Seized by the System

Chapter 798: Cheeky

After some twists and turns, Fang Ning finally settled the group of foxes.

Fortunately, there is a self-initiated Barrett, otherwise, he really has some claws.

These foxes are just affectionate, and they can't let the uncle kill them, let alone the uncle can't do it.

Therefore, Fang Ning played the ultimate method and procrastinated.

For this reason, Grandpa agrees very much. This is also the first time it found salted fish is also useful. Sure enough, it is natural to be useful. It only comes early and late.

Although it is delayed for the time being, Fang Ning is still more worried. The black fox and the yellow fox, the spirit fox family who have never forgotten are down. Will other senior gods and Buddhas be far behind?

In human mythology, the spirit fox family is often associated with the great god.

Although it seems that these foxes are very cute, their arrival must be a sign that heralds the invasion of the upper realm.

Fang Ning thought of this, and felt that his salted fish career could no longer be maintained. If he lives in this way again, if he fails to do so, his grandfather will say something, then it will really close.

A few days after the appearance of Linghu, Fang Ning has been sorting out the power at hand.

Together, he finally came to a sad conclusion that he could not maintain the current situation.

Uncle may be able to defeat one or two gods in the upper realm, but it is impossible to defeat all gods. There will always be accidents. As a programmer with more than ten years of experience, he can swear that he has never seen a system without a basket!

There are ways to improve the strength, all need to be improved step by step.

Although the uncle of the system has rules that facilitate the promotion of power, he still has to obey this rule. The accumulation of experience can not be completed in a short time, but the large-scale advent of the devil may appear at any time.

Space levels can only slow down the advent, but they cannot be prevented.

And he also expected a more dangerous situation, which is also bound to happen.

Two days later, in the system space.

"Alas, it seems that we have only one step back, using the means I have said before, to reach a compromise with the upper realm and demon, to draw a part and fight a part." He said so hard.

"What do you mean?" Uncle said dissatisfiedly, "I see that you have committed the weakness of petty bourgeoisie again, the earth is the territory of human beings, no matter who is coming, we must abide by our rules, and we must never give in and compromise, let alone nobody Beat me. "

"Less arrogance, I can see that you have to deliberately provoke conflicts with the gods and gods in the upper realm, so that they can be turned into experience packages." Fang Ning touched his chin and said with a tone that he saw through everything.

"Is this a problem? Those gods who ignore human life are no different from the devil. They should be killed one by one. They stay on their ground honestly. They love each other. Since they come to the earth to discuss life, they must go to the hometown to follow the custom, Observe the rules, otherwise it would be a punishment! "Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

Fang Ning was speechless for a moment. He had expected this situation to happen. Before, there was a history of being prepared to guard against the unwillingness of the uncle to be obstinate and disobedient. After all, this guy was only three years old and was still a bear system.

Although he and his uncle have the same position and the same ultimate interests, their specific personalities are very different.

He has to pass and pass, as long as there is a novel game, can play until the sky is old; the uncle is brave and diligent, diligent and hard-working, never wasting a minute and a second.

And also developed 10 threads to assist cultivation.

"You are wrong, I have 13 threads now." Uncle proudly said.

"Even if you have one hundred, what can you do? There are 7 billion mortals!"

"What do you mean?" Uncle dazed.

"I mean, if you go on a war with the devil, the devil can't beat you, but everyone else has to bury you! You can't even see it. The god's revenge is clearly written in the myth." Fang It's more serious.

"You're really a virgin! I'm a hero system and I didn't consider that much!" The uncle said seriously.

"Uh, I, my Madonna? I'm just for myself, everyone is dead, where do I still have novels that look like games to play? Just rely on the little ones in the city of righteousness? They are all serious people, regard game novels as If you don't do business properly, you won't dabble in it. "Fang Ning said with pride.

"Who cares about you? Any **** or demon does not follow the rules, I will accept him!" Uncle said cruelly.

"Aren't you afraid that the value of chivalry will plummet?" Fang Ning had to use the ultimate weapon.

"It's impossible to fall. I just did what I should do. The gods and gods avenge their innocence. That's their sin, and I want to punish them. According to your logic, the police don't have to catch bad guys anyway. Will revenge innocent. "Uncle very self-confessed.

Er, finally encountered this kind of dead end, Fang Ning had a headache.

He knew long ago that uncle had no real human feelings, sympathy, or soft heart, it was all his own. This guy was a utilitarian who would only follow the rules and even tried to drill the loopholes in the rules.

"I'm so stupid, I just thought you were a good and kind system, but I didn't expect you to be so cold-blooded." Fang Ning said in a sad mood.

As he said, he is not a complete Virgin, just because he is doing very well now, so he wants to maintain the status quo of this world.

This is exactly the case. People who are kind and can lead a decent life will not hope that the end will come and life will restart. Even in peaceful times, they want to become one-tenth of the ten thousand after the brutal elimination?

"Uh, your spirit is very wrong. Beware of getting into trouble." Uncle worried.

Huh? Fang Ning suddenly realized that Uncle also had a fatal weakness.

"Yeah, I'm very wrong. You are so arbitrary and do not listen to people's persuasion system. Sooner or later, one day will drag the two of us together, and I can feel good in a strange way?" Fang Ning pretended to be mocking.

"You want to fooling me again, why don't I listen to others? You just wanted me to make a capitulation mistake, how can you listen to you?" Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"Yes, I will hang in the future. If you don't speak, the facts will hit your face." Fang Ning decided to drag on again, and the facts will prove that he is correct.

Uncle has already passively spent hundreds of billions of years of experience in the gift pack to stun logic, which is inaudible.


At the same time, Barrett, who was taking Miss Linghu and her sisters, was in big trouble.

They came to play in a green lake, located in the Great Lakes region of North America.

Brit is naturally familiar with the earth, and you can find a good place in one click.

The lake is clear, there are many fish, and the environment is beautiful. Before it was placed, it was definitely a tourist, a lively, and there are anglers everywhere.

However, at this time, the lakeside was inaccessible, and occasionally there were some tents, which were also outdated.

After the era of vitality started, some formulas for refuge were gradually summarized on the Internet.

One of them is not to be close to rivers, lakes and seas. The reason is very simple. Under the water surface, there are often monstrous monsters lurking ~ ~ The decline of shipping is related to this. There are only a few important channels that can be maintained. , Other routes with low economic value have long been abandoned.

Some people say that there is a dragon patrol in the sky, but the dragon is not a god. What he can do is often to avenge the victims, instead of rescuing innocent people like a movie and TV show every time.

In fact, it has long been discovered that Shenlong likes to perform heroic warriors and eliminate evil spirits, but not to help others.

Those accidents that happen every day in the city, he basically will not intervene, which is the biggest difference from Superman.

However, the public media, as well as official public opinion, never blamed it.

They knew in their hearts that in reality there is such a strong man who is willing to get rid of evil. This is already a fluke.

Counts on the emergence of a superman who does good for nothing, that is really a big baby who doesn't grow up as a protagonist on earth.

The official is not a fool, they will not force more, it will only be counterproductive. Where has such a force to maintain justice appeared in the chaos of the past?

No one here, but it is convenient for them.

A group of foxes, some jumped into the water to play in the water, some were funny fish, and some were admiring the beautiful scenery.

Britte can see the drool, but he dare not go into the water.

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