Seized by the System

Chapter 372: Don't take a real dragon as a loach

Fang Ning swam wildly in the sea. At the beginning of summer in September, the weather was already very hot. It was pleasant to swim in the water.

When he was a kid, he had a river in his hometown, but he was never allowed to play in the river.

Because he dug a lot of pits in the river, the undercurrent surging and engulfing some innocent lives, so he is still a dry duck.

Now it ’s okay, this swimming skill is self-taught, loach, no, it ’s a natural dragon who swims by nature ...

After Fang Ning swimed for a full hour, the uncle of the system finally reacted.

"You secretly play with me again ... I said why are you so active this time, you have to change it yourself? If you don't go to the trench again, I'll take care of you." The uncle of the system said in a depression.

"Immediately, immediately dive." Fang Ning quickly withdrew Lang's mentality.

It is important to do the right thing. There will be opportunities to become loach in the future, no, it is to become a dragon.

"You can mark the trench on the system map for me, so I can find it along the direction," Fang Ning ordered.

"Unable to mark it. There is no way to show the underwater world on the system map."

"No way? Then you just hurriedly asked for someone to come over and said that Shenma‘ where you already know ’, do not need to bring Daqing together?” Fang Ning wondered.

"I don't know the way ... but I can ask the fish." The system grandfather Zhen Zhen resigned.

"Humph, do you speak fish? Do you want to ask fish for directions?" Fang Ning said disdainfully.

"There is a fishy word I will definitely say ..." The uncle of the system said inexplicably.

Then Fang Ning heard the sound of "Kaka ... Kaka ......... K ...", and then spread to the ocean in all directions.

"The mud is really dirty ..." Fang Ning was very speechless.

Not to mention, the effect is really good.

It didn't take long for him to see a group of cooked fish swimming in the distance.

A black and white dolphin, guarding the twelve-clawed big octopus, swam to himself quickly.

The big octopus twelve claws changed a lot when they met Fang Ning last time.

It was holding a dark black school bag in one paw at this time, and the other paw was dragging a chic hut floating in the sea.

"Huh, Dabai, look at this white loach, with imperfect limbs and awkward swimming posture. There is no wisdom at first glance. Simply let's tear it apart and eat it. It must be fat and tender."

As the black dolphin said, he stared at Fang Ning's two-meter-long loach and looked at the drooling elder.

"Lao Hei, you are right ..." The big white dolphin drooled longer.

"Two brothers, don't want to be like this. This loach brother was sending a telegram just now. I heard that it wanted to ask for directions, that should be intelligent creatures, you can't eat them." Big octopus hurriedly stopped the dolphin brothers.

Damn it, saying loach in front of the real dragon ... These three guys are simply unbearable.

Fang Ning is not wondering how they can speak human language. At the moment, they just swam angrily, and the two dolphins hit the sea with two tails.

Two seven or eight meters long dolphins flew up to tens of meters in the sky, and then smashed into the sea.

At the same time they are white belly up, the head is full of stars, can not say a word.

The octopus was kind enough to speak, plus Fang Ning didn't start with the fact that he was also the master thug and mount of the game book baby.

"His!" The twelve claws were scared back a few steps, waving a few wrists and feet in a defensive stance.

It exclaimed: "A two-meter-long loach in your area is so powerful?"

"Are you afraid? Don't take the real dragon as a loach ... Uh, the deity is stunned by you bastards! How dare you take the real dragon as a loach, there is no dragon in your eyes!" Fang Ning scolded aggressively.

"Uh, this dragon predecessor is too raw. I have little knowledge, and I have seen a big green dragon, and I am only familiar with it, so I can't recognize you as a real dragon. Please forgive me." A jump, said honestly now.

"It's about the same. By the way, Ben Zunqun Telegram, the place to ask, do you know where it is?" Fang Ning wasn't an unreasonable guy, so he didn't care about it.

In the final analysis, who makes his skills too shallow becomes inadequate.

Look at the blue dragon that the uncle of the system changes, and no one dares to be a loach ...

"I don't know." Twelve Claws said honestly.

"I don't know, then you are still traveling in a hurry to find the deity ..." Fang Ning was very speechless.

"Seniors are angry, I know there is an old deep-sea octopus grandma should know." Twelve claws quickly explained.

"Oh, that's your fault. You blamed you wrongly," Fang Ning thought for a moment. He took out a **** beeswax pill, which was just left for Fang Daqing.

"This Dragon's Elixir of Elixir of Honey is used as your cost to lead the way."

With that, Fang Ning reached out and shoved, and the Elixir drifted to the twelve claws.

It hurriedly pinched with one paw, and then solemnly placed it in the schoolbag.

Fang Ning looked curious and asked, "Why don't you take it now? This panacea helps to improve your skill, and the efficacy will decrease after a long time."

The twelve-claw honestly said: "Senior Book of Heaven loves precious things. I want to honor its old people. It hasn't come back for a long time. I want to collect some and give it a surprise."

"Uh, very good. You are really an honest good boy. Keep it up, and you will be rewarded." Fang Ning understood the whole story at once, and encouraged him now.

"Thank you Senior Long for your affirmation. I will take you to that grandma octopus." The twelve claws were very excited. This was a compliment from the real dragon. This was a major achievement in octopus' life.

In human mythology, the true dragon is the master of the natural ocean, and most sea monsters also agree on this.

Without it, everyone wants to hold a thick leg.

In a few moments, two black and white dolphins woke up, turned their belly, and honestly, they no longer dared to look directly at Fang Ning.

Seeing the twelve claws, he would take Fang Ning this loach dragon to dive into the deep sea.

The two black and white dolphins pretended not to be good at going into the deep sea and did not follow.

After thinking about the twelve claws, they handed over the sea hut pulled by one claw to their care.

"What's in it?" Fang Ning asked curiously.

"Oh, I'm a mentor of human beings. He has been tired recently and is resting in it."

After listening, Fang Ning asked no more, and followed the twelve claws to the deep sea.


The scenery deep in the ocean is very different from the land.

Most places are painted in black, and there is no sight at all, and the visibility is extremely low.

Fang Ning had to rely on strong vision to be able to barely see the scenes within a few meters by the light transmitted from above, which was very inconvenient.

After thinking for a while, he said to the uncle: "Give light ..."

Before long, his round loach's head lighted up ... like a large 50-watt light bulb, illuminating the seabed dozens of meters around.

Suddenly, the scenery at the bottom of the ocean can be seen a lot, the mountains are bullied, and the trenches are vertical and horizontal.

From time to time, large patches of seaweed grow, and their long leaves, as the ocean current shakes, try to grow upwards as much as possible to get a ray of light.

"Yes, uncle, you will pit me more and more ... I know, you just want me to retract the system space quickly, but I won't be fooled." Fang Ning was holding a big light bulb, and he was not angry Speaking.

"I just made the most reasonable arrangement and didn't deliberately want to pit you. You can use your own body to save you mold." The uncle of the system flatly denied this.

During the talk, time passed quickly.

The Twelve Claws took Fang Ning to a huge group of undersea mountains.

It went round and round and came to a cave.

"Kaka ..." It began to call out.

Before long, the same response came from the deep cave, and Fang Ning's brain hurt.

"Uncle, can you give me a translation?" Fang Ning asked in a hopeful tone, and then added a sentence, "Must translate adult words."

"Great and kind grandma octopus, I brought a real dragon over and wanted to ask you a place that is dark and dark ..."

The uncle of the system is quite powerful this time, and did not give Fang Ning the original code sound.

"Oh, honest people are good, don't worry about what devil's den it fooled us ..."

Fang Ning said with relief, but he hadn't finished speaking yet, and the situation changed suddenly!

I saw that the surrounding sea water was tumbling, the temperature rose sharply, and a spooky and scary eight-clawed octopus came out of the cave!

It is hundreds of meters long and is staring at the white loach with cold eyes, but it ignores the twelve claws on the side.

"Oh, I didn't expect there is such a blessing, I can eat a baby dragon. I used to be right, you little octopus is blessed, and you can make friends with the young dragon."

The big octopus laughed wildly, not knowing how horrible it was!

No way, the loach that Fang Ning turns into has no deterrent effect, and even two big dolphins want to fight its idea, not to mention this octopus and big demon.

The twelve claws immediately came out to stop, "Grandma octopus, intelligent creatures are not allowed to eat each other, this is Tiantiao. You can't eat this Dragon Senior."

The big octopus heard the words, looked at the twelve claws coldly, and then disdainfully said: "What heavenly article? Where did you hear the ghost thing?"

"Um, Senior Tianshu told me this way. I heard that humans have a rule before, and don't eat creatures who can talk. I went to Senior Tianshu and said that this is one of the future days."

The twelve claws stood in front and said firmly.

"You fool who has been brainwashed by humans, we are sea monsters, how can we make ourselves stronger if we don't eat powerful ones?" Big Octopus said contemptuously, "I will eat you ahead of time if I don't let go, I wanted to keep You grow up and eat it, and it ’s not bad to be an appetizer now. "

"Uh?" The twelve claws shook his body when he heard the words ~ ~ It suddenly felt Yusheng suffered another heavy blow.

At the earliest time, when it touched the old octopus, the other party was dying and seemed to starve to death.

It kindly caught fish for the other party, but did not expect that the other party has been fighting to eat its idea after turning into a demon? !

Fang Ning thinks it is normal. The native monsters on earth were evolved from beasts with weak meat and strong food. How can they have any humanistic ideas and moral ideas?

Naturally, they all act on their original habits. The strong eat the weak, the weak eat the worse, and continue to cycle.

The uncle of the system hurriedly said: "How, the battlefield is coming, you come back quickly, I didn't expect to be able to catch a fortune, and this octopus has tens of millions of years of experience. I seem to be opening up a new market."

"Hum," Fang Ning looked at the self-righteous octopus demon in front of him, and shook his head involuntarily.

You only saw that you can become stronger by eating others, but you did not expect that others are staring at you ...

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