Seized by the System

Chapter 340: Flicking once is really not easy

The battle shifted, and the time slowly went to mid-August.

On this day, Fang Ning finally got tired on the Internet.

It's not fun to toss around, at this time he is lying in an Internet cafe.

Nowadays, it is no longer a celebrity gossip, but a guide to doomsday crisis.

Many survival types of live video are starting to get hot.

The wilderness survived by Beye, this is already an old series, and it has been turned over by many people.

The most popular one recently is "Building a survival base from scratch."

Fang Ning went to see it specifically, the video content is simple and rich, that is, using the most basic materials, wood and stone, to teach a person how to step by step from the Paleolithic era to the Neolithic era, then to the feudal era ...

All in all, as long as a person has normal IQ and patience, learn dozens of videos from beginning to end.

He can learn to drill wood for fire, build log cabins, polish utensils, cook water for cooking, cook pottery, make bows and arrows, hunt wild animals, reclaim wasteland, grow crops ...

You can even learn to make iron if you can find iron ore.

Basically, except for medical care that does not have modern guarantees, except for colds and fevers, other survival skills are basically complete.

These are full of dry goods, and they are very suitable for the current needs of the video. It immediately attracted crazy pursuit and fans quickly exceeded 10 million.

For others, these videos are necessary knowledge for future survival, it is difficult to learn from the book ...

But for Ning Ning, he has no interest at all.

He has three bases to hide, a system space can store a lot of fresh food, a dragon mystery can already be farmed, and a righteous city is under construction.

Moreover, there is a system of uncle custody inside, and there are many powerful Austrian aids outside, and these primitive survival skills are not used at all.

The so-called "why not eat meat minced meat" refers to people like him ...

He just wants to watch the latest, latest anime movies, and only wants to play the latest games.

However, these have all slumped.

Online games are shut down on a large scale, large areas are broken, and stand-alone websites have been slow to produce new creative games.

Without him, the customer base is greatly reduced.

The crisis is at the forefront, but there is a dragon to resist. It is not the end. Individuals only need to work hard to save.

In this case, as long as it is not too careless, how many people can still have the mood to play in the past?

Most people need to get out of the previous virtual world, return to reality, and spend a lot of time preparing for wasteland.

Even if you do n’t have much money, at least you have to carry a few more boxes of instant noodles, right?

Although Shenlong said "the sky will not collapse", but did not say "the sea will not rise" ...

There are more and more news about tide changes on the Internet. The moon hasn't come down. The waves are getting higher and higher. Many coastal cities and beaches have begun to close.

As soon as the seawater comes, if you want to escape, you have to buy dry food first.

Buy it later, do you want to buy 51 bowls of instant noodles?

I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to buy it.

The so-called fire in the city gate affected the salted fish.

This is what Fang Ning is doing now. Mingming is not interrupted and the electricity is good, but what he wants to play and want to watch is already lacking.

After a while, he got up boringly and said to someone who was practicing, "Give me the body."

system hint:

Fang Ning was very satisfied with this and had some doubts.

"Why are you so obedient today?"

"I have always been an honest and obedient system."

"You are only honest with yourself, you only listen to your own words, and you definitely want to borrow my money." Fang Ning said in a broken way, then took over back to his body, opened his eyes and looked at the world.

He walked out of the bedroom and came to the farm villa.

The air outside is excellent, and it is blue sky and white clouds.

This is not uncommon in Qicheng in the past.

Since the beginning of the new era, many old enterprises with long-established national names have ceased production and changed jobs, and human capital has been transferred into the new vitality industry.

The vitality industry may have many shortcomings. The only thing that the old industry can't compare with is that it is clean and less polluting.

Fang Ning took a few breaths of fresh air on the farm and walked around the farm.

At this time, a forty-year-old farm worker with a simple appearance came to him with a slight flinch.

Of course Fang Ning does not worry about the other party's intentions ... Under the eyes of the uncle of the system, can this happen?

He glanced at the other party, and he was immediately impressed.

This is Master Luo, who is in charge of the garden of the villa, Luo Xingrong, had a chat with the other party before.

Fang Ning said earlier that he "has a memory so strong that he can carry a library."

He asked, "Master Luo, is there something wrong?"

The farm worker's face slackened when he heard it, and then tears appeared in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the high and low dragons came and went every day, and the heroes who saw the end of the dragon only remembered their names once and remembered them firmly.

The man in his forties wiped his eyes and said, "It's really difficult to speak, hero."

Fang Ning waved his hand: "But it's okay."

Master Luo rubbed his hands and said: "That's it. I want my wife and children to move to our farm ... Of course, if you don't live in vain, just deduct from my salary.

He only talked about it here, and Fang Ning immediately understood it.

Sure enough, when the moon returns to such a big event, how could the world be peaceful as soon as the dragon comes out?

Young people save videos online, and older people are used to finding acquaintances and trusting them.

Is there any place where it is safer than Xia Kejia?

After thinking for a while, Fang Ning nodded and said, "This is a trivial matter. You just need to arrange with Zheng Butler.

Master Luo quickly went away with gratitude.

Fang Ning looked at the other person's back and exhaled deeply.

Compared with most people, they are already very happy. Why are they still so content?

I did n’t watch it, I did n’t play games, I could n’t be satisfied ...

Is it necessary to build a team to satisfy yourself?

No, Fang Ning did not secretly spend money to customize the game or.

However, he soon got tired of what came out.

Without him, it lacks the most important sense of freshness and anticipation. Only in a large sample set is it more likely to find high-quality works.

nnd, Shenlong can't stand the overflowing hearts of people.

What should we do to bring the people back to their previous stable life?

Fang Ning was troubled by the question that he should not worry.


"How can we calm down the guys outside? Return to their factory and continue working?"

Rice country, New Holland. Headquarters of the Inter-American Bureau of Special Investigations.

Director Hook is worried about similar problems.

Outside the headquarters building, one after another the sound of protests can be heard.

Fortunately, the headquarters building is a confidential unit, and these protests are not directed at him for the time being.

The natural disaster is ahead, the neighbors next to it, then the natural disaster successfully showed a wave, no matter how good or bad the effect is, at least then to promote it to the force, there is not much chaos on the general surface.

The ordinary people of the rice country will not be.

They knew they didn't believe in the dragon, and they wouldn't necessarily control themselves to death at that time, they could only count on their own institutions.

After the Shenzhou sacrifice to heaven, after more than a month of anxious waiting, the current national authorities have slowly launched powerful measures, and their emotions have gradually leavened, and now they have finally burst out.

Every day is a variety of demonstrations, requiring specific measures to be introduced so that they can see hope of fighting the crisis.

Relevant agencies have already referred this issue to Director Hu Ke because this is a special matter.

I really don't understand the difficulties above. You just wait for death at home, just because you are in the street and you won't die at that time?

The **** thing is definitely dying, how could it be possible to save everyone?

Director Hook turned this thought in his heart. He frowned, and opened a report submitted by his subordinates.



He only saw the title and wanted to throw this report into the trash, then suddenly stopped.

"Eh, transforming and transforming, combined with a piece of news recently received, it can be used to cover those demonstrators, and by the way, get another appropriation." Director Hu Ke moved.


A few days later, several authoritative TV stations in the rice country began to broadcast the speeches of several famous experts.

"Eastern Dragon guarantees that the sky will not collapse, but in fact the waves are getting higher every day. With accurate data to confirm this, we can't see what useful it has done?" An old professor shook his head.

"I guess it just made an empty talk, went home to sleep after watching the moon, and did nothing useful." Another young scholar affirmed.

"We can't pin our hopes on this mythical creature that can only amplify words. The rice people need to unite. We have the most advanced technology in the world. We have to come to the moon project again. But this time the target is Mars! We are going to replicate Earth ’s biosphere on Mars! "The third middle-aged expert shouted.

"As long as we can emigrate to Mars, what happened on earth has nothing to do with us. We can continue to be like a glorious isolation during World War II. Oh, I said too much, sorry, what I really mean is You can leave the best fire for the continuation of humanity. "The old professor apologized.

These speeches from authoritative TV stations spread quickly on the Internet.

Soon countless knowledgeable people began to laugh at them.

"Want to fly to Mars? The fastest spaceship, now half a year? The crisis will explode in a year, how many people can you transport?"

"And not to mention capacity issues, there have been plans for the biosphere before, and rice has failed twice in a row. That is still a closed environment built on Earth. This time it is switched to build on Mars, is it not finished faster?

In response to these unfavorable comments on the Internet, Rice Country will soon launch heavy dry goods!

"We already have the secret territory of our country, it has a unique feature! That is, it has two entrances. One is in the rice country, and the other is on Mars!"

There is no picture and no truth, and what is matched with the dry goods is a series of secret images.

One is a portal that opens on the grassland of rice.

The other portal was opened in a fiery red desert, and an astronaut was coming out of it to see the surrounding environment. It really did not look like it was on earth.

"Hiss ?!" Seeing these, countless people were shocked!

The vast majority of ordinary people still know nothing about the secret realm, and they don't even know this concept at all.

In order to cope with the chaos in the country, the rice country actually threw out this heavy news, which immediately caused an entertainment spree and media feast.

"Mystery, what is that?"

Countless columnists are writing a lot of articles and starting to use the bits and pieces of news they have received to do science popularization for the people who eat melons.

The secret realm is a special space, similar to the dimension in various science fiction movies.

Some of the mysterious environments that have appeared, they have similar temperatures and sunlight to the earth, and can be temporarily considered to share the environment with the earth.

However, different mysteries have their own characteristics. The vitality is very strong, and there are often strong monsters.

It generally has multiple entrances and exits, but they are basically on the earth.

Like the country of rice, it is really rare that the entrance and exit directly open to Mars.

Some people can't help thinking, maybe there is a secret realm that can be opened further?

In this case, wouldn't it be possible to cross the physical limitations of light and achieve interstellar travel?

Thinking of this prospect ~ ~ For a time, many Americans started to get excited.

It seems that the imminent crisis has become less important.

After all, we can escape to Mars.

At this time, they all subconsciously ignored the question of how to grow land on Mars, with almost no water and no soil.

After seeing the feedback from the big data, Director Hu Ke suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and finally fooled this group of fools, which is really not easy.

The secret realm is true, and it is true that the secret realm can open two doors, but the place that the other door leads to is Mars. You are not sure, but what about that? Anyway, it's good to deal with the past in the past, and no one will remember it in a few years.

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