Seized by the System

Chapter 322: 3 points

Fang Ning didn't dare to take over the body and ask outside experts at this time ... so he asked the uncle to ask.

So Xia Kejia turned his head and said to Qiao Zi Jiang: "Do you know how to get into the secret environment after getting rid of these two sins?"

After listening to it, Fang Ning had a headache, and his super-low EQ as always. Those black and white are impermanent, but they are standing in the train in front of ...

Qiao Zijiang didn't think much, and immediately replied: "According to my analysis, the key to entering the secret realm is on this ghost train. The ticket may really need a corpse, but it does not need a living sacrifice. Those corpses that were buried before They were buried here after a long time of death, and most of the causes of death were normal deaths. "

The knight nodded and looked at the ghosts of the two black and white priest robes. "It turned out to be two secret sins ..."

Hearing the unspoken killing intentions of Chivalrous Arms, the two ghosts did not fear at all, but looked at each other and shook their heads disdainfully.

"Oh, look at this gentleman's words, isn't this all a good habit spread by humans?" White robe priest Danny Ghost spread his hands indifferently, "You are all great people, the outside world is so chaotic, there are people every day What's the matter of dying, more than eight thousand? Give it to us, we can give you a priority to become the master of the secret realm. "

Pastor Locke in black robe followed with a sneer: "Even if you know the original face of the ticket, what can we do? We are a train driver and a ticket inspector. Without us, you can't drive this ghost train at all, you can't enter the secret realm. I I urge you to stop talking nonsense here and hurry to catch 10,000 living people buried here. "

He took it for granted. It seemed that 10,000 living people were like 10,000 pigs and sheep in his mouth.

"It's such a killing life, I really want to leave you alone!"

The two black and white ghosts only heard this sentence, and then two white breaths, showing a dragon shape, rushed at them.

They are now standing in front of the locomotive cab.

But they looked at the dragon-shaped white gas rushing in from the door, but they did not dodge, just looked at each other, "haha" laughed, completely fearless.

Sure enough, the next moment, a ghost-white breath surged on the ghost train, and a thick barrier was quickly established at the door.

At the same time, the entire ghost train seemed to be threatened, and the strange sounds of crawling sounded in the following cars.

In a few moments, the curtains behind a window of the car slowly opened in sequence, revealing a pale and terrifying face!

When the truth happened, everyone took a breath at the same time, and it was really a horrible guy!

They immediately took two steps backwards, encircling the knightly armor firmly in the middle, looking like they could not share the shielding effect of the righteous aura ...

Qiao Zishan was the only person who did not retreat, but instinctively displayed a righteousness barrier.

A very strong white gas spread out three feet in front of him, vast and magnificent, grand and sacred, giving a sense of security at a glance.

However, for a while, he did not feel that someone was hiding, which was very different from the situation when he was on a mission.

He looked back, not to mention others, even his own sister, hiding behind His Holiness.

And Venerable Dragon, obviously did not open any protection ...

He stared blankly, a feeling of powerlessness spontaneously emerged.

At this time, two white gases had hit the door barrier.

In an instant, it was like water entering the boiling oil pan, and suddenly "zizi" sounded, and then quickly exhausted, and turned into a blue smoke disappeared.

And the thick gray barrier also appeared a large depression.

But soon other off-white breaths emerged from the train to supplement it.

The whole train is still gloomy, and it seems that there is no half loss.

"It's really an amazing strongman, there should be such a refined righteousness, and even so many irritable hedges," Danny said with a surprise. "Rock, help me calculate, what is the loss ratio between the two? "

"1: 3." Locke spit out a number coldly.

"Oh, that's really amazing," White Robe Danny exaggerated, "Unfortunately, this ghost train is a product of the secret realm, the secret realm is not extinguished, the qi is not reduced, you are just in vain."

Black Robe, impatient at this time, said: "Forget it, it turned out to be a group of fools who are so refined. I knew I shouldn't back up and tell them how to buy tickets. It's useless, they won't do it at all. Our time. Let's go and find real candidates. "

"Yeah, hurry up, or the last two hanging wires are obedient. Although they are too weak, they are too stupid. I only hope that the real candidate will be a strong and smart guy."

The two ghosts for personal gain, and wantonly distorted the rules of the secret realm, openly asked for the ghost of the living sacrifice, so nobody spoke, and then returned to the cab.

Immediately after they left, the iron doors of the cab closed automatically.

In the eyes of everyone, this old steam train started slowly again, still silently driving along the old rail ...

Only this time, it never looked back, drove to a bend in the canyon, and suddenly disappeared into the air out of nowhere, as if it had never appeared.

Fang Ning quickly reminded: "Uncle, you have to catch up now ... You have to destroy this evil train, so as not to harm the world."

The scene just now was too horrible. Fortunately, he hid early, otherwise, it would be another nightmare.

How can this kind of guy who can make Grandpa Fang sleep unsteadily?

He believes that his own ideas can represent most people at this time.

The uncle of the system refused: "If it can be destroyed, I'll catch up long ago, and you can't use it to remind you now ... The train is very strange. I feel that I can't destroy it, nor the two evil spirits. "

Fang Ning sold here, it was a headache, who said that the uncle is invincible in the world?

In the secret realm of Tianqing Mountain, the people coming out are so arrogant and hateful, do they still exist well?

It's just that although the people of Tianqing Mountain despise mortals and despise the weak, they will not slaughter mortals to gain strength.

But this ghost train, especially the two evil spirits above, really can't stay.

Not everyone can be like the uncle of the system, has rules and regulations, can ignore the attraction of the site and longevity ...

He believes that these two things, the Lord of Secrets and immortality, are enough to overwhelm the intellect of many people. Ten thousand lives and ten to ten million people dare to do it ...

Fang Ning really couldn't think of a way. He used to be too lazy, so he just dumped the pot.

This time, he asked himself, really doing his best, already thinking that his head hurts, it was a last resort.

So Xia Kejia threw the pot to Qiao Zi Jiang, Ghost King Bodhisattva, and Tianjing Dharma King, of course, his own brother ...

Then this group of people stood guard in the canyon, waiting for new support to arrive.


Only at this time, others did not continue to wait, this world really is not around a certain person.

Black Cat Tom was there by the unknown water, and confronted with the other two groups soon, and then he took action.

It has already seen the dialogue between the two train ghosts and knights in the picture.

As Claude said, it's impossible for the Warrior A to come in, he can't do that kind of thing.

But it feels a sense of urgency, and Knight X can't do it.

But he can do the same as himself while others buy tickets. When the ghost train compartment opens, he can get away with the tickets.

The strength of the two ghosts is very weak, just by the train sheltering Yaowu Yangwei.

Others can't hurt them, but they can't stop those who evade votes.

As long as you enter the car, you are successful. It is not possible to lie on the outside, it will be crushed into powder in the space shuttle.

The will of the secret realm itself is still gestating. It does not care how others come in, and it will not have any influence on becoming the master of the secret realm.

What you will care about is only those two evil spirits associated with the secret realm. They are selfish.

Thinking of this, Black Cat Tom made a determination and said to the other two parties: "It's not a way to stay so deadlocked. Since everyone is dead, then I have an idea. Let's make a three-point secret, unite | rule | government. "

This is the only solution it can think of.

It has just thought and thought, and it has been summed up. Although there are many benefits that can be transferred, it is impossible to satisfy the two groups on the opposite side.

Only in this way, they will be relieved if they are caught in the game.

Sure enough, Claude, the white man in the black cape, smiled slightly and nodded in agreement.

Valery and Alexey glanced at each other, and were still somewhat indignant: "Damn, it was our chance. Forget it, since that is the case, we agree."

They also don't want the knights to come in. Although the other party once let them go and rescued them once, after all, the two sides are not the same people.

Now that the strength is low, it can only occupy a position by completely threatening the source of Yin Qi. Although it is hateful to be robbed of the head, but the low strength can only hold back.

The two secretly swear in their hearts that as long as they are divided into a secret realm, they must pay close attention to development and strive to become the undead king.

The black cat is very different from the two guys who hung their thoughts on their faces. With a smile on their faces, they also thought in their hearts that it would be much easier to become a grim reaper when they get some secret authority.

By that time, the two groups would either honestly serve themselves as servants of death, or they would contribute a little force of death to themselves.

Claude glanced at his younger sister, but he was still secretly calculating: after he settled down, he contacted the stone demons above to settle in. Later, there was an opportunity to drive out the two guys with shallow background.

Seeing that the other two groups agreed, the black cat Tom no longer hesitated: "Then we will swear at this pool of water and let the source of yin as witness ..."

So under the powerful oppression of the knights outside, the three gangsters quickly reached agreement.

The three parties jointly entered into a contract with the source of Yin Qi, each integrating a third, and controlling the corresponding third secret.

After the three reached an agreement, the pool of water felt, and immediately boiled, seeming to be happily dancing, the grayish white breath above it seemed to be dancing, drilling, and active.

The difference between domestic and stocking is too great.

When the three people saw this, they all smiled on their faces, thinking that there would be no more mistakes, such a vision, wouldn't it be a sign? Are there any other questions?

Unexpectedly, I also have the opportunity to become the master of the mysterious side of the mystery. Although it is only one-third of the titles, it is also much stronger than most other strong people.

The knight, who was once a sword above his head, no longer has to fear him.

"Oh, since everyone has reached an agreement, let's think of a better name for each of them, so as to facilitate the integration with the source of yin. I am called" The Lord of Blood and Death "." Claude suggested hypocritically.

"I still call my Tom, no additional name is needed." Black Cat Tom turned his eyes and refused.

"Then I'm the undead monarch, this is my bone warrior!" Valery proudly said.

Alexei, who often disputed his status with him, heard a pale face, but this time he did not engage in infighting.

There is no way, who would let Xia Kejia only return this guy's black hammer secret treasure, but did not return his own witchcraft materials?

The plan was stopped and the title was settled.

The heads of the three parties, Black Cat, Claude and Valery looked at each other, and at the same time "haha" smiled, just like their old friends for many years.

I saw that at this time, the water above the pool was thicker, and those gray-white breaths became thicker, completely covering the pool water. It seemed that the entire secret atmosphere was gathering here.

"Okay, two of us, let us jump into the pool at the same time, find the source of yin qi, greet its baptism, and enter into a contract with it."

When Claude finished speaking, he threw the black cloak behind him and took the lead to jump towards the center of the pool with a graceful entry gesture.

That posture is much stronger than the world's top swimmers, after all, it is extraordinary.

Valery did not want to fall behind, but also rushed out of the air, jumping from the midair to the center of the pool.

With a majestic and majestic posture, one can imagine how much water will splash into the water.

The black cat is not inferior. It gracefully pounces on the center of the pool.



Two loud noises ~ ~ Claude and Valery, with their bruises crawling up from the pool, covered their nose bridges and looked at each other expressionlessly.

They straightened up, and at this time, Tan Shui had just passed their calves.

"Oh, it's good to be small." Tom, the black cat, standing in the water, only showing his head, said proudly.

Only it knew what had just happened, the water was shallow, and all the hard pebbles below.

Those pebbles are very strange, completely ignoring the mana defense, it almost crooked its feet, but fortunately the impact is not strong.

Claude and Valery, both of whom did not speak at this time, only swear at the same time in their hearts.

Damn it, this **** off-white yin qi is so thick that it makes us misjudge the depth of this pool of water.

I thought that the source of the yin qi would be a spring eye, hidden deep, it turns out that it is actually the pool of water itself ...

After a long time, there is no need to jump in.

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