in a mountain, but it is difficult to break a thief in the heart ...

Director Hu secretly sighed.

Above the sky, the snake head focused on the panic eyes of countless people, looking down on everyone.

There was a trace of pride in its cold eyes.

Some discerning people can find that at this moment, after its head, it has already begun to looming out a huge body with no tail.


Fang Ning on the high platform did not know, and did not want to know, where did this annoying snake head come from?

He knew one thing, someone was going to smash Fang's scale!

Close the door and put the system!

Before he ordered, the system prompt appeared.

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system decided to brush eight snakes ...)

(The system hosts the host body.)

Fang Ning was speechless, we knew that some two strokes only said "understand", but did not say "must do it", there must be something wrong.

But it is also in line with my wishes, saving another salary.

At this time, the panicked, helpless and suspicious people suddenly heard a burst of epic music in their ears.

Magnificent, lonely, far-reaching, filling the world.

For a while, the desert is like a wind ~ ~ Lord Shrub, the turf waving, seems to be welcoming a supreme advent.

The panic in the hearts of everyone suddenly disappeared.

In today's world, the media is too developed, and countless people already know it.

Chivalrous A, whenever there is a big event, BGM must be played first.

And every time BGM sounded, he never lost!

No matter who the opponent is, there is only one winner in the end, that is, the Oriental Lighthouse!

However, after the music sounded, the figure of the knight had disappeared.

Because above the platform, a large cloud of white clouds appeared.

Everyone was shocked, this, this is an upgrade ...

Such magnificent background music is not enough, and now more magnificent special effects are needed ...

On a VIP seat in the distance, the big green worm was sitting with the other animals of the Xia Kejia to watch the ceremony.

At this moment, his mouth was bulging, stuffed with snacks.

After hearing the sound of music, it immediately blinked, and could not help but whispered: "This music is not very good? I haven't sang it well.

"Next time I have to ask Da Qinglong, do you want accompaniment by insect workers? I also earn a lot of extra money. Recently, the business is suddenly not good, and no customer has come to my door for several days."

This is natural. Everyone is busy preparing for the end of the world. Who still has the mind to play and reverse the world ...

This scene may seem useless, but the effect is extraordinary.

At least all the attention was drawn away from the horrible snake head.

The purple snake's head looked coldly below, without any movement.

It's just thinking, very well, Xia Ke A, ​​will show all your abilities, the original **** wants to reveal your incompetent essence in the face of all human beings!

You will never think of this hard-built high platform for sacrifices to heaven, but today it will become the altar of the gods!

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