Seized by the System

Chapter 337: Celestial monument

Everyone heard it, and they were all panicked, so they were awake.

This hero is never a pedantic person, not a hero who can be easily manipulated by those in the novel!

You know, the evil demons who died in his hands are countless, and all of them are dead!

They saw that Qinglong threw himself in the air, and peeped out.

At this time, whether it is Xiong Ling, or black and yellow two dogs, naturally leave quickly.

Gu Bui frowned, and seemed unable to understand, where did the heroes of Xia Kejia feel confident?

But he knows a lot of mysteries and doesn't want to directly conflict with each other's lives. It's not as strong as Xiong Ling, and the other party can't help this stone.

So when the figure floated, it was hundreds of meters away, and there should be a safe distance.

Then everyone saw that Qinglong's two front claws firmly held the stone.

Then, the next moment, they felt the bottom of the valley sway.

Then, I saw Qinglong starting to take off.

The whole stele actually began to rise slowly, completely different from the previous situation of a dog and a bear.

Everyone was terrified. Chivalrous A was indeed selected by the sky to punish the punishment. He could pull up the stele so easily.

After a while, the flowers in front of them disappeared.

And in place, leaving a big round pit.

The depth of this round pit is only a few meters, but the diameter is hundreds of meters, which is quite confusing.

Everyone clearly saw that the base part of the stele exposed to the ground was actually only six or seven meters wide.

It wasn't for the first time, his face changed slightly, and he immediately understood it. When he looked at Xia Kejia's eyes again, he was a little more dignified.

He already understood the mystery of this stele. Why can't the Xiong Ling, who outperformed Qinglong's strength, pull out many, but Qinglong could easily do it.

It turns out that this stone base can be changed as desired ...

He quickly made up a picture.

When the first two were able to exert their strength, the base under the stele, hidden in the underground part, stretched out quietly and stretched to the feet of the two forces.

Just such a small change, coupled with its incomparably powerful and extraordinary material, can enable two powerful men to exert their breast-feeding strength and operate no matter how magical, there is no way.

Because this is equivalent to the yellow dogs standing on the stele and pulling the stele, just like the feet of a person stepping on a stool, and trying to move the stool up, it is impossible to achieve.

Because it violates the rules of heaven and earth ... To be precise, it violates the basic laws of mechanics.

It seems that although we have come to a new era, this world still has to obey many basic laws of the past materialistic world.

It's impossible for any left foot to step on the right foot and fly all the way to the sky.

You can consume vitality, and even lighten your body's spells to the level of hydrogen, but you can also fly, but you can't violate basic laws.

Perhaps others feel that this is commonplace and doesn't matter.

But in the eyes of those who are not proficient in such calculations, it is of great significance.

The stone tablets descended from Heaven must observe and use the basic laws of mechanics. What does this mean?

This reveals the future trend of Heavenly Dao.

And this point is of great significance.

Gu Buwei quickly wanted to understand this, and then frowned deeply.

Because the stele was taken away by Xia Kejia, many of his next things could not be carried out.

According to the ancestors of the ancestors, this stone monument has the same purpose, and it needs to be opened by the chosen person.

Now there is the mystery of the stele of the knight, and he pulled it directly from the sky ...

In other words, there are very few people on earth who can pull such heavy and huge steles directly from the sky without stepping on the ground.

I am afraid that Heavenly Dao did not anticipate such a flaw ...

After all, the bear spirit just now was difficult to do in the sky. The four little white clouds that stepped on its feet have been trembling all the time. At first glance, I knew that just holding this fat bear already made them very difficult.

Otherwise, this Xiong Ling wouldn't deliberately drop to the ground just now, it would just pull from the sky.

This shows Qinglong's power.

It's just that in the ancestor's fortune-telling, this chosen person is not a powerful knight, but another person. Compared with knight, it is just like a weak chicken ...

He should be coming soon.

"Sovereign Dragon Lord, and slow."

Gu Buwei floated in the air, blocking the front of Qinglong.

Qinglong looked at him, "What's the matter with you?"

Gu Buwei said indifferently: "The Venerable Divine Master is so vast that he can go against the sky. It's just that the stele still has to be left, and it has other uses. You still shouldn't go against God's will."

When the uncle of the system heard Mu Yibi, the other party said rather, "Why should I stay on the stele I removed by myself?"

Fang Ning agrees: "Yes, treasures have virtue. They are the first black dogs, and they are not cultural relics. Put in our hands, at least there are system rules, and they will not be used to do bad things. . "

Of course, he knew the power of this stone monument, and he relied on a "rule change", which is the artifact level.

Look at the magic weapons in those myths, the one at the top has this ability.

The uncle of the system was strongly supported by the rich and powerful, and he was immediately straightforward.

Qinglong didn't speak a pair of cold longan, but clasped his claws and stared coldly at Gu Buwei.

The meaning in Longan is very clear. If you do n’t let go, your two claws will beat you ...

Ancient is not ... not moved.

He just looked up at the sky, but at this time, it was cloudless.

He just frowned, and he saw flying up to the sky, as if he wanted to help Xiong Ling.

He glanced at the four little white clouds under his feet.

Then he seemed to understand something, and could not help but sigh. Sure enough, the sky was unpredictable, and then quietly gave way.

A group of melon-eating people sighed at the sight.

They thought they could at least catch another big show to watch, the baby was gone, and it was good to be able to have a good eye.

"Don't the people of Qingshan all the time have been so powerful? Why are you so counseling today?"

"Well, they haven't sold anything recently. I thought they were withdrawing their stalls. Now it seems that they are afraid of the real power of the real dragon and dare not grab the market with others."

"Alas, it turned out to be a flock of weak birds, no wonder they shrank so deep."

Some people are instigated by misfortune, but they are not afraid of being serious anyway.

It's just that they have forgotten. In this year, to see the excitement, you must first see whether you have any capital.

Gu Bu didn't stand for a moment, and later the figure disappeared and disappeared out of thin air.

Qinglong and Xiong Ling saw each other and flew away; black and yellow dogs flew to the ground and walked away.

While the people who were eating melons were still sighing, some people heard the rumbling of the surroundings.

Looking up, there was a lot of rocks, ice, and snow mixed together and rolled down the valley.


This group of melon-eating people was so frightened that they were so frightened that many of them were still bucket-level and could not fly.

So they all ran out of the valley desperately, embarrassed, dangerous, and finally got out.

When everyone looked at each other, they realized that even if they wanted to be passers-by, they would have to be at least above the bathtub level.

Only those who can't make it to the pond level are eligible, just like the guys who flew away from the sky ...


Chivalry A returns to the farm villa.

Fang Ningping found a strange treasure in vain, and was very happy.

So he persuaded the uncle to reward two black and yellow dogs, one dog and ten newly-produced dragons with salt medicine, which excited the two dogs.

Anyway, it was the generosity of Uncle Kang. Of course, he was willing to be human, to show the benevolence of his boss.

If the dragon carp is still there, he will regret it.

Because it is absolutely unnecessary to follow Cang Gongzi as soon as possible.

Now in the secret atmosphere, there is no bird hair, it is still completely barren, and it is difficult to change some fresh water there.

Then Fang Ning ran to the fresh-keeping area of ​​the system to take a closer look at the black stone monument over ten meters high.

I saw that the stone tablet is unique in material and simple in shape, revealing a lonely atmosphere, standing in front of the other party, just like standing between the heavens and the earth.

Fang Ning praised this "tuck", and only then began to browse the system prompts just to understand the details of the stele.

Seeing the last line, Fang Ning almost vomited blood, and a treacherous game opening face appeared in front of him.

Later, he calmed down, and then thought about it: "It seems that Gu is not wrong, this baby is really useful, it seems that he really is not selfish."

The uncle of the system said: "Of course he is right, this baby is of great use. You can see that its material is so good, it integrates countless kinds of natural materials and treasures, it is worthy of being produced by Heaven.

"Wait for me to melt it and use it to upgrade my flying sword. From the legendary promotion to the mythical level, it will certainly come true."

Fang Ning vomited blood, but he was still a little bit in his heart. If I let the uncle of the system do this, it is estimated that in the future, I will worry about whether I will wrestle when I go out, and if I drink water, I will choke ...

He thought about it, and he couldn't do it in vain, otherwise the uncle would not agree first.

Yes, we have a solution.

So he instructed: "Uncle, you have committed a short-sighted old problem."

The uncle of the system wondered: "How come I am short-sighted? The mythical flying sword has extraordinary power, and the leapfrog killing is very common. Then the Neihai class bear spirit can't resist a sword.

"Like those magic weapons in your Gods List, ordinary disciples holding top magic weapons can threaten Master Jinxian."

Fang Ning said: "I know that the myth level must be great. Just think about it, since this stone monument is used to distribute vitality to all the races, if we put it in our righteous city, you said those guys Do you want to go to us to climb the ladder? "

The uncle of the system said: "Of course."

Fang Ning continued: "This is not over? In the future, we will hold the Tianbei to collect tickets. If we are a family of the right way, with a righteous heart, like peace, optimistic, we will let it go for free;

"If it ’s those ethnic groups like evil spirits, who are evil in nature, and do n’t have strange treasures, do n’t let them in, or you can just brush them off. By the way, let the dragon carp do the thing, it looks After many years, the most experienced.

"Isn't it longer than you only used it once? If you melt it, it will be cool for a while, but you can't find a second baby with the same function."

The uncle of the system suddenly said: "Huh ~ ~ The rich man really has a long-term vision. It should be done like this, you are right.

"If I need any more materials in the future, I will let the next one get the tickets for this time ... Since the people are from the world, then we must not worry about the lack of rare materials."

Fang Ning heard the words, silently raised a thumbs up, these two strokes, the ability to make inferences one after another, really become stronger.

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