Seized by the System

Chapter 351: The sky is high, the bird is flying, the sea is wide

Daqingworm just looked up at the sky, and then looked down at the ground, and was surprised: "Daddy, how come you are back? I thought you would only go home during the Chinese New Year. Did this guy tell Daqinglong to tell him in the cloud animation just now? Is it really that serious? "

It turned out that when Xia Ke Jia appeared from the horizon, the ghost king Bodhisattva had quietly appeared on Qingshiping.

The Bodhisattva smiled bitterly and said to the big green worm: "It is indeed so. I just came out of the realm of magic energy and wanted to go home to have a look. I didn't expect to receive WeChat from the Venerable Dragon as soon as I came out. His Holiness came in advance. "

His voice didn't fall, the next moment, the knightly armor fell from the sky, and then was entangled by the insect Daqing.

"Da Qinglong, you quickly asked for a few meals owed to me, and then drag on, I will forget."

Da Qinglong no longer ignored the father, and hurriedly flew to the shoulder of the knight, holding his opponent's clothes.

"Oh, there are four meals in total. But this seat needs to be busy for the first time. You should be restless." The knight said with a blank expression.

"Uh, it turns out that you invited me to dinner before, it's not a business ..."

The big green worm was surprised for a while, and then flew away in despair, lying on a table in Qingshiping, unhappy.

Lu Er hurried to keep up with the wait.

Although Lord Worm eats from his forehead, Lord Worm has so many legs, just hug one, so you do n’t have to use your imagination.

Although Fang Ning felt a little sorry, he had no way to take into account the emotions of the big worm at the moment, and the uncle of the system never had that kind of thought.

At this time, the knights, Ghost King Bodhisattva, Gu Wei, three people looked at each other, and then flew to the sky.

The big green worm was originally lying on the stone platform. When he saw it, he just turned over and his belly was facing up. He looked up at the three black spots in the sky, and he didn't mean to keep up.

Lü Er hurriedly comforted: "The Venerable has always promised a lot of money, and he will certainly not forget to invite adults to dinner, and he will definitely come down after he is busy."

"Oh, is it? Then I'll wait for him for a while." The big green worm said weakly.

Upon seeing this, Lu Er wondered, and could not understand why Venerable Dragon Dragon only said a word, which could make Lord Zeng, who has been careless and lungless, frustrated.

At this time, above the sky, the cold wind roared, the three legs stood, and the heroes gathered.

Who is Cao Wei, who is Liu Bei, and who is Sun Wu?

A magnificent scroll is about to unfold ...

"It's hard to think about it, the surname Ji, who was a king of the desert. He has a handsome appearance and elegant manners. Since childhood, he has been in love with a small river and a **** who has flowed through the country.

"Who thought that after only a few decades, the sea and the vineyards, the deserts, the rivers disappeared, the country fell, and the river gods annihilated, and the love of man and **** died without a cure, and after the prince Ji surname understands, everything is irreversible, Become a monk ... "

Okay, at the beginning of the magnificent scroll, the ghost king Bodhisattva is exploding gossip ...

Gu is indifferent, and the knight has no expression on his face. It seems that both of them are not interested in gossip.

In fact, Fang Ning listened with interest. The background of this big bss is really a bit complicated.

After listening, he thought deeply.

Suddenly there was a guess in Fang Ning's heart. It was terrifying and terrifying that he couldn't figure out what was really difficult for him.

He opened his brain in an instant and thought of many places, and he was shocked and shocked.

The uncle of the system asked in surprise: "Darlings, you listened to a few gossips, why is the mood swing so powerful?

"Don't you have a similar experience, can you also have an extraordinary life experience? Would you like me to help you find your biological parents?

Fang Ning heard vomiting blood, and the uncle was immersed in himself. This brain hole is no different ...

He hurriedly said: "This is the treatment that the protagonist of the novel only has? Is it normal? I have no special life except when I grew up living alone ..."

At this time, Fang Ning pressed his brain hole, just hiding in his heart, and did not tell the uncle of the system, because it was useless to tell.

After listening, Gu Buwei said lightly: "Thank you Bodhisattva for your guidance, but how do we remove this bureaucrat now?

"I think whether it is the bear spirit, or the true dragon and god, even if the absolute strength is far superior to him, I am afraid that there is nothing to do."

Ghost King Bodhisattva shook his head and smiled: "Gu Brother probably misunderstood the meaning of the deity ... I hurried back, not intending to remove him, I just wanted to make three chapters with him."

Gu Buwei frowned and said: "But please speak up."

Ghost King Bodhisattva said: "I want to make an agreement with him. First, do not use the trick of bewitching, let people abandon the flesh and enter the happy land;

"Second, it is forbidden to forcibly interfere with the death of the living creature, the old and the sick. Before it dies, let its soul enter early;

"3. It is forbidden to force others to work for it, and let it be voluntary."

After Gu Weiwei listened, he nodded: "It's okay to do so."

Xia Kejia wondered: "This demon, who is going all around, must be tossing about something. Why doesn't the Bodhisattva join us to get rid of him?"

Ghost King Bodhisattva smiled and shook his head bitterly: "If you don't want to, you can't."

Gu Bu nodded, a clear look.

The uncle of the system bowed his head and said: "Darling, you go talk to these two silly birds, I don't understand ..."

Fang Ning took over and returned to the body, so Xia Kejia nodded.

The uncle of the system surprised: "Do you understand?"

Fang Ning said silently: "It's very simple. What came down was a doppelganger who was in a difficult situation. What if it disappeared? It was just another one. Maybe the Bodhisattva had other concerns."

"Unfortunately, I thought that the strength of three people would destroy this big devil, how much experience would it take ..."

"Think too beautiful, this kind of big bss is registered in Tiandao. But it is not your uncle's blame every day. If you want him to die, I estimate that only plot killing is possible ..."

"If you say that, I don't understand it anymore. Okay. You discuss it. I practice ...." said the uncle.

At this time, the ancient inaction did not say again: "Since the Bodhisattva said that he would make three chapters with him, it seems that he should be sure."

Ghost King Bodhisattva still shook his head and said: "I'm not sure, I can only take advantage of my tongue to see if it works."

The ancients were not taken aback for a while.

I'm not sure. What else do you say, "One, Two, Three"? Big Bodhisattva, everyone knows people, who should I pretend to show here?

The three were talking, and a voice sounded from somewhere in the air.

"Oh, Brother Mo, I didn't expect you to be a bodhisattva nowadays, and you will reveal your privacy ..."

A man with a long beak and a black robe appeared, it was not mentally difficult. Who else would be there?

You are the most shameless, but you are so embarrassed to blame others?

Whether it's Fang Ning or ancient times, at the same time the same thoughts are born in my heart.

"Mr. Ji, I haven't seen each other for a long time, don't come without any trouble?" Ghost King Bodhisattva greeted him with his hands folded.

"Oh, everything is fine. Especially after coming to Xintiandi, it's better. It's really the reincarnation of the avenue, and finally it's Ben Sheng."

Zhi Nan smiled.

Are these two acquaintances?

No wonder the ghost king Bodhisattva knows this difficult situation.

"Mr. Ji must have heard everything I said just now, I wonder what you think?"

The ghost king Bodhisattva seemed extra polite to this debilitating demon.

"Does this bodhisattva have any secret dealings with that demon? Why not just fight with us like before? The richest man, don't be fooled by them." The uncle of the system couldn't help but remind.

"To wait for you to remind me to pay attention to the conspiracy of others, we should have been cold." Fang Ning finally grabbed it once and responded fiercely.

"Uh ..." The uncle of the system was speechless. ..

"I disagree," Ji Nan said lightly.

"Uh ..." The three looked at each other in silence.

"Oh, stupid, I know this devil can only be beaten." The uncle of the system proudly said.

"Isn't the problem of not believing him? Otherwise, why do you think the Bodhisattva should shoot?"

"Oh, it turns out that the Bodhisattva is just like your human beings, but you can't just shoot it ... Alas, I understand now."

In a few moments, the ghost king Bodhisattva's expression solemnly said: "In this way, the Great Saint wants to go against the sky again?"

Zhi Nan suddenly looked up, scattered his head, and laughed: "Ha ha ha, come to this set again! There are heavens in the upper realm, but there is no heaven in this world!"

"Yes, there is a heavenly way of the earth, how is it? It only commands two little planets. This universe is vast, but the land underneath only takes advantage of the sole entrance. , If the sky comes to press me again, I can change the place and start another stove ... "

Gu didn't hear it, and suddenly he was shocked, he said: "It turns out that the magical energy I saw before soaring into the sky is what you did!"

Wisdom was restored to calm, and now he smiled faintly: "It's one of the nine demon gods that I booked. You guessed it. That magical energy was released when I was in the lower realm. It is traveling in this universe , Looking for other life planets.

"That's what makes Tian Gao any bird fly, the sea is wide and the fish jumps; because the wind rises one day, who can help me? Ha ha ha ha!"

At the end, he laughed loudly again.

People are like this, in front of former acquaintances, pretending to double the effect ...

Fang Ning understands the other party very well, but he still has to pour the other side with cold water.

"Demon Lord, I don't know if you have studied human astronomy. Too far to say, at least a few light years, you can be sure that there is no life planet. The light year unit is big, do you know?"

"9, 4o, 73o, 472, 58o, 8oo meters, do you want to say that this number is large?" Zhi Nan said lightly.

"Uh," Fang Ning was speechless. He didn't know if the other party said it was true or false, and quickly let the system uncle search.

"Yes ... that's the content of an encyclopedia." The uncle of the system resumed.

Fang Ning said: "Oh, it seems that the devil has not worked hard. How far will your devil spirit run for such a long distance?"

"There is no effort, but it is just casually turned over," Zhi Nan, a true academic hegemonic posture, then said: "This distance may be a natural disaster for your human technology.

"But you seem to have forgotten that there are four people present, except for you, all three ignore the so-called light restrictions, we all have space to move the law ..."

The uncle of the system said depressed: "It's over, you rich, you have been beaten twice ..."

"Shut up, my face has been lost to you, and he can't beat anything!" Fang Ning was anxiously corrupted.

That being said, he still has to get his face back ...

After racking his brains, Fang Ning moved, and now he replied: "Oh, maybe distance is not a problem. However, Ma Sheng also forgot one thing. This universe was originally a materialistic world, and the vitality recovered, the vitality must have come from the upper bound .

"Since the earth is the only entrance, apart from the earth ~ ~ Will there be energy on other planets? Ha ha, I think Heaven Dad ... No, Earth Heaven Dao will never let any trace of vitality leak out. You want to start another stove, Flying freely, getting rid of the constraints of heaven and earth, I am afraid it is not so easy ... "

Chi is hard to hear, and his face is very ugly.

Obviously Fang Ning's punch hit his only weakness.

Ancient times, the ghost king Bodhisattva sees, all smiles without saying a word, at the same time cast a glance of admiration at the knights.

It's no wonder that they didn't think about this for a while. After all, they are used to cultivating the world, they don't know much about the technological background, they have a fixed mode of thinking, and they don't deliberately think about that aspect.

Fang Ning is very different. He reads all kinds of novels. He has a big brain and scattered thinking. He can think of the key point at a glance.

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