Seized by the System

Chapter 387: Drag one's hind legs

The representative of the Rice Country, a black man with a dark complexion, was shocked when he saw it.

He couldn't help but glanced at the crowd, and then muttered to himself: "Fortunately, the **** son of God has not been taken into account, I hope Director Hook's arrangement will not disappoint."

Among the people watching the ceremony, the person mentioned by the representative of the rice country, a handsome white young white man, was hugging a young and beautiful girlfriend next to him and praised Tianmen.

"Sure enough, it's Tianmen. It's not easy to get on. The fat bear fell down. It's okay to be hungry in the first half of the year. It's just a pity that Tianzhu beauty, Tian Qizhong said, Tianmen is going to open for a month, then you have to be hungry for a month. Really It's a pity that after she comes out, she will definitely not be beautiful anymore. "William pity Xiang Yu Road.

His uncle Robert was big, this middle-aged and determined man, he was shocked: "William, did you see the problem?"

"Well, it's very simple. This first step must have tortured the soul. I guess, as long as you step on it, you will step into a illusion," William explained easily, with a clear state of mind. After the beauty entered, she must have thought that she had successfully climbed nine steps under the ignorance of God, and she succeeded in becoming famous. This is to thank God. And the bear must have thought that she had successfully passed the level, so she could rest assured. "

"That's what it is." Robert suddenly realized, nodding in agreement.

The nephew's remarks were justified and consistent with the status quo, and there should be no mistakes.

"How to crack it?" He then asked subconsciously.

"When you are honest with yourself, no one in the world can deceive you." William said pretendingly.

"That's a good talk," Robert thought thoughtfully, and then wondered, "It seems that this bear alone can't be deceived by the illusion because he doesn't recognize himself. Only where can I find someone who can be completely honest with himself? People? "

William shrugged his shoulders and looked at Qinglong Road above the Tianmen Gate: "Far from the horizon, close to the eyes."

"Well, if it is this hero, then there is really no problem. It's just that he can't go to heaven at this time." Robert still counts.

Soon after, there was a timid voice.

"Can you let me try?"

The eyes of the four groups of people, demon, ghost, demon, and at the same time turned to the sound.

I saw an octopus wrapped in a layer of water curtain, suddenly appeared hundreds of meters away from the Tianmen, waving his arms and feet there.

A Chinese staff member immediately came forward without fear and asked, "Who are you going to represent?"

"Of course it is our family of the sea ..." the twelve claws said.

"There is no such option as the sea clan. There are only four groups of demons, ghosts, and demons, as well as some other small clan. You must have never heard of it. Come and choose a group, register and make a book, and then you can go to the heaven."

"A little siren that is not a pond-level yet, it's ridiculous to even want to create a family." Among the monster groups, a wolf-headed monster couldn't help laughing.

"That is, there is still a bit of mana due to the loss, otherwise you will have to run up to this high altitude and you have to dry it into an octopus." Another wolf demon echoed.

"Hum, little octopus, you are a demon originally, or join us in the ranks of the demon clan, and wait for the coming of the demon clan in the upper realm, see you have a lot of claws, and you can be a juggler." .

After listening to the twelve paws, red-faced ears crawled to a table, stretched out a wrist and foot to flexibly hold a pen, and then registered the name.

Finally, in the ethnic group column, it was just about to fill in subconsciously, suddenly froze for a moment, and then wrote a few words in an upright manner.

The staff member froze for a moment, then read out subconsciously: "Octopus?"

At this time, a line of Chinese characters suddenly appeared above the Tianmen.

"Octopus, enter 0, there are ten remaining. The progress of the ladder climb is 0."

"What, a group of multi-footed monsters in the sea can also stand alone, does this mean they are the same as the human race?"

Suddenly, the crowd was boiling and everyone was puzzled.

"Quiet, Twelve Claws, you can go in now." Qinglong said above the Heavenly Gate.

Fang Ning thought deeply and worried in his heart: "If you don't do this, this octopus family will be the unknown third race on the list. After all, they have great potential and can be completely seen by Tiandao.

The learning ability is extremely strong, the IQ is very high in the animal age, and all eight legs have a certain degree of independent thinking ability.

In the future, an octopus can hold nine people, with great potential and unparalleled.

During their ignorance, they knew how to use tools to create a place, which is unmatched by many animals.

"What are you worried about? Anyway, it listens to the broken book very much. If you give it to the medicine, it will stay to honor the broken book." The uncle of the system envyed.

"Huh, that's what I said. Not sure, we can still ..." Fang Ning said here, and didn't say anything.

At this time, the octopus twelve claws had quickly climbed outside the Tianmen.

It looked up at the door frame and then crawled in without a second thought.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on it.

Can this first step be taken?

Someone whispered, "It's not necessarily impossible to look at this guy's honest look."

"Yeah, that's not usually the case ... The more you look at the honest guy, the more the protagonist, and it's hard to make this octopus the protagonist of today."

"Well, I think so too."

The next scene seems to verify this.

I saw the octopus' twelve claws crawling on the first step. At first, it turned its head and seemed to be confused.

However, it didn't take long for it to stretch out its arm and foot firmly and climb upward.

On that powerful wrist and foot, a dense white suction cup was exposed, and then firmly sucked on the smooth steps, and then pulled the body upwards.

The crowd exclaimed suddenly.

"Look, it's up, it's going to advance!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the powerful bear spirit, the spokesperson of the three gods of Tianzhu, could do anything that could be done by a small octopus in the sea!"

"Unbelievable, is it because of its destiny?"

"It's really enviable and jealous, as long as you go up a step, it will definitely be of great benefit." Some people said with a wink.

However, the following scene made everyone dumbfounded.

When the twelve claws extended one arm and foot upward again, and wanted to increase the pulling force, the new arm and foot turned in a direction in mid-air and climbed down on the door frame of the door that day.

Then everyone saw that two thick arms and feet started to tug of war with the twelve-clawed body as the center.

It's like a rhythm to go on stage, a rhythm to go home ...

The twelve claws were stunned for a while, then a very innocent look was revealed, and the big dark eyes were full of doubts and helplessness.

"Uh, this guy really has a relationship with the tug of war." Fang Ning looked helpless.

"Oh, it's like this if you have more brains ..." The uncle of the system gloated in misfortune.

"Yeah, I have one more system uncle, so I often make my own claims. It has 12 brachiopods that can think independently. I do n’t know what to do. Needless to say, the brachiopod below must be on the steps Under the influence of the illusion, it thinks that it has been completed and can go home and sleep with it, so it is desperate to go back. "

Fang Ning naturally heard William's analysis below and used it without hesitation.

"Ah, you are really difficult to climb this ladder. I thought that there were 9 steps. It would have to climb to three or four to make it difficult. Unexpectedly, this first hurdle would make it difficult for so many wizards." Surprised.

"Hum, the predecessor of Heaven's Path, nature itself is a very cruel guy. It will never tell you any emotions. No matter how kind and honest you are, you will be eliminated as long as you don't meet the laws of survival."

Fang Ningyu said earnestly, "Heavenly Dad must have inherited this completely, and the standard will only be higher. Only the most stringent requirements for himself can win this survival competition. So you uncle, you have to quit arrogance, keep it up."

"The rich man is right, it seems that I will have to knock on the wooden fish at 6 o'clock in the morning and wake you up to practice. I can't let you sleep again." The uncle said the opportunity.

System prompt: (The system sees through the host's words and uses the "counter" successfully.)

Fang Ning said angrily: "What kind of wonderful tips do you have, and this has appeared repeatedly. You honestly confessed, did you fake it yourself and fooled me?"

"Uh," the uncle of the system immediately said, "This is the system prompt, but I just added what I want to say ..."

"Asshole, no wonder I think the system prompts have become more and more strange recently," Fang Ning couldn't help crying, and immediately sternly taught, "I can't add anything to me in the future, I want the original prompts, don't tamper with your version. You will interfere I judge, do you know? "

"Oh, got it." The uncle of the system said honestly.

At this time, words appeared on the Tianmen.

"Octopus, enter one, nine remaining. The progress of the ladder climb is 0."

Three creatures entered the Tianmen successively, climbed the ladder, and the news spread quickly.

Above the sky, near the Tianmen, there are more and more creatures coming from the news.

Various floating tools.

Baiyun, Flying Carpet, Flying Boat, Flying Sword ...

Finally, there are a lot of helicopters on the technology side. Of course, this is relatively low. The guys sitting inside ~ ~ are wearing masks, afraid of being despised ...

At this time, these creatures are discussing.

"I didn't expect that this honest octopus with the protagonist's appearance will also lose on the first step. How can I get through it?"

"Actually it almost succeeded, if it hadn't dragged itself on its hind legs ..."

"Well, that's right, it's really a loss. It seems that there is still a life-long worry."

"Yeah, if this tug of war has been going on, it will definitely have to be divided into two and a half. What a pity this octopus has great potential."

Fang Ning was very funny when he heard this.

How could it be pulled in half?

At the beginning, the twelve claws were pulled out by the twelve octopus leaders, and there was no problem ...

Only three losers appeared one after another. Who could break the deadlock and climb the first step?

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