Seized by the System

Chapter 330: You will be crowned king

In a few moments, Cang Gongzi saw the other party calm down and asked tentatively, "Do you still hate that hero?"

He is not unaware of the inappropriateness of this question, but based on his position, he must be asked.

He didn't want Bai Zhixin to be such a powerful wise man among the clans, because he would secretly calculate his benefactor because he was grieving.

Bai Shixin's emotions quickly stabilized, and he smiled: "Once there was, but then I am very grateful to each other."

Seeing Cang Gongzi's doubts in his eyes, he explained: "It's easy to count the world, it's hard to count people. I want to thank him, at least let me see a person's heart in advance."

Cang Gongzi was a bit ignorant, he asked another guy in his mind.

Cang Gongzi: "If Ruo Cang, Bai Shixin said, do you understand? Is he saying true or false?"

Bai Shixin's current abode is Bai Ruocang's biological father. Cang Gongzi taught him the method of blood vessel induction, which can sense the truth of the other party's words, so he asks this question.

In the new era, different techniques are emerging one after another, which was impossible in the past, and now it is often very easy.

Bai Ruocang looked sad: "He should be telling the truth. I understand everything."

Cang Gongzi was quite surprised: "Hey, you don't seem to have been in love, how can you understand?"

Bai Ruocang's expression that "people don't break apart": "Have you ever seen pork run before you have eaten pork? I said it earlier, and I've also been married. It's just like this, the spirit of the soul is pinned here with you On a hamster demon, nobody is human, demon is not demon, how to see her? Alas, I probably want to be alone. "

It was very unbearable for Cang Gongzi to see this: "You can rest assured, and you will succeed in your cultivation in the future. As long as you achieve positive results, it may not be possible to restore your body."

Bai Ruocang recovered a little now, and then asked again: "I want to trust you, Mr. Cang, can you make this guy retract and let me meet my father?"

That's right, Bai Ruocang can keep calm in the face of destroying his family and enemies.

It was because Kuroko told his father that he was not dead.

In front of this guy, after careful calculation, he still sheltered his father, just like Cang Gongzi.

It's just that Cang Gongzi is kind-hearted, and this cunning guy in front of him is estimated to be habitually leaving the way.

Although Mr. Cang knew it was wrong, he agreed: "Okay, let me try."

After the secret dialogue between Kurakko and Bai Ruocang, he implicitly hinted at Bai Shixin's request.

Bai Shixin heard the words, his face was difficult to see, and he accidentally pointed to the ceiling of the room with his hand: "above, there are eyes."

Cang Gongzi now understands that this requirement is difficult for some strongmen. Where is it?

It was that man ’s nest, and if Bai Shixin dared to expose the fact that Bai Ruocang ’s father was still alive, it must have been a sure death, and there was no fluke.

Now that person is afraid of the credit and reputation of the other party, as long as there is no empirical evidence, he will not know how to start, and will only secretly be excluded, and he will be given a high position to show justice.

After all, that person is a character who wants to be a god.

This is a new era, and it may still be extremely difficult to calculate the future, but it is not so difficult to calculate what happened in the past.

The evils that some people have done cannot be covered up by smearing them.

If he did such a big evil that killed his heroes for no reason, he would never be able to erase it, which would greatly affect his foundation of God.

Every giant rat clan who worships him may know this and will have pimples in his heart.

Cang Gongzi thought of this, he was a good mouse with a soft personality and a soft heart, of course, it would not be difficult for a strong man.

So he nodded: "Well, then wait until everything is over and the weather is fine."

Bai Shixin smiled and smiled when he heard it, then turned into a secret voice.

"A rare son understands that it is just these little things. Do n’t delay your energy. The return of the moon is the top priority of this year. Our giant rat lives in the underground rock layer, and the impact will not be too great. But the surface creatures will face great difficulties. Go to that guy early to find out what the problem is. You are the King of Rats, and it is naturally suppressed by you, and it will definitely tell the truth. "

After listening, Cang Gongzi left without hesitation.

Standing at the door, sending away Mr. Cang, looking at the other person's back, Bai Shixin's eyes cooled down.

Huh, the human heart is unpredictable, but it is actually very easy to grasp. This time, it depends on whether I count it ...

Do you really think I will endure this breath?

Will not.

You do n’t care about my old things, then I ’ll take a look. You care about your son ...

Big things and small things, after all, still have to think through, to cultivate, cultivation is the biggest thing ...

Thinking of this, Bai Shixin returned to the study and continued to read the hacker-related books, while continuing to meditate on the divine practice.

He believes that as long as he solves his heart knot, he will be able to take a step further in his cultivation bottleneck.


After Cang Gongzi left Bai Shixin's house, he walked on the street of this burgeoning giant rat underground city.

The streets were deserted, and few people appeared like rat monsters. Occasionally, one or two appeared, and they were walking hurriedly.

There are neat rocky streets with residents on both sides and no shops.

Occasionally, there are working rats on the street cleaning diligently and diligently. They drag and drop tools such as brooms with huge bodies to clean up dust, gravel, etc., and transport them away. During the whole process, they are very quiet.

Each one is just like a hard work.

It is difficult to see more types of garbage on the streets, without the plastic bottles that are common on human streets, and even without papers and the like.

Those things have been ordered to be stored in recyclable garbage bins, and rats are regularly recycled as raw materials for the giant rat recycling industry.

In addition, there are some security rats that maintain law and order, they are obviously much stronger, and even some have the characteristics of human beings, they can stand upright, the hind limbs are up, and the forelimbs are relatively short.

Holding rubber sticks, they patrol the streets.

Whether it was a working rat or a security rat, they saw the adult Cang Gongzi, all of them were short and bowed to show obedience, and none of them dared to look directly.

They can feel a sense of coercion, but they can't tell whether it comes from strength or from the blood.

But no matter what, it means that the same race that turned into humans is the most pinch of mice, not that they can be offensive, even a single look can't do it.

In order to avoid suspicion, Cang Gongzi did not speak to them, but just looked at the city of giant rats seriously.

From Bai Shixinkou, he knew that this underground city is actually located in a rock layer hundreds of meters deep in a mountain in central China.

The specific location is top secret, and only a few senior executives know about it.

Bai Shixin said that it had been built here for 18 years, and it was all developed by countless giant rats.

It is difficult for human beings to complete such a huge project in the same time. One is the cost problem, and the other is the technical problem.

The urban style is simple and heavy, and the houses are excavated directly from the hard rock.

The color varies with the rock, some are light red, some are light blue, and some are black.

He believes that, in the future, perhaps these newborn giant rats will form a new aesthetic and repaint the houses.

It is just now that all resources are concentrated and used by that person and will not be wasted on useless aesthetic consumption, which is very different from human beings.

He knows how much resources humans consume each year for pure beauty ...

Cang Gongzi walked along the straight and hard rocky street and walked to Nie Yuan's house.

This piece is the aristocratic area of ​​giant rats, Bai Shixin's home and Nie Yuan's home are not too far away.

Of course, that person ’s residence is also here, but no one knows whether the one at home is his, except him.

When Cang Gongzi was walking, he was about to cross a street junction, but there was a person in front of him.

I saw this was a thin old man, his face was ordinary, his skin seemed to be a little slack, his expression was kind, just like an old man next door.

This is the ancestor of the Bai family.

As if he didn't see the other party, Kuroko passed straight away.

However, at this time, a voice rang.

"I knew that you would be back."

"Stay here, here is your empire. When my mortal life comes to an end and is promoted to god, you will be crowned king."

Cang Gongzi did not look back, but continued to move forward.

He knew that that person would not lie about such things. Worldly power has always been a tool, not a goal, for him. That person's goal was never one.

The old man stared at his back with a complex look.

He can be cruel to anyone and kill decisively. It is impossible for him to deal with the only one who is left.

Not only because the other party has saved his life, but not only because the other party is his only bloodline, but more importantly ...

If there is another person in this world, you can let him face with his back, only this son who has parted ways with him.

Perhaps this is retribution, the old man thought, but I will never regret it, even if I come again, I will make the same choice.

He just let Cang Gongzi act freely, because he knew that it was impossible for the other party to do any sabotage.

This child is born with compassion for all creatures, but he really should be a monk.

Cang Gongzi walked on his own, and finally walked out of a pale green courtyard.

The layout here is obviously different from other rough giant rat houses.

There is a separate yard here, and the pale blue fence distinguishes it from the quaint streets around it.

A lit sun lamp hangs in the yard. Under the lamp are neatly arranged flower pots with different flowers and plants.

There is a slim woman ~ ~ with a long shawl and a lilac dress, it seems to be the current popular style of mankind.

Do n’t ask Mr. Cang how he knows. There is a guy who wants to deliver a gift quickly but he dare not send it. It ’s that simple.

The woman was leaning down at this time, waiting for flowers.

Cang Gongzi walked outside the courtyard fence and said hello: "Hello, may I ask, is this the Nie Junshi mansion?"

The woman straightened up after hearing the words, showing a beautiful face.

With a hint of curiosity, she looked at the young and handsome man in front of her, and the other party showed a different taste from her new husband, a reassuring taste.

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