Seized by the System

Chapter 320: How to buy train tickets?

There is only an ordinary basketball court in the area, but I don't know the depth of the pool.

The three groups of people are divided into three directions and are in confrontation.

A grayish-white breath was surging slowly above the pool water, like the serpents walking quietly.

Stay away from it, it will not find you; if you approach its hunting range, there will be big trouble.

Ordinary people may be eroded into a pile of bones if they are close.

From the scattered white bones beside the pool water, you can know the intensity of these gray breaths.

The three groups of people in the confrontation are within its hunting range.

However, these gray breaths automatically evade as soon as they approach them. It seems that they are not afraid, but as if they encounter similar ones.

Among the three groups of people, there is a group of people, mostly white Western faces, surrounded by a black cat with an arrogant look.

One group is headed by a young white man in a black cape and a charming white woman.

The last group, in fact, cannot be called a group, because there are only two people, all are stout men who are nearly two meters high

These three groups of people are the black cat Tom and his men, Bloodstone Demon Claude and his sister Claudia, Raksha Necromancer Valery and his assistant and bodyguard Alec Match.

They are not talking at this time, just looking at the deep pool.

In a few moments, a smile appeared on Claude's pale and cold face.

"Let ’s decide who ’s the first to enter the pool? It seems that an old opponent has also come out. Although he ca n’t come in here, it ’s a big trouble to stay outside. It ’s a big deal to decide the master of the secret area early, without any Worry about it. "

With that, he reached for a finger, and the grayish-white breath of the pool water was like an ear-pulling fate, hovering in the air, and then showing a scene.

"Xia Kejia, why is there him everywhere?" Tom frowned as he saw the young man in the video looking around for something.

Where the other party used to be, it would have to rush away.

But this time, it wanted the other party to roll as far away as possible, so as not to disturb Uncle Tom as the master of the secret realm.

The black cat Tom agreed with him: "Brother Ke makes sense. As Tom's spokesperson for death, this mysterious realm of the undead has a natural connection with me. It seems that I should be the first to enter the pool."

Claudia quipped: "Well, since Mr. Tom is the spokesperson of the **** of death, and he is not a monk of the East, what kind of fate is said, is it not particularly funny ?!"

Black Cat Tom, after listening to a pair of cats with cold eyes, glanced at the woman.

With its current lake-level strength, it can easily suppress the audience, but it has not moved, because it knows that it can't move casually at this time.

Seeing to suppress the black cat, Claudia was very proud, and then glanced at the two Raksha men.

"Brother is right, it is not a way to drag on. Mr. Tom, it is better for us to work together to rule out the other group of people. It is easier to choose one of the two than one of the three."

Valery and Alexey heard the words and looked at each other, their faces flushed.

Alexei scolded: "Your group of things you didn't get for nothing! It's up to us to open this secret realm! Now we are going to drive us out ?!"

Valery also filled with indignation: "Yes, this secret realm was discovered by us first, and it was also the two of us who worked overtime for three full months and nights in order to get the train ticket for that ghost train.

"You are well-informed, but smart, taking advantage of the train to stop and quietly follow behind us to get in the car. Yu Qingli, we contribute the most, naturally we should go in first!

Claude heard it and smiled slightly, not ashamed, but proud.

He said lightly: "There is a good saying in the East, the praying mantis catches the cicada, and the cardinals are behind. The laborers rule the people, and the laborers rule the people. This can only blame you stupid! And the fool should be behind."

Valery was so angry and hated that he was blocked from talking.

He hated and said flatly: "You want to drive us away? Damn, we can't beat you, but don't think about it better!"

As soon as his words fell, he raised the huge black hammer he used to resurrect and store the ghouls, and pointed at the pool.

Whether it was a black cat or a brother and sister of Kelvin, there was a sudden flash of nervousness on his face.

The grayish-white breath on the pool water suddenly began to chaos, as if they could perceive the threat.

Others suddenly froze when they heard the words, and the other party was talking about the key points of the trilateral confrontation.

This pool of water breeds a source of yin qi, whoever gets its approval, who is the master of the secret realm.

Most of the gestating creatures are extra fragile. It can be said that even a little external disturbance may develop into a deformity in the future!

These people belong to the characters on the evil side, and the practice of the side of the Yin attribute is particularly suitable for this source of Yin Qi. All of them are qualified to become the masters of the secret realm.

Bloodstone demon stays underground all the year round, often seeing the sun all year round, often accompanied by death.

The black cat Tom is the spokesperson of the **** of death, and it has the greatest chance.

The two Rakshabahs, tall and strong, one necromantic witchcraft, and one curse witchcraft, are all related to death, and the chances are not small.

Once you become the master of the secret realm, you can move forward and backward freely.

The last time Lei Tian was caught by Ren Ruofeng's plan to lure the enemy, he was also a warlike man, and was pitted by his own cultivation skills.

He did not know that Ren Ruofeng was even more powerful, and it would take ten or eight years to calculate the vitality channel to the outside of the secret realm.

With this time for development, the Lord of the Secret Realm has been awesome.

And here the three parties, none of them are Lei Tian's fighting lunatics.

On the contrary, except that they are all related to death, they have one thing in common.


At this moment, Black Cat Tom frowned deeply, sweeping the other two groups back and forth, trying to solve this dilemma.

It secretly thought that as long as Uncle Tom became the master of the secret realm, he must be careful and no one would be provocative.

As long as three years and five years, I can be promoted to the Inland Sea, even ocean-level ...

With such a large interest, it seems that he can sell some important things in exchange for the first opportunity to try.

The brothers and sisters of Krishna glanced at each other and thought, as long as we are occupied by the bloodstone demon, we can use this as a foundation to breed humans for a living, as long as we do n’t go out, we do n’t have to worry about knights.

Wait until the strength is greatly increased, and then counterattack the earth. At that time, the Stone Demon Clan may rise again and become a member of the High Demon Clan.

Valery and his companions back to back, he thought in his heart, this is simply a heavenly necropolis, and he can't give up even if he is desperate!

That ghost train is amazing.

As long as you become the master of the secret realm, you can control it, but it can remotely control the corpse to automatically get on the car directly from the outside world.

In this way, as long as you stay in this secret realm, you do n’t have to take risks to dig graves every day ...

That's right, another common feature of these three groups of evil people is Gou ...

If they are allowed to occupy the secret realm and become the master of the secret realm, it can be said that the overall situation is settled, and it will be difficult to turn over again.


At this time, in the Grand Canyon outside the secret realm, the knights are slowly patrolling along the railway, and below is the yellow dog Xue Ba, sniffing east and west.

Fang Ning understood why the uncle had to say, "There are still many corpses buried under the railway." It turned out that every time he took a step, under the rails, Xue Ba found a white corpse buried.

He was terrified and shrank in the system space.

The uncle of the system himself and Huang Gouzi were here for a long time, and opened the "Ghost Eyes" twice in the middle to activate the "perspective" ability, but still nothing was found.

The uncle of the system took the opportunity to complain: "It's over, the richest host, Huang Gouzi is difficult to find, your kryptonian golden dog's eyes are useless, and it is a waste of my millions of experience, you have to pay me ..."

Fang Ning Zhenzhen said: "I am dead for this day, it is not a crime of war, so I do not pay. Do you not understand the cause of force majeure? Forget it, quickly notify the person in charge of the truth and let them send experts."

A few hours later, the Truth Office secretly sent someone to sneak in.

After all, this is the territory of the United States. The official staff of the Truth Office is not the unscrupulous Oriental Lighthouse. It is not easy to come in blatantly, and it is easy to change.

Qiao Zishan is the team leader, accompanied by his sister and Aunt Lilac.

Their special investigation team has the most experience in such a strange thing.

Qiao Zi Jiang Hun wrapped tightly up and down, dressed like a handsome boy.

Qiao Zishan was dressed as a middle-aged uncle, and he didn't have to dress too much.

Experts are experts. Qiao Zijiang sent Long Fan back and forth several times to find the clue.

She trot all the way to the front of the knight, and said: "Sovereign, there have indeed been space fluctuations here, but this is a rule-triggered transmission mechanism, not the obvious portal."

This turned out to be the case, Fang Ning thought, no wonder he couldn't see it for a long time, and he turned a corner.

Rider A asked: "What kind of trigger mechanism is that?"

Qiao Zi Jiang's face was solemn: "It should be a sacrificial type. The corpses under the rails were all buried in the past three months. It should be that someone used the dead air to sacrifice and I found that the climb was between the rails. Green vines, there are two slightly withered traces, the distance is just the distance of the rails, it should be swept by some kind of heavy yin. I think, will it be ... "

She was about to speak and suddenly stopped.

I saw a dark, old-fashioned old steam train that didn't sound the whistle, but appeared silently from the entrance of the Western Canyon.

As soon as it appeared, it slowly moved towards the direction where the knight was, and it seemed to be specially for him.

It traveled all the way, and the green vines spread on the track without any hindrance.

Everyone saw this, and all of them were nervous. When this kind of strange thing appeared, it often represented a terrifying accident.

"Ghost Train ..." Qiao Zijiang looked at the train, surprised.

Fang Ning shrank in the system space, looking out honestly.

The uncle of the system was dissatisfied and said: "This broken car will really delay the time, and it will not appear early, causing us to wait so long."

So Knight A was standing outside the track, waiting for the train to come.

However, when the steam train came over, it did not slow down, but walked straight in front of the knightly armor, all the way to the east, and went away.

Everyone looked at each other, why?

In an instant, they subconsciously thought that the other party might not take care of themselves, but they must pick up the Venerable in the car.

There is no reason, they just think that Dongfang Lighthouse should have this kind of treatment ~ ~ But now it is clear that the famous Dongfang Lighthouse, in the eyes of this old steam train, is simply disdain Take a look.

In other words, Knight Knight A is not eligible for the car.

"This train seems to be a living creature, and it really has a personality ..." Qiao Zi Jiang murmured to himself, and then carefully looked at the knight armour.

I saw the other party did not speak, still expressionless, turned to look at the steam train that was going away.

Qiao Zi Jiang thought secretly when he was always "Don't rejoice in things, not mourn" in the end.

"Damn it," the uncle of the system was indignant at Fang Ning. "This broken car is so unworthy of face. Rich man, you quickly think of a way to turn it into a red monster, I must take it down!"

Fang Ning said silently: "Uncle, you have been too self-expanding lately. You don't know if you want to buy a ticket when you get on the bus? You didn't buy a ticket. Why do you want someone to stop? Don't use force if you don't move. I will definitely come back. Let ’s think about how to buy this ticket ... "

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