Seized by the System

Chapter 332: Is there any reason?

After Cang Gongzi took over the pot, he was in charge, but he was refreshed.

Some of his previous worries about the giant rat family suddenly disappeared.

As long as there are justice men like Venerable in this world, there will always be hope!

He returned to Bai Shixin's residence with great enthusiasm and told him about the departure.

A trace of imperceptible disappointment flashed in Bai Shixin's eyes, but then he concealed it.

He smiled slightly: "Your son is not in a hurry even if he wants to go. There are a lot of things, and I still want to confess to the son, why don't you stay a few days longer?"

Mr. Cang thinks for a while, he will be responsible for urban construction in the future, and Bai Shixin can be said to be familiar with the entire giant rat dungeon, and there should be many places for learning.

Then he called back first to inform the matter.

After listening to it, Fang Ning let him study with one bite at a time.

This was originally one of Fang Ning's purposes. He wanted the Cang Gongzi to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses and absorb the experience of others building cities.

So Cang Gongzi no longer worried, accepted Bai Shixin's good intentions, and spent three more days.


After three days, Cang Gongzi really felt very rewarding.

The other party is worthy of being a wise man of the family, and he can give various detailed instructions to the many questions raised by him, which is simply the talent of the prime minister of a country.

No wonder the giant rat family can develop so fast, twenty years of effort has been prosperous.

In contrast, the vast majority of other monsters on other earths have opened up wise monsters, and they are still ignorant. They gather better and become tribes, and they are almost in a state of diaspora.

Is there a good leader, the difference is so big.

Look at the time is almost the same, Cang Gongzi no longer delayed, anyway, he has decided to come back to learn more.

When it comes to His Holiness the great cause of city building, he can't care about his face and not ask.

Because many detours cannot be corrected.

He got up to say goodbye and said in his mouth that he would definitely come to see him in person in the future.

After Bai Shixin listened, this time he did not stay any longer, but sent the other person out.

The two said goodbye, just like friends for many years.

In fact, Mr. Cang knew very well in his heart that Bai Shixin had seen him in the past. Although he did not ridicule and sneer like other people, he never paid much attention.

The real reason for this kind of treatment now is very simple. His venerables have taught him the high-tech method "Heaven and Earth Righteousness Qi". After half a year, he has jumped from a bucket level to a pond level strong!

Demons value bloodlines because they bring a high starting point. But if there is a high starting point, but because of the problems of personal mentality and experience, the strength can not be improved, it will be more despised.

In the past, he was weak in heart and could not learn the viciousness and deceit of other rat monsters. His mentality did not match that of the royal family's exclusive practice, so that he did not make much progress.

Therefore, the identity of his old ancestors of the Bai family not only brought no glory, but brought double humiliation and contempt.

A person who is born many times better than himself but has a lower achievement than himself is naturally the best victim in the eyes of others.

And that person has never been indifferent to this, which has exacerbated this phenomenon.

Now he finally has the strength to match his lineage, and the treatment will naturally reverse immediately.

The demon is so realistic, power is the most respected, and it is vividly displayed.

Cang Gongzi sighed with emotion, and chatted with each other for a while, and finally smiled, and then turned around and left.

At this time, a familiar female voice came from the street not far away.

"Son ... No, Shixin saves me!"

Bai Shixin heard the words, his heart tightened uncontrollably, and immediately looked up.

He saw a woman with a dishevelled hair rushing towards here. The other party wore only a pair of high-heeled shoes.

His eyes were cold and his heart hurt.

Unexpectedly, that guy couldn't bear such a little stimulation.

It's no wonder that although the disciple has a very high IQ and excellent talent, the time to really start spiritual intelligence is not long after all.

But, will the other party have other plans?

Bai Shixin thought habitually.

Cang Gongzi was shocked when he saw this, and he was puzzled for a moment.

Bai Ruocang in his mind sighed: "Ah, this is domestic violence, and it will be the case after I get married in the future. By then, you have to look at our son for many years. A handful. "

Cang Gongzi was very speechless, but he knew it, and immediately walked over.

The woman seemed to be Bai Shixin's ex-wife, Fan Jing.

When she saw Cang Gongzi standing behind her, she hesitated in her eyes, but she ran back and went straight to Bai Shixin.

At this time, Nie Yuan was walking slowly from behind.

His eyes were cold, just like watching a prey, staring at the woman who ran away in the distance.

Bai Shixin greeted him nervously.

Fan Jing threw himself into his arms, all of which had been tears.

She murmured: "Only the ex-husband is good, Se Xin, can you forgive me?"

Bai Shixin nodded hard: "Of course, no matter what you do wrong, remember, this is always your home."

After he finished speaking, he stared at Nie Yuan, who was a disciple who ignored the ethical principles and hooked up with his wife.

Nie Yuan stood in front of the three, swept them coldly, and then hummed disdainfully.

"If you are looking for a newcomer, you should also find a decent, really stupid human being, and you will only find some waste," he pointed to Bai Shixin and Cang Gongzi. "One mana is all lost, one naive is naive. One is physical. The dwarf, one is a psychological dwarf, no wonder such a similar smell. "

Fan Jing was shocked, hated, afraid, and regretful. She didn't know if the other party said it was true or not. She only knew that she seemed to choose the wrong person again.

Cang Gongzi heard his words and he didn't hesitate, his body was shocked, his breath was white, and he plunged into the ground three feet in front of him!

Nie Yuan's face changed at the moment, and she stepped back and forth a few times, looking shocked and terrified!

The strength of the other party, far beyond his estimate, is still a natural right to restrain demon!

Can the other party actually fix it?

Seeing the other party in horror, Mr. Cang said, "Nie Junshi, stay in Germany! They all say that it is difficult for the officials to break down the housework. Ordinarily I can't intervene in your housework. It is just because there are thousands of reasons. Should n’t this embarrass a weak woman? ”

Nie Yuan quickly recovered, but what about his high strength?

It's just a soft-hearted waste!

What is he afraid of!

So his face calmed down, and when he heard the words, he only smiled: "Oh, son Cang, since he also knows that it is difficult for the officials to break the housework, then take this woman to me. This woman does not understand the three outlines and the five constants. hateful."

Cang Gongzi knew some of the gossips, and he suddenly froze, but he did not give up.

Because he knew the vicious and treacherous demon most clearly, if the person was given to the other party.

The next day a pile of bones appeared outside the opponent's door, he was not surprised!

This is very different from family disputes in humans!

Whether it is the upper realm or the earth, he has seen too many demon cannibalisms before, and he wants to stop it many times, but all he gets is ridicule and ridicule.

Although he has not been beaten, it is only those monsters who look at their identity.

However, it is different now.

He has been imparted by the Venerable Selflessly, and the Supreme Practice of "Heaven and Earth Righteousness Qi" has already pointed himself to the way.

Regardless of the demon, only good and evil are divided; regardless of strength, only right and evil are asked!

I already have the power to fulfill my ideas!

The person in front of him, speaking in this way, actually shows that the other party is already afraid!

In just a short moment, Cang Gongzi had many thoughts in his mind.

So his eyes narrowed: "Things are right and wrong, indivisible. It's just that I heard that the underground city also has rules. Whether the husband and wife live together depends on their own will. If you want to take her away, you still have to ask her thoughts. "

"I don't want to go back, I don't want to go back!" Fan Jing said repeatedly, with a look of fear on her face.

Nie Yuan sneered at the sight: "Humph, the son does not know. They all say that their family is ugly and afraid of exaggeration. I have to tell the truth. The woman saw the son a few days ago, and her heart was buoyant, and she wanted to climb higher!

"You said, she doesn't obey the woman's way like this. If I let her go away casually, is there any reason? Is there a Wang Fa?"

Cang Gongzi stunned for a while, how could he still get on himself?

The two sides just met for a while!

Upon seeing this, Nie Yuan took the opportunity to sarcastically again: "With the respect of the identity of the son, the strength is strong, is it still interested in this kind of soup? If so, in the next two hands, it is absolutely not a word."

Bai Shixin's eyes were cold, and he looked at the woman in his arms, humming, as it was.

He has been tossing and turning for the past few months, and has already thought about the people who used to be on the pillow.

After all, he has always pretended to be a wise man.

Even if it is green, find out why.

You can't be confused with ordinary people. If you are green, you will only blame yourself for not doing enough.

Fan Jing was originally a woman who desperately needed a sense of security and wanted to stay young and immortal.

Before achieving this goal, she can only stay in the dungeon, the human side can not give her, the competition is too fierce, it is impossible.

What she learned in her life is only the most valuable in the dungeon.

However, she lost her strength at this critical moment, which made her lose her most important sense of security.

Surrounded by demons, she was actually in shock every day, and it was normal for Nie Yuan to take advantage of it.

The old man probably had the idea of ​​letting him and Nie Yuan take advantage of each other, lest he use the mentor-apprentice bond to covertly control the local giant rat colony.

Therefore, the other party will just sit idly by and ignore it even if it is secretly encouraged.

And now, the appearance of Cang Gongzi gives him an opportunity to revenge.

He could see at a glance that this man, Cang Gongzi, was personable and kind-hearted.

The attraction for Fan Jing is far greater than that of himself and Nie Yuan!

Things didn't come as expected. They created opportunities for themselves and let the two meet logically. The former person by the side of the pillow immediately lost his mind.

What kind of person is Nie Yuan? Every day he is watching for others to take advantage of it, which is completely different from what he used to be.

In this way, the two sides will inevitably look back, in this underground city, Fan Jing can only come back to find his shelter.

However, although Bai Shixin succeeded in planning, he felt bitter in his heart. He did not feel happy after the success of the previous strategy, but felt that his heart was like an awl.

If possible, he would never use this kind of trick, but rely on himself to **** people back.

It was just that he had no choice. As long as he thought of women in the hands of others, this idea would never work, and the law of God's idea could not be improved.

It's just that Fan Jing doesn't know the thoughts of her ex-husband at all. She just looked at the stern Cang Gongzi who was standing in front of her with a confused look.

When Bai Shixin saw Mr. Cang, he was speechless for a moment, and he knew that the other party could not cope with this kind of dirty water.

Gentleman, it is always difficult to argue with a villain who has no bottom line.

He said at the moment: "Women are all made of water, you do not know how to cherish the evil barrier! Don't use that filthy thoughts to humiliate the honor of the son, you don't think you can be proud of yourself by making some credit!

"The son is always the son, the slave is always the slave! In the future, the ancestor will become a god, this family of giant rats, who do you think it will be?"

Nie Yuan looked at the upright, strong and powerful Cang Gongzi, his face suddenly changed suddenly.

But then he relieved himself, what was he afraid of?

What can this kind of soft-hearted waste be even if it is superior?

It's no big deal to play a "bringing guilt" to settle.

So he immediately said: "Oh, son, I'm so sorry. Alas, I was annoyed by this woman for a while, and my blood was punching. In my speech, I was offended and hope to forgive sins."

Seeing this, Bai Shixin smiled slightly, and he could not reason with this kind of villain, but used force to crush it directly with force!

Otherwise, why do humans make guns?

It ’s just a good idea for everyone to sit together and reason.

Remember, never try to persuade opponents with very different positions by debate!

Since Nie Yuan apologized, the soft-hearted Cang Gongzi naturally would not continue to embarrass him ~ ~ A conflict quickly dissipated, and Nie Yuan finally glared fiercely at the former master who was hiding in the arms of the former master, and then head Never walk away.

Later, Cang Gongzi hurriedly said goodbye to Bai Shixin and Fan Jing.

He finally stated that if Nie Yuan is entangled again, he will never take the other side lightly.

The two deeply thanked.

After Cang Gongzi said goodbye, he hurriedly left. He didn't want Nie Yuan to really say that. In that case, how would he behave in the future?

That kind of thing really happened, I'm afraid I can only be a "hamster" hamster for a lifetime ...

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