"Comrade Xie Dong, deepen the relationship with the new sea tribes and guide them towards the right path. This is a difficult and glorious task entrusted to you by China."

"With your special talents, hard-working character and unselfish spirit ... I believe you will be able to overcome difficulties and complete this task wholeheartedly, and make important contributions to the safety of the sea frontier of our great China."

Xie Dong looked at the endless sea in front of him, his face was cool, and his mind still echoed Ren Laozi's explanation to him.

Ha ha, it ’s all a lie ... I just do n’t know how to get off work on time.

After staying up all night, he was airlifted by Xue Feng to this sea area, and the next one was over ...

Thanks to his progress, he is no longer a tableware-level strength, but promoted to a bucket level, which is not drowning in the sea, and can stand on the water.

He touched the ring on his left hand, a little comfort under his heart, and finally the funds were sufficient.

This ring is said to have been ordered from Shenlong Venerable Mystery Online Shop. It is very expensive and has a very high capacity. It has a huge capacity of 20 meters * 10 meters * 10 meters. It is second to none in the truth. Used.

There is a large amount of food fresh water immortality not to mention, there is also a magical instrument flying boat for traveling, and a magical instrument hut for living. The hut is extremely well sealed and can be placed under water. There is a method of avoiding water, which can draw oxygen from the surrounding seawater and supply it to the residents in the house.

It can be said that the logistics support is in place, Xie Dong is very moved, or is the kindness of Huang of the logistics team. I heard that his nephew, Xiao Ming, has been following Qiao Zishan for nearly a year, and has made rapid progress. It seems that the truth will be an important flower in the future.

However, no matter how high the treatment is, the corresponding task will be as difficult as it is. Xie Dong understands this very well. There is no relationship behind him. This formula is still valid.

At this time, when he was in a daze, he saw waves not far away from the sea, and a large group of huge marine creatures suddenly floated to the surface.

There are octopuses and dolphins. This is normal. Hey, how come there is a cat?

Who will tell me that cats are marine life?

Xie Dong involuntarily increased his vigilance. He is in the outreach group and knows the top figures of many forces.

He looked closely again, and suddenly realized that the cat is not the pet Tom cat that will be the first meeting of the American Balance of Power.

In intelligence, this guy is the real host of the balance meeting. It seems that other people have set their sights on the sea, and they seem to have set a step earlier.

In the past, it was a technological civilization. In the ocean, it was not suitable for the development of science and technology.

But the future is a vitality civilization, and the ocean may not be suitable for development anymore, and may even have an advantage over land.

He remembered the extensive training content that Ren Ruofeng forced him into during the night.

At this time, a "click" sounded.

Xie Dong looked up and saw that in the huge group of sea creatures, an octopus with twelve huge arms and legs was waving its arms and feet to himself, making a "click" sound.

He could hear him greeting him with Morse code.

It's a pity that the opponent repeated three times back and forth, he still only heard one or two words, which is also part of the results after last night's overnight.

Seems like "hello"?

This language is popular among octopus swarms.

For humans, only a very small number of professionals can directly understand.

There is a common language in them, noble language, if you can't learn, you can't arrange for higher positions.

When it's over, Xie Dong finds this fact, he can't laugh or cry, he can't understand the words, how can he tell the truth?

In a few moments, a familiar Chinese voice sounded.

"This truth-clearing man, this young octopus, is called Twelve Claws. It is saying hello to you, it says, are you Xie Dong from the truth office?"

Xie Dong was stunned and looked subconsciously, only to find that this sentence was coming from the black cat's mouth.

The other party is telling the truth, is it already like this? Xie Dong touched his hair subconsciously again. He used to work overtime, and his head was white.

No wonder his wife is always dissatisfied recently.

After Xie Dongmu compares, secretly determined.

This time, if you go on a business trip, you must not be so honest, you have to get more money for your private house.

Shenlong Venerable's Yan Dan is very expensive, but the effect is worthy of the price, and there are still many special effects, which are extremely cost-effective.

Xie Dong nodded and said, "I am."

He secretly thought, it seems that he must pay close attention to this foreign language, otherwise his task will definitely not be completed ...

At this moment, the one-eyed octopus said disdainfully to the two dolphins: "Have you all seen it? The language invented by mankind, they can't learn it by themselves, and our noble octopus can learn, what does this mean? The future will rule the earth, definitely It's our octopus empire. "

Xie Dong understood this time, because the other party used the dilemma.

Being able to circumvent language restrictions and directly express your inner thoughts will of course be true and false. After all, thoughts can be disguised as well.

The Black Dolphin countered: "So what? We will too."

Speaking of the black dolphin screaming, it is like singing a song, interpreting a section of Morse code perfectly, revealing nobility in elegance.

The singing is beautiful, which is far more than a thousand times stronger than the monotonous "click" sound of octopus.

The one-eyed octopus was stunned and hit by a crit.

"How? If you have more arms, can you sing? Isn't it a lunatic. A group of guys who don't know culture and art can't build a powerful empire." Black and white dolphins glanced at each other with pride.

The twelve claws waved their arms and arms to stop the new conflicts that would happen between their peers and their families.

It can't wait to use the dilemma and said: "Hello, thank you, uncle, I would like to ask you to help us decide ... Which of these two guys is more suitable to be the new leader."

It is an honest octopus, originally intended to greet each other's native dialect, see Xie Dong will not, naturally switch to the general communication method among cultivators, the dialogue between the mind and the mind.

Uh, the one-eyed octopus heard the words, but it froze for a moment.

It just immersed itself in the glory of the octopus empire, and forgot for a moment that the position of its new leader actually depended on this stupid human sentence ...

The opponent is one of the two referees designated by Tianshu. This strong and honest twelve-clawed octopus is obedient to Tianshu.

The seven-clawed octopus was proud and dancing, its reaction was a little slow just now, but it did not expect to take advantage.

This is called, you do n’t need to be smart, you just need to be stupid enough to win.

After hearing this, Xie Dong confronted the intelligence.

He did not go around the circle and said directly: "This is simple, I'll just ask a few questions."

Twelve paws nodded their heads, this human being was straightforward and did not talk about money, and immediately made him feel a lot of favors.

In the mouth of the dolphin companions and other guys, humans are greedy, and they want to ask them to do something, either give money or give life.

Now it seems that not everyone is like this.

So the twelve claws said to the one-eyed and the seven-clawed: "You two, you must tell the truth. This uncle Xie can tell the truth from the truth, and whoever lied will not be qualified to be the leader of the new tribe."

Hum, Tom the Black Cat is secretly disdainful. Is lying one of the prerequisite skills for being a leader?

Just like the clever uncle Tom, I do n’t know how many guys have been cheated, and my life is gone ...

They heard Xie Dong start asking.

"The first question, after you ascend, can you wholeheartedly, the grand dukes are selfless, and do whatever you want ... to work for the new tribe?"


The two octopuses spoke in unison, then glared at each other, as if to say, you copied my answer!

"Poof", the black cat Tom standing next to him, almost vomiting blood after hearing the words, where is this noble and clever octopus? Clearly two more fools.

Xie Dong forcibly resisted and smiled, and then asked, "Where do you want to take the new tribe after you ascend to power?"

The two octopuses looked at each other, the one-eyed octopus hesitated, and the seven claws rushed to answer immediately.

It proudly said: "Of course it is the **** of the ocean, I am the emperor. At that time, I will not only eat the freshest fish, but also marry 33,333 beautiful and strong female mother octopus, give me a big The octopus empire gave birth to the best and brightest offspring. "

The ambition is really not small ...

Xie Dong continued to hold back his smile, but he couldn't help thinking of something in his mind. A series of emperors appeared after the founding of China.

There are village-level emperors, town-level emperors, and even county-level emperors ...

When they became emperors, they were the first to seal the harem.

The ranks of these emperors are based on the annihilation forces dispatched.

Some village heads took care of it with two people, some were police stations in the townships or towns, and the most senior ones were only the county police officers.

The one-eyed octopus seemed to be stunned by the other party's grand goal, and it took a while to react.

It said with a bit of frustration: "I will lead the octopus tribe to make the most powerful, strongest and most beautiful pot in the world, so that every octopus can live in. Of course, the best must first belong to me. "

Xie Dong listened and listened, and no longer laughed, although their ideals are very naive, but who can't achieve it?

You have to know that they have the nickname "Alien Creature" among the human beings on earth, and their IQ is superb.

Although only rumors, but this has proved that they are different.

Xie Dong nodded and began to ask the third question: "So what method do you want to use to achieve your goals?"

Black Cat Tom nodded after listening, the three questions seemed simple, but in fact, throughout, attitude, goals, methods ~ www.readwn.com ~ all.

If there is a guy who can do all three of these, then he is still barely qualified to be the leader.

One-eyed octopus had an idea and started to answer: "We can ask human experts to help us design and teach. There are things, minerals and resources in the sea that you cannot develop, we can develop and exchange them with you."

Xie Dong nodded after listening. You see, this shows that the octopus is really smart, pure and simple, people are not stupid.

The idea of ​​commodity exchange has already appeared.

He asked another seven-clawed octopus again, "How are you going to achieve it?"

"Mr. Tom said it well. The current major problems of the ocean cannot be solved with a speech and the resolution of most people ... but must be solved with iron and blood. I will use iron and blood to unify the ocean and become the king of the sea. . "

The seven-clawed octopus said arrogantly.

Black Cat Tom nodded, you see, there are always a lot of ambitions, and so are newborns.

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