Seized by the System

Chapter 310: Who will raise the sky

After the exploration was completed, and after thinking about it, Fang Ning ordered Shenlong to return to Earth, and then he slept again.

In order to prepare for the celestial ceremonies, in order to pretend to force, he once again spent the night for the business, practicing "Dragon and Tiger Walk"

After more than five slopes, the uncle of the system woke him up on time again.

"The great emperor's host, your earth palace is here, and it's time to enter the palace again."

Fang Ning drilled out of the system space lounge, and then with the help of the Shenlong perspective, he saw a large group of people gathering in the desert below.

Everyone is looking forward to it, presumably his neck is already sour.

Eleven skews have passed since the sacrifice, and it is now 8pm.

The sky inevitably became dark.

Dark night flag desert, blowing in the night wind.

Although it was a summer night, the night wind brought to everyone, not cool, but a chill.

Fang Ning understood these people's moods and replaced them with himself.

If he knew that the network would be permanently disconnected from tomorrow, he would definitely have difficulty falling asleep tonight

After thinking for a while, he asked Shenlong to say four words for him.

"God, it won't collapse."

These four words, along countless copper wires, optical cables, and radio waves, spread instantly around the world.

It was like magic. Everyone heard it and couldn't help but cheered loudly and told each other.

For a time, all the world celebrated, and the earth sang.

Shenzhou Zhenlong said that the sky will not collapse, so what else are you afraid of?

Go home early, what should I do?

This is what most people think.

When the truth happened, everyone saw it and looked at each other, while letting go of a big rock.

The whole process seems to be calm, but in fact everyone is worried, these past few days, has been tightening a string.

The doomsday itself may be terrible, but before the doomsday comes, the chaos caused by the panic of the people's hearts may not be sent there.

Even more deadly, panic and chaos will make hopes that would have been escaped in vain.

Fortunately, we have a dragon.

After finishing the last wave, Fang Ning wanted to send Shenlong back to his hometown.

At this time, the uncle of the system said dissatisfiedly: "The host of the emperor, your cowhide has been blown out. If the moon really falls, and the sky collapses, my hero's name will be completely clean."

Fang Ningwen Yan asked: "How do you know that I am bragging. I have a golden mouth and jade words, naturally there is a way to achieve what I just said."

The uncle of the system was shocked and happy: "If it can be realized, I am afraid that in the system map, almost all the human gathering areas on the earth, the friendship must reach‘ worship '. The legendary degree should also soar. "

Fang Ning nodded: "This benefit is okay. At least you don't need the black dog to run around to open the map every day. You can save a lot of labor."

The system then wondered: "In the end is there any way for the great emperor's host to keep this day from falling? Let's say it first, don't count on me this time.

"I want to care for the ball and don't let it fall. I have to krypton trillions of experience, and I can rush to the ocean-level level in one breath, but it is also difficult to crush it.

Fang Ning heard this and recalled it seriously.

He remembered that the uncle of the system did say before that only ocean-going powers and above have the ability to break stars.

Obviously the ocean-going powerhouses themselves are still missing.

The ocean-level strong man is naturally terrible, destroying mountains and reclaiming sea, can do great damage to the earth, and exterminate the entire biosphere, not to mention.

But it is still difficult to completely smash the earth into cosmic dust.

Thinking of this, Fang Ning said right now: "Do you really think that apart from you on the earth, there is nothing stronger than you?

"Being humble makes a system, modesty makes the system progress, and pride makes the system fall behind. Do you know the truth?"

The uncle of the system retorted: "I don't know, I just know, that is to educate you humans. Without talking nonsense, to whom do you want to throw the pot of heaven?"

Fang Ning would not be so easy to tell this two strokes, so he had to use this opportunity to let the growing two stroke system know who is the real boss and who is just a dogleg.

He just pretended slightly: "Far from the horizon, close to the eyes."

Fang Ning's voice just fell, and suddenly a system prompt appeared.

Shenlong is thinking)

Shenlong is thinking)

Shenlong decided to go home to sleep. )

Fang Ning was dumbfounded. His ancestors would even give such a hint?

He immediately reflected and asked a certain two strokes: "Are you a ghost? Are you even going to fight my own dragon's idea?"

The uncle of the system was shocked and said: "Where is the fight? It must be that you pretend too long, the dragon is bored, and the idea of ​​going home is so strong that it is caught by the system rules.

"It seems that although there is no clear time limit for calling the Shenlong, it is actually limited. If you don't let the Shenlong go, the Shenlong will not go. How can you continue to develop?"

Fang Ning is half-trusted and doubtful. These two strokes have a long history, and they often make their own claims for strength and survival.

At this moment, the uncle of the system suddenly said: "Hurry to send your ancestors back, there is a big situation."

Fang Ning was puzzled and immediately looked around from a system perspective.

He soon discovered that there was a big white bear hundreds of kilometers away in the high altitude, who was stepping on the clouds from the north and running at high speed in the direction of the Shenlong.

The uncle of the system can clearly see the mouth shape of people tens of thousands of meters away. This big white bear is as high as a few hundred meters in height, and it is in the high altitude without the roundabout.

But what is the situation?

After Fang Ning looked closely, he suddenly realized that this wasn't the Raksha Totem Bear Spirit who was beaten twice by the uncle of the system long ago?

Remember it has a rebirth ability.

The uncle of the system still thought about it before, but I did n’t expect to see it for a few months. This guy really worked hard to develop, and even learned to run in the sky.

I saw this big white bear, his limbs stepped on a small white cloud, and ran towards the place where the dragon was.

I saw it bear head high, a state full of fighting spirit.

Fang Ning carefully sensed, and saw the other person's breath is extremely large, the last time, it was the strength of the lake-level summit.

Now he could not sense the specific strength level of the bear, obviously it should be above the lake level.

Does it mean that totems can exceed the current world power limit? Shenlong can reach the level of the Inner Sea, can this bear spirit also reach?

Fang Ning was shocked immediately, then relieved.

It is also possible that, after all, Totem and Tiandao are a family, and Tiandao opens a back door for the totem to suppress evil, which is also common.

On the contrary, for those who are in the upper realm, I am afraid that Heavenly Dao will be very strict, and foreign plants are not treated well.

Fortunately, I also have a local hukou, or the local hukou of the 18th generation of ancestors.

Why is this stupid bear coming?

Could it be that you want to match your own Dragon Wrist Wrist?

Fang Ning was thinking about this problem. When he saw that the white bear ran to a distance of about one hundred kilometers from the Shenlong, suddenly his huge bear's face showed a surprise expression.

Then his limbs braked forward suddenly, and then turned around stiffly, escaping backwards at a faster speed without looking back.

Fang Ning heard the uncle of the system hurriedly urged: "Hurry, hurry, please go back to your ancestral dragon."

"Mishan ?!"


Xie Liaosha called for the bear spirit totem possessed by himself.

"Why are you turning around?"

"Can't beat it," Bai Xiong Mi Shan ran back, and answered honestly, "The guy who killed me last time, also summoned a totem possession this time, it is much stronger than me."

"Hate, he even said! It's clearly said that you challenged him, but he called the dragon!" Xie Liaosha heard his teeth and teeth.

Since the last fiasco, Xie Liaosha has been retreating and practicing, and has not even been on the Internet, so he does not know about the dragon call.

As soon as he got out of the customs, he got the above order, temporarily not allowing him to provoke the Shenzhou people.

But he did not forget the three-month challenge period.

Now that he has surpassed it, it seems to him that the other party must have been laughing at himself as a coward, so he hurried in.

He was right. The uncle of the system was still scolding Xiong Ling for counseling.

This time, the uncle of the system really guessed right.

The Raksha man Xie Liaosha who is possessed by Xiong Ling will never admonish himself. As a fighting nation, he would rather be killed or scared to death.

But Xiong Ling is a natural totem. He has the nature of a bear, and his courage is sometimes very large, sometimes very small.

Xie Liaosha is only a possessed object. If Xiong Ling makes up his mind, there is no way he can forcefully stop it.

To judge the power gap, Xiong Ling is more accurate than him.

But he still did not give up, so he launched his mouth gun and began to persuade him to escape from Mishan.

"The three-month battle time has passed! As a soldier, how can we be like politicians and keep our promises!

"Politicians feared the prestige of China and made concessions in secret, but as descendants of the fighting nation, we can't bow our heads, Mishan! Fight bravely!"

"Ivan Knight Chief said that a warrior can be defeated, not defeated!"

As he shouted, he suddenly found that Xiong Ling stopped the car again.

Seeing this, Xie Liaosha thought that he had persuaded each other, and immediately overjoyed and said, "Mishan, you are finally willing to listen to me!

"Shenzhou people have said that in the face of strong enemies, they meet in a narrow path, knowing that they are not enemies, they must also face the difficulties, and they must also show their swords!"

Bai Xiong touched his head and said: "I don't want to go up against the difficulties, I just suddenly felt that the possessed totem of that guy, that big dragon, seems to have disappeared, and now it's just itself.

"Hey, he, I can fight"

During the speech, the white bear had turned his head proudly, swaying again in the direction where the knight was, and the bear head ran away with a high head.

Xie Liaosha immediately saw through the bear's eyes. Sure enough, the long dragon had disappeared.

In the distance between the white clouds, there is only one eye that is difficult to discern, but there is a fierce point where the sword's breath is sky-high.

Although he can't see the person clearly, the familiar sword spirit clearly tells him that it is the knight's armour and there is nothing wrong with it!

He immediately hated his heart, and the other party killed him twice, which was a shame.

After returning to China, he was ridiculed by his companions. Many people blamed Xiong Ling for his fiasco.

Don't expect all people to be wise, and be patient to analyze the reasons. Most people will only find a scapegoat to vent.

And as a researcher of Bear Spirit Totem ~ ~ how much glory and envy he had suffered before, and how much slander and insult he suffered after the fiasco.

As a sustenance of totems, he can not allow Xiong Ling to shoot those people.

Even he himself must not hold back, otherwise it will affect the fit of both sides.

In the past three months, no one knows how he survived!

So as soon as he got out of the border, he ignored the order above and secretly broke into the airspace where Shenzhou was located from a very high altitude. He would again challenge the Xia Kejia and wash the shame.

But at this time, in the desert, after the dragon returned, the truth was that everyone was maintaining order and evacuating the crowd.

At this time, Ren Ruofeng received an emergency call.

He immediately looked dignified and said: "Luosha Xiong Ling suddenly entered from a very high altitude. Skynet just sent an alarm. It is expected that the upper limit of strength will exceed the lake level. It is suspected that the inner sea level is strong!"

Ren Ruofeng drank many days of wine in the home of Venerable Dragon, naturally knowing more Dragon Clan Power Rating


Everyone was shocked by what was said, and it was really a wave of peace, and another wave.

Director Hu was not too alarmed. He just asked: "The Shenlong Totem just now has a power limit that exceeds the lake level. It seems that for the local totem, Tiandao is extra forgiving. You start monitoring right away. I think it has only one goal. "

Everyone nodded, and there was only one goal for the Bear Spirit Totem, which was Knight of Armor.

It was a pity for them that if the dragon left late, it would easily break the bear spirit.

They have no doubt about it.

But they are very worried that the upper limit of strength is limited by Heavenly Dao to the lake-level Shenlong Venerable. Can they afford this suspected Neihai-level bear spirit?

If you don't care?

Their gaze was directed at the calm and free director, and only the old man had to deal with it.

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