Seized by the System

Chapter 312: The Law of Righteousness

At high altitude, thunder bursts, violent winds raged, and fierce fighting was ongoing.

Thanks to this, it is an extremely high altitude tens of thousands of meters above the ground, and its impact on the ground is greatly reduced.

Otherwise, it is just the aftermath of the intense collision between the two parties, which is enough to cause great damage.

At that time, the ground would sway, the rocks would crack, the walls would collapse, and all would be indifferent.

Of course, if it is not at high altitude, the uncle of the system will not choose to have a violent conflict with this bear here.

Now two giant creatures, a bear and a dragon, are not the first to consume mana, use map attack skills, or are using two strong bodies to fight directly.

If you use spells, it is difficult to imagine what kind of scenes it will cause.

In the battlefield, most of the time, the Qianlong Qinglong is actively attacking. The giant bear has been wearing a bright silver armor and is in a passive defense state.

However, many people who watched the battle from a distance, not many people would think that Qinglong had the advantage, because the black cat Tom had already said that Qinglong could not break the defense!

They want to come here to watch, if there is no elders relying on the mountain, the strength must be at least above the pond level.

Since most of them are no strangers to combat, it is easy to see this naturally.

Now the situation is obvious, Qinglong can no longer be like a long sword, a fatal blow.

It seems to be using ordinary combat skills to test each other's weaknesses and try to break out again.

Will Xiong Ling only give Qinglong this opportunity?

Many onlookers are worried and very optimistic about this.

The allies of the knights, the truth, everyone is watching.

The monks of the Buddha congregation and the real people of the Daomeng League, because of the sacrifice to the world and the summoning of the dragon, also gathered here at this time.

Tian Jing Pharaoh brought a group of monks, frowning, looking at the battle.

The chief horse leader of Zishan Temple, with a group of feather crown priests, was also a little nervous.

I have n’t seen it for more than half a year. The leader of Ma Dao's body is indifferent. He is obviously also breaking the edge. As a local master, he is practicing outside of the thin vigor. It is already very difficult to enter the country, and it is admired by the audience.

It should be known that one who has broken through to the lake level master in the homeland does not seem to have appeared at this time.

In addition to these people, there are also a large number of Sanxuesan.

Because of the special situation in China, the Truth Office and the local special affairs office can control the overall situation, and they can still go to the bottom as in the past.

Most Huidao doors are not well-known, and they can only operate and operate within the scope of the permit, and exist in the legal name of the cooperating unit.

For a long time, many strong practitioners in China have been suppressed by the truth, so many people have accumulated an early breath.

Honest people are better to say something. Although they are dissatisfied with the strict management of the truth, they will still consider the overall situation and know the importance of order stability.

But those with improper mentality do not care so much. They only know that with power, they cannot do whatever they want. That is to do right with them!

Especially this chivalrous man, who has always been at a loss with the truth, wanders around the head every day, Yaowuyangwei, specializing in business!

Many successful practitioners just want to use their power to coerce one or two rich people, and then sit down to eat dry stocks, enjoy good food, go in and out of the luxury cars, and do not want to make any effort at all.

As a result, the knighthood came out, and their intention suddenly became a delusion, and they did not want to leave the safe land of China.

Therefore, all of them can only honestly abide by the business rules, conduct equivalent exchanges, and obtain high remuneration by selling their high-end labor.

Although you can also enjoy a rich life, how can the former be comfortable?

You know, as long as you work, there is no such thing as ease, and you wo n’t feel tired because of the high-end work you do. It can even be said that the higher the end of your work, the more you have to worry about, the harder it is to feel comfortable ...

At this time, when many warriors with justice and fear for the knighthood are concerned; practitioners with improper mentality are gloating, but they use another tone of voice.

"Shenlong Venerable, the heroic wind is no longer. This hasn't ruled for a year, and will abdicate to let the virtuous, alas, it's really sad." A middle-aged man in a golden robe shook his folded shirt and pretended to sigh.

Others nodded in favor.

"The heavens have been revealed, the heavens have been born, not when they grew up in the past. I believe that now heavens do not want to see the Venerable Dragon Dragon alone, so they let the totems loose their power restrictions.

"It is said that the rafters that came out first rot first, and the gun shot the bird first. I think the majesty of the Venerable Dragon will not last for a few days."

They didn't seem to realize at all that they had the qualifications for the pitiful Knight A.

They just knew that a few months ago, the knight was able to transform into a long sword, killing him with a single blow, and beating Raksha Xiongling to beg for mercy, but now he couldn't hurt the opponent's fur.

The contrast between before and after is obvious. They believe that the knightly knight in the battlefield must be very bitter in his heart.

These people were about to continue to speak, but they felt several sharp eyes piercing them, and suddenly shrunk their heads, some more unpleasant words, so they did not say it.

"If I fight again, I am afraid that Venerable Dragon can only retreat temporarily." Some people were unwilling to be oppressed, so they issued a high argument, and once again attracted nods of approval.

Although many people do not want to admit this, they also have to admit that Xiong Ling is a totem. One of the biggest advantages is the long-lasting power. The longer the time, the more dominant it is.

Earlier it was able to regenerate continuously, and now it has reached the level of the Inland Sea, and its continuous combat capability will only be stronger.

After practicing Shinto, the strength officially broke through to the lake level, and the sky eagle with a body size of more than 100 meters just heard annoyed. It also understands this best.

The way of Shinto and Totem is, in the final analysis, using the human mind as the source of power, transforming into one's own divine power, perfecting oneself, and improving oneself.

The advantage is that the entry is fast, sustainable, and is not restricted by hard resources. The disadvantage is that it is more restricted. It is bound by the believers. It can be said that life and death cannot be autonomous.

Whether it is the righteousness of a friend or personal selfishness, Skyhawk will not allow Venerable Dragon to lose this battle.

At this moment, it glared at the two huge eagle eyes and carefully scanned the big white bear, trying to find out where the other party's flaws were.

In a few moments, if he thought about it, he already saw the other party's flaws and immediately spoke to the yellow dog Xue Ba on the side.

Xue Ba has now appeared, and his body is as high as several hundred meters.

Tianying said: "Brother Xue, for today's plan, only by using the method of the right way can we win the battle."

The yellow dog Xue Ba heard the words, his face dignified, and he nodded slightly.

Lying at its feet, the black dog Barrett, who has not dared to move, and the dragon carp in the fish tank on his back, also nodded.

Lying on Xue Ba's neck, clutching the white hamsters with two dog hairs, his eyes slightly hesitated, and then he nodded fiercely.

Only lying in the feather bushes above the head of the Sky Eagle, holding a bag of snacks to watch the big green worms in battle, the eyes of the worms were puzzled and questioned: "What are you talking about, how can I not understand it at all?"

Tianying coughed and said seriously: "Daqing, you are still a child. You don't need to intervene here, just hide in the feathers on my head."

Chong Daqing was a little unhappy, and turned up, her forelimbs akimbo, angrily said: "I am not a child, I am also a lake-level strongman. Daqing Long once once said that I am a Tianhu-level, very powerful.

"So he has to ask me for help whenever something serious happens. I have been owed me several meals and I haven't paid it yet."

With that said, Chong Daqing released a rushing weather, and it turned out to be much stronger than the average lake-level powerhouse.

This immediately drew the Sky Eagle's eyebrows, and it nodded repeatedly: "Daqing was born in the upper realm of the Celestial Clan, and it really is extraordinary. The same is the lake level, the general strongman is really not as good as you, I am not as good. So, then I will tell you what is the right way ... "

Daqing hurriedly urged: "Hurry up."

"You can get more help than others, but you can't help you." Tianying said only eight words.

Chong Daqing shook his head: "I didn't understand."

Sky Eagle rolled his eyes and said: "I'll change it, you must understand."

Then it stood up, spread its wings, and roared up in the sky: "Brothers, the Venerable Dragon Dragon plans for the world, running back and forth, killing snakes, and spending a lot of power, summoning the real dragon of China to stop the sky from falling. Big catastrophe!

"This white bear is also a family of totems, but he is so ignorant of the good or bad, taking advantage of the dangers of the people and disregarding the overall situation! It is really hateful! For such evil beasts that have no distinction between right and evil, should we use righteous rules?

"Shall we just sit like this and watch His Holiness fail alone?"

"Is this world just a failure of the Lord Himself?"

After listening to the negative commenters just now, all of them were immediately ashamed and dared not to speak again.

This giant eagle is right. They only saw that the Venerable Dragon Lord had a difficult battle at this time ~ ~ but subconsciously ignored the previous high-intensity activities of the other party.

Killing demons, calling dragons, and flying to the moon, simple to say, do it?

Is it easy?

Switch to them, you ca n’t do anything, let alone fight with this bear spirit, it ’s good to run away from the wind ...

"Brother Tianying, what he said is not bad. The old monk can't care about his face today, and he should not let His Holiness fight alone." Tianjing Pharaoh folded his hands together and the first responded.

He has always been very fond of the virtuous knight, so when he first met, he gave the "Four Elephants Ban" array to each other.

Every day the Buddhas teach all beings to be positive, and such characters are one of the role models.

Others with justice in mind have spoken up in favor of the enemy.

Last time about Yunwu City, His Holiness fought against Xiong Ling to prevent the other party from overthrowing Yunwu City.

It is precisely because the city where Yunwu City was built was actually the homeland of Shenzhou a hundred years ago.

The result is good. Other aliens, regardless of white and black people, can live and live in the wilderness of Luo. The descendants of Shenzhou themselves are not qualified to survive there. They will not be charged by the other party paying taxes.

Only for more than a hundred years, some people actually regarded it as the land of Raksha, and even considered Venerable Dragon to be an intruder.

It's really filled with righteous indignation. The so-called forgotten history is better than that.

They will only see the existing regulations but forget them all. How did those regulations come about? Under the current situation, the powerful person decides.

The Venerable Dragon Sovereign suppressed the Raksha Totem at the time and earned a place of survival for the descendants of Shenzhou. As a matter of course, this is undoubtedly a matter of justice!

This bear spirit defies the world's dangerous situation at this time and provokes the Venerable Dragon Dragon who is in exhaustion.

Do these people still have to sit back and watch?

Can this be called human?

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