Seized by the System

Chapter 355: All the demon bitters

In the early morning of summer, the light of Chaoyang projected on an abandoned factory in the east of Qicheng. & 1t; /

On the rusty steel frame, a white light flashed, and the waste materials scattered on the ground were scattered into pieces, and no one packed them up. & 1t; /

Railroad tracks for freight transport lie in the factory, and several worn blue or dark red locomotives are displayed on it without maintenance. & 1t; /

This was originally a steel-making plant, because of industrial upgrading and transformation, in the planning of the local authorities, the production had been suspended a few years ago. & 1t; /

Originally, the local authorities planned to use the aura of the Oriental Lighthouse this year to take advantage of the opportunity to open a new real estate. The land use rights have already been sold out, and it is logical to become a new phase of landlord. & 1t; /

As a result, the "Moon Return" event exploded, who still wants to buy a house ... & 1t; /

The king of land didn't die, and he almost made it difficult for a large real estate company to make capital turnover. & 1t; /

The old factory that was to be cleaned up stopped. & 1t; /

The real estate industry has been hit hard recently, and even Qicheng, which is relying on the aura of a lighthouse and rising against the trend, is no exception, with a sharp decline in turnover. & 1t; /

In recent months, trading volume has sometimes been in the single digits. & 1t; /

Everyone knows that if they buy a house at this time, they will be flooded with sea water, and no one can compensate you ... & 1t; /

Qicheng is not close to the sea, far away, and the location is awkward. & 1t; /

It's just that there are still a handful of brave guys who took advantage of the opportunity to buy a batch of high-quality listings that are being sold. & 1t; /

It can only be said that at any time, people's hearts and choices are different. & 1t; /

Crisis Crisis, some people see danger, some people see opportunity. & 1t; /

Today, this old factory is lively again. & 1t; /

On a long abandoned railroad track, a long golden train appeared from a distance and slowly came. & 1t; /

Many people are waiting five meters away from the track, all stretched their necks to watch the arrival of the train. & 1t; /

In front of them, a large group of people in black were walking back and forth, maintaining order, and occasionally pushing back one or two people who crossed the safety white line. & 1t; /

There are young and old people waiting, but most of them are young people. & 1t; /

What they have in common is that most people are carrying heavy shoulder bags and dragging large suitcases. & 1t; /

People looked heavy, with a glimmer of hope, and many people followed the elderly women and children. & 1t; /

Only a middle-aged man in black robe, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, stood outside the crowd. & 1t; /

No one seemed to be able to see his existence, and everyone ignored them and talked about them. & 1t; /

"I heard that this time it was a dragon hero recruiting workers, and the quota is limited. How did you all come in?"

"Oh, it was the recruitment notice sent to me by the local special affairs office. There are heroes and the special affairs office endorsing together, and I still believe that there will be no salary arrears." & 1t; /

"I'm almost the same, who is this man?" & 1t; /

"I from Xucheng, how about you?" & 1t; /

"Our Lancheng, we are far enough away." & 1t; /

"Isn't it, and I don't know what the screening criteria are? I am an honest person and have no skill." & 1t; /

"Me too, just cut off, no more." & 1t; /

A lot of people talked about it, and they now have something in common. & 1t; /

That is, none of them came actively through formal recruitment channels, they were all inexplicably selected, and after seeing the recruitment letter, they voluntarily decided to come over. & 1t; /

And almost everyone is talking about being honest ... & 1t; /

The reasons they will decide to come over are also surprisingly consistent: first, they are well paid, and second, they can get the most important sense of security. & 1t; /

In times of trouble, security is the most important thing. A stable place is better than thousands of dollars. & 1t; /

When the golden train stopped, the doors opened slowly. & 1t; /

At this time, the members of the special affairs office maintained order and allowed everyone to board the car in an orderly manner. & 1t; /

Sure enough, they are basically honest people. Most people are not disobedient. & 1t; /

At the same time, not far away, parked a huge Shennian engineering equipment. & 1t; /

A lot of building materials are piled up next to the engineering equipment. & 1t; /

Just looking at the volume of these equipment supplies, we know that the car can't fit at all. & 1t; /

But someone soon noticed that after opening the doors of the following cars, like a black hole, they directly swallowed the engineering equipment, and then the building materials. & 1t; /

These cars completely ignore the difference in volume between the two sides. They are really like the magic weapon in the legend. & 1t; /

"Ah, it really is not the usual world." & 1t; /

Many people shook their heads and sighed. & 1t; /

Although everyone has seen a lot of supernatural things in the past year, it is still quite shocking to see this scene of reality again. & 1t; /

Isn't this golden train carriage a replica of the purple and red gourd of the great old man in the Westward Journey? & 1t; /

An hour later, the crowd and supplies were like a purple gold gourd, and there was nowhere to go. & 1t; /

The golden train then slowly started along the rails, and soon disappeared into the void. & 1t; /

Those in black were relieved when they saw it. & 1t; /

These days, they have been tossing around for a long time, but they are tired enough, and now they have finally loaded the first batch of materials and transported away smoothly. & 1t; /

Of course, correspondingly, a large amount is also drawn from the uncle's vault. & 1t; /

Fang Ning just opened a brain hole and came up with an idea. & 1t; /

But the idea turns into reality. Behind it is the hard work of countless people. The cumbersome details will not appear in the brain, but if there is one less in reality, it will get stuck. & 1t; /

………… & 1t; /

Yin Qi secret realm. & 1t; /

Looking up, the originally dense yin qi has faded a lot these days. & 1t; /

Instead, there are warm sunny areas in many places. & 1t; /

However, somewhere underground here, there is a dark and dark nest. & 1t; /

Only a few candles were lit on the wall, bringing some dim light into the nest. & 1t; /

In the dim light, one person and one cat sat facing a stone table. & 1t; /

On the stone table, two cups of fragrant tea were placed, radiating gurgling heat. & 1t; /

"The visit of the Devil Lord really brought Heng She Peng Xie to life. The kitten failed to meet him far away, and he also hoped that Da Sheng would forgive sins ..." & 1t; /

Black Cat Tom said a little nervously in his heart. & 1t; /

"Oh, it's different. The last guy said that when I got to his place, it would make him gloomy ... Now it seems that you are still a kitten." Zhi Nan took a cup from the table Tea, looked at it and put it down again. & 1t; /

"Are you definitely talking about knights? This person has always pretended to be just, rampant and arrogant, and he always thinks of himself as the Oriental Lighthouse, and now he dares to keep the devil out of the door.

The black cat Tom heard the words, and immediately filled his face with indignation, accusing him of chivalry. & 1t; /

"I also heard that someone publicized what he was gathered there, where all evils would not invade. In fact, he was a guy who got into the eyes of money. The reason why he did n’t want Lord Demon Lord to stay for so long was actually very simple. & 1t ; /

"He didn't come from justice at all, or he was afraid that his signboard would be smashed, the housing prices around him would fall, and it wouldn't be easy for him to take his industries." & 1t; /

While relegating the Chivalrous Armor, it compliments the Demon Lord. & 1t; /

The other party is a high-level demon lord, but it is only a cat of the **** of death. Even if the **** of death, his status in the upper realm is no higher than that of the demon lord, he will naturally take a big shot. & 1t; /

"Oh, after coming down, this is the first time that Ben Sheng heard Shun Er's words. & 1t; /

"Kitten, I think your qualifications are a bit poor, but it is also a fate with Ben Sheng. These three scriptures, you can also take them and learn them. It is not necessarily a good choice, but you can probably do a substitute. "& 1t; /

Zhi Nan, while speaking incomprehensible words, reached out in a row on the table and discharged three black sutras. & 1t; /

These three scriptures are in his mouth, but they are the supreme exercises that can make everyone like a dragon, make the world worry-free, and can ride all souls out of the sea of ​​suffering. & 1t; /

As a result, he saw one person and gave away one, as if he didn't cherish it, it was really incredible. & 1t; /

Perhaps this is the mind and vision of the Dasheng class, which has long been not limited to the strength and weakness of certain exercises. People see it as a cultural concept and a avenue. & 1t; /

As soon as Tom heard "destined to him", he sweated immediately. & 1t; /

It then pretended to be quiet: "Thank you for the dear Lord's love, but the kitten's qualifications are blunt. I'm afraid I can't understand such a high method, or don't spoil such a precious scripture." & 1t; /

"Well, your qualifications are really close," Zhi Nan didn't care, and took back the three classics. & 1t; /

"Although you are not very suitable, Ben Sheng knows that there is someone who is suitable. And he is your subordinate and an old man. I just don't know why, he didn't die, but I can't count where else? Kitty, Can you solve the problem for this saint? "& 1t; /

After Zhi Ji said, he looked at Tom Cat meaningfully. & 1t; /

Tom Cat was relieved at once, and hurriedly replied: "Da Sheng said that I should have been a subordinate, his surname is Huang Mingrui, he was loyal to me, but he hated him, but he was caught in the Longwei God's prison . & 1t; /

"Poor kittens are so weak in mana that they have been bullied by the other party, and I am really powerless to rescue them. Recently, when I think about this, I am like a mourning test, burning all over the place, and I hope that Dasheng will be the master of the kitten. ; /

"The Devil Lord was born today. For me and others, it is really like a long drought and a sweet spot.

The black cat Tom said, and shed two lines of tiger tears pretendingly ... & 1t; /

"Oh, it seems that this is really the right time. Rarely, this time the right people are with me, it is rare ..." & 1t; /

Zhi Nan heard a smile again, and seemed very satisfied. He then said, rest assured, the punishment of knights has been blocked by Ben Sheng. & 1t; /

"He will either abandon it from now on, or he will only be able to convert to this saint, and you won't have to worry about him again in the future." & 1t; /

Tom was taken aback for a moment, then pretended to be overjoyed: "Then, that's really thank you Master Lord ..." & 1t; /

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say. This saint still has some things, so let's go first. This place is not bad, you can do things well, and maybe there will be a place for you in the future."

Zhi Zhi laughed at the sight, praised Tom two sentences, and immediately decided to leave without any muddle. & 1t; /

If Fang Ning and Gu did not see him, he must be envious of Tom Cat. & 1t; /

Sometimes, the qualification is not good, it is not without benefits, at least no one is not worried ... & 1t; /

Tom Cat immediately got up and gave away. & 1t; /

Zhi Zhi was smiling again, and the figure disappeared from the dark nest. & 1t; /

After seeing the other party leaving, Black Cat Tom remained motionless in a respectful posture. & 1t; /

It was not until an hour later that it was relieved like Amnesty. & 1t; /

"I didn't expect Lao Huangtou to have such a good fortune. Fortunately, I was good to him before. After he became a demon lord, maybe he could help this cat." & 1t; /

The black cat Tom thought proudly, and then walked into a secret room. & 1t; /

In the secret room, there is a stone platform on which is enshrined a jewel of blue. & 1t; /

At this time, countless yin qi are gathering to the orb, which is like a greedy bug ~ ~ engulfing those yin qi. & 1t; /

"Eat more and grow longer. Help Dad Tom to fight against the mysterious Heaven Realm that was stupid. By then, this mysterious realm will still become a holy place for the dead. & 1t; /

"Now the situation is very good, there is a demon fool to pin down the chivalrous armor, your father Tom has a greater chance of success, and you will be able to become a prince by then." & 1t; /

The black cat kept talking to Baozhu and seemed to be doing prenatal education. & 1t; /

After listening to the orb, the blue light began to flicker, seemingly responding to Tom. & 1t; /

Tom nodded as soon as he saw it, and left the room. & 1t; /

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